Vote tally - Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 23, 2022 at 11:04 AM, finished with 20 posts and 6 votes.

Tally configuration

Instant run-off
Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest
Post #14732
Post #14751


  • [X] Reject the plot
    -[X] If she wishes to return to Lirman, she should do so, but not under a cloak of lies, for such dishonesty practically begs to be discovered, and would certainly beget further lies to hide the truth. How long can such a tangled mess of falsehoods last before eventually coming unravelled?
    -[X] More importantly, she should consider whether the danger posed to Lirman by the wrath of her Oceanid relatives outweighs the good her presence might bring about. There might be unrest in Lirman with the king dead, but Ohun remains and he is unlikely to allow things to become too fraught before a new leader can be selected from among the clan leaders.
    -[X] We must also consider the safety of the Marcella and all who sail upon her. Drawing the ire of the Oceanids is unwise for any who ply their trade at or near the sea.
    -[X] If she wishes us to speak to Ohun on her behalf, we would be willing to pass on a message or to help arrange a meeting.