Vote tally - Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 7, 2022 at 3:53 PM, finished with 19 posts and 6 votes.

Tally configuration

Instant run-off
Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest
Post #15693
Post #15711


  • [X] Fight on
    -[X] Roland orders the others to see to Esha, defending and healing her as needed.
    -[X] Tom moves to defend Esha and uses Coordinated Maneuvers to provide a +2 bonus to everyone's combat maneuvers for the next 4 rounds.
    -[X] Silver Bull Rushes the Troll, assisted by Roland using Aid Another to provide a +3 bonus to his CMB roll. Roland uses Intercept as an Attack of Opportunity to defend Silver if/when the Troll retaliated with its own AoO. Afterwards, Roland continue fighting the Troll, looking to disable it as quickly as possible. If Roland sees a good opportunity to use his gauntlet's power to ignore Hardness and inflict +2d6 damage on objects against one of the Troll's modifications, he takes it.
    -[X] Zaia and Inge move to heal Esha. Zaia immediately uses a CLW Extract on her, followed by healing potions if necessary. Inge either heals Esha with her Healing Hex, or used a Snowball spell to target the Troll or its assassin assistant, as the situation dictates.
    -[X] Once Esha is conscious, she immediately renews her Twilight Barrier as a Swift Action and either targets the Troll with a Magic Missiles spell from her staff or the assassin with a Blindness spell, as the situation dictates.