Aladdin 2019

Since it's out and I didn't see a thread for this, I figured I'd make one. So the consensus, seems to be while not great it's nod bad either, and Will Smith does the Genie Justice and makes him his own instead of copying Williams

So what does SV think of the movie?

I liked it, I liked the songs, Will Smith but a neat spin on the Genie and very wisely didn't try to copy Williams, but I think Williams would have loved it. Jafar was more intense and serious than the original which I wasn't wholly sold on but ultimately I didn't particularly mind it, even if I'd have liked a little more of the old Jafar in it.

All in all pretty worth going to.
My one take away from the film is that the kid playing Aladdin is way out of his depth and in many places is one of the worst actors I've seen in a major film. It's funny because everyone around him is great, and he looks like someone they found playing a secondary character in some network Sinbad show.