[X]Plan: Support zone!
-[X] Turret: The slot machine badnick will be fixed in place but in turn will have a wide arsenal build into it. (Gives 4 equipment slots)
--[X] Token Launcher
--[X] Shield
--[X] Ice Blast
--[X] Repair
--[X] Missile Barrage
-[X] SWAT Bots
[X] plan: go big or go home
-[X] The Juggernaut: A massive treaded behemoth, only 1 of these will ever show up in a Casino Themed Zone. (Gives 6 equipment slots)
—[X] Shock: When the slot machine lands on a lighting bolt symbol it releases a wave of electricity around it, the radius increases with each bolt rolled. (1 Slot)
—[X] Ice Blast: When a slot lands on an Ice Cube symbole the slot machine leaches out a cloud of ice that can freeze enemies it contacts, the area of effect of this attack scales with the number of cubes rolled. (1 slot)
—[X] Flamethrower: The Slot machine shoots out a plum of fire in the direction it's facing when it lands on a fire symbol. The fure scales in area of effect and flame intensity with each fire symbol. (1 Slot)
—[X]Shield: The Slot machine creates a defensive shield around itself when it lands on a shield symbol. The number of hits the shield can take scales with each instance of the shield (1 Slot)
—[X] Laser: When the slot machine lands on a beam the slot machine shoots a laser at its enemies, the number of laster beams shot at once is equal to the Beam symboles rolled. (1 Slot)
—[X][Missile Barrage: The slot machine launches a barrage of missiles when it lands on the missle symbol, number of missles escalates with the number of symbols rolled. (1 Slot)
—[X] Token Launcher: Allows the badnik to shoot out Eggman Empire themed Casino tokens at rapid speed…. They have double function as game tokens at any Eggman Empire themed Arcade! The amount of tokens launched depends on the results of the slot machines. 3 shots for most results and 30 for three 7s. (Free)
-[X] SWAT Bots
[X] Plan: Gambling Support
-[X] Flying: The badnick will fly…. This will lean minimal space for equipment. (Gives 1 equipment slot)
--[X] Token Launcher: Allows the badnik to shoot out Eggman Empire themed Casino tokens at rapid speed…. They have double function as game tokens at any Eggman Empire themed Arcade! The amount of tokens launched depends on the results of the slot machines. 3 shots for most results and 30 for three 7s. (Free)
--[X] Repair: When the slot rolls of a wrench the badnik repairs every other badnik in the immediate area, two wrenches make nearby badniks faster and three wrenches makes them temporarily invincible. (1 Slot)
-[X] SWAT Bots
[X]Plan: Support but with false soldiers
-[X] Turret: The slot machine badnick will be fixed in place but in turn will have a wide arsenal build into it. (Gives 4 equipment slots)
--[X] Token Launcher
--[X] Shield
--[X] Ice Blast
--[X] Repair
--[X] Missile Barrage
-[X] False Soldiers
[X] Plan: Widespread Support
-[X] Humanoid: The badnick will be humanoid, this gives it less to work with but allows for enough ease of production that it'll prolific within the zones it's deployed too. (Gives 2 equipment slots)
--[X] Token Launcher: Allows the badnik to shoot out Eggman Empire themed Casino tokens at rapid speed…. They have double function as game tokens at any Eggman Empire themed Arcade! The amount of tokens launched depends on the results of the slot machines. 3 shots for most results and 30 for three 7s. (Free)
--[X]Shield: The Slot machine creates a defensive shield around itself when it lands on a shield symbol. The number of hits the shield can take scales with each instance of the shield (1 Slot)
--[X] Repair: When the slot rolls of a wrench the badnik repairs every other badnik in the immediate area, two wrenches make nearby badniks faster and three wrenches makes them temporarily invincible. (1 Slot)
-[X] SWAT Bots