The world of Aeonia, a world that once held two mighty and ancient civilizations. The Celestials, immortal beings born of the divine essence of the Empyrean and the essence of stars and master of the magical powers, and the Machina, biomechanical giants who wielded a might union of science and magic to create wonders the like of which are unseen in the current day. These two civilizations were so powerful and their influence encompassed all of Aeonia.
The Celestials created three races: The mystical Aetherials, the mighty Terrans, and the swift Skyborn. The reasons behind such actions have been lost and forgotten, but it did further solidify the ancient race's presence as a godlike species, for to create new life from nothing but you're own will, is that a feat worthy of such status? The Machina meanwhile had constructed a vast network of crystal spires that connected the minds of the whole civilization together in a grand unified consciousness and granted their bodies immortality. These two civilizations held such great marvels that the Gods themselves were impressed and gave them countless blessings and considered them as equals. The Golden Age was the time were the Gods walked upon Aeonia alongside the two great civilizations, and one must wonder, how did such a glorious age come to an end?
By the hands of Abyss, The Primordial Titan of Entropy and Oblivion, The Father of Demons, The Dreaded Darkness. This primeval entity waged war against the Gods, Machina, and Celestials. It was from this apocalyptic conflict that the Dragons were born, crafted to do battle with the Titan' s servants and monstrous children. It was the God of these Dragons, Ouroboros the Draconic God of Infinity and Eternity, who slew the Titan and ended the war. But it was far too late, the Celestials and Machina were no more, their great wonders and civilizations destroyed and only remnants remained. Countless Gods were obliterated or crippled by the Titan's rampage. The Four Elemental Gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water were shattered and from their essence were born the Elementals and the Elemental Realms. Even the great Ouroboros, the Titanslayer, still slumbers in a coma from wounds sustained in the cataclysmic battle for existence. The Gods, pained by the loss of those they saw as equals and the deaths of so many of their own, left in mass from Aeonia back to the Empyrean. The Nexus Aetherius, the source of all magic, was damaged and many forms of magic are now lost.
The essence of the slain Gods and Goddesses gave rise to other beings that now we're their own civilizations. The warlike yet noble Gryphonians, the strong and indomitable Taurus, the savage Stone Wolves, and the mysterious Faeries. The three creations of the Celestials survived the Apocalypse War thanks to the sacrifice of the Elemental Gods and Ouroboros. The ten Dragon flights and their Dragon Lords still fly and reside in the world, awaiting the day their God would finally awaken.
The races of Aeonia have each forged their own kingdoms and empires, but a dark force is coming. The childern of Abyss are on the move and dark schemes and sinister plots conspire to finish what the Titan had started. It will be up to you as a God Emperor or God Empress to unite the peoples of the world against the demonic and monstrous threat of the children of Abyss.
But first, what is your name?
[]-Write In name.
So that is your name then, now then, are you an Emperor or an Empress?
I see, and now comes the most important part: What is your Origin?
[]-Born of The Elements: You were created by the fused essence of the Four Elemental Gods who's sacrifice gave Ouroboros the opening they needed to slay Abyss.
Master of The Elements: You have the instinctive knowledge to wield the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Start with expert level Elemental Spells: Firestorm, Ice Storm, Hurricane, Flood, Cataclysm, and Thunderstorm.
Elemental Lord: The Elementals acknowledge your right to rule and will follow your commands. Begin with 4 Elemental Servants, +10 to rolls against or involving Elementals.
Elemental Conflict: You find that due to your conflicting natures, you aren't exactly...stable. -2 to all stats.
Taint of Abyss: You feel something inside of you, something dark. ????
[]-The Last Celestial: You are the last of the Celestials, the Firstborn and creators of the Aetherials, Terrans, and Skyborn. You hold power over Magic that rivals even Gods and are functionally Immortal.
Master of Magic: your mastery of magic is beyond anything a mortal could do. Master or expert level in all currently active magic.
Celestial Creator: the aetherials, terrans, and skyborn recognize you as there Great Creator and thus a vast majority already worship you. plus 10 to rolls involving the aetherials, terrans, and skyborn.
The Last: you are the last of your kin, the only survivor of abyss's attack and that eats at you everyday???
Weakened: you still hold wounds from abyss and and your connection to the nexus is weaker than it should be. -2 to all states
[]-Demi-God: You are the child of a God and a mortal, you have inherited some of your divine parent's power.
Divine Blood: You possess the essence of a God. +2 to all stats except intrigue.
Inheritance: You have inherited one of your parent's "Themes". Pick 1: Hunting, Crafts, Health, Creativity, Cunning, Trading, Justice, Beauty, or Prophecy.
Mortality: You are still a mortal and subject to the ravages of Time.
Divine Presence: no matter what your disguise, people will notice your divinity. -2 to intrigue.
[]-Divine Incarnation: You are the last of the Gods upon Aeonia, all others have left and sealed off The Empyrean.
True Divinity: You are a God. +5 to all stats.
Divine Themes: As a God your have Themes that influence the form your powers take. Choose 2 Major Themes: Fertility, Love, Death, The Sun, Nature, Agriculture, Weather, Magic, Wisdom, Order, War. Choose 3 Minor Themes: The Moon, Hunting, Seasons, Prophecy, Cunning, Creativity, Crafts, Trading, Beauty, Health, and Justice.
The Lonely God: You are now the only god of this world, and you find it hard to connect with mortals in the same way as your fellow deities. -10 to Diplomacy with mortals from other kingdoms.
You're a God, not a Spy!: You suck at subtly. -5 to intrigue rolls.
[]-Deus Ex Machina: You are last and greatest creation of the Machina.
God Machine: You possess the ability to control and manipulate all machines, mundane or magical.
The Database: You contain the sum total knowledge of the Machina. +10 Learning.
Heart of A Machine: You do not feel emotions like organic lifeforms do, and this makes communications difficult. -5 Diplomacy.
Incomplete: You are missing several components that you really need. -5 to Martial, Intrigue, and Stewardship.
[]-Shaman Ritual: You were created from the combined souls of many powerful Shamans.
Paragon: you are the pinnacle of your species in mind, body, and soul. Plus 5 to all stats.
Bulwark: you are the amalgamation of over a thousand of the wisest and most powerful shamans in history thus your mind and soul are impenetrable. Immune to possession and negative mental attacks.
Echoes of Souls: you hear the voices of all the shamans who formed you and sometimes their personalities overwrite yours. This has lead people to be unstable at times. -5 to diplomacy.
Mortality: while you would live longer than the average mortal, you are still susceptible to mortal hazards.
[]-Forgotten One: You were an ancient God whose worshippers are long dead and lost to the sands of time. You hold knowledge no other has, and a little of your divine power remains.
Ancient knowledge: Within your mind is ancient knowledge that has been forgotten by the world. +5 Learning.
The Mists: Though You Have Lost Most of Your Divine Power, You Have Gained Access To The Mist. +10 to Intrigue, can cast illusions.
Forgotten: One who have been forgotten by the world, not even scrap of you exists in history. ???
Weakened: you have lost much your divine. -10 to all stats