Chapter 10.20
It got a bulk discount on death flags. :V


Chapter 10.20
Choices and Sacrifices.


Asuka didn't bother to hold down the shark-like grin that spread across her face. This was the high point of any day: riding into battle with her sweet baka by her side, more victories and glories to be won. That she was now getting to do it with Rei and the Rainbow Trout with them too? Even better. Nothing in the world could possibly withstand four Evangelions, piloted by the most elite gang in the world. The only thing that could make it better was if they'd had five Evas, and Hikari could join in at the same time.

Sadly, Hikari hadn't made it back to the Cages in time. Kaworu got to be Unit-03's Pilot one more time by default. She was still somewhere in one of the shelters below them. So they'd have to keep the Angel away from the city if there was any way.

The sudden slam of the catapult reaching the surface was like a starting gun. She moved out of the launch frame in a hurry, snapping the first power cable into Unit-02's power socket as fast as she could and then grabbing the Progressive Glaive out of the Weapons Building next to the power station. She hesitated a second, then tossed the polearm to Unit-03. "Here, Rainbow Trout. I sliced Israfel in half in one shot with this thing. You see what you can do with it."

Unit-03 caught the Glaive. "What are you using, then?" he said.

Asuka pulled an Eva-scale automatic pistol and a new, larger Progressive Axe out of the Weapons Building. "Oh, I think I'll get a bit closer," she said with a grin. "Follow me."

She turned toward the glowing loop of the Angel, visible over the ridge just a kilometer in front of them. She started Unit-02 up towards the top of the ridge, grateful she had a good 3 kilometers of umbilical cable at this station. She motioned for Kaworu to take up a position to her right. She flicked her eyes to the map display on her left. Her smile widened slightly when she spotted Unit-01 and -00 500 meters behind and to her left. Commander Asshole's order for Shinji and Rei to go for long-range combat was annoying, but it was still comforting to see her boyfriend and her favorite bluenette backing her up.

'Knowing Shinji is always backing me up is fricking awesome,' Asuka gloated. 'And Mama too!' She cast her thoughts in towards her Eva's Core. 'Ready to fight, Mama?'

came the distorted double reply. It was at least a little less out-of-synch than it had begun as the first time she and Mama 'talked'. She'd sounded more together since the crossover tests. 'Y-Yes! Toge-gether!' Mama's double voice paused. 'Wher-re is Shin-inji?'

Asuka blinked. This was the first time Mama had ever asked about anyone else. 'He's right where he's supposed to be, Mama. Right by my side, ready to fight and win with me. ...why?'

'Like hi-him. He lo-loves you.'

Asuka grinned. 'Damn straight. As long as I've got him, nothing can stop us.'


Kaworu calmly gripped the controls of Unit-03, and let his features settle into a calm expression with a faint smile on his lips. It was a good mask. He needed it.


He shook his head once, trying to focus. It wasn't easy. All he could think about was it was 96 hours to Saturday afternoon and the feeling of Rei's cheek under his fingertips. The way his AT-Field still tingled from where they'd pressed so briefly together. The Call was not even an afterthought. Even the strange, lonesome howl of the Angel on the other side of the ridge hardly impinged on his awareness.

Wait. There was one Song closer than that, one he needed to speak to. He focused inward. 'Hello, Mrs. Horaki. We need to speak.'

The tense silence of someone hiding in behind a curtain in a dark room and trying not to make a sound filled his head.

He smiled sadly. 'I know you are there, ma'am. I can hear you. And I know you are here... because I was sent by the same people who arranged your 'accident'.'

The silence was now even sharper, but he could tell he had her attention, and that it was trembling between shocked, furious, and frightened. 'SEELE was behind that. They sent me here to hurt your daughter and her friends. But do not worry. I think they would be very upset to learn I have decided I don't really feel like following their orders anymore. Your daughter's friends are... very important to me. One especially. And I will not let anything harm them as long as I have a choice.'

He rolled his head around, feeling his neck pop. He took a deep breath of the warm LCL, letting a couple bubbles of air trickle out of his mouth as he exhaled a little deeper. 'I apologize for simply puppeting the Evangelion so far. I needed to fight and to do that I had to ignore your presence and seize things directly. I can do that... because of something I am going to tell your daughter's friends about after we defeat this Angel. But that comes later. Right now, we have a battle to fight. I can hear the Angel on the other side of this ridge. Can you?'

More silence. Kaworu sighed, mentally. 'Ma'am, I know you are listening. Your daughter probably told you not to talk to me in an effort to conceal and protect you from me. But I'm not a threat, and you are not hidden. I can continue to force the Eva to do as I will, but for this battle I would prefer it if we could cooperate. It is easier, and we will fight better. I think this will be the last time I sit in this seat, anyway. This Unit properly belongs to your daughter. Who is down in the city's shelters right now. So we must protect her and everyone. You want to protect her. I want to be able to protect Rei, better than I did last time. I was not strong enough. I could not be, without revealing... secrets I could not let loose then. I do not want to face that failure again. Please, will you help me?'

A long, held breath.

'What do you need me to do?' asked Hanako Horaki.


Shinji was ready. He was focused. He was in the zone, or whatever it was that Touji always said about being ready before a game. He plugged in Unit-01's umbilical and opened the Weapons Building. He handed Unit-00 the gigantic sniper rifle, taking a trusty Pallet Rifle for himself. He'd spent hours on hours in the simulator practicing with it. He'd killed Matarael with a Pallet Rifle, and wounded Bardiel. Rei had gotten the last killshot on Zeruel with one. If he had to watch Asuka's back from a distance, this was his weapon.

Now, to get into positi-

'Shinji, can we talk?'

He gritted his teeth, the slick LCL filling his mouth keeping them from grinding. He tried to ignore her.

'Shinji, talk to me. I know you're upset with me. But I'm still your mother, and I still love you.'

He tried not to hunch his neck. 'You and father were monsters. You were part of SEELE! They killed half the world! I don't want to talk to you!'

His mother sighed. 'Shinji, it's... not that simple. I was born into SEELE. It took a long time to even understand opposing them was even possible.' She paused. 'I know we don't have much time. I can tell there's an Angel coming. I talked to your lovely girlfriend before. Ask her what I told her about SEELE. But please believe me, I opposed them where I could, especially once you were born. You made the fate of the future far more real to me, Shinji. Everything I did after that was for you. So please... don't wall yourself off from me while we fight? If we do not defeat the Angels, nothing else matters.'

He frowned, staring obstinately out at the ridge in front of him.

'Asuka raged at me on your behalf, Shinji. She was furious at me because learning about SEELE and things I had done hurt you. All she cared about was protecting you.'

Shinji's shoulders relaxed a little. 'Yes. I feel the same about her.'

He could feel his mother's smile. 'Well, that's good for you both. For whatever it's worth, Shinji, I approve of you being together. I can see how much you love her. Don't ever let go of that. But your Asuka and I managed to come to a truce in the name of helping protect you and defeat the Angels. Can we at least do the same? It's the best way to help you protect her from harm.'

He frowned again, then shrugged minutely. 'Alright. She's more important than being angry at you. But don't think this means we're done, Mother.'

'That's fine, Shinji. Like I said, I am still your mother. There is nothing I won't do for my son.'


"Rei, move out to grid G-44. I want you 800 meters southeast of Unit-03 so you can support by fire without worrying about hitting him," Misato said from the window on Unit-00's display.

"Roger," Rei quietly replied, pushing Unit-00 to obey. 'I am worrying about him anyway, Major. I have just done something that would have me panicking on its own if I did not already have other things to panic about. In 96 hours I will be… on a date. Not a practice run or an experimental protocol with Kensuke to establish his reputation. A real, emotionally invested date with a boy who has already confessed that he likes me. That I want to date. That I cannot even smile at in public lest it endanger us all.'

She moved her Eva to the indicated grid and took up a position tucked into an immense bunker built into a wrinkle of the hillside that gave her some cover to the east but still allowed her an unobstructed view of the Angel. She trained her sniper rifle on it and let the automated scope zoom in.

'However, I am also self-aware enough to admit I am allowing the far more positive anxiety over my impending date with Kaworu to act as a cloak and distraction for the much more negative worry created by the awareness this is the Sixteenth Angel, and we have promised to tell Major Katsuragi, Inspector Kaji, Shinji, and Asuka of our true natures upon the successful destruction of this Angel.' Rei felt her throat constrict and her AT-Field ripple in fear. 'I do not… I cannot allow myself to be paralyzed by fears they will reject me when they know. I cannot. I cannot.'

She forced herself to focus on the Angel. She could feel its AT-Field buzzing like a titanic swarm of angry hornets just 1500 meters in front of her, hovering over Owakudani. It was slowly moving west, towards Tokyo-3.

'Of course, it is much less frightening to concentrate on the Angel. All it can do is threaten my body. The other things frighten my heart and soul,' she thought with dark amusement. Not a flicker showed on her face. Her mask was good, and today she needed it. She closed her eyes for a moment. She would need every advantage today. She hesitated one last moment, then turned her focus inward, seeking the her inside the Eva.

She could feel it watching her, still, yet coiled with tension, like a tiger waiting to pounce. Rei held out one hand to it. 'This may be our last battle together. An Eva may not be required for the last Angel. He is willing to surrender if it comes to that. Will you fight with me, and not at me?'

It stared at her with wild, almost feral eyes. 'We will kill him too. All of them. The Children of Adam are a threat. They must die. All of them. All of them.'

Rei shook her head in the mindscape between them. 'We will not kill him as long as there is any choice. But he will not resist if we must. This is the last Angel we must fight.'

The Rei inside the Core did not look pleased, but nodded. 'We fight.'


"Sempai…" Maya said quietly. "Look at this."

Ritsuko looked at the readouts Maya was pointing to. "I… what? How?"

Misato turned her head. "What is it? Is the Angel reacting?"

Ritsuko shook her head, her dyed blonde hair looking pale and washed-out in the glare of the immense main screen. "All… four of them just jumped. All of their Synch Rates just leaped like crazy. Rei is up 3.7%, Kaworu 4%, Shinji 6%, Asuka 6.5%! I… I don't understand? We've never seen anything like this before."

"Is it some effect of the Angel?" Misato speculated.

Maya shook her head, her console beeping rapidly as she ran analysis after analysis. "The MAGI are detecting no radiation or AT-Field effects coming from the Angel."

"I'm still suspicious," Misato replied. She turned to the center console. "Pilots! You're all showing sudden Synch Rate spikes! Be on guard for mental attacks like the last Angel! It may be about to attack! Aoba! What's it doing?"

"Target is hovering over Owakudani, continuing to rotate in place," Lieutenant Aoba responded.

"Target's AT-Field still very active," Lieutenant Hygua confirmed. "Pattern cycling from blue to orange."

"We don't have enough data to come to a conclusion," Aoba reported.

Ritsuko frowned at the main screen. "One thing is for certain, that is not a fixed form."


"It's just spinning there and slowly drifting towards us, Misato!" Asuka said. "It's less than 700 meters off now. I think we should open fire before it starts getting any more active."

"We may have to wait and watch for a while, Asuka," Misato's voice said.

"No," Rei said coolly. "It's coming."

The Angel's regular double helix circle abruptly flattened, separated out of it's unbroken circle, and attacked.

I was working on a Tsundere maintenance list when this hit. Now my line of thought is broken as is the thread. Oh well, there's always later.

Great update. Also with that many death flags, I don't think any of our heroes are going to die.
I call Kowaru telling the Angel that Adam is on Gendo's hand, watch the fireworks, then shut down said fireworks at the last minute.
Just my wild guess for consideration.
More silence. Kaworu sighed, mentally. 'Ma'am, I know you are listening. Your daughter probably told you not to talk to me in an effort to conceal and protect you from me. But I'm not a threat, and you are not hidden. I can continue to force the Eva to do as I will, but for this battle I would prefer it if we could cooperate. It is easier, and we will fight better. I think this will be the last time I sit in this seat, anyway. This Unit properly belongs to your daughter. Who is down in the city's shelters right now. So we must protect her and everyone. You want to protect her. I want to be able to protect Rei, better than I did last time. I was not strong enough. I could not be, without revealing... secrets I could not let loose then. I do not want to face that failure again. Please, will you help me?'

A long, held breath.

'What do you need me to do?' asked Hanako Horaki.
Hm. Some valid points raised by Kaworu in his conversation with Hanako's soul. And that "I think this will be the last time I sit in this seat, anyway." line can have multiple meanings...

Ritsuko shook her head, her dyed blonde hair looking pale and washed-out in the glare of the immense main screen. "All… four of them just jumped. All of their Synch Rates just leaped like crazy. Rei is up 3.7%, Kaworu 4%, Shinji 6%, Asuka 6.5%! I… I don't understand? We've never seen anything like this before."

"Is it some effect of the Angel?" Misato speculated.

Maya shook her head, her console beeping rapidly as she ran analysis after analysis. "The MAGI are detecting no radiation or AT-Field effects coming from the Angel."
I wonder, will the Pilots reveal they can communicate with the imprisoned souls in the Evas after this?
I love how Shinji is taking a pallet rifle into the "final" battle. I mean...of all the weapons he could choose from, it's a pallet rifle.

If Shinji manages to kill the damn thing with a pallet rifle...

"Tell Ritsuko her Weapons Development Budget can suck it."
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Kaworu channeling Elton John here :p


I'm definitely nervous about how this is going to pan out. Really have no idea how this battle will pan out, I don't think I've ever seen this battle done without a tragic twist on it. Could be that this'll be the first time for it but I honestly don't know.
Mini-Omake: Not That Asuka

Kaworu caught the prog-glaive with a bit of surprise. "You're giving me the melee weapon? I thought that was your thing."

"I have something else in mind," Asuka said.

"And that is?"

Bright, prismatic planes of light molded around her Eva, forming the shape of a railgun. "AT Field shenanigans."

Kaworu felt an utterly strange sense of deja vu.
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Wow, the pilots are wrapped in so much death flags they look like a blanket cocoon. I can't even see the plot armor anymore.
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Mini-Omake: Not That Asuka

Kaworu caught the prog-glaive with a bit of surprise. "You're giving me the melee weapon? I thought that was your thing."

"I have something else in mind," Asuka said.

"And that is?"

Bright, prismatic planes of light molded around her Eva, forming the shape of a railgun. "AT Field shenanigans."

Kaworu felt an utterly strange sense of deja vu.
Is this a reference to a fic that I don't currently remember having read?