[X] [Project] Choose projects.
-[X] (Cost Knowledge 6) [Guided by the Herd Instinct] Establish your family bonds more precisely, to keep people united. -[X] (Cost Resources 4) [Event] Hold commemoration event for Willow, the first spear-warrior and her three sisters. -[X] (Cost Military 4) [Hunting the Weak] Send Spear-warriors to look for new targets to loot.
[X] Plan Waargh! -[X] Listen closely, we will do it like this… Write-in (cost might vary)
--[X] There are good points on both sides. We cannot stay here in such a large group or we will starve. But we are family so we shouldn't split up. The solution is to head somewhere that can support us. Back to the flatlands, where the people are fat and soft and we can hunt them as wolves... But to do this we must stay together, wolves are fearsome in a pack and even the lowlanders won't fear two lone wolves.
--[X]Pay the Cost -[X] (Cost Military 4) [Hunting the Weak] Send Spear-warriors to look for new targets to loot.
-[X] (Cost Knowledge 4 Population 4 Resources 4) Migrate somewhere else.
[X] Force people to stay a bit longer, before you figure something out. (Cost Population, Military)
[X] [Pay cost]
[X] [Project] Choose projects.
-[X] (Cost Resources 4) [Event] Hold commemoration event for Willow, the first spear-warrior and her three sisters.
[X] Gathering Berries