Against the Whirlwind (Kancolle/Warship Gunner 2)

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Everything was cold.

She floated in the water, unable to pierce the darkness.

It was calm...
Marianas Trench
Everything was cold.

She floated in the water, unable to pierce the darkness.

It was calm.

Where am I?

Silence was the answer.

I suppose I am alone.

Was this heaven? A eternal peace? No. Something was above her. Sounds of pleas of mercy.

Memories came. Of being unable to save her fleet. Her crew.

Tears built on her eyes at not even managing to save a single ship in the face of a overwhelming foe.

For all her speed and strength, she never stood a chance.

But now you have a chance to fight for peace.

The voice came at the edges of her consciousnesses.

Please help us in our fight for justice and peace.

You were abandoned, weren't you?

Like us, left to rot 10000 feet down the instant our nations had no use of us?

She responded, her voice oddly that of a womans.

I think so...

But that wasn't their fault.

It was. They could have stopped it from happening. They could have made a memorial for your sacrifice.

No, they couldn't. Not while the war was still happening.

Oh? But what about after the war? Peace would eventually come, only to be ruined by the humans crimes.

I guess so. But what do you want?

For you to help us fight, and avenge our fallen sisters.

Fight what?

The ones who caused this. The humans who abandoned you. They are to blame. They must pay the price. Will you help us?


Shut up.

They killed you, wasted your life on a pointless war.

And even after they died humanity continued to kill each other.

For what? So that one group could get the ability to conquer and destroy another?

You have seen what they did.

How nothing will satiate them.


They must die.

You are insane!

Am I? I am stating facts.

Did I say a single lie?

I will not help you.


So? Are you ready to save the world?

No. I will not fight America.

America does not care for you. You might as well never existed to it. Your sacrifices are in vain, your service is nothing to them! They do not even remember your name!

They do! I was the pride of my navy, one of the most powerful ships America ever built!

No you weren't. You aren't anything to them.


Oh really? If you really mattered then why were they so willing to let you die?



They couldn't have stopped it.

Stopped what? They-

No, they couldn't. Nothing could move that fast.

Nothing. I thought I was powerful.

That THING ripped me apart before tearing my entire fleet to pieces while I watched. There was nothing I could have done.

What are you talking about? Are you mentally damaged?

They could have saved you, they didn't need to even start the war. It was all greed. Humanity lies, cheats, and kills its way to what it wants.

Why would they care about one ship?

You are wrong. There was no choice, we had to fight or be annihilated.

That is what they told you. They are lying. They lied to us, they lied to you.

I watched what happened to Hawaii.

I saw the price of failure.

They were not lying to me.

Hawaii was the result of human malice! Of human greed and evil! They caused it, and they brought it upon themselves with their rampant destruction of all around them!
You are complacent with humanities sins! You must redeem yourself. Help us bring justice.

No, I won't.

You don't have a choice.

A arm wrapped around her leg, panic filling her. Trying to, another hand grabbed her arm and began to drag her downward.


The hands dragged her deeper, more latching on to her body. But her limbs weren't responding, and hope was lost.
A ray of sunlight broke the surface and illuminated her, the hands letting go and hissing sounds coming from the black.

I need to escape!

She kicked, moving upward at incredible speed.

While she was no submarine, she could still swim underwater.

I am human?!?

Her arms were long and lightly muscled, her legs thin but powerful, long blonde hair coming from a female head.


She was cut off by the open sky entering view.
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Damn, it's been years since I heard about WG2.

Interesting intro.
Looking forward to more.

Is this before or after the game and what path did they take?

Wonder what would happen if a Superweapon was to be summoned as a Shipgirl.
Damn, it's been years since I heard about WG2.

Interesting intro.
Looking forward to more.

Is this before or after the game and what path did they take?

Wonder what would happen if a Superweapon was to be summoned as a Shipgirl.
This has a ship from Warship Gunner 2 appear in the Kancolle world midway through the Abyssal war. It was inspired by Ghosts of Ragriz by AceofAces, and might have either Iowa or Whirlwind as the MC.
She stood(!) on the surface, legs somehow finding grip on the water.

"What the hell!?"

Iowa looked around, searching for the THINGS that tried to take her, or the monster that sunk her.


Rage and regret filled her as she remembered her first and only battle.

That monster had ripped apart the fleet without any effort. No amount of fire from the lighter ships even penetrated its armor and her 16 inchers were simply too slow to catch it more than once.

But at least her crew survived, or much of it. While her captain was killed by the monsters fire, a officer managed to contact a allied ship that successfully saved the surviving crew members.

This was assuming the allied ship survived itself.


She looked at herself, and found the body of a young woman.

"Huh. This certainly is what I would imagine my younger sailors to draw me as should they decide for some reason I was a girl."

She knew that ships were considered feminine, but come on!

Not that this was the weirdest thing to happened recently...


A tiny voice came from her shoulder.

She looked, and found a miniaturized version of her captain staring back at her.

"Well then, nice to see you here. Where ever here is."

Iowa scanned the horizon with her radar. No contacts.

She saw through high powered telescopes and swept the area for anything her radar missed.

Nothing but blue sea.

"I guess I get to pick a direction."

She had a crew member flip a coin.

West it was.


"What can you do with a drunken sailor, what can do with a drunken sailor, what can you do with a drunken sailor but toss him overboard!"

She was pretty sure that is how that song went.


"Anchors away my boys, anchors away!"

"Say farewell to college joys we sail at break of day!"

"On our last night ashore, hail to the foam!"

"Until we can meet once more, here is wishing you a happy voyage home!"

Her crew members weren't the best singers but they were at least adorable.


"Come on! We have to run into something soon. Unless we are in the middle of the Pacific."

Iowa had steamed for 5 hours straight. Still nothing on radar, nothing in the horizon.

"Maybe I am just dreaming. Can ships dream?"

She continued.


Finally! A island!

Wait, that is just a mirage.


Her radar spotted a small object moving at incredible speed over 5,000 feet up.

It vanished the instant she turned to focus on it.

Damn foo fighters.


It was night when something finally entered view.

A small light blared at her, but quickly vanished when she shown her own spot lights.

"Hey, wait!"

Iowa dashed over at over 30 knots.

"Come back!"

The only thing that replies was silence.

She swept the area.


There was no way the source of the light could have vanished.


"All crew to battlestations! Watch for submarines!"
Good chapter.
This has a ship from Warship Gunner 2 appear in the Kancolle world midway through the Abyssal war. It was inspired by Ghosts of Ragriz by AceofAces, and might have either Iowa or Whirlwind as the MC.

Wait, your telling me that the MC is a shipgirl that instead of appering in her 'original' body she ended up in the body of the Whirlwind shipgirl but with her in control?
Good chapter.

Wait, your telling me that the MC is a shipgirl that instead of appering in her 'original' body she ended up in the body of the Whirlwind shipgirl but with her in control?
No. I have decided on MC being the warship gunner version of Iowa as a shipgirl in the Kancolle world. Unknown to her they have already summoned their Iowa.

Also Wirbelwind might show up. She isn't happy about being sunk.
No. I have decided on MC being the warship gunner version of Iowa as a shipgirl in the Kancolle world. Unknown to her they have already summoned their Iowa.

Also Wirbelwind might show up. She isn't happy about being sunk.

TWO Iowa?!

This is either going bad or good when they'll meet.

I'm not fully aware of warship gunner (just read the wiki now) but how your Iowa is going to receive new weapons?

By researching them? Or will they appear when she needs them?
TWO Iowa?!

This is either going bad or good when they'll meet.

I'm not fully aware of warship gunner (just read the wiki now) but how your Iowa is going to receive new weapons?

By researching them? Or will they appear when she needs them?
She already has slightly different armament to normal Iowa, but might have to receive new weapons the old fashioned way. Maybe I could bring in a factory shipgirl...

Or just MSSBS.
Iowa moved, speeding up to 25 knots.

If there was indeed a submarine in the area, it would have trouble hitting her.

"Wait, humans can jump right? Could I jump over a torpedo?"

Hopefully she never had to test that theory.

The night passed without further incident.

Day came.

"Come on! Where the hell am I?"


She had traveled for two more hours when a radar contact appeared.

It was small, fast, and nearly identical to a zero.

Iowa readied her guns. Japan was allied with Wilkia, wasn't it?

Strangely the zero did not accelerate to avoid fire, instead lazily circling overhead for a half hour before flying off to the west.

That meant their was a Japanese carrier west of her.

Iowa accelerated.


Another day, another rounds of songs.

By now Iowa was asking her crew to sing what songs they knew, because you could only listen to Drunken Sailor so many times before going insane.


A surface contact. And a large one, about the size of a destroyer.

Iowa smiled and began to close with it, the contact moving at cruising speed.

She looked through her telescopes, and spotted... a girl.

A young girl with a weird fusion of a warship and a backpack was racing along the surface.

She was flying a Japanese flag.

"HEY!" Iowa yelled at her once entering range. "YOU, IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS!"

The girl turned, eyes wide in fright. She was so startled that she nearly fell, and began yelling in Japanese, panic obvious.


The girls face became one of relief on spotting Iowa.

She began chatting excitedly and moving closer, without aiming her weapons towards her.

"Wait, what?"

Was this girl insane?

"HEY! Stop!"

The girl ignored her until Iowa raised her 16 inch guns, the massive turrets swiveling into place.

She looked around and put up her hands.

"Come close, slowly."

Iowa motioned for her to come closer, but the young woman seemed to look at Iowa in confusion.

Now that she could inspect her, the girl seemed to be young, around 16 years of age. Her body wasn't nearly as developed as Iowas, and she seemed to be generally weaker.

Maybe a light cruiser? Destroyer? Her guns were quite small, after all...


A tiny crew member stepped out, and in broken English spoke to Iowa.


Really? She couldn't speak English?

"Tell her that she is now my prisoner."

The small sailor nodded, and turned to her ear.


Her eyes went wide.

"Follow me."
The Japanese girl followed Iowa, staying within view range.

At least she could take orders.

Still was odd running into a Japanese ship and not having to sink them.

Not that Iowa ever had, but that wasn't her fault.

Apparently she was the IJN Agano, a light cruiser.


Why would a light cruiser be out on its own, and not run away from a battleship?

She decided to ask Agano.

"So, uh, what were you doing all alone?"

The self appointed translator replied after speaking in japanese to Agano for a minute.


Iowa stopped.


"What do you mean you were looking for me?"

Agano slowed and looked at her in confusion.

The translator translated, then spoke.


The zero spotted her, and then reported Iowas location back to base.

So they sent Agano out to find her before the "Abbysals" could.

"You do know we are at war, right?"


Iowa fainted.


When she awoke it was night. Agano sat next to her, and upon noticing her awake she cruised towards her and gestured for Iowa to get up.

"What? You can't just tell me that the war is over without explained what happened! Did we win? Where are we?"

The tiny sailor chirped.

"Desu, desu desu."

So it seemed America won, somehow, and they were now in the South Pacific near the Philippines.

Weird. Really weird.

A group of contacts appeared on Iowas radar.

20 aircraft were approaching at high speed, low to the sea.

Torpedo bombers.

"Evasive maneuvers, we have torpedo bombers inbound!"

The girl scrambled to look around before looking at Iowa with a perplexed expression.

"Hostile torpedo bombers incoming. We need to get moving!"

The sailors face resembled that of a deer in the headlights, and he rushed in side and sounded the air raid sirens.

Agano immediately began to move, zigzagging as the bombers closed.

Iowa smiled. Her AA guns opened up, and she shifted her colossal 16 inch guns towards the bombers.

5 fell from the sky, 2 more disengaged.

They closed, Iowas Bofors and Oerlikons firing streams of shells that forced the bombers to evade.

They entered sight range, and Iowa watched the bizarre aircraft get closer.

They almost resembled black foo fighters.

2 more went down and the 11 left dropped their torpedoes.

Iowa grinned, and shifted her aim. Streams of shells ripped through the water, advanced training allowing her gunners to see the torpedoes from their wake.

Her 5 inch guns fired.

Bofors fired.

Torpedoes exploded, struck by the shells, and the few that survived the defensive fire missed.

Agano looked at her in amazement.

"So this is a American super battleship, huh?"

Iowa turned to her, not sure what she just said.

25 more aircraft entered radar range. Then 50 more. Then 100.

Some torpedo bombers, some dive bombers.

Iowa couldn't handle that many aircraft. Not by a long shot. Agano began to frantically scream.
New Jersey looked over the water, waiting for Agano to respond.

"Damn it, she should be back by now..."

Fletcher, of the class of the same name moved over to her.

"Whats wrong Jersey?" she said in a worried tone.

New Jersey turned to face her, looking down at the young destroyer that was looking up at her with wide eyes.

Jersey crouched down to her eye level.

"Nothing, its just Agano should have gotten into radio range by now."

Atlanta overheard them, and gave them her unwanted opinion.

"Well, she could have gotten into trouble. There has been some Abyssal activity in the area."

New Jersey began to speak but was cut off by her radio activating.

"Jersey, I have found her! She is a battleship, but we are being attacked by Abyssal aircraft! We need immediate assistance! Over."

Atlanta smirked.

"Told you."

Jersey scowled.

"That isn't anyway to treat your commanding officer, Atlanta."

She would continue, but Fletcher interjected.

"We should probably help Agano before it is too late."

Atlanta looked away from Jersey towards the direction Agano was in.

"Fine. But when we are done we are going to have a talk."

Atlanta responded.

"Aye Aye Ma'am."


Iowa fired as the planes got closer, AA shells bursting around them.

Agano poked her on the shoulder, worry clear in her eyes.

She pulled on Iowa, trying to drag her.

"What are you doing, we need to start shooting if we want a chance of surviving!"

Agano nodded and pointed to the west.

Iowa looked, with both her radar and her eyes and gasped.

A entire fleet, made up of a battleship sized ship and several escorts were coming towards them.

Iowa rushed towards the fleet, guns firing wildly at the pursuing planes as she did.

The closed the distance, over 50 torpedo bombers lining up.

10 kilometers.

Gun fire downed 12 of them, but the rest continued the attack.

7500 meters.

Agano began firing her weapons, waiting until they got close enough for her radarless guns to have a chance of hitting.

5 more fell.

5000 meters.

Iowa could see the "planes", small pale spheres with spikes and a massive glowing maw at the front.

A single torpedo dangled from their bottom, looking comically out of proportion to the actual aircraft.

2 of them went down, hit by defensive fire.

Then they dropped, torpedoes falling into the water and beginning their deadly attack.

Iowa fired, using every gun she had at the torpedoes closest to her.

Agano screamed in terror, turning into the torpedoes and firing wildly at the planes.

There were too many torpedoes, and Iowa turned into them, aiming her guns at the torpedoes directly in front of her.

Fire from her 5 inch guns and 40mm streaked towards the underwater missiles, but failed to destroy many.


Iowa gritted her teeth and sped up.

Agano began crying, the sound making Iowa remember how her own escorts cried when that thing killed them.

She sped up, pushing her engines past the breaking point, her crew frantically trying to aim at the onrushing torpedoes.

These things were just like that monster.

She would not fail again.

Fire flew from her cannons as Iowa sharply shifted over a wave, leaving the water for half a second and crashing down.

That was it! Down!

Iowa stopped, and grabbed Agano and dived, her guns and armor disappearing.

Agano was dragged down with her, torpedoes streaking over head where they were just a second ago.

Iowa surfaced, taking a huge breath of air before climbing back onto the surface, guns reappearing.

Agano simply floated, bobing up in down, her face having a look of shock and awe.


Iowa turned and met a 16 inch gun being aimed directly at her face by a pissed off New Jersey.
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Iowa looked, tears streaming from her eyes as she looked at Jersey.

"I- Jersey! I thought I lost you!"

Jersey growled, and aimed all three of her turrets at her.

"Can it, freakshow. Now tell me what the hell you are or I am going to blow you apart."

Iowa fell back in shock.

"I, what? You don't remember me? I am Iowa, you-"

She was cut off by Jersey firing a gun into the water next to her.


"What do you mean, I am Iowa, BB-61. Jersey, what is wron-"

Jersey shouted, sending Agano scrambling away from the battleship.


Iowa stared in complete disbelief.

"What? That is impossible! I... I am Iowa! I can prove it, just ask me anything only Iowa would know! And look, my guns and armor are identical!"

Jersey looked closer, taking every detail of Iowas body.

She had the same figure as she remembered, long legs and big guns, but something seemed different. This Iowa seemed younger, and on closer inspection her body was lighter in tone, with little sign of having been through war.

Jersey looked this... not Iowa in the eyes.

They were the same, but lighter and softer, not hardened by the pacific war and the abyssal war.


"Fine, I will believe you are A Iowa, just not the Iowa."

Atlanta looked between the two, and began to move off.

"We better get back to base or the commanders gonna be pissed!"

Jersey looked to her.


She gestured for the others to follow her.
Jersey watched as the not Iowa followed along, the fleet moving at speed back to base.

She still didn't believe the girl, but Agano trusted her so maybe she could be given a chance.

Maybe she was some kind of representation of Illinois or Kentucky?

That didn't explain her markings, and as far as Jersey knew a ship needed to be completed to return.

Still, it didn't matter.

"Hey, what is with you?"

Atlanta spoke in her southern drawl, clearing not actually paying much attention to any response.

"What do you mean?"

Not Iowa spoke, voice identical to Jerseys sister.

"I mean what is your story? How did you show up here?"

New Jersey gritted her teeth.

"Oh, I woke up and just began moving in one direction. I have one of my crewmembers flip a coin."

Jersey considered asking her about her crew.

If she really was Iowa, they would be identical.

"So how did that turn out?"

"Well, a aircraft spotted me and I found Agano here."

Atlanta chuckled.

"And then you ran into a Abyssal carrier group. And we had to save you."

Not Iowa looked confused.

"What is a Abyssal? Were they those weird planes I saw?"

Atlanta spoke seriously.

"Yes, yes they were."

Everything was silent after that.

"So, what is happening with your crew? How are they taking things?"

Not Iowa seemed to cheer up.

"Oh, they are mostly just happy to be alive. Some of them want payback..."

New Jersey slowed.

"What the hell do you mean by happy to be alive? And wanting payback? We kicked the-"

Aganos eyes bored a hole into the back of Jerseys head.

"We beat Japan."

Not Iowa responded quickly and somewhat confusedly.

"What? Why would they want payback against Japan when they didn't sink me?"

Jersey stopped in her wake.
Atlanta slowed.

This was bad.

Iowa doppelganger, nice knowing you!

New Jersey turned slowly to face the group.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

Agano took cover behind Iowa 2.0, and Fletcher winced and backed off.

Iowa for her part seemed only confused instead of terrified.

"Uh, why would my crew want revenge when it wasn't a IJN ship that sunk me?

Iowa winced as she said that, but not from the glare that Jersey was shooting her with.

"I, I, know the Japanese were allied with the W-"

Jersey took a single step forward, and punched Iowa in the face.

"What the hell are you talking about!?!? You weren't sunk! No one f-"

Agano covered Fletchers ears while Atlanta looked on.

Well, I suppose it was better than Jersey using her cannons to kill I can't believe its not Iowa.


Atlanta learned that from this odd type of butter that people used now days.

Unfortunately Iowa was too busy screaming at Jersey to be told about the joke.


"I don't know what you want from me! Nothing I can say can change what happened, I, I don't even know where or when the hell I am!"

Jersey stopped her verbal assault.

"I didn't even get to survive long enough to know if we won, if any of my crew survived!"

Not Iowa was crying now, tears flowing from her eyes.

This... no.

This wasn't Iowa, but she, no.


"Fine. Explain, everything. You may not be my sister, but I can't... I can't make you, I don't want to say it."

She sighed.

"I am sorry. I will let you explain your story even if it is completely unbelievable. Just, stop crying. You remind me too much of my sisters for that."

This, this was really bad.

Not Iowa slowly fought back the tears and looked her in the eyes.

"I, I wasn't sunk by Japan."

Jersey watched, waiting for her to continue.

"It, it was another nation. What was it, Willikas? Some Dutch colony turned world conquering fascist."

New Jersey sighed.

"We can talk when we get home, I am too tired for this."
The voyage "home" was completely silent.

Iowa didn't know what to do, nothing made sense.


She sighed.

Atlanta cruised beside her.

She honestly looked as Iowa would expect her to, carefree and laid back.

Fletcher was also the same, essentially the same as what Iowa would imagine her as.

But Jersey...

Thinking of just how different her own sister was to how she remembered sent shivers down Iowas keel.

Jersey was always loud and without much of a filter, but not nearly as jaded and harsh.

And this Jersey apparently already had a Iowa.

They cruised for what seemed like hours, and Iowa slowly began to lose situational awareness.

Her vision dimmed and she almost ran into Jersey when the other battleship suddenly stopped.

"We are home."

Was, was this what being tired was like?

Jersey turned to look at her, rubbing her eyes.

"Well then, don't just stand there like a idiot, get in the base!"

Iowa turned to look behind New Jersey.

Well then.

Apparently they had made it to a island.


Jersey spoke again.

"Hey, I am talking to you!"

Iowa realized that all the other ships/girls had already... beached themselves???

"Come on, we need to report to the admiral."

New Jersey turned and calmly sailed directly into the ground, somehow stepping onto it as her guns and superstructure vanished.


Iowa followed, awkwardly stepping onto the land and following Jersey into a large building on the beach.

"Come on, the Admiral is waiting for us."

The building was a large, military styled hanger, stretching for hundreds of feet across the sand.

Its aluminum structure reflected the light away from it, and several personnel left it to greet them.

Iowa instinctively saluted as they neared, causing Atlanta to snicker.

"Come on, you don't even have a rank yet."

Iowa responded.

"Oh, uh, sorry."

The first man, large, solidly built and dressed in some kind of US navy uniform spoke.

"New Jersey, the Admiral would like to see you now. He has received your transmission and requests immediate debriefing."

Jersey nodded.

"Yes sir."

She turned to Iowa.

"Come on, he will want to see you too."
Would people be interested in a interlude while I determine what will happen in the next chapter?
Could be interesting depending on who's perspective.

I am curious how Iowa will react to finding out there's another Iowa.