Alfa's Bizarre (Mis)Adventure (First Impressions of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

Will I Regret This?

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Somewhere near L1... I think
At the end of my first impressions of Kill La Kill I took a poll on what I should watch next. This is what won the poll. I had never even heard of this series until you guys recommended I watch this, so this ought to be interesting. With that out of the way...

It begins once more.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Ep1

- There is a big wall of Kanji that I can't understand... TO GOOGLE!

This isn't helpful at all Google...
- Just so that I don't mistake it for England, 1953

- Well, that guy is very much dead.

- Wasn't purple dye still expense during the mid-1800's? Because if that's true than the couple that is planning to steal from dead people must be loaded.

- What the hell is up with that mask? Why did it just grow spider legs?

- So are they going to show me what the hell happened on that cliff? Also, the art style is really throwing me off. It's not unwatchable for me but it's still kinda distracting.

- I'm guessing this girl is going to be the love interest... If she's a good stand alone character remains to be seen.

- Holy shit Jojo's got a glass jaw. One hit? Seriously? And it looked like your punches didn't even wind him.

- The animation on the mouths is freakish as fuck.

- Way to go tough guy, you just got your ass beat.

- "I Spit on Your Grave!" said Blondie

- The fuck was with that entrance? Why would your kick the door open and throw your briefcase out?

- If this guy is the villain, he is the most telegraphed villain I have seen since ... shit... I don't know... Let's go with Visser 3 from the Animorphs. Punching, kicking, or otherwise injuring dogs is not okay.

- Manipulative son of a bitch

- This guy is a complete dick. Son of the person who saved Old Man Blue or not, Blondie should be full of holes by now or else should have seriously pissed off Old Man Blue.

- I'm not sure where you're from Blondie, but the Britain I'm familiar with practices the custom of mutual hospitality. Host let's you stay, and you don't mess with the host.

- Is the entire show like this?

- If it is, I'm going to skip this and find something else to watch.I haven't watched Ah, My Goddess! and I heard it was really funny.

- Just shoot this fucker already and have done with it. As you can probably guess I'm not in the greatest mood right now.

- Aren't grapes poisonous for dogs? Or at least don't grapes make most dogs sick?

- Let me guess, Douchelord's going to go off and find a way to ruin Blue Boy's relationship.

- So not only is he an asshole. Blondie is also a fledgling rapist... great...

- Even in the 1880's I'm fairly certain this was not okay.

- Add future domestic abuser to the growing list. If he even has a future.

- How big the that foyer? He ran through the door yelling at Blondie, Blondie had time to close his book and answer slowly, and Blue Boy is still running.

- "You miscalculated. I love Crying Jag more than I fear you." "No, YOU miss calculated! You should have feared me more!"

- Admit it Blondie, you had this beating coming.

- And of course Old Man Blue shows up at the worst possible moment. Is he always this fucking stupid?

- Killing a man's dog? That is beyond fucked up.

- I'm going to get this out of the way now: I hope Dio dies a slow, painful death. Preferably, by being drawn and quartered, but I'm pretty sure they had stopped doing that by the 1880's.
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- Is the entire show like this?

Disclaimer: The first 16 chapters/2 episodes of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood might as well be a different series from the rest of the series. You've soon gotten through what is by far the worst of the pacing in the entire manga. Still neccessary to watch or you won't understand what comes later, of course. Still, it remains to be seen what you think of the rest of the series.

With full HAMON!
First of all, JoJo has multiple parts, kind of like how Final Fantasy has many sequels. Episode 1-9 is Part 1, which is basically classic Bram Stoker's Dracula retold as a Hokuto no Ken-esque with bullshit pseudo-science. The rest of the first season is Part 2, which is basically if Hellsing Abridged had actual plot and told with bullshit pseudo-science.

You can see how different the two parts are from this video:

The latter is from the more or less first boss by the way. As for the latter part, they're even more different with the addition of Stands, which remains a constant feature until present day (Part 8).
Trust me man this show is awesome, and it's about time someone did one of these In Which I Watch things for this show.

There is a reason Bizarre is in the title, but if you don't like this season just skip to Battle Tendency. It's got a faster pace more FABULOUS! and Trollseph.
The beginning does need a couple of episodes to find it's feet, but it's solid.
Ah, yes, Dio. Telegraphed as all hell, and just a colossal dick with no good explanation. And we love him for it.
The first arc of Jojo's, Phantom Blood, can be a little difficult to get through, because it's so staggeringly generic. It's from the Fist of the North Star era, and was pretty much a clone of it to start out. But it does have a few things going for it, including the first of JJBA's series gimmicks; it's also worth sticking with solely to see just how incredibly hammy Dio Brando is. His Japanese VA is basically perfect for the role.

And to be fair, even if Jonathan is an incredibly cookie-cutter protagonist, he does get some fun "1000% GENTLEMAN!" moments later.
I love Jonathan, He's got that OG Badass to him. Like an 80s Action hero, but classy cause he's a gentleman
Phantom Blood is, in my opinion, the worst part in Jojo.

And by that, I don't mean that it's massively terrible and shouldn't be watched, I just think that it's not AS GOOD as all the other parts.
You will enjoy this. Hopefully.

Dio may be one of the most telegraphed villains ever, but like Feng said, it's part of his appeal. No Moral Ambiguity, no Crappy Childhood Excuses, just pure evil that is just nice to see.

And you haven't even seen the very fabulous OP yet.

And the second OP is even more fun
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Except Dio did have a horrible childhood, his dad, Dario Brando) was an unpleasant drunk.

Also he may have worked Dio's mother to death.
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Big hair is still an ass, Little Boy Blue got big, and the mask finally does something that no one (but the audience) expects.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Ep2

- I'm really glad Crunchyroll got rid of the ad that had What's His Name from Harem Online screaming at me to use their version of Big Picture

- That's the same Kanji from last episode, so I'm guessing it's just a title card.

- One episode later and already a SEVEN YEAR time skip? How the hell does that even work?

- So we went from Dio being an asshole to Jack the Ripper... that makes no sense unless the two are connected.

- If this becomes The Mask complete with the "Cuban Pete" routine I'm watching something else.

- What is with the OP's CG? It just looks clunky...

- For a second there, I thought they were playing football (the American kind) and then I remembered that this is set in England so it would be rugby instead.

- How the hell did he become the Hulk?

- My god... and I thought Glorious Leader from Thrill La Thrill had massive eyebrows...

- So the announcer guy is just yelling this stuff out? Did they not have microphones and speakers yet?
I'm too lazy to Google that.

- Okay, at least Mini-Hulk isn't a complete retard and still suspects that Mr. Saiyan Hair is a colossal douchebag.

- So it's all a fucking act... figures.

- If Mr. Hair says "You have outlived your usefulness" to Mini-Hulk or Old Man Blue Grey I... actually I'm not sure what I'll do... probably go take a break actually.

- Mr. Hair is going to poison Old Man Grey, isn't he?

- It's a demonic mask with fangs... I wonder how long it will take for someone to put it on.

- Well, didn't take long to confirm that hypothesis.

- Grow a fucking spine Mini-Hulk and tell Mr. Hair to back off or let you give Old Man Grey his meds.

- Since Mr. Hair gives no shits about anyone but himself, that's not going to work Mini-Hulk

- Holy shit that actually worked, and Mini-Hulk's character design is not just for looks.

- That is the smartest and simultaneously dumbest thing Old Man Grey has ever said on screen. Trusting Mini-Hulk is good, trusting Mr. Hair is not.

- This show certainly loves it's time skips.

- Is Mini-Hulk wearing the TTT detective hat?

- Hey, it's an English version of Odd Job.

- Who knew that 'gentleman's honor' crap actually works.

Why? Because I love the Avatar series.
- You said Mini-Hulk's curiosity would be his undoing, but it was your's.
It was ignorance, curiosity was framed.
- "What is he!" I don't know Mr. Hair, maybe a vampire? He has the whole 'fangs' and 'undead' thing going on.

- So yeah, the mask makes Vampires. Gauntt was laughing like an asshole when I was reading this line out loud while I was spellchecking. The reason? I kept screwing up the 'mask makes' part. Laugh it up four eyes, laugh while you can.
- And the Sun pulls a timely save for the asshole.

- Did you know that in the original stories about vampires they could go out in daylight? The effect of sunlight was that it reduced them to being weaker than humans.

- Of course the 'To Be Continued' comes right when things are getting interesting.

- Is it just me or is the ED a song from the 80's? I swear I've heard it on the radio before.
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The song is Roundabout by Yes, the single came out in '72. Legend has it that the author of the manga, Hirohiko Araki, listened to that on loop while writing most of the first story arc.

Edit: Imp'd.
For Season two, it's Walk like and Egyptian.

You'll find Jojo has a ton of Music references

Dio Brando
Robert EO Speedwagon

and, of course, the title
Your getting past the intro and into actually interesting stuff.

Ep three where things actually start picking up.

the anime doesn't hit it's stride until part two though just keep going.
Yes, vampires dying in sunlight is not true to the traditional stories. You know what else they didn't do? DRINK BLOOD THROUGH THEIR FINGERS. If you expect these vampires to resemble tradition at all, you'll be disappointed.
Except Dio did have a horrible childhood, his dad, Dario Brando) was an unpleasant drunk.

Also he may have worked Dio's mother to death.
Only, when Dio tries to use that as an excuse and Jonathan nearly falls for it, Speedwagon just straight up tells him and us that Dio is pure evil and he was born that way.