[X] Try to bluff the warriors at the door -[X] Esha will use her Aspect of Innocence power; Roland will attempt to grant her a +3 bonus to her Bluff check using Aid Another and Inge will cast Guidance on her to provide a +1 Competence bonus as well as using her Fortune Hex on Esha (If she only has time for one or the other, she uses the Hex). Esha will attempt to convince those at the door that they are interrupting a delicate magic ritual aimed at hedging out Anjo-Oru assassins and other dark forces which may still longer in the palace, and that their interference is not only unwelcome, but potentially disastrous.
[x] Bluff
-[x] We are attempting to call upon the palace spirits to see if they know what Anjo-Oru were present here, and what they might have done.
--[x] This is a very delicate ritual that you are disrupting here.
---[x] If they ask about the noise, say that the spirits are restless/unhappy, but not beyond all reason.