[X] "She's an Oceanic. We should be sending human beings to the Citadel Council, not fish people!" (Oceania origin - newest member of the United Nations and thus, the System Alliance, populated by humans who have been augmented to be fully aquatic. Shark gills and teeth!)
[X] "She fought on Khantz Lu Ge, in the VARGs. Do you know how many VARG pilots survived that campaign?" (VARG pilot career - what's a VARG? A biomorphic bipedal armored walking vehicle armed with railguns and missiles! Why that sounds like a mech. It's a mech! VARGs are the Aeon version of mechs!)
[X] "Will the Specters take a member of the Miranda Project? Don't look at me like that Larsson, I'm not an idiot." (Project Miranda membership. Top secret branch of the Aeon Trinity, a United Nations (now System Alliance) backed private organization with the goal of humanitarian projects and unified responses to existential threat. Project Miranda agents are to the System Alliance as Special Task Groups are to the Citadel Council: Fearless, hand selected, top secret.)
[X] "Will the Specters take a former Legionary?" (Legion membership. The Legion are the psi-active armies of the United Nations and, now, the System Alliance. Despite being only 30,000 active members strong, the Legion is widely agreed upon to be the most potent fielded by the human species. This is because 1/3rd of them are telekinetics that can make tanks explode with their fucking brains.
[X] "She took down the Batarian slaver citadel on Torfin with a single fireteam and an artillery shell, and got ninety percent of the hostages out - human, alien, even the poor nova bastard they were rendering for parts. We've never seen a better marine." (UNMC career - badass ground combatant)
[X] "She served with distinction in the Battle of Eden. Without her, we'd have lost the UNSd Denali with all hands when the Colony hit her with his damn spore-soldiers. She saved almost two thousand sailors that day, and that was before her talents were triggered." (UNN Commander career - you know spaceships and can command spaceships. Spaceships!)
[X] "She's practically a fascist. She joined the Federated State's military when she was sixteen - lied on her documentations to get out of those slums. The fact she turned-coat the instant she was within five kilometers of the 5th Legion's base camp in north America is irrelevant. You can't trust Americans. Never can." (City Rat Origin - sneaky, talky, former would be revolutionary against a fascist government who faked joining the military to get out of the slums and joined the good guys as soon as possible)
[X] "Will the Specters take a bloody freelancer?" (Freelance Psion membership. You were in militaries before. Decided to leave, and now, you're on your own. Until, of course...they dragged you back in.)
[x] "She's a dyed in the wool Aberrant cultist, for god's sake. She was born on Eden, a planet run by Aberrants - and no, I don't care how sane they act around us, I don't trust a one of them. Officer exchange program? Bah! The whole planet should have been glassed to the mantle the instant the ISRA found the coordinates." (Edenite Origin - raised on a world colonized by superheroes who left before the majority of their kind went insane. Lived in post-scarcity luxury space communism provided by spandex clad gods for your entire life)