[X] Tell the whole story from when we first happened upon otter-kin, except for some things. -[X] Exclude anything related to Esha's dhampirness. -[X] Exclude anything related to Esha's necromancy and her research goals. -[X] Exclude anything related to Roland and Esha using Soulrider, including training for +2 profane Will save bonus with slight side effects. -[X] Exclude anything related to how Marcella is active and is actually an aberration. -[X] Exclude info on what the fire spirit godling gifted to Roland's companions, it's their business. -[X] Exclude info on inner workings of the Fellowship and other private matters. -[X] Exclude anything related to Iranea's takeover by skinchangers.
[X] Tell the whole story from when we sailed north with the Pride from Apuku, except for some things. -[X] Exclude anything related to Esha's dhampirness. -[X] Exclude anything related to how Marcella is active and is actually an aberration. -[X] Exclude info on what the fire spirit godling gifted to Roland's companions, it's their business. -[X] Exclude anything related to Iranea's takeover by skinchangers.