Age of Monsters: A Kaiju History of the Modern Era (Godzilla/Gamera/Etc)

Age of Monsters: A Kaiju History of the Modern Era (Godzilla/Gamera/Etc)
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A story of Kaiju, geopolitics, mecha, aliens, and multiple major cities being flattened as man and monster struggle to coexist.
The Dawn of Monsters


Judeo-Spartacist Bolshevik-Kabbalist
Sanctum Arcanorum

"Everyone believed that mankind's reign on the Earth would be eternal. That there was nothing left to fear on this world from the powers of nature and that any danger from beyond would be far too remote, far too distant to affect mankind's dominion of the world. After all, man had already conquered the atom and his destructive potential was limited only by the size of the bombs he was willing to build. But in hindsight, looking at the ashes of the world we thought we had built since the emergence of those dorsal fins from Tokyo bay some sixty years ago; where nations fell and the world as we knew it crumbled into ashes; we were all just kidding ourselves. I can only pray to the guardian gods Mothra, Leo and Battra that we will survive this next century."
- Captain Aratani of the Earth Defense force.

The year was 1954, and the cold war was in its earnest as the Soviet Union and the United States jockeyed for power and influence over the world in the wake of the second world war, each seeking to ensure the dominance of its empire; each seeking to outdo one another in the fields of science and build ever more marvelous means of destroying one another. But despite this, there was optimism for the future as both believed that a bright new age of prosperity and progress awaited them over the horizon, they only needed to strive a little harder to attain it. Man was the master of the Earth, what was there left to fear?

But with the Castle Bravo test in the Pacific in March of that year, something that had lain dormant throughout the age of humanity would awaken. As the scientists gathered watched the smouldering radioactive fury of the bomb blast begin to die down, thrice as large as expected due to some faults in the bomb's construction, the islands of the Bikini Atoll would begin to shake. The Earth was bleeding molten fire in defiance of all expectations and a clawed wing would tear through the sand as what seemed to be an eruption ripped through the sundered landscape.

Wreathed in fire with heat distortions flickering from its body, it pulled a second bat like wing free, clawed obsidian fingers flexing while veins full of magma pulsed with red and a smooth, carapaced head with axe like beaks impossibly rose from the caldera of the new Volcano. A ghastly, terrible roar was heard as the monster greeted the horrified American military with a piercing cry that shattered glass as far away as the gathered fleet, imploding windows and rupturing ear drums as it pushed itself free with four more limbs with terrible hooks upon its legs and a second set of smaller wings.

Horrified locals uttered a name in fear. "Miba", the child of Flame. A beast whose drooling maw leaked the ichor of the Earth, red hot and furious and whose wing beats soon pushed a body as tall as a skyscraper with a wingspan greater than the totality of the two tallest buildings in new york stacked atop each other, leathery skin straightening and then beating with enough force to shroud the land with sand and dust from the fury of the lift off. And in a panic, the military sought to destroy what it could not understand.

Interview with Captain Arnold Smith

ARNOLD: It was the biggest thing I've ever seen in my life. Had to have a wingspan of at least seven hundred meters from end to end, and a body at least a hundred and fifty meters long. Have you ever seen a tidal wave son?

INTERVIEWER: Thankfully no.

ARNOLD: This...this thing it just beat its wings once and the water churned with the most awful waves, like someone had punched into it. Soot was trailing off of it...Miba's body and the air behind and below it was so some kind of funhouse mirror. But I just looked at aircraft melting below it, good boys too...and I knew that we had no chance in hell. The thing just got mad when we hit its home with that big old H-Bomb, and now it was out for blood.

INTERVIEWER: Did you fight well?

ARNOLD: Hell I've fought my fair share of Migs and Messerschmidts but that thing was faster than anything had any right to fly. The worst thing about it is that when it approached you, you couldn't hear it because it was moving faster than its own sound. But if it buzzed you and you were still flying despite the heat and the shockwave and the ash or god forbid, it was trying to attack'd hear something like a Dentist jamming a drill into your ear drums and a rumbling like a bombing raid that just won't stop. And you'd feel it in your bones like the son of a bitch was trying to pull your skeleton out through your nose.

INTERVIEWER: You haven't answered the question.

ARNOLD: Fuck no we didn't fight well. Half the squadron's planes turned to soup when it got close, most of the other planes were ripped apart by the shockwave it made when it passed or flapped its wings. Others sucked in the ash and fell. We couldn't chase its tail, it was flying into a volcano spitting fury. We couldn't get at it from below or we'd fry. It was too fast to approach from the front. And the thermals rising from it would vaporize us whenever we tried to dive in. Only option was the sides.

INTERVIEWER: Did you cause any damage?


ARNOLD: The sucker was faster than our bullets were and that hide wasn't budging for any of our shit. And honestly, I'd be astonished, absolutely astonished if any of them managed to make contact before they melted. One of us, Ted, he had a bright idea to try hitting it in the mouth when it roared. Poor guy got a face full of some sort of pyroclastic breath, like a dragon or a volcano erupting. His plane dand the drops turned to vapour before they even hit the ground. The rest was ripped apart by the blast wave. Whole carrier wing gone in two minutes and it was playing with us.

INTERVIEWER: How did you survive?

ARNOLD: I ain't too proud to run when our hides have been whipped and there was no way I was staying in that engagement.

ARNOLD: And tell me, have you ever seen warships melt?

INTERVIEWER: Can't say I have.

ARNOLD: That thing turned on the fleet when it started shooting at it and half the fleet barbacued on the spot when it turned that breath on them. Melted like popsicles on a stick in July and I'd bet my firstborn that every single one of the boys aboard ended up having supper with Jesus when it decided to peel off and leave the rest of the fleet alone.

Odo Island shore

Steve Martin snapped a shot of the sight of the shipwreck washed atop the shores of Odo island. His Japanese was somewhat shaky and the crew of the ship was speaking rather excitedly, but he picked up on their talk of having been saved by some sort of God. He looked upon the shipwreck, the Lucky Dragon; a fishing ship that was clearly water logged from a close brush with Davy Jones' locker. It wasn't very big as one would expect from a fishing ship, but the hull of the white vessel had some curious indentations as if the fingers of a great hand had wrapped around it. Rocks perhaps?

The scent of the sea was mixed with something else, like an Alligator's scent. That he couldn't explain.

But he caught sight of something in the distance. Enormous spines like leafy teeth far in the distance. A shark feeding Frenzy? No, one of the islands in the distance was closer than the fins yet there they were, visible from this distance. No, they had to be far, far larger than any sharks he knew.

He took a picture of the spines, but saw some squat, powerful head briefly rise and almost dropped the camera. And he heard some shouts in the distance, cries of the name "Gojirra!" before the shape dropped into the waves again, a massive tail like shape rising and then slapping back into the sea to push the beast far away into the depths.

But his stupor was interrupted by the sounds of wheels coming to a halt and shouts from military personnel. Some American, some JSDF.

"We are under orders to evacuate this place. Everyone please step into the vehicle in an orderly fashion and await processing." One of the American soldiers said.

"...Evacuate? What for?" Steve asked, blinking to recover as he turned around and locked gazes with the Captain, a dark skinned man with strong, broad shoulders and a crew cut beneath his M1 helmet. He shrugged his shoulders and adjusted the helmet's straps slightly.

"Something heading over from the Marshall Islands. Something about a volcano bat? Anyway, we're to treat it as a Tsunami warning. So everyone needs to move to higher ground." He said, seemingly incredulous but obliged to obey from the training he had been imbued with. That eliminated the possibility of it being Russian or Chinese, completely wrong direction for it to be heading. The last sentence gave him some reassurance, he could understand Tsunamis at least.

"Did they give any more details?" He asked.

"Something came out of a nuclear test site full of piss and vinegar and is on a rampage towards Japan like someone insulted its mother. It's big, a fleet couldn't even slow it down, and its as hot as the sun if you believe half the reports. I dunno myself but they sound scared. Best for you to come on with us." He said.

"...That all sounds more than a bit hard to believe, but I guess if it's straight out of Uncle Sam's mouth." Steve replied, giving it a bit of thought before nodding.

"Alright, alright, I'll come over." He said, pulling himself onto one of the trucks.

"Hopefully this will all blow over soon." The commander said as he mounted up on the truck.


Notes: Well, I love the Kaiju genre, so I thought about constructing what is essentially supposed to be a single coherent setting for Kaiju; primarily incorporating Toho, Daeiei, Pacific Rim, the Marvel, IDW, and Dark Horse Godzilla comics, the tristar Godzilla animated series, and Colossal Kaiju Combat monsters; though I'll dip into other sources and create my own as I feel are needed. This is something of a soft reboot of the timeline I have up on AH.Com.

SB: Version•••-age-of-monsters-a-kaiju-history-of-the-modern-era-godzilla-gamera-etc.808397/
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Good start. I like the different perspectives and how it forms a whole picture all together.
The image is broken, hosting at work? :V

Horrified locals uttered a name in fear. "Miba", the child of Flame.
Huh, I expected it would be Godzilla until the bit about wings
He took a picture of the spines, but saw some squat, powerful head briefly rise and almost dropped the camera. And he heard some shouts in the distance, cries of the name "Gojirra!" before the shape dropped into the waves again, a massive tail like shape rising and then slapping back into the sea to push the beast far away into the depths.

he's here, and it's the good version
A throwing of hats
Sea of Japan​

He was the protector, the guardian. It was he who in his mighty claws held the fate of the small creatures. He was like God to them, and they once worshipped his kind until the peoples who adored him were wiped away by the Stormbringer. He was old, so very old. He had seen the first creatures decide to make the land their home as they crawled from the ocean, he had seen oldest ancestors of the furred things give birth instead of hatching eggs for the first time, he witnessed the beasts of scales and feathers who succeeded them, and then the new generation of furred creatures. Everything seemed so temporary to him. The planet had gone around its sun so many times, and all the works of the new rulers had been built so suddenly in his ancient eyes.

There was a time of violence in the waters, metal things slid into the depths many times, many never to return to the surface. Humans had died in those metal coffins, and oil stained the salty waters of the oceans. It made him sad, why did they die so pointlessly? In all the oceans he could sense pointless death, and fear. So much fear. It almost made him want to rise, to make them stop. But it was not his place to choose their way for them. Life came, life went. Such had been the way for so many millions of years.

But then he tasted something else in the waters one day. Nuclear fire had blossomed in its rawest, most powerful form yet. They had tapped into the power of the energies that gave him life, and they used it to give death. He wanted to understand, why did they use such things? He asked the Moth and received answers that disappointed him. Such a capacity for violence, would they be the first to share the world with him only to destroy themselves rather than be subsumed by the passing of time? A terrible thought.

But their actions had set things in motion. As they set off ever larger bombs, they gave signals they knew not the meaning of. There was rich food to be found on the surface again, and the monsters beneath their feet could once again emerge from the hollows in the crust to hunt once more. The more spiritual creatures were stirring as well, awakened by the restlessness of their radiological counterparts. They wished to rise.

He prevented them, his thrashing beneath the sea being their silent defense against so much of what wished to see them ruined. But they in their ignorance had awakened one of the sleepers, too close to its nest, too much noise near them. And their cries were awakening other sleepers. A battle was unavoidable, and surely he would have to stop it. But he knew there could be no turning back from this. What had been unsealed would not be so easy to recontain. And the peace he and his kin had worked so hard to maintain would breathe its last.

Pacific Ocean​

Miba's wings flapped with dreadful intent as they followed some awful noise ringing in their ears again and again. An insult to the great beast's prestige and dominance of the skies. Ten voices kept echoing to their ears as they slowed down enough to receive the communications properly, a cloud of ash and soot obscuring the sun as Miba hovered in place with steady wing beats. They howled in anger, deep infrasound pulsing from them as they tried to ascertain the communications.

From the north was a yipping, angry voice that repeatedly barked and howled its calls. This was their territory, stay away. Miba however also sensed the presence of nearby volcanoes that would be well suited for a nest. One that could attract a mate that they could share it with and raise hatchlings once its long dormant magma pools were stirred back to life, and that lava was of an ideal composition for Miba's needs.

No, they would have it. Such would be their reply, a refusal of submission and a demand to be allowed to take as they will or face the consequences. Miba did not need to wait to know that the reply would invariably be a refusal. That one was testy over their territory, and would know to guard the Volcano from them. All the same, Miba was eager for a fight. Battle would prove themselves worthy of a partner. Strength needed to be demonstrated beyond any room for doubt for Miba to show that none were fitter.

The other, to the south sought to expand their territory. From the rich islands there, they wished to stretch their wings once more and rule the skies of the air above. Another flier. Another foe to be vanquished by Miba to show that they were the greatest of their kind. Should the other wish to hunt in this ground, they would have to face Miba's fire and fury. That is, if they were brave enough to face the heat of the burning one.

The last, from the Sea; simply made a warning. Avoid the lands where the small creatures resided or be crushed beneath the stones. The old King. They hesitated. Could they challenge them?

Yes, yes they would. And they would win.


The Earth rumbled and cracked with the burden of something great and terrible beneath. Challengers to the throne of an old and terrible creature had been registered and their presence would not be tolerated. Onlookers fell to their knees as the earth burdened and laboured under the shifting of something below, and Shunsuke Sajyou almost was thrown face first onto the ground. She hit the ground and just barely caught herself with her hands as the mountain side started to rumble and shift like if snakes were crawling within. Her eyes narrowed in confusion as the young lady fetched her glasses off the ground and put them over her face once again. People everywhere were muttering in fear, the mountain was not supposed to move, not like that. Yet there was the evil stench of something hateful in the air.

"Are you alright Sofu?" She said, helping to pick up her Grandfather, getting a gracious nod and a word of thanks from him as old man Yoshiro stood himself up. His knees were shaky from injuries suffered from the bombing raids of the war. But he was fine. He gave her a weak smile and pat her on the back.

"I may be old, but I still have strength in these bones. I can handle a little Earthquake" He said, chuckling as he adjusted his own glasses while the gathered masses spoke amongst themselves.

"This isn't near a faultline." Someone said, their voice rattled as if the Earth's tremors had shaken his skeleton. She looked and saw Akiyama-San, a tall if lanky looking Geologist. He was unnerved, something was wrong in the worst sort of way and she'd only seen that sort of expression in someone who realised they had their house built over an unexploded bomb.

"Something wrong Akiyama-San?" She asked as he nodded.

"We shouldn't be having tremors like this...not so close to us here anyway. Unless we've made some terrible mistakes in our surveys." He said, paling at the thought and muttering something to himself, as if he had seen a demon. He was clearly frightened by something, but she couldn't identify what.

"Maybe we should get you somewhere to think on this? The library perhaps?" She said. She reoriented herself briefly. The street was the same as it ever was, some of the buildings had been clearly rattled but it seemed as though life would go on. The rows of homely but cozy buildings made to resist the Hokkaidan winter and the cold air brought by the frigid waters of the North Pacific stood as they had for more than a century. Sure they weren't the sort of buildings most people thought of when they imagined life in Japan, but they were home. She could even see the library from here, a stately little house of literature and a place to relax.

"I would like th-" He didn't finish his sentence, indeed he could not as the Earth rumbled again with a deep growl that echoed upon as if it were that of a dog able to fill an entire cavern as the ground around the mountain began to crumble. The shaking would not stop, and the Earth began to weep liquefied earth as groundwater comingled with soil. The ground heaved and shook and demanded all present throw themselves prostrate before its master as the grey sides of the mountain split like an eggshell.

A bushy, furred orange tail flicked back and forth as rock and soil crumbled off of it, a shuddering purpling appendage almost seeming to taste freedom as a canine like head tore itself free of the burrow

The screaming began almost immediately, and Sajyou could barely comprehend what she was seeing as her knees melted with fear as a second tail ripped itself free. Then a third that snapped the bondage of the Earth like the millions of tons of stone were so many twigs, then a fourth that wagged itself clean, sending debris flying with enough speed to gouge out the terrain, then a fifth, a sixth, a seventh and an eighth in rapid succession as the whole of the body began to pull itself free of the ruins of the shattered mountain that had once imprisoned its body. Heavy paws gripped into the ground and triangular, canine ears pricked up as it let out a scream like howl towards the sky.

The Nine tailed fox.

She worked on instinct, pulling herself up and shuddering as she tried to drag her grandfather up. He couldn't be here, nobody could be here if that mountainous demon's malevolent gaze in her direction was of any significance.

Claws on the impossibly large canine's feet splayed out for purchase as the creature rose itself to a height greater than an aircraft carrier was long, their many tails swiping in all directions. Their brilliant red eyes burned with a deepset malevolence as they stalked forward with teeth bared. They were on the hunt, and they began to advance closer to the town. Not even thinking, Sajyou ran as fast as she could In which direction was something she didn't even have on her mind, and she broke her gaze with the nine tailed demon fox as it ran towards the town. It was maybe thirty minutes before she could think clearly again...

Where was she? A forest?

She looked back and saw pillars of smoke rising to the cloud tops and that her grandfather and Akiyama were both exhausted, flopped onto the ground breathing hard while the fox began to almost gallop towards the distance, as if it were responding to some grave insult.

Excerpt from News Broadcast: Java devastated!​

Indonesian authorities have shakily reported a most grave catastrophe to the world as word of the emergence of another terrible beast from the Earth's bowels. Miners sent to excavate Uranium deposits now spread stories of a terrible fate as a creature that Indian expat workers have named for the Legendary Sharabha has torn itself free of the surly bonds of Earth. Letting loose a shrill cry of such volume as to tear through those who hear it at close range like a bomb blast the bird and lion like behemoth emerged to touch the very skies with feathered wings and crackling fury.

Though details remain sketch and uncertain, it appears that the creature is converging towards the islands of Japan to meet with the two other creatures; named Miba and Kiki. What is likely to happen is open to speculation but if we are fortunate, the creatures may destroy each other before too much harm is done. If we are not fortunate, they will surely seek to raze the land of the rising sun to the ground beneath their combined fury. However, the Japanese Self Defense Force and the American Army of the Pacific are collaborating to save the Japanese people from this terrible fate.

And we have the utmost confidence that they will find a way to overcome this trial placed before them by the wrath of nature. The finest minds of modern science and military acumen are being put to work in resolving this terrible crisis, and even the Reds in Moscow and Beijing are pledging to offer what support they can in this most spectacular crisis of our age. But with three of these monsters, these Daikaiju as the Japanese call them; already active; many are asking, are there even more of these impossible behemoths lurking elsewhere?
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Setting up the Ring
Northern Honshu, 2nd of March, 1954​

Sergeant Wilkes ducked as a Jet spinning out of control slammed into the sides of the nearby mountain and exploded with a fireball and a thunderclap, hot air punching him in the face while men shouted at the top of their lungs in a desperate attempt to be heard. He tried his best to get oriented as his ears rung like a dinnerbell, to piece together what should his next course of action be as a Bazooka was fired at pointlessly long range in the vain hopes of dealing with...oh yes the fox. Kiki's screaming howl brought him back to reality as he looked upon the more than three hundred meter tall behemoth canid, whose fang filled mouth growled with ill disguised intent and whose keening howl made him feel like he was trying his best to piss his skeleton out and all he could think about was how he definitely didn't want "killed by Kiki" on his headstone.

"Where the fuck are those 240s? Can't one of you assholes do anything right?" The Captain shouted as he got back up, the supersonic whipcrack of one of Kiki's tails slapped at missiles fired in her direction right back to the senders; the Honest John missiles exploding with a thundrous noise exceeded only by the cacophony of Kiki stamping her paws into a row of tanks that sought to escape her attentions by reversing as fast as they could. Too bad for them that she could casually walk faster than the Sherman or Pershing could ever hope to move in any direction. WIlkes looked shakily at his firing table charts and wearily relayed the rather simplistic orders he heard being relayed by a comm officer with a dead look in his eyes to the howitzers.

"" He said, not even feeling like he was here. His body was shaking and his brain felt like it was thirty feet to the left of his skull. He was shaking so badly he wanted to puke, and he barely registered the sensation of the 155s sounding in a stattacco volley. It was probably signing their death warrants, so they didn't bother with any sort of coordinated all at once volley, every gun just fired as fast as they could be loaded in the hopes of getting Kiki's attention. Nobody was under command's bizarre delusion that they had any hope of killing the damn overgrown fur pelt. But to his surprise, there was a deep, somewhat startled yelp from Kiki some seconds later.

One of the shells had struck her in the eye and she irritatedly blinked the shrapnel out. It had not pierced or injured the flesh of her organ, but it had made her rather displeased, and she let in a prolonged sniff of the air. Then her lips peeled back in the most hideous snarl he had ever seen as she dropped the tanks she had been holding in her jaws and turned her head around to give them the evil eye and he swore she was staring into his soul with that evil eye. This was more than he could take and he vomited in fear on the spot, his digestive system deciding it was best to lighten the load in a futile attempt to prepare himself for running away as she turned around with a few earth shaking steps.

She reared her head back and then cast it forward with her mouth open. He didn't hear anything yet, she was too far away, but he could see trees exploding into splinters, people popping like balloons, rock fixtures crumbling into dust, earth liqueifying into mud, and air craft rattling into shrapnel as the cone of her roar advanced towards him. The next shells thrown her way hit this shockwave and exploded without ever touching her, and while the speed of sound was finite it was more than fast enough to ensure there were no survivors as her howl engulfed the entirety of the battery. His brain had no time at all to process what was happening, his synapses had not even the time to transfer any last orders from his nervous system, in less time than he could use to blink he was simply gone. As if God almighty himself had just struck him from the record.

If there was any mercy, it was that Wilkes' cells exploded from overpressure and harmonic disturbance before they could send any pain signals and as such his demise was as painless as they came. The sound simply engulfed him and he ceased to be as soon as the energy jackhammered him into oblivion down to last cell. To say he fountained into gore would be an understatement, his remains were cast with the blast wave in a rolling tsunami of energy that carried the misty pulp of him and many others with a rolling carpet of other debris carried forth by Kiki's death howl. They would eventually come to rest as the shockwave lost its potency, but nobody would ever find his final resting place, scattered as it was from not too far from where he died to as far away as the bering strait if one were keen on following windborne molecules scattered to the heavens.

Excerpt from General Evacuation order for Tokyo​


Multiple Daikaiju designated "Miba", "Kiki", and "Sharabha" are converging on the greater Tokyo area. Their origins are unknown and as of now, unimportant. What matters is that YOU AND YOUR FAMILY get to safety. Please evacuate in a calm and orderly manner and report to American Military and JSDF officials for instruction if you are unclear on evacuation procedure.


Only YOUR LIFE is irreplaceable.

If you remain in Tokyo, your safety CANNOT BE GUARANTEED.

Be aware that you CANNOT DEFEND YOURSELF from the Daikaiju, only through evacuation can your SURVIVAL BE ENSURED.

We are taking every precaution to ensure that the loss of life will be minimised and that the recovery after this event will be SWIFT AND FORTHRIGHT.

Do not SACRIFICE YOURSELF in the face of this danger. Be SAFE AND SECURE and retreat to these designated SAFE HAVENS until the all clear signal has been given.

Outskirts of Tokyo​

Steve Martin was rather displeased. He had been refused entry to many places before, what good journalist hadn't been told they weren't allowed to go some place or other at least once in their lives? But not a single person was willing to give him a front row seat to the greatest prize fight in human history and that just boiled his blood.

"What do you mean I can't get entry?" Martin said. He knew the risks, but the scoop he could get from the right pictures and a vivid reporting would make him a legend in the reporting business for all human history. And he was sure that there were some people still trapped within Tokyo he could help get out. He wanted to be here, and he had a knack for finding things that he really shouldn't be poking his nose into anyway. So why not just let him through so that he could do his job?

"My apologies, but Tokyo is to be evacuated immediately. Perhaps when this is over you may be allowed access?" The Guard said, speaking in rather surprisingly fluent English with him. Though this fact didn't really penetrate through the armour of outrage he was covering himself in at the present moment given his deepset desire to just be allowed through. God why couldn't they just let him through? He wasn't going to cause them any trouble. Why not just let some damn fool reporter with a death wish through he thought?

"I know the risks, but I was a frontline reporter in the war and in Korea. I can handle a rumble in the animal kingdom. " He said, prompting the Guard to look to his comrades who were busy directing people onto trains headed to...anywhere that was hopefully not in the line of fire really. Who knew which place was safe in a situation like this, or if any place was safe at all for that matter? The other guards took a moment to turn around and size up Martin, either holding guns or having their hands on the straps that kept the guns on their shoulders. What they hoped to do with them against the monsters he had no idea, and he certainly hoped they didn't have to use those on people.

"You must understand that we do not mean to cause you distress, but this area is being locked down for the safety of yourself and others. We cannot in good conscience allow you to throw your life away for a news scoop." He said graciously. Steve wanted to argue but he was being polite, and so he simply gave a polite nod and an utterance of thanks.

He was about to admit defeat and find some way to explain things to his bosses back in New York until the ear splitting call of some horrid bird almost made him bleed out of his eardrums as he fell to the ground, clutching his hands over the sensitive organs in pain and gritting his pearly whites. That square jawed reporter's countenance that had earned him notice for his stoicism was wracked and twisted with pain as he felt like he was about to witness his spine leapig out of his body to find a nice place to crawl into and hide.

He shakily looked up, and saw the terrible sight of the centauroid monster beat its two sets of feathery wings as it looked for a place to land. Enormous beyond his wildest dreams, the shaggy and feather coated monster ruffled itself in the air as it slowed down to a hover, each massive wingbeat creating a shockwave that bowled over buildings and let loose with a powerful sonic boom like the crack of the world's largest whip before it found a place to its liking and slammed into the ground with enough force to throw Steve flat onto his ass as if he had been cast to the floor by powerful hands pulling his feet from under him.

The maned head of the monster contained a leonid snout that had something approximating a beak filled with cat like teeth, its blueish feathers striking in an odd sort of beauty, particularly with their white tips, and sharp eyes reflected the night lights of the city as the Sharabha surveyed its territory and its four forward arms like the talons of eagles and its rear eight lion like legs carried it forward in an arrangement he found to be most peculiarly chimeric. But as he looked closer, it seemed that the creature was less mishmashed than he thought, the "fur" it seemed was more akin to the down of a penguin, and the forelimbs were about as different from the hindlimbs as a man's arms were from his legs. Sure he was not certain how a creature came to have twelve limbs, but the beast seemed to be at heart; Avian.

The short, fanlike tail behind it wafted around as it seemed to wait almost pensively, but a keening scream in the distance caught its attention. Like the call of an enraged fox who had found a challenger to its domain. Without thinking, Steve looked around and saw that the guards had fled, and he slid through the gap with his equipment in tow in the hopes of getting the report of a century. But what he failed to notice was that a cloud of steam was approaching from Tokyo Bay as something infernally hot like hell itself was moving towards the city to reignite LeMay's old tinderbox.

The battle of the monsters would soon begin with him trapped inside.
Tokyo Matchsticks
Miko screamed as the deafening boom of roaring monstrosities rocked through Tokyo like the bow wave of an explosion. Sharabha clashed with Miba in the air, titanic winged frames struggling and grappling as they spiralled towards the ground, wind circling around Mibha at Sarabha's command to vent Miba's heat away from Sarabha as they crashed into the ground with enough force to create an earthwave as the ground pulverised into a fine consistency and jumped up and down like a rug plucked at the corners and whipped. Fire leaped into being as buildings burned like so much kindling, the roar of the blaze drowned out by Sharabha slamming Miba's head into the ground with one of his eight limbs before she struck him with an explosive howl of pyroclastic ash. Lightning sparked through the ash cloud as Sharabha yowled in pain, his huge body pushed into the air and then slamming back first into the ground while Miba flailed in the melting ground around her.

Aiko murmured helplessly for her mother, her father, anyone who could save her from the nightmare as Sharabha landed nearby and the earth yawned with fissures that almost snapped at her heels while she waddled to safety. The sinister shadows cast by the charnelhouse corpse of Tokyo's cityscape in the backdrop of the raging inferno and the veil of smoke seemed like demons dancing in the ruins. She flinched and fell as Sharabha picked himself up, his maw like the pit to the deepest hells. His howl threatened to turn her brain to jelly as it reverberated and her body trembled. She cried, tears pouring out as if she hoped to pout ot the flames herself but none could hear.

Miba pulled herself to her fore limbs, reducing the heat she gave off by dimming the volcanic glow of her body to prevent herself from sinking into the blindingly bright quagmire of lava and bubbling, boiling vapour she created as she pushed herself with her wings to get to more solid ground. The sun was gone, but this horrid blood red glow in the distance seared its way into Aiko's vision as Miba's hissing fire like roar rose above the howls of the blaze. Aiko tried to run, picking herself up and heaving with pained breaths. But the ground cast her to the floor once again as if to punish her, the heat sneering at her defiance.

Kiki burst from the ground, her paws tearing through the earth and her jaws biting into Miba's neck while she tried to pull herself up, hundreds of meters of thrashing limbs struggling and flailing, buildings disintegrating from the heat and the struggle. But the water was there, perhaps refuge from the fire and the tormenting smoke that pained her every breath? But the water was glowing blue with an odd light in the distance. What could it mean she thought as for a moment her fear began to fade. Then a flight of B-52 bombers screamed past her, burning metal flying apart as she was thrown into the cold waters, the heat that had pervaded every inch of her body turning to a blood warm wet embrace.

Everything went white, a heat like what had engulfed Hiroshima and Nagasaki wafting over. The water became hot and she felt like she was dying. Her body screamed, but she did not die. Black engulfed her as she swallowed salty water in the vain hopes of air. Huge and dark pillars tipped with sharpened points coiled around her. She closed her eyes and waited for the end, but that soft blue glow pervaded the water and she saw what seemed like a great bear...or perhaps a dinosaur? It was far larger than even the other Daikaiju, and she sensed no malice as the blackness engulfed her.

She awakened to find herself safely away from the violence, and an enormous shape rising from the water. Cascades of fluid ran down endlessly like the pictures of Niagra she had seen, a head rising higher, higher and ever higher like a mountain while the glow from the spines of the great leviathan only intensified. It rose above every building that still stood, it rose above all the smoking ships in the bay, it rose above the flames and the smoke taller than any skyscraper or edifice of man ever constructed. Almost as tall of three of America's mighty yorktown carriers end to end, the creature made the wreckage of the mighty American fleet look so small that even comparing them to toys could not do them justice.

Despite the killing light the Americans had used, the three monsters were fighting in the cratered ruins of Tokyo as if little had happened, but all of them turned in reverence and fear towards the newcomer, like peasants who had realized that the king had risen as he stepped onto the ground, each step causing the earth to quake from the tread of a god. A god who had saved her, and she swore for a second that he looked towards her from the corner of his eyes as if to make sure that she was safe before he fully dragged himself onto land. Perhaps it was the trick of the eyes of a scared little girl, but it made all of her fears disappear as she felt reassurance that she was safe.

He took another step forward, his great mountainous body like a reptilian bear walking on its hind legs, a boxy powerful head with noble looking eyes that stared scornfully at those who had broken his laws. His spines hummed and glowed with blue light, a warning, a threat that even she understood. Leave now or be faced with the judgement of the King...the King of What? Monsters? The World? She could have believed either as his tail that seemed to stretch onto infinity was dragged onto the land, his upright body taking another few steps forward as he inhaled air into his lungs. Not to breathe, for the King had no need of such things, but to speak.



The King had risen and had seen the defilers of the peace. He had been called by many names, but to the Japanese who knew of him he was Gojira, the King of the Monsters and God of the Earth. He snarled in threat after his intimidation roar, seeking to end this without further conflict, but he could see that they believed him old. Kiki yipped and howled at him, spreading her tails to make herself look larger while Miba released an eruption from herself, soot exploding out of her while Sharabha released a piercing shriek and took to the air that he called his domain.

Gojira knew they would not back down, and began to move with surprising speed. Millions of tonnes of primordial power that had arisen before the first chemical life forms had conquered the land from the time of the earliest trees pushed itself forward, singling out Kiki who howled, snarled and charged back at him while Miba and Sharabha took to the skies, eager to finish each other off. The buildings not levelled by the blast that had created the crater crumbled from either his movement or exploded into shrapnel from the shockwave he created, carefully planning his movement to avoid harming the humans he had just saved.

At his size, even this stride made him faster than his own sound as he started to run, both of his feet leaving the air and the ground just about tearing itself apart as he and Kiki collided. The brutalised city ruptured and crumbled at the impact, the few remaining buildings exploding from the blast wave as he caught Kiki by the throat and bulldozed her. She lost her footing mid leap, and he cast the canine to the ground and stomped his foot onto her chest. The ground ruptured beneath them and the crater deeped as he sensed the approach of another and swivelled to bring his claw to strike the great winged form of Sharabha in the face.

He hissed as the blow tore him from the skies and threw him to the ground that erupted and cracked at the expression of primordial power. His eyes scanned burning orange lights piercing through the clouds as he snapped his jaws open, letting his spines gather his atomic fire. Nuclear reactions of unspeakable might thrummed in his body and channeled themselves through his spines like cyclotrons and he cast forth a blue stream that even Miba could not suffer without protest as she was sent end over end, the fire pushing her above the clouds faster than one could blink their eyes as he closed his jaws.

He sought to gain Kiki's submission so that she could be made to leave, but the clever fox had rolled around, swiping through the earth with her tails to open up enough clearance for her to flip and start digging back into the earth, her tails corkscrewing as Sharabha howled and let forth a storm of lightning from his wings to strike him. Crackling bolts of energy dumped the power of a hundred thunderstorms into him, making him buckle slightly as each lightning bolt hit him with the strength to move mountains.

Gojira growled, and his spines began to collect the electricity as it was pulled towards the spines. He glowed once again and spake fire into being.

(Part 1)
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Urban Renewal
A stomp and the Earth quivered and cracked. A tail slap and the air split, a breath and the day turned into night. His heartbeats were the rhythm of the earth. His vocalisations were the groans of the world. His muscles were the strength of nature. His scales were the armour of life. His spines were the crown of a king of kings. His glow was the aura of a god. His gaze was the judgement of heaven. Every blow he unleashed made the world tremble before him, and he was only getting started.

An uppercut swung from him caught Sharabha by the chin and made them squelch in pain as their regenerative powers worked to try and mend the jaw shattered by a meteoric impact that could be heard as far as Beijing and Hanoi before he slammed them by the head with his other set of claws, punching through Sharabha's feathers and hide to slam them head first in the ground. His thundrous steps heralded a swivel around to strike at Miba with another gout of his atomic breath, blue radioactive fire catching the fire bat and shoving them back to give him space before he stomped leftwards to avoid a lunge from Kiki.

Moving to shoulder check the fox, he grunted as she was knocked off her feet by the sudden impact with his titanic body, the thunderclap of their collision creating visible shockwaves while he threw her to the side to catch at Sharabha's attempted grapple, his spines bursting with a storm of smaller rays to ward away an opportunistic Miba and his tail swinging to slap at Kiki before she could try and attack his flank. Shoving forward, he cast Sharabha off his feet and shoved them into the ground to stomp on their chest, getting a satisfying pained caw from them until Miba struck at him with her pyroclastic breath.

Staggering to his left, he glowered at her as if he were astonished she thought such an attack would work while he noticed Kiki and Sharabha getting back up as if to surround him. He growled in challenge to them and let loose a short roar as if to urge them to try their luck if they believed they were strong enough to do so. And surely enough, the three tried to charge the king all at once, and he snorted in contempt for his foes.

He spun around, easily swatting Sharabha out of the air and grabbing Kiki by her head to slam her tails straight into Miba so as to knock aside the airborne pest. The air exploded with his movements, dust shrouded him like the cloak of the reaper as his teeth were sunk into Miba before she could rise again. Ivory pillars punched through the living volcano and held her there as he shook and worried her with every swing of his enormously powerful neck to expand the wounds he made as superheated magma sizzled and vaporised as it was pumped out of her injuries. Hardly even an irritant.

Seeing Sharabha approaching him, he swing Miba like a mace before releasing her. Her huge form sailing like the world's largest frisbee and spiralling as it was flung through the air before she caught on the great eagle lion and sent the two flopping onto the ground with all the grace of a sandbag lobbed by a drunkard to hit another sandbag held by a stoner. The crash they made created another Earthen tsunami as the ground whiplashed from the impact and already began to melt and bubble from Miba's heat while Gojirra turned his attentions to Kiki.

The fox unleashed another one of her bone squelching howls, a sonic scream that could obliterate a mountain range rushed towards Godzilla as a jackhammering tsunami of air that the King of the Monsters pushed through, his teeth rattling in his jaws but his form remaining unbowed as he took the full weight of her shriek. His body pulsed, but it did not break. And his spines glowed for a brief moment before his mouth swung open and a blue fireball shot free of his jaws to hit Kiki with enough force to knock her upwards and send her pinwheeling face first into the ground.

Seemingly satisfied that they had learned their lesson, he let out a growl to demand submission until they vocalised in acknowledgement. He demanded no punishment beyond the beating he had given them for violating the lands of the humans, but he was stern in his message. It was time for them to leave and to return to the hollow earth. But he knew that in the long term this would be unfeasible. The feeding glow had returned to the surface; brought there by humanity. what had been unleashed could not be resealed.

Trouble would be coming soon.

Military Interrogation Transcript​

INTERVIEWER: Your name is Steven Martin yes?

STEVE: Yes, I'm a reporter with CBS.

INTERVIEWER: Were you always a reporter?

STEVE: No sir, I fought in the war. Marine corps, served in Tarawa, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa, couple other places too.

INTERVIEWER: You're familiar with the Japanese then?

STEVE: I'm conversant in their language and I'd say I know my way around the prefectures.

INTERVIEWER: You were told to abandon Tokyo and yet you choose to go inside, why?

STEVE: It'd be a damn good scoop.

INTERVIEWER: Even when we were dropping a nuclear bomb onto the city?

STEVE: I'm alive aren't I?

INTERVIEWER: And how exactly did you survive?

STEVE: Got thrown in the water when the fox swiped its tail into the building I was in, big guy got between me and the blast.

INTERVIEWER: You are aware that you are incredibly lucky to have survived with no substantial injuries?

STEVE: Maybe I should consider getting myself some lottery tickets?

INTERVIEWER: What is your take on Godzilla?

STEVE: They call him Gojirra.

INTERVIEWER: I know what I said.

STEVE: I think he's more than just some animal or creature. But one of the good guys. There's a nobleness to his soul, you can see it in his eyes. He protected us from harm. He's not our enemy.

INTERVIEWER: Is that not for us to decide?

STEVE: And I can only pray that we do not choose wrongly and make enemies with our protector. Because those are animals, and there's never just one bear. There will be more, and we'll need protectors like that if we want to survive.

STEVE: I think that maybe his emergence is a sign. A sign that we are ready to connect with the creatures of the Earth at a greater level than before. And that we will need to tread carefully, lest we be stepped on in the process.

INTERVIEWER: Are you suggesting worshipping this creature?

STEVE: You said that, not me. I'm just saying that things happen for a reason. There are chains of events that lead to everything that occurs in our world. And it's my job as a reporter to discover every link in that chain and share it with the people.

INTERVIEWER: Even if it's classified?

STEVE: Are you hiding something then?

INTERVIEWER: You said that, not me.

Excerpt from Daily Mirror article "CALAMITY IN TOKYO!"​

The devastation dealt to Tokyo is unimaginable. Virtually the whole of the city has been reduced to ruin with the earth torn and cracked, the ground melted and burned, and most buildings reduced to so much powder. Though hard numbers are still being determined, the death toll is estimated to be in the millions over the course of this unparalleled calamity of our era. Not the least of which has been the utter desolation of the Japanese capital. Of which less than ten percent of the city remains standing.

"Not even LeMay and all of his firebombs could have so thoroughly ruined the city" An American military source who wishes to remain anonymous stated after overviewing the calamity, though noting that oddly the palace of the Emperor remains standing despite all the prior devastation and destruction. Perhaps a sign of some miracle or perhaps the good fortune that the monster Kiki happened to be casting her shadow over the palace when a nuclear warhead was dropped upon the city in the desparate hope to waylay the creatures.

However severe the destruction has been, it could have been far worse had it not been for the intervention of the now famous titan Godzilla, a seeming king of all beasts and emperor of the earth who emerged from the sea to do battle with his competitors, driving them away from Tokyo after overpowering them with the grace of a prize fighter contesting with a collection of schoolyard ruffians. With his intervention has come the salvation of Japan, and perhaps the world, however we are left to wonder if there are not more creatures like this? And if there are indeed ways for man to save himself should this God of the Earth not be there to offer us salvation.
The scene in the American Congress was one of bedlam as its representatives went through picture after picture and studied every last grainy detail of the footage that could be retrieved from the site. Reporter Steve Martin, who had managed to report on the destruction was brought in from Japan for repeated questioning on everything he saw; as were the bedraggled survivors of the now mostly annihilated units that had thrown themselves at Godzilla in increasingly desperate attempts to stop him. President Eisenhower and officials of the American military brass, scientific community, and NATO officials all made sure to make themselves present at the congressional hearing, each trying to present a tough face for the public when deep down each one was as lost and confused as what to do as anyone else.

Sympathy for the Japanese had risen remarkably in America, though some voices maintained that the Japanese largely got what they deserved for their prior actions. But on everyone's mind was the humiliation of the American military, as Eisenhower put it "Gentlemen, the American military has faced its most severe defeat in its history, facing not the enemy we expected, but from an enemy we did not even know was real until it annihilated thousands of our best troops, sunk dozens of our finest ships, and shrugged off even our most powerful weapons. It's very clear to me that unless we want the next Tokyo to be one of our cities that we need to rectify this situation of impotence. To do anything less means that all people who live near the coast are in the most mortal peril we may have ever faced."

The most prominent question was how to deal with a threat that could not be harmed by any weapon in the American arsenal, not even its new hydrogen bombs. Never before had America, or any nation really; been faced with an enemy that its entire arsenal was of no apparent use against. But though there was a palpable sense of confusion and despair, many sensed opportunity. Many a general, business man, or scientist had in their hands; a proposal to increase funding for one pet project or the other that they hoped would get approval to deal with the threat that humankind now faced. A threat it had in fact never faced before, a primordial terror that lurked within all life. An ancient, all consuming and existential dread that lurked at the very core of the souls of all life. The threat of being stepped on. Humanity had found itself as the insects and it feared this more than anything.

The chance to procure what could very well be unlimited funding for any project to design an anti-godzilla weapon simply could not be passed up. Some suggested restarting construction of battleships; hoping that their superheavy shells would be able to penetrate the creature's skin and detonate inside like they would against an enemy ship to wound it and that a thickly armoured ship could withstand the beam weapon of Godzilla. Others suggested bombers with even larger versions of the tall boy and grand slam bombs conceived of in world war two, or a superheavy missile designed for massive penetration.

Some just suggested; not wanting to believe the theories that the Kaiju were empowered rather than harmed by radiation, that they just needed a bigger nuke or perhaps "apply the principles of a HEAT warhead to a nuclear explosive", while others suggested more outlandish ideas such as superhavy tanks that would "make the Ratte look like a model car", or enormous cannons to dwarf even the Gustav or brought up odd ideas such as ray guns. Currently well beyond the technology of the era.

"We can't just sit back and do nothing!" Senator McCarthy said, standing and shouting amidst the frantic debate raging in the halls of American government.

"With all due respect Mister Senator what do you want us to do? You've seen what happened at Tokyo bay, we can't tickle the damn things. Do you want us to throw ships at them until it gets tired of killing our men and sinking our fleets? Sounds like a great investment of the children and dollars of our taxpayers doesn't it?" Arleigh Bruke shot back, disdain evident in the Admiral's voice while the congress erupted into a brief fit of laughter before Eisenhower motioned for everyone to calm down as McCarthy's face went beet red.

"While the Senator of Wisconsin was perhaps a bit hasty, he does have a point. The American people are going to want to know that we're doing something to protect them from the threat of these Titans or anything else like them. If we just carry on as we are; we're going to have ourselves a panic." Senator Kennedy said, doing his best to sound poised and confident despite the situation's gravity.

"You've seen what happened, we tried to nuke the damn things with H-bombs and they just got right back to it. Hell we and the Japs pounded it with everything we could get on short notice and we didn't even make them bleed. What we need are more and better weapons or else we might as well tell our boys to throw rocks at the lizard." General Rigdway said, clearly wanting to hear that someone was planning on at least equipping the armed forces for the challenge.

"Where do you want the money for this to come from? We can't just raise the budget so we can afford to fight some overgrown backwater behemoths." Goldwater said, clearly choosing to avoid using a term that would have ascribed divinity to the monster.

"Ah forget the Reds, the Reds you can nuke into the stone age. What we don't have is a bomb that can show Godzilla that we're not entres on his menu" General Rogard said looking over to General Ross who stood up and opened up his hefty folders.

"Gentlemen, I propose that we form ourselves a Titanbuster unit dedicated to the study and countering of this overgrown menace to human society and else lurking beneath that decide its time to crawl out of the ocean. This team will pull in experts from around America, and if possible NATO or even the world; but will remain under American military command and help train troops for counter-monster operations and serve as a think tank to help protect our people in case of attack. We've already devised some preliminary ideas on how to deal with the monster and with your approval we can start putting some theory into practice. Many of these ideas won't come cheap, but you can't stretch your dollar with these stakes." He said as he prepared to read through his copy of the files.

"Alright Ross, tell us about your plan."


The confusion and panic wasn't limited to America either. In the Soviet Union the Politburo essentially exploded into flame as the bureaucrats, communist thinkers, and technocrats who came to dominate the USSR in the wake of Stalin's death all argued as to what to make of the situation. The Soviet Union's military had been designed for a showdown in Europe, though Kruschev had desired a shift in focus to civilian spending and missile based defenses. The destruction of Tokyo and the poor showing of nuclear weaponry against Godzilla had inspired a deep terror in the Soviet military; could cities like Vladivostok also disappear in the sihlouette of a seemingly invincible enemy?

Could the Baltic and Arctic also be vulnerable? Kruschev did however, use the seeming failures of conventional military force to make an impact on Godzilla as his chance to push forward what he believed to be the future of warfare; suggesting that now would be the best chance to implement a missile grid armed with superheavy warheads to impact such monsters at tremendous speeds with thickly armoured warheads and either large amounts of conventional explosives or nuclear warheads to rip the beast apart. He favoured those who suggested a number of platforms for these to be carried on, including land based trucks and silos, bombers, and submarines and surface ships he felt would be vital in defending the USSR from attack.

In the meantime, the Supreme Soviet agreed on a rethink on naval strategy, positioning the navy to patrol the shores of the Soviet Union and its allies so as to try and locate the creature before it could make itself a problem. But the troubling thing is how many of the monsters had emerged from the ground. The Soviet Union was incredibly vast and much of its territory was only somewhat explored at best. The thought of something like Kiki living beneath the Siberian Soil greatly disquieted the USSR which had been busying itself with reconstructing from Fascism's brutal, blunt assault upon it. The people were scared, and mother Russia had yet no answers to console their fears.

China; a young and largely impovershed state; could offer little but reassurances to the people that the people's liberation army had plans in case similar monsters approached. They reasoned that as they seemed to be drawn to Urban areas, that the PLA could help evacuate the people to the countryside. The cities would of course be smashed, but most in China had been through eight years of cities being smashed by Japanese bombs. Retreating to the countryside and waiting out the storm was a sadly old hat for the Chinese people. Perhaps a rapproach with the USSR would be in order, the two had their falling outs as Mao scorned the new Soviet leadership for its drifting from the path, but necessity was the maker of many beds and few times were as dire as this.

The reaction in Europe was more measured. Far from the pacific, it was felt the known monsters werenot too much of an issue, however France felt immediately concerned over what effect this could have on the Indochinese war; already going rather poorly for the French armed forces. Already some had seen the emergence of the four Titans as a sign that Europe's business was not anywhere near the far east where invincible monsters were inflicting the wrath of nature upon man's works, but better suited towards her own defense. Surely, there would be more creatures elsewhere around the world. Could old legends yield yet more behemoths waiting beneath the European soil? What terrors might arise and find Europa unprepared?

Charles de Gaulle in particular advocated a refocus of French efforts on defending the mainland and reducing the commitments to defending "an indefensible outpost on the far side of Asia" and also advocated for increasing the efforts to rebuild the French military and acquire nuclear weapon of France's own so that France could build a warhead perhaps capable of overwhelming Godzilla's defenses. A solution that found willing ears in the governments of Italy, the Low Countries, West Germany, and Iberia who feared the possibility that the Anglos might forsake Europe if made to choose between themselves and the defense of the western half of the continent.

To be entirely fair, it was a decision any of them would have made in a heartbeat. The Atlantic ocean now seemed like a far greater barrier to cooperation and international brotherhood than it once was. Even the English Channel and the North Sea now seemed a thousand times more imposing. If London were to burn beneath the fires of St.George's dragon who's to say that Paris would not stand by and pray to God in thanks that it was not itself that burned in dragon fire?

As for the other nations of the world, the minor powers or second tiers who were either too small or too poor to truly pull the strings of the world stage. What could they offer but empty hope that if the monsters came for them, they would not be crushed too?
I really wonder if the breakdown of the social order will leave both Western bloc and Eastern bloc no choice, but to cooperate with each other.
Do you think you could somehow incorporate scrapped or prototype Kaiju, like Bagan or Garasharp. For those of you who don't know who those two are I'll give you a brief rundown. In the movie he was supossed to appear in, Bagan was going to be an ancient shapeshifting monster that would go through multiple forms before fighting Godzilla in a fusion of all his previous forms. While the movie was never produced, Bagan got his claim to fame as the final boss of the game Super Godzilla. In that game, his origin and design was reworked as a monster that had been supercharged with the cells of Godzilla and King Ghidorah. He was most powerful enemy in the game and the only boss that had to be beaten as the titular Super Godzilla (Godzilla supercharged with Ghidorah cells) making him one of Godzilla's most powerful foes.

Garasharp is a bit more straight forward. She was a giant fire (or posion) breathing cobra that was intended to be the "Ghidorah" of the Gamera series. In the Heisei continuity a prequel comic called The Last Hope (originally a fan made comic, but later on considered canon by one of the creators) the reason the Atlanteans created Gyaos to deal with Garasharp.
Do you think you could somehow incorporate scrapped or prototype Kaiju, like Bagan or Garasharp. For those of you who don't know who those two are I'll give you a brief rundown. In the movie he was supossed to appear in, Bagan was going to be an ancient shapeshifting monster that would go through multiple forms before fighting Godzilla in a fusion of all his previous forms. While the movie was never produced, Bagan got his claim to fame as the final boss of the game Super Godzilla. In that game, his origin and design was reworked as a monster that had been supercharged with the cells of Godzilla and King Ghidorah. He was most powerful enemy in the game and the only boss that had to be beaten as the titular Super Godzilla (Godzilla supercharged with Ghidorah cells) making him one of Godzilla's most powerful foes.

Garasharp is a bit more straight forward. She was a giant fire (or posion) breathing cobra that was intended to be the "Ghidorah" of the Gamera series. In the Heisei continuity a prequel comic called The Last Hope (originally a fan made comic, but later on considered canon by one of the creators) the reason the Atlanteans created Gyaos to deal with Garasharp.
Already was planning to do so.
Three things. 1. AWESOME!. 2. Can we expect to see the scrapped movie version or the videogame version of Bagan. Personally I think the videogame one is cooler. 3. Can we expect to see any other scrapped Kaiju as well, or less popular ones like Zilla.
I'll use just about anything I feel fits the needs of the timeline.