Chapter 10.1
Argh. Fatigue catching up, and I don't get as much extra time to catch up on sleep on the weekends anymore. Posting what I've got. Welcome to the start of Chapter 10, 1338 words, unbeta'd.


Chapter 10.1
Choices and Sacrifices


It took skill and patience to remove the screws holding in the vent cover from inside the vent, but he had both. Carefully removing the metal cover as quietly as he could, Kaji slowly lowered himself to the floor, looking around. He knew the place was supposed to be empty, but he'd been caught by surprise by places he 'knew' were empty before. Lessons like that had a way of sticking.

'And who would have thought that Rei of all people would know the precise route down to Ritsuko's lab via the air vents? That girl has hidden, weird depths,' he mused, looking up at the way he'd come in.

A single, innocuous text message from Misato as she'd been running for the elevator to Central Dogma had theoretically been the alert to make his move to sneak into Ritsuko's private lab. Misato had been ready to send him a text that said 'Shall we go out drinking under the moon?' the next time she was sure she could be sure Rits and Lieutenant Ibuki were going to be kept away from the lab for a good bit. But by the time the text had arrived, he was already on his way: The Angel alarm was an even better guarantee they'd be too busy to be in the lab for a while, and it's not like he had an official place to be that anyone would miss him.

He did a rapid sweep of the lab, planted a few bugs, then reached to rifle through the papers left on the desk.

His brow furrowed. 'Notes on Rei's bloodwork, and AT-Field spikes? Why on paper? She has the MAGI totally under her control. Why doesn't she trust her own system?'

He placed the papers back as they had been, and looked at the partly-concealed doorway in the back of the lab. 'Let's see what else is down here.'


The big screen showed Unit-02 carefully carrying Unit-00 back towards the closest Eva launch cradle and gingerly positioning it inside for recovery. Ritsuko was making reassuring noises about Rei's vital signs, and the Fifth Child was even somehow still barely conscious. Misato let herself enjoy a momentary sigh of relief. Things could have gone a lot worse.

She turned from looking over Ritsuko's shoulder back to the main screen. "Asuka, get Unit-03 next. Nagisa needs-"

"Recover Unit-01 immediately," Commander Ikari overrode her. "Alert a security detail to detain the Third Child and escort him to the brig as soon as he is removed."

Misato looked back at the Commander in confusion. "Sir, Unit-01 is out of power. He's not in any danger, and Pilot Nagisa was injured by that Angel just like Rei."

The Commander's stare was even more icy and flat than usual. "I ordered Unit-01 recovered next, Major Katsuragi. You have your orders."

Misato carefully kept her face a calm mask. 'You can't even say it, can you? You don't even care about your son, just his mother. That's what this is really about, isn't it?'

"Yes, sir," was all she said.

"The Third Child will remain confined until I send for him. Doctor Akagi, I want a full checkup on Unit-01's status as soon as it is recovered, and then the First Child as soon as you are done with that," he continued.

'Unit-01 I can understand, but why Rei next? How does she figure into whatever fucked up plan you're running, Commander? Damn it. There's just too many pieces we're still missing. Shinji's mother only knew the plan up until she 'died', and Commander Ikari obviously made his own modifications. But... is Rei part of it?' The quiet, sweet girl who was very obviously close to her two wards was almost too nice to even think of as part of Commander Ikari's plot, or SEELE's, but it was looking harder to avoid that conclusion. Rei had recognized SEELE's name, after all. Misato filed that uncomfortable thought away.

"Asuka, recover Unit-01 next," she ordered.

On screen, the huge red Evangelion was already bending down, reaching for Unit-03. It halted. "Wait, what?" Asuka protested. "Baka Shinji's out of power! He's not going anywhere, and der Setzling here is hurt!"

"Orders. Unit-01 first," Misato repeated coolly.

Muttered German swearing was all she got in reply, but Unit-02 rose and turned around, dragging Unit-01 down the street towards the next launch port.

"I'm... I'm okay... to wait... Major..." the Fifth Child said slowly, through obvious pain. "See to... the others... first."

Misato gritted her teeth, biting down on a snarl. 'One day, Commander Ikari, we're going to find out what you're up to. And I will have vengeance for my father's ghost.'


Rattles, clunks. The sensation of falling, dropping slowly... Shinji knew Unit-01 was being recovered, but he was surprised with how soon it was taking place. Had they recovered Rei and Kaworu-kun so fast already?

More thuds, and the bangs and sudden loss of vibration that signaled the Evangelion being locked into place. He must be in the Cages now. He had a pretty good bet what was coming next.

The Entry Plug lurched and slid out of the Eva. Some more clunks and a sudden rushing sound as the LCL vented, leaving him spitting and coughing the remnants out of his lungs as the hatch popped open. He swung himself out onto the gantry... right into the face of a squad of grim-faced guards already pointing guns at him.

"Pilot Ikari, you are under arrest for insubordination. You will come with us."

Shinji stared him in the face for a moment before slowly sweeping his eyes across the full squad. Returning his glare to the officer who'd spoken, he coldly said, "You think you've got enough men to take me?" He savored the mixture of confusion and apprehension that flashed across his face before stepping forward and putting up his hands. "My fellow Pilots and I kill gods, Lieutenant. I've saved the world half a dozen times already. Let's get this over with."

The lieutenant's eyes darted to the impassive, gigantic mask of Unit-01, looming over the gantry and the tiny humans clustered on it. He cuffed Shinji's hands without looking him in the eye.


'If he asks, I'm counting ordering the automated systems to start,' Ritsuko thought to herself as Unit-00's Entry Plug swung out and over to the gantry. The wash of venting LCL splashed on her shoes, but she didn't back up as the hatch opened. She stuck her head inside when no Pilot emerged after a moment. "Rei? Status?"

A plugsuited hand snapped up and grabbed her lapel with almost violent power. "Drug me. Now," Rei hissed urgently through clenched teeth.

Ritsuko tried to pull back. Rei's grip was pulling her awkwardly close, the rim of the hatch digging painfully into her waist. "Rei, what-"

"Please!" Rei begged. "It hurts! I... I won't be able t-to keep my mask up in f-front of him right n-now! He'll know! Drug me!"

Ritsuko sucked a breath in through her teeth. There was blood all over Rei's face and plugsuit, trailing from her nose and eyes. Her pupils were different sizes and only barely managing to track together. "Alright, Rei, just... hold on. I'm taking you to Terminal Dogma for a checkup. Commander's orders."

Rei nodded, jerkily. "Hurts," she gasped, finally letting go of Ritsuko's labcoat. "Inside. Inside my... my mind. Hurts," she said weakly, what desperate strength had animated her visibly dribbling out. "Something in my head... but it wasn't me..."

Ritsuko ducked out of the Entry Plug for a moment, grabbed a syringe off the mobile medical station that she'd brought along with the gurney, and returned. She carefully felt for one of the medical access points on the plugsuit's left wrist. "This... this should knock you out for a while, Rei. I'll try to keep Commander Ikari away, but I don't know how long I can do so. He's... very insistent on checking on you."

Rei nodded weakly and the pain twisting her face began to fade as the injection took hold. "Thank .... you..." she whispered as her eyes drooped closed.


Annnnnd, we're off!
Hail to the Bastard King, everyone.

That... that is a friggen perfect picture!

Annnnnd, we're off!
Hail to the Bastard King, everyone.
Can we play regicide? Misato already seems to be on the right path. Vengeance, indeed!

Also, Shinji badass-boasting? Hah! Then again, he knows he has two people who unconditionally love him. And at least one who shows it regularly. I suppose that can do wonders for self-esteem.
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Also, Shinji badass-boasting? Hah! Then again, he knows he has two people who unconditionally love him. And at least one who shows it regularly. I suppose that can do wonders for self-esteem.
And someone just put one of those people in danger, and then tried to stop Shinji from going to her side. We all know how that usually ends...

Eh, I'm more of an aviation guy but different strokes for different folks. :)

Oh, I'm even more of a plane geek than a ship geek (in high school, I couldn't tell a Corvette from a Camry, but I could ID several decades' worth of military aircraft at a glance. Yes, HS was as hellish as you're imagining, and much more), but Belated Battleships (and KanColle) have a way of... expanding your tastes, shall we say? :whistle:

...actually, why IS Gendo still kept around...? ;)

He's the only one who knows enough about all the pieces in play to keep the board from getting flipped over? :eyeroll:

True story: I once sketched out a Quantum-Leap type story where the first-person narrator was going to Leap into "the worst possible person to leap into" in the EVA-verse. I eventually concluded that would probably be Gendo. Why? Think about all the stuff that Gendo knows, that no one else does, including (but hardly limited to) keeping SEELE balanced on that razor edge between trusting him and killing him. Now, suddenly, you are Gendo Ikari, and all you know (at most) is what you pick up watching the series (plus maybe what you remember from reading EVAGeeks). Imagine how quickly that would go downhill...
But, digression aside, my point is that just summarily offing (or simply deposing) Gendo might well trigger events that Our Heroes not only are unprepared to handle, but unable to even foresee.
Best scenario: Fuyutski defects to their side, and Ritsuko manages to truth-drug Gendo into spilling all his secrets (ignoring for the moment the costs to Ritsuko's soul to do this so early in her climb up Maya's lifeline of redemption....).
That... that is a friggen perfect picture!
I do second this, but why the hell is Rei wearing glasses?
Hm... interesting.
'And who would have thought that Rei of all people would know the precise route down to Ritsuko's lab via the air vents? That girl has hidden, weird depths,' he mused, looking up at the way he'd come in.
I see that Nobody Dies reference.
'Unit-01 I can understand, but why Rei next? How does she figure into whatever fucked up plan you're running, Commander? Damn it. There's just too many pieces we're still missing. Shinji's mother only knew the plan up until she 'died', and Commander Ikari obviously made his own modifications. But... is Rei part of it?'
... NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Seriously Misato, you know the interest and control gendo had over Rei, it should be obvious he had a reason.
Shinji stared him in the face for a moment before slowly sweeping his eyes across the full squad. Returning his glare to the officer who'd spoken, he coldly said, "You think you've got enough men to take me?"
Officer: "I think we do." *slams rifle butt into Shinji's face.* "TARGET IS RESISTING ARREST!"
*five minutes later*
Shinji: "O... OK. Yo-" *hacks up blood* "You got enough men."
Officer: "I dunno. Hey fellas, you think we got enough men here? I think we may need to bring in the rest of Section 2. They'd enthusiastically volunteer to protect NERV against its enemies."
"Rei? Status?"

A plugsuited hand snapped up and grabbed her lapel with almost violent power. "Drug me. Now," Rei hissed urgently through clenched teeth.

Ritsuko tried to pull back. Rei's grip was pulling her awkwardly close, the rim of the hatch digging painfully into her waist. "Rei, what-"

"Please!" Rei begged. "It hurts! I... I won't be able t-to keep my mask up in f-front of him right n-now! He'll know! Drug me!"
... whelp. That little omake reveal rears its ugly head right away.
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He's the only one who knows enough about all the pieces in play to keep the board from getting flipped over? :eyeroll:
That's a nice metaphor, but how is it applicable? Okay, Gendo knows about the Dead Sea Scrolls and SEELE. So does Fuyutsuki, for example. And while Fuyutsuki is deeply within Gendo's camp, hey, at least the bastard king is dead ;)
"You think you've got enough men to take me?" He savored the mixture of confusion and apprehension that flashed across his face before stepping forward and putting up his hands. "My fellow Pilots and I kill gods, Lieutenant. I've saved the world half a dozen times already. Let's get this over with."
...Yeah I have a hard time seeing (any)Shinji saying this to a grown man, Asuka would been a better fit.:ninja:
Officer: "I think we do." *slams rifle butt into Shinji's face. "TARGET IS RESISTING ARREST!"
*five minutes later*
Shinji: "O... OK. Yo-" *hacks up blood* "You got enough men."
Officer: "I dunno. Hey fellas, you think we got enough men here? I think we may need to bring in the rest of Section 2. They'd enthusiastically volunteer to protect NERV against its enemies."
Reality Ensues.:evil::lol:rofl:
Nervous about these developments, seriously hoping that Ritsuko and Rei can come up with some solution to this problem. Don't want Rei to have to go through that sort of drug withdrawal again. Anticipating the next stage.
Stryp: the part where Misato reaffirms her order for Asuka to retrieve Unit-01 first, she says to retrieve "Unit-00 first."