Age of Legends (Warhammer Fantasy/Scion)

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The Gods of the Old World are not so different from their mortal adherents as they might seem. They live, they love, they long for adventure... and at times, they sire children. Such Scions are blessed with divine power and the ability to carve their own legend into the skein of fate, assuming they can survive long enough to see it done.

Come, and help forge a new legend, for this land is in dire need of heroes.
0.1 - Divine Parent and Origin
London, England

Age of Legends
A Warhammer Fantasy/Scion Quest

The Gods of the Old World are many and varied; primordial forces of creation and mortals ascendant beyond death, ancient progenitors and faceless vistas of divine obliteration. Some are honoured across the land, with a priest in every village and an icon in every home, while others are more obscure or highly localised. A few, too foul and far at odds with the strictures of civilised society, are shunned and suppressed. In the end it matters not, for all are gods in truth, beings of myth and legend, fonts of wisdom possessed of their own vision for how the world should look in ages to come. Each has sworn allies and immortal enemies, and each counts certain select mortals among their faithful, blessed and guided to carry out their divine sponsor's decrees.

For most, this is enough. They act indirectly, steering the world through blessings and visions rather than direct intervention, elevating certain mortals as their agents in hopes of accomplishing their aims. But others are not content with such limited tools. They perform miracles, empower champions, answer prayers with explicit visions… and, once in a very rare while, they create children.

You are just such a child; a Scion of the Gods.

Who is your divine progenitor? There are a thousand gods honoured in Sigmar's Empire, but for the sake of this quest only children of the central Pantheon are a viable choice for our protagonist.

In the post directly below this one, you will find a more detailed breakdown of the available gods, including the powers and abilities you might inherit from each.

This is an APPROVAL VOTE. Choose as many of the following as seem interesting to you; the top three options will be taken as a shortlist for the second update, where more details will be provided and a final choice will be made.

[ ] Manann
Commonly regarded as capricious and mercurial, the son of Taal and Rhya rules over sea, storms and the beasts of the deep. From the deepest ocean to the most minor river, all water belongs to Manann, and he may deliver a bounty of fish or a ruinous shipwreck as the whim takes him.

[ ] Morr
Sombre and contemplative, the dark god Morr holds dominion over death, darkness and dreams. Husband of Verena and father to Myrmidia and Shallya, Morr knows the secrets of past and future, and stands as stalwart guardian of the restful dead against all that would disturb their peaceful slumber.

[ ] Myrmidia
Principled and insightful, Myrmidia is goddess not just of war, but of all civilised undertakings of men. Reputed to have once lived as a mortal, despite her descent from Death and Truth, Myrmidia is typically portrayed as a tall, well-muscled woman with sun-bronzed skin and piercing gaze.

[ ] Ranald
Four-Faced and sly, there are as many stories of Ranald's nature and origin as there are mouths to tell of him. The only common elements are that he stands as patron of those whom none other will have, and that the other gods regard him with distrust and distaste for his constant tricks and agitation.

[ ] Rhya
Wife of Taal and mother of Manann, Rhya is the Queen of Nature and all that grows or lives. Commonly depicted as a beautiful matron with flowers in her hair and a dress of evergreen leaves, the Earth Mother is revered by all who depend upon the land for their trade and survival.

[ ] Shallya
Merciful and compassionate, Shallya offers care and healing to any who are in need, making her arguably the most popular deity in the human pantheon. Taken as patron by any number of charitable organisations, Shallya is daughter of Morr and reputed to be the only being capable of persuading her dark father to stay his scythe.

[ ] Sigmar
A mortal man who ascended to godhood, in his life Sigmar laid the foundations of an empire and battled the darkness wherever he found it. His courage, honour and charismatic leadership have become the model humans look to when judging their rulers, and his stern but loving protection the example all fathers strive to follow.

[ ] Taal
King of the Gods and Lord of Nature, Taal is often held to be indifferent to mortal concerns. Depicted as either a muscular and bearded male or a magnificent stag, Taal retains his crown of horns in either form and grants favour to those who treat his favoured animals with respect.

[ ] Ulric
Brother of Taal and Lord of Winter, Ulric is a fearsome warrior and foe of the dark, but he is also an unflinching protector and stern teacher. It was he who led the gods in their war against Chaos, and he who taught man the secret of steel that they might fight against evil in their turn.

[ ] Verena
Justice tempered by wisdom is Verena's hallmark, goddess of science and knowledge in all its forms. Wife to Morr, Verena shares her husband's role as judge over mortals, weighing the worth of all who live and inspiring teachers and reformers across the ages. Justice may be blind, but the sword in her hand is all the sharper for the exquisite care with which it is brought to bear.


Of course, what such a title means in practice varies, for there are as many kinds of Scions as there are gods that create them, and likely more besides. Ultimately, the precise method by which a Scion is created matters little, at least in any material sense - so long as they are claimed by a divinity and can demonstrate some mastery of that deity's power, they are a Scion. That said, one should never be too quick to dismiss the emotional component of such a creation, for as all too many parents have found over the years, being responsible for creating a child in no way gives you control over them.

Most Scions are the outcome of a God and a mortal having sexual relations, often facilitated by lies, shapeshifting, manipulation, and force. All of these deserve a reckoning on behalf of injured mortality, but too often the Gods are beyond reproach. Scions are usually born bastards, orphaned by one of their parents (the Godly one) and left to be raised by their human side.

Some Scions were never human, instead being created directly, for example by reaching into the clouds and giving life to a wisp or taking lesser creatures, like insects or dogs, and giving them human form. Many Created Scions are made for the express purpose of being a minion to the God in question, often to guard tomes or become a muse to the God's favorite worshippers, but through parental tolerance or simple rebellion such Scions often seize the freedom to pursue their own destinies.

Some people are gifted or blessed by the Gods, the lack of blood relation compensated for with some other kind of significant connection, such as generations of worship or a royal pedigree. Alternatively, they may have been party to some great event that aligns enough with a God's Legend to warrant adoption. Perhaps the darkest Path to becoming a Scion, Chosen Scions owe the God a degree of servitude in exchange for the favor they've granted. Some serve willingly and gladly, while others may resent their adopted parent.

Scions who are Incarnate are, perhaps, the oddest of the lot. The Gods frequently create mortal avatars, aspects of themselves that wander the World — recreating myths, experiencing life, and enjoying the various experiences of humanity. However, sometimes these incarnations are severed from their over-self in some fashion, through chance or violence or divine whim, becoming in effect lesser reflections of their former self. Even stranger, some Incarnates were never properly Gods, but reincarnated heroes of old or false identities rising to make an incorrect legend true by their deeds.

What kind of Scion are you?

[ ] Born

[ ] Created

[ ] Chosen

[ ] Incarnate

You owe your power to your divine parent, that much is true, but what you do with it… now that, Scion, is up to you.

What legends will they tell of your deeds?
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Gods, Callings and Purviews
Gods of the Empire

Gods do not cleave to unquestioned, indivisible identities in the way that mortals do. Each has lived a thousand times in myth and legend, their names and deeds subtly changed with each retelling, and many wear different faces and different names for each legend they appear in. Is Mathlann just another name for Manann, or a separate entity? Is such a distinction even meaningful when discussing the divine?

Still, despite such challenges the scholars of the Empire's great universities and the priests of its respected colleges have largely settled on the following 'core' identities for each of their nation's most significant divinities, each with relatively consistent character traits and domains.

Commonly regarded as capricious and mercurial, the son of Taal and Rhya rules over sea, storms and the beasts of the deep. From the deepest ocean to the most minor river, all water belongs to Manann, and he may deliver a bounty of fish or a ruinous shipwreck as the whim takes him.
Purviews: Beasts (Aquatic, Albatross), Epic Strength, Journeys, Passion, Sky, Water
Callings: Hunter, Liminal, Trickster

Sombre and contemplative, the dark god Morr holds dominion over death, darkness and dreams. Husband of Verena and father to Myrmidia and Shallya, Morr knows the secrets of past and future, and stands as stalwart guardian of the restful dead against all that would disturb their peaceful slumber.
Purviews: Beasts (Raven), Darkness, Death, Fortune, Moon, Stars
Callings: Guardian, Judge, Sage

Principled and insightful, Myrmidia is goddess not just of war, but of all civilised undertakings of men. Reputed to have once lived as a mortal, despite her descent from Death and Truth, Myrmidia is typically portrayed as a tall, well-muscled woman with sun-bronzed skin and piercing gaze.
Purviews: Artistry, Beauty, Epic Dexterity, Order, Sun, War
Callings: Leader, Sage, Warrior

Four-Faced and sly, there are as many stories of Ranald's nature and origin as there are mouths to tell of him. The only common elements are that he stands as patron of those whom none other will have, and that the other gods regard him with distrust and distaste for his constant tricks and agitation.
Purviews: Chaos, Darkness, Deception, Epic Dexterity, Fortune, Prosperity
Callings: Guardian, Liminal, Trickster

Wife of Taal and mother of Manann, Rhya is the Queen of Nature and all that grows or lives. Commonly depicted as a beautiful matron with flowers in her hair and a dress of evergreen leaves, the Earth Mother is revered by all who depend upon the land for their trade and survival.
Purviews: Beauty, Epic Stamina, Fertility, Sky, Sun, Wild
Callings: Creator, Healer, Lover

Merciful and compassionate, Shallya offers care and healing to any who are in need, making her arguably the most popular deity in the human pantheon. Taken as patron by any number of charitable organisations, Shallya is daughter of Morr and reputed to be the only being capable of persuading her dark father to stay his scythe.
Purviews: Beasts (Doves), Beauty, Epic Stamina, Fertility, Health, Passion
Callings: Guardian, Healer, Sage

A mortal man who ascended to godhood, in his life Sigmar laid the foundations of an empire and battled the darkness wherever he found it. His courage, honour and charismatic leadership have become the model humans look to when judging their rulers, and his stern but loving protection the example all fathers strive to follow.
Purviews: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Forge, Order, Passion, War
Callings: Guardian, Leader, Warrior

King of the Gods and Lord of Nature, Taal is often held to be indifferent to mortal concerns. Depicted as either a muscular and bearded male or a magnificent stag, Taal retains his crown of horns in either form and grants favour to those who treat his favoured animals with respect.
Purviews: Beasts, Earth, Epic Dexterity, Epic Strength, Journeys, Wild
Callings: Hunter, Leader, Lover

Brother of Taal and Lord of Winter, Ulric is a fearsome warrior and foe of the dark, but he is also an unflinching protector and stern teacher. It was he who led the gods in their war against Chaos, and he who taught man the secret of steel that they might fight against evil in their turn.
Purviews: Beasts (Wolves), Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Frost, War, Wild
Callings: Creator, Hunter, Warrior

Justice tempered by wisdom is Verena's hallmark, goddess of science and knowledge in all its forms. Wife to Morr, Verena shares her husband's role as judge over mortals, weighing the worth of all who live and inspiring teachers and reformers across the ages. Justice may be blind, but the sword in her hand is all the sharper for the exquisite care with which it is brought to bear.
Purviews: Artistry, Darkness, Forge, Order, Prosperity, Stars
Callings: Creator, Judge, Sage

What are Callings?

Mortal beings are vast, and contain multitudes, but the gods are not quite so… chaotic. A Calling is an archetype, a personality and a role all at once, a common theme that persists across all of a God's incarnations and legends. There are a thousand and one stories of Ulric, ascribing him words and deeds beyond counting, but in every single one he is acknowledged and characterised as a Warrior - even if he does not or cannot raise his axe this day, the fact remains that he is a creature of violence and direct hostility. Similarly, Verena's nature as a Judge is an indivisible part of her Legend, granting her both the authority and ability to weigh the worth of a man's soul and act accordingly. Their Callings grant them power and direction, but they also serve to constrain them - Ulric cannot flee from battle without ceasing to be Ulric, and Verena is blind to all considerations beyond the truth of her scales.

Scions possess Callings as well, at least one inherited from their divine parent, but as only semi-divine figures are not so tightly bound to the demands of their role or incapable of changing through personal growth. They may use their Callings to gain access to Knacks, which enhance their own capabilities in line with their role, and Legendary Titles, which change the world around them in accordance with their developing story.

Callings include:
  • Creator, given to those divinities credited with bringing something new into the world, especially if they then taught the technique to others. Ulric taught the first men the secret of metalworking and how to turn their new weapons against their foes.
  • Guardian, the patron and protector of a place, people or concept, though only rarely its ruler or master. Morr is bound by nature to stand watch over the peaceful rest of the dead, and unleashes terrible wrath on those who would disturb his gardens.
  • Healer, one who repairs damage or assists others in recovering from harm, who cures the sick and corrects those who stray simply because that is what is right. Shallya is famed for her compassion and love, and her tears are said to cure any ailment.
  • Hunter, among the oldest and most primal of callings, belongs to those who find locating their target just as significant as the act of bringing it down, be it to justice or death. Taal stalks his prey through the primordial woods, and blesses those who slay his sacred animal so long as they do so with respect.
  • Judge is a title that rests on authority borrowed from another, given to those who interpret and enforce the law but do not ever create it. Verena weighs truth and lies on her scale, and cannot harm those she judges to be innocent.
  • Leader refers to those who command not just respect but outright obedience from others, whether they do so via sovereign right or simple inspiration. Sigmar forged his Empire in the span of a mortal lifetime, and for two thousand years men have sought to walk in his footsteps, adding to his legend with each new deed and triumph.
  • Liminal refers to that which is transitory and indefinite, and those who bear the calling are likewise set apart from their peers and society in some clear and undeniable way. Manann's domain borders all realms but is part of none, and even his faithful know to simply pass through his oceans rather than attempting to make permanent homes upon it.
  • Lover is perhaps the most human of all the Callings, for the gods fall in love and marry and fuck just as their mortal adherents do. Rhya is a mother to both the earth and the gods who rule it, and teaches her faithful to embrace all of life's pleasures to endure all of its pains.
  • Sage can mean those who know, who learn and who teach in equal measure, be it the secrets of the natural world or the strange mysteries of prophetic foresight. Morr knows the secrets of fate and what tomorrow holds, which he shares with mortalkind through the medium of dreams.
  • Trickster is more often a prerogative than an honour, but nobody denies the wit and cunning of one who bears the title. Ranald is a liar par excellence, a tendency that ensures his survival even as it pushes him to the fringes of respectable society.
  • Warrior sees the world in terms of friend and foe, violence and restraint, and there are none so well suited to winning the bloody conflicts that such truths demand. Myrmidia went beyond simple slaughter to invent the concept of war as most humans practice it today, and her teachings are studied by generals and mercenaries alike.

What are Purviews?

When speaking of the divine, priests and laymen alike talk of the "God of This" and "Lord of That". Such clumsy titles gesture in their way to the Purviews, swathes of the natural world over which the gods hold dominion. Sometimes the distinction between god and purview is clear and relatively uncontroversial, but in other cases it can be hard to point to where one ends and another begins. Myrmidia is a Goddess of War, but she is a soldier and general, someone who practices the craft of war rather than embodying it, while Rhya quite arguably is the Wild in any way that matters.

Notably, most purviews will be shared between multiple deities, though there is no guarantee that the division will be clear cut or particularly amicable. Both Ranald and Morr hold the purview of Fortune, knowing as they do the truth behind the seeming randomness of fate and chance, but what they and their followers do with that knowledge differs significantly.

Scions can claim access to Purviews of their own, though their mastery of the elements of creation is significantly more limited than those of true divinity, and may be reliant upon blessed relics to channel their power. Through such purviews they may attain Boons, focused and repeatable works of divinity, and Marvels, freeform miracles that briefly grasp the true expanse of a purview.

The Purviews include:

Artistry, Beasts, Beauty, Chaos, Darkness, Death, Deception, Earth, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity, Fertility, Fire, Forge, Frost, Fortune, Health, Journeys, Moon, Order, Passion, Prosperity, Sky, Stars, Sun, War, Water, Wild
Character Sheet
Valeria Bordo
Scion of Myrmidia

Origin Path: Tilean Expatriate
Valeria's father, Kazir Bordo, is a former mercenary commander from Tilea who retired to become a merchant prince in the town of Kreutzhofen, on the Wissenlander side of the River of Echoes. Valeria was thus raised in a world of coin and commerce, intimately familiar with the violence it could buy, just beyond the borders of her homeland.

Role Path: Engineer of Nuln
With her father's wealth to pay the admission fees, Valeria studied at the Nuln Gunnery and Engineering School, learning matters of arithmetic and metallurgy as one of the elite engineer-artillerists. She also made a point of sneaking into lectures at the nearby Nuln University, gaining a surprisingly broad education at one of the Empire's most prestigious schools.

Pantheon Path: Beloved Daughter of War
After a near-missed demise at the hands of the Purple Hand cult, Valeria learned that she was the trueborn daughter of Myrmidia, Goddess of War and Civilisation. She also learned that her parents had truly loved each other, only to be forced to separate for the safety of them both.

Callings and Knacks

Creator, given to those divinities credited with bringing something new into the world, especially if they then taught the technique to others.
  • Flawlessly Platonic Ideal - Valeria never makes mistakes when working, and her craftsmanship is always the best possible outcome given the plans and materials to hand. (Heroic)
  • Afternoon of Fortnights - Valeria works with the speed and surety of the divine, reducing the time needed to complete a craft project by one 'step' - years become months become weeks become days. When repeating previous work, or copying the work of another, this becomes two steps. (Immortal)
Judge is a title that rests on authority borrowed from another, given to those who interpret and enforce the law but do not ever create it.

Sage can mean those who know, who learn and who teach in equal measure, be it the secrets of the natural world or the strange mysteries of prophetic foresight.
  • Palace of Memory. Your memory is perfect, allowing you to reconstruct entire scenes in your head and review them for details you might not have noticed at the time. With effort, you can reconstruct entirely hypothetical scenes in similar detail, allowing you to plan and experiment in the privacy of your own thoughts. (Heroic)
  • Omniglot - Valeria can read and speak every mortal language flawlessly and without accent. When dealing with alien, magical or supernatural languages, she needs to spend a few minutes studying them before acquiring total knowledge. (Heroic)

Purviews and Boons

Innate Purview: Artistry
Valeria is an engineer by training but an artist by inclination, driven to exceed the merely functional and pursue the refined and beautiful. The Artistry purview governs all forms of creative expression, from poetry and prose through to painting and sculpture.
  • Motif: The defence of culture is the purpose of war, the creation of art the greatest triumph of civilisation.
  • Innate Power: Your artistic performances or creations really speak to people, conveying your meaning with impossible breadth and depth; a painting might convey a speech, or a statue a heartfelt appeal. Such works are always masterpieces, equal to those of the finest artisans or performers in the realm.
  • Boon: Heartfelt Expression. When creating a work of art, you can imbue it with your emotional context and strength of feeling (either at time of creation or relating to what inspired the work). Anyone who looks upon or experiences the art will feel the same emotion stirring at their soul; this effect is irresistible, but the imbued emotion must be genuine, and the reaction depends on the viewer's belief and personality.

Pantheon Purview: Civitas
The "southern pantheon" of Myrmidia and her family concern themselves with the cultivation of civilisation and the enrichment of one's life through worth pursuits. Learning and etiquette are prized, works of intellect and emotion a sure path to prestige, and barbarism shunned in all its forms.
  • Motif: Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Actions are the foundation upon which all worth and righteousness depends.
  • Innate Power: Miracles enacted to uphold and exemplify the teachings of your patron deity (Myrmidia at present), or to directly defend their faithful, do not count towards the usual 1/scene or 1/story limit.
  • Boon: Know the Natural Order. Valeria is deeply attuned to the cosmic order and concept of civilisation that her mother so prizes, and can sense disruptions to it on an intuitive level. Such disruptions include but are not limited to:
    • The existence and rough location of Creatures of Chaos or their servants (this only applies to those who work within the fabric of society, such as cults, not roaming beastmen warbands etc)
    • Disruptions of peace and order within her local area. Riots, obstructions of justice and corrupt officials can all cause such disruptions, as can subversive magics.
    • The most flagrant and malicious of lies, deception or fraud.


Salvatore the Eagle - A magnificent eagle with feathers of burnished gold, Salvatore intervened to save you from being shot in the back like a wretch and has stayed by you ever since. He seems to regard you with some fondness, but is every bit as arrogant as a divinely blessed eagle can be expected to be.
  • King of the Skies: While Salvatore is with you or nearby, you can speak to and understand birds of all kinds. Said avians will treat you with respectful obedience by default.
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Welcome one and all to my latest quest, where you play a Scion of the Gods in the world of Warhammer Fantasy.

This is not actually the first time I've attempted to run such a story - about a year and a half ago Age of Heroes spluttered to a halt immediately post character creation after I realised I had no actual solid idea for a plot or narrative that would work with the character that the voting created, or much information on the immediate setting of Nehekhara. Age of Legends, therefore, will be taking place in Sigmar's Empire and with the child of one of the Old World's many gods, which both I and my voters know vastly more about.

Of Wizards and Winter borrowed the Scion mechanical framework to better represent Erika the Bright Wizard, but I often found while writing that quest that the prospective story of an actual Scion kept snagging my attention, and also that full mechanical fidelity to an rpg system wasn't the greatest idea for a quest. Thus my current work, aimed at being rather more "inspired by" Scion instead of "Literally just a game of" Scion.

So, with that established... let's get on with the show! This first vote is to decide how you were created and get a shortlist of potential gods you could be descended from. The second vote will confirm your parent and flesh out the details of your early life. The third vote will confirm what your adult life has been spent doing and what kind of person you are. After that, the plot proper begins, with the first arc covering how you came to learn of your divine heritage and what you think about it.
[X] Morr
Sombre and contemplative, the dark god Morr holds dominion over death, darkness and dreams. Husband of Verena and father to Myrmidia and Shallya, Morr knows the secrets of past and future, and stands as stalwart guardian of the restful dead against all that would disturb their peaceful slumber.

[X] Created

We can play the Crow folks. We can play the Crow who was once a crow.
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[X] Taal
[X] Born

Let's do a Cenala controversy... depending on where folk fall on nature gods having human kids.
[X] Ulric
[X] Born

I really liked how Ulric was presented in Wolves and Witches/Of Wizards and Winter, I'd like to see more of that guy.
[X] Ulric
[X] Taal
[X] Manann
[X] Ranald
[X] Born
Wolf, Wild, Wave or Wildcard

[X] Sigmar
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[X] Myrmidia
[X] Sigmar
[X] Ulric

[X] Born

I'm unsure about the origin vote, but going with Born seems to offer the most freedom.
[X] Manann
[X] Verena
[X] Ranald

[X] Created

I really love the idea of some kind of created being here - a Galatea-type scion.
[X] Vylmar
Once a fashionable god among nobility and drunkards alike, Vylmar stood - or swayed, or at least lounged - as the patron of drink and indulgence, the lord of life's little pleasures. From confectionary to cocktails, parties to pageants, Vylmar was toasted in every toast, his hierodules the shepherds of the Empire's pleasure districts, his shrines the beating heart of its drinking dens. Alas, there's never been a hardline Sigmarite who saw a good time they didn't want to spoil. Years of firebrand preaching, flagellant protest, and outright violence drove Vylmar from the accepted roster of the Imperial pantheon, and soon his cults were outright proscribed - tarred as blasphemous covens by a collection of joyless old men who'd most likely mistake fun for the pangs of an oncoming heart attack. Vylmar's shrines lie shattered. The Empire's drinkers praise Rhya for grain, her whores pray to Shallya for protection, her gamblers ask Ranald for success. Vylmar's lessons have all been forgotten... until now.

The Empire has a new divine saviour, and he is here to HAVE A GOOD TIME
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[X] Morr
[X] Taal
[X] Verena

[X] Created
[X] Chosen
[X] Incarnated
[X] Morr
Sombre and contemplative, the dark god Morr holds dominion over death, darkness and dreams. Husband of Verena and father to Myrmidia and Shallya, Morr knows the secrets of past and future, and stands as stalwart guardian of the restful dead against all that would disturb their peaceful slumber.

[X] Created


[X] Myrmidia
[X] Verena

I might add Ulric or Sigmar later, but for now I like those two. Was always a fan of Athena, and Verna is also a really interesting one. Both are very civilization focused gods, which could be interesting imo.

[X] Born

I like stories about half-gods, what can I say :p