[X] "I could not guess at what Hell those creatures might have crawled out of, but they're here now, active in the world of man and acting to sow discord and conflict wherever they appear." -[X] "We have personally witnessed them working to bring war to the allied clans of the far north, on the edge of the Whitelands, and a group of them even managed to possess the princes of Korman and seize the kingdom for themselves, at least for a short time. In both cases, the Fellowship of Saint Nicholas played some small part in fighting the Neverborn. We also have word from trusted allies that similar Neverborn plots are active far to the south in the vicinity of the Inaura Empire." --[X] "Given that the Neverborn keep cropping up wherever civilization thrives, it is no surprise they would be in Orinilu as well. How long they've been here, and what they've done during that time, those are the greater questions."