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The world of Arcadia. A world orbiting an average star, in an average system. Nothing...


Writer with too many ideas.
United States

The world of Arcadia. A world orbiting an average star, in an average system. Nothing unusual there. However, the third planet in the system was anything but average. Arcadia was a world of extremes. Larger than any terrestrial world, the 'surface' of the planet was hidden deep beneath endless clouds. Much as with any gas giant. What made this world...different...was the presence of exactly six moons, hanging in stationary positions around the world. Beneath these moons, continents and islands of rock floated gently in the clouds.

Upon these islands, life developed. Each of the moons created a different ecosystem beneath their light. The burning deserts of the Red. The endless ocean of the Blue. Neverending thunderstorms and earthquakes of the Yellow. A land perpetually gripped in an ice age under the harsh Purple. Fertile grasslands and forests of the life-giving Green. And, finally, the calm and gentle light of the Silver.

Beneath these colorful moons, human civilization arose. Men and women who used the power of their moons to craft great civilizations, the likes of which were never seen before. Great cities were carved beneath the ice, high in the forested mountains and underneath the storms. Each of these societies grew and expanded over their continent, eventually meeting the others. These first, faltering meetings were borne atop craft that conquered the skies. Distance meant nothing. These people traveled across Arcadia, exploring without a care for the various lifeforms around them. It was only when they met other humans that this changed.

To this day, none know who fired the first shot. The peaceful meetings turned to violence and bloodshed. Fire, ice, life, lightning, water. They were brought to bear on one another in massive conflicts that shook the very world. Monsters roamed the world, destroying everything in their paths. The great civilizations continued to fight anyway, even as their people suffered and their lands were broken.

Until, one day, the moons themselves took notice. Upset at their power being used for destruction, the moons wept. Endless rains of stone fell from the sky, devastating the Civilizations. Cities were torn asunder, land cracked and burned. The monsters were put to rest and their creators destroyed. Few survived these Rains of Destruction, and those who did forgot their heritage and technology.

The land of Silver was reduced to scattered islands.

The land of Green was left a ruin, primitive tribes barely eking out an existence in their primeval forests.

Beneath the Red Moon, the sands covered the ruins of a brilliant land, as the survivors crowded around the few remaining oasis'.

No one truly knows what became of the people of Purple.

The great mariners of Blue entered into splendid isolation, forgetting their great navigators and explorers.

The land of Yellow became fragmented city states, that would take centuries to band together.

It is only now, thousands of years later, that this has changed. Valua, land of Yellow, has united and begun to expand anew. Ships of metal and fire once more sail the skies of Arcadia, fueling a war machine and people eager to rule. Only in Nasr, land of Red, has anyone truly stood against Valua. Even they can only control their own territory.

To truly resist Valua, one has to look to the beautiful Silver Moon, where a new group stands against tyranny. These brave men and women are called...Air Pirates...
Chapter 1
Chapter 1

There were few things that Vyse Dyne enjoyed more than the thrill of a hunt. The wind blowing through his hair, bitingly cold in his post at the very top of the Albatross. Inside the little crow's nest, there was no one but him, staring out in the distance. He knew there was a Valuan ship out there. Right down in his bones. The very idea of raiding one of those monsters had him on the edge with excitement. Valuan ships were the best prizes. Dangerous and rich, filled with adventure and plunder.

It was enough to have him wearing a grin, underneath a scarred cheek. Vyse idly stretched, his youthful body easily moving with the motion. At seventeen, he knew he was young for a Pirate. His dad never cared, though. Vyse was always the first to board a ship, with his blue-moonstone cutlasses out and ready. Not many Valuans could fight someone who dual-wielded cutlasses. The thought only served to make his grin widen.

"Briggs! Bring us up to full speed, now!"

That was his father, far below. Vyse craned his neck, easily spotting the tall man in the bridge. His father was a commanding presence, arms crossed over his chest and pistol resting on his hip. The crew ran around, following each and every order with a precision that no Valuan ship ever had. Ha. Suck it, military discipline!

Laughing to himself, Vyse turned back, and reached a hand to his face. His light blue tunic blew in the fierce wind as the Albatross picked up speed, while his fingers brushed against the single eyepatch he wore. Unlike a traditional one, this eyepatch was more of an eyeglass. Made of the finest glass that money could buy, it included a twinge of Silver magic worked into the material. Magic that allowed the teenager to 'zoom in' as if he were holding a traditional telescope. Part of the reason he was up here, really.


It didn't take long for his brown eyes to lock on, anyway. Chugging along in the distance, completely oblivious to the Albatross, was a Valuan battleship. From the rear, it looked like any other battleship. Fat stern, massive gallery, and four propellers churning through the clouds. The only difference was yellow moonstone alloy along the keel, standing in stark contrast to the dull iron of the rest of the hull. Whoever was in command of that ship had deep pockets. Or it was just gaudy yellow paint.

Probably someone important then.

Ah well. More gold that way!

"Bring us right along side, Briggs!" Dad's voice echoed up again, as the Albatross rapidly gained on the oblivious Valuan. From their position, hidden in clouds, the other ship likely couldn't even see them. "Ready grappling hooks!"

While the crew ran around and started twirling grappling hooks, Vyse pulled his own free. Idly passing it between his hands, he watched as the ship drew closer and closer. With an almost lazy turn, the Valuan exposed her bow. An extremely gaudy and ostentatious golden prong shot up, yellow alloy rippling as it pointed up from the bow. Vyse groaned, and shook his head.

"Damn, that's ugly." He muttered under his breath. Give him a good old sail ship any day.

Ugly or not, the ship was a prime target. Before anyone aboard could react, the Albatross pulled alongside. Briggs easily spun the agile sailor alongside the metal behemoth, dwarfing her. When her wings scraped against the side of the Valuan ship, the word Cygnus barely visible on her flank, the crew of the Albatross tossed over their grapples. A grinding sound rang through the night, as the two ships locked together. Panicked shouts in Valuan echoed from the Cygnus, while Vyse grinned and spun his own grapple.

Pulling his arm back, the Blue Rogue tossed it over. With practiced ease, the hook caught upon the deck behind the bridge, creating a rope bridge that Vyse was only too eager to use. One of his cutlasses, the small off hand one, was perfect for that. Taking a flying leap from his position in the crows nest, the teenager hooked it to the rope and slid down with a whoop of exhilaration. Wind blew by his face. The blue tunic he wore, normally loose with its open sleeves, clung tightly to his chest. His body coiled in preparation.

And he let go, flying over the railing of the battleship. Vyse's feet caught on the thick metal plating, skidding while his thick moccasins found their purchase.

"Air pirate scum!"

Right in front of five Valuan marines, all of them kitted out in full plate armor. Helmets hid their faces, and broadswords were raised up. It was impossible to tell if they were shocked or not. Vyse didn't much care either way, grinning cheekily at them, idly spinning his cutlasses in his hand. Searchlights came to life behind him, their electric light glinting off the bright azure blades in his hand. The dull shine of equally dull green armor came from the soldiers.

Vyse just rolled his eyes at them. "Nice to see a welcoming party! So, you Valuans want to surrender or...?"

That got a reaction. The soldiers tightened their grips on their weapons, and one stepped forward. The marks of a sergeant were carved into the shoulders of his armor. A deep voice, speaking in Valuan, rang over the deck. "This is a ship of the Valuan Imperial Armada! Do you realize who you're attacking, welp?"

"'course I do! You guys have the best stuff!" Vyse shot back, in Valuan as well. You didn't live in Mid-Ocean and raid without picking up that language quickly.

"Attacking us all by yourself?" The soldier shook his head, almost seeming perplexed behind his anger. Almost. "You're incredibly brave, or just stupid. We'll be tossing you overboard!"

Vyse could have shot back with a smart ass remark, but he didn't need to.

"Not if I'm here, you aren't!"

Because a female voice did it for him. Dropping lightly to the deck next to him, spotlights shining on her green moonstone boomerang, was his best friend. Aika sent Vyse a lazy grin, completely unconcerned by the Valuan guards. Not much younger than Vyse himself, the teenage girl looked every inch the Air Pirate. Her body was clad in a tight fitting yellow dress, her arms and legs left completely bare safe for skintight shorts preserving her modesty. Her lean body rippled with muscle, from long years raiding and training to use her boomerang- a weapon that dwarfed her -properly. That her long orange hair was tied back into two ponytails only served to accentuate the image.

No one would call her ugly, but she certainly wasn't classically pretty either, with her tanned face and sharp features. Or her brown eyes, narrowed at the soldiers.

"Sorry I'm late," she did grin cheekily, though. "Name's Aika, I'm a Blue Rogue like Vyse. And we're here to rob you blind!"

The Valuans were distinctly unamused. Vyse laughed. "Oh Aika, never change."

"Not planning on it!" She trilled at him, though her eyes- and Vyse's, for that matter -never once left the guards or their sharp blades.

Guards who had quickly tired of this nonsense, clearly. "Enough! We're going to kill you brats, and toss your bodies overboard!"


Vyse rolled his eyes, "Aika."

"What?" His friend winked out of the corner of her eye, even as she pulled back her arm to let her boomerang fly.

She wouldn't get the chance. The sergeant began to rush forward...only for the bang of a handgun to echo. His cheap armor provided no protection. The spark of an impact flew from his helmet, and the man tumbled to the deck. Blood flowed from a massive hole in his helmet, as the other soldiers spun around to see where the shot had come from.

As it turned out, it was from Vyse's father. Dyne held a smoking pistol in his hand, while two of his crew stood on either side of him. "Are you two done? We have a job to do."

"Heh..." Vyse scratched the back of his head with his off-hand. "Sorry, dad."

Dyne rolled his eyes, "When we're on a mission, it's not 'dad'. It's Captain." His pistol never left the Valuan guards, though. "Now, get to the bridge and shut off the engines! We'll deal with these guards."

"Aye aye, Captain." Vyse gave a mock salute, waving at Aika as he spun on his heel. "Come on!"

"Right behind you, Vyse!" The redhead grinned wildly, her hair whipping behind her while gunfire broke out on the deck. Neither teenager looked back, as they shot into the dark bowels of the Cygnus, looking for the bridge.

Been on one battleship, been on them all.

Vyse couldn't help but roll his eyes, as he slammed the door marked 'bridge' open. All Valuan ships followed the same layout, and as ugly as she was, the Cygnus was no different. Her bridge, however, was completely empty.

"Aw, come on!" Aika complained, slinking in behind Vyse. Her moves were all elegance and smooth, as she stalked around the empty consoles. "Did they all run away?"

Her friend shrugged, "Guess so? Not every Valuan is brave I guess."

While Aika pouted, Vyse scanned the bridge. Consoles were laid out facing the expansive windows. A traditional wheel rested at the very front, though it was empty now. The blinking lights meant exactly nothing to him, though. He did curl his lip a bit at the massive chair at the back, raised above everyone else. Valuans...why they needed to be above everyone was beyond him.

Oh well, something for another time. His brown gaze shifted, coming upon a swaying door leading deeper into the vessel. Reaching out a hand, he tapped Aika on the shoulder. Spinning around, her eyes narrowing at the door, Aika responded with a nod. And an absolutely evil grin.

He almost felt sorry for the Valuans.


"Bet they're running for the lifeboats?" Vyse asked, almost rhetorically.

Aika snorted, "Fool's bet, Vyse."

Grinning at his friend, the brunette waved a hand with his cutlass. "Ladies first."

"How honorable!"

Aika gave a mock bow, and shot forward through the door, almost faster than Vyse could follow. He shook his head, a fond smile crossing his face. The pair had been friends since they were just little kids. Best friends. It was why they teased each other so much, as he followed after her rapid footsteps. They had been on more than one raid together, and could match each other perfectly. Vyse would normally go first, and Aika would normally follow. Right now, though, he let her go first. After all...

Few things annoyed her as much as cowards who abandoned their men.

I don't want to ever be on her bad side like that!

Grin refusing to fade, Vyse slowed his pace, as he and Aika came out inside what he thought would be the lifeboat bay. Instead, they found themselves inside one of the cannon rooms. Probably the lower one, secondary guns retracted into loading positions. The Valuans hadn't been expecting combat...but, even so, someone should have been in the room. Instead, there was just the cannons, dully glinting in the light. Gunpowder and cannonballs neatly in their containers on either side.

It was deserted. Save for the sound of shuffling, on the walkway leading to the upper level of guns on this deck.

"Aika?" Vyse shared a look with his friend. A single eyebrow crawling up his face.

The redhead rolled her eyes and mouthed 'cowards' at him. She shook her head, and shot over towards the stairway at the center of the cannon gallery. Vyse shook his own head, following after her. A short climb later, and they were staring across the way, at...well.

Vyse wasn't quite sure. A blonde figure, turning their head to look his way. His first instinct was to say it was a woman. Slim, aristocratic features. High cheeks and a narrow nose, over full lips. Bright blue eyes, staring disdainfully at him underneath a mop of blonde hair. The hair was slicked forward a bit, raising in a puff over one eye, while the rest fell on the figure's shoulders. Broad shoulders underneath a bright white uniform, glaringly decorated by golden tassels hanging off pauldrons. On the figure's chest, were a dizzying array of Valuan medals. The tight black pants they wore only added to the incongruity of it all. Wasn't this a combat vessel?

"Ah...I see that Air Pirates have decided to infest my ship." The figure spoke, with a distinctly- if very feminine -male voice. A man, then. Admittedly a very pretty man, but a man nonetheless. "How quaint. Do you plan to steal everything I own as well?"

"That was kinda the plan, yeah." Vyse rolled his shoulders, cutlasses tightening in his hands. "You are?"

The man's lip curled in disgust, as if he were looking at a particularly disgusting bug. "I am Alfonso, cherished son of Valua's Royal Family. As well as the First Admiral of the Imperial Armada. I should hardly be surprised an Air Pirate does not recognize me."

"Nah, not ringing a bell. Besides, I thought the Prince was..." Vyse didn't actually know the Prince of Valua, but he sincerely hoped this man wasn't it. He may not like Valua much, but he didn't wish this man on anyone.

"I'm not the Prince, you ingrate!" Alfonso's high-pitched voice rang out indignantly. "He is my cousin!"

Beside Vyse, Aika pouted. "Aww...that means you aren't as loaded as he probably is. Do you at least have some gold around here?"

While Alfonso began to twitch in irritation, Vyse's eyes trailed over to his side. A man in silver armor, bearing the rank markings of a Commander, was beside him. Over that man's armored shoulder, hung a small white...something. Narrowing his eyes, the Pirate looked a bit closer...and felt his blood run cold. Hanging over his arm with blood rolling down her forehead, was a young woman. A girl no older than he was. Her pale skin and almost platinum blonde hair stood out, looking like nothing he had ever seen before.

Even if she were as dark skinned as a Nasrean or as fair as a Valuan, it wouldn't make much difference to him, though. What mattered was the fact that an Admiral of the Armada was apparently kidnapping a young girl.

"Hey, what's with the girl?" Vyse asked, his voice deceptively calm. Angry brown eyes narrowed, when they turned to a smugly smiling Alfonso. "I didn't think someone of your stature would stoop to kidnapping."

Alfonso laughed haughtily, flipping a cape over his shoulder. "Who she is, and what she is doing here, are none of your concern Pirate. Now, if you are quite finished, I have places to be." A snap of his finger had four men in light armor, lighter even than the marines on the deck, appear beside him. "Guards, take care of the trash."

Without even looking back, Alfonso spun on his heel and marched out of the room with his apparent Vice Captain following along. Vyse would have called after him, however, he was rather distracted by a Valuan guard jumping forward. A dull steel blade, not a hint of moonstone ore, clashed with a hastily raised cutlass. Vyse felt the impact in his bones, his entire body vibrating with the impact.

Gritting his teeth, the teenager brought his larger blade up in a swift vertical stab. It wasn't designed for it, as a cutlass was a cutting weapon.

It didn't matter. The sharpened Blue moonstone cut right through the man's thin armor, and impaled into his stomach. The Valuan let out a strangled gasp, even as Vyse pulled his weapon free and spun away. Without another sound, the guard fell into the darkness below, while Vyse spun and met his comrade head on. His cutlasses were raised in an 'x' pose, catching the Valuan blade between them. He imagined that the man behind the helmet was gaping.

"Nice try!" Vyse taunted, yanking his blades. The Valuan stumbled, even as Vyse brought his leg up and delivered a sharp kick to his chest.

Even through his armor, the man felt the blow. He grunted in pain, pulling back and shaking his head. Vyse didn't give him much of a chance to rest, sprinting forward. His cutlass, the offhand one, slashing horizontally at the man's weak neck armor. The soldier raised his own blade, catching Vyse's weapon...

Leaving his chest undefended, as Vyse's other blade came up and slashed across it. Carving through metal and flesh, dropping the man in a puddle at his feet.

"Bruja! Bruja!"*

Cries of 'witch' echoed behind him, and Vyse turned away from his downed foes. The remaining two guards were coated in flames, jumping over the edge in a mad escape from Aika. Who flashed him a thumbs up, grin crossing her face. "You really think the Valuans would learn by now. It's not like Magic is that rare!"

"Sure, but they're not from Nasr. They don't use red Magic." Vyse rolled his eyes, smiling at his friend.

"Meh." Aika shrugged, and pointed her boomerang at the door. "Should we chase after pretty boy?"

Vyse bit his lip, frowning deeply. Strictly speaking, they owned the ship. That was what they were here for. And if he was a Black Pirate...that would be enough.

He wasn't.

"No, we need to rescue that girl." The teenager squared his shoulders, and marched across the walkway towards where Alfonso had fled.

Aika laughed behind him, "Knight in shining armor, much?"

Sending his friend a flat look, Vyse didn't bother raising to that bait. Instead, he raised his leg and kicked the door open, rushing through with his weapons ready. Only to see an empty room, with a heavy bulkhead locked in front of him. He wasn't going to get through that. Biting back a curse, the Rogue shifted his gaze, coming upon another- much smaller -door.

One that even from here, he could tell lead to the exterior of the ship.

Yay. Climbing a ladder down the side of a Valuan ship.

"Aika...get the girl." Vyse whispered to his friend, as the pair hid in the back of the lifeboat bay. Dozens of the little craft surrounded them, while Alfonso and his Vice Captain stood at the rear of the ship. Valuan lifeboats were held in the stern of the warships, and the elaborate crest on the back was actually a hatch leading to the sky.

A hatch that was currently, and very noisily, falling. Perfect.

Or it would have been, if Vyse couldn't hear Alfonso over the roar of gears and the rushing wind outside.

"I've finished my own dispose of a traitor." The Admiral's high voice was filled with malice and amusement, as his Vice Captain spun in shock. "Oh don't act so surprised! I can hardly return to the Empress and tell her that I lost my ship in a fair fight. No, there must be a scapegoat."

While the panicked, and clearly unarmed, officer backed up...Alfonso stalked forward. From his side, he drew a fancy Yellow moonstone rapier, pointing it squarely at the Vice Captain. Vyse couldn't see more than the edge of his face. But he could see the grin upon it.

"Admiral, please! Reconsider what you're doing!" The Vice-Captain protested, begged. He held his hands in front of him, clasped in surrender. "I--I won't tell anyone what happened!"

Alfonso laughed merrily, "Come now, you don't honestly expect me to believe that, do you? My reputation is at stake here, and I'm afraid sacrifices must be made." Stabbing forward with his blade, Alfonso stabbed the helpless man straight through without an ounce of hesitation. "Now kindly die."

The Vice Captain gurgled something, and fell to the floor. Alfonso looked down on him, whipping his blade to the side to clean the blood from it. "Pitiful. Still, you had some use at the end. I'll make sure the Empress knows you were a traitor who---"


Vyse had enough. He no longer cared about stealth. He charged forward, cutlasses held at the ready. Alfonso spun about, blue eyes wide with shock and...perhaps...a hint of fear.

"You murderer! What Admiral kills his own men?" Vyse continued to shout, raising his blades to bring them down on the Admiral. "I won't forgive you for this!"

Alfonso just curled his lip, though the fear never left his eyes. "I'm afraid I could care less what a mongrel thinks of me. Not that it really matters, either." The Admiral backed up, and raised his fingers to his lips. An ear-piercing whistle echoed through the bay, followed by a single shout. "Antonio!"

Slowing his pace, Vyse felt a chill on his spine. "Antonio?"

"Yes, I'm sure you'll be fast friends." Alfonso raised his hand further, and brushed his hair back disdainfully. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must be going."

Before Vyse could so much as move towards the coward, the bay doors- that he had seen out of the corner of his eyes -were bodily flung open. An utterly massive Valuan Warrior Bull stood in the entrance. It snorted and pawed at the ground, beady black eyes looking for its master. A master who stood in a lifeboat, smiling smugly.

"Farewell, pest. I'd wish you luck, but..." Alfonso arrogantly flipped his hair, grinning evilly. "I'm afraid I really don't care. I can get another ship, and replace Antonio. I simply can't stand to be near you anymore."

Without another word, the Admiral blasted off into the sky, leaving his dying Vice Captain and Warbeast behind.

"Damnit!" Vyse ground out, even as he jumped to the side. Antonio had taken his momentary inattention to charge.

The massive bull, clad in dull grey armor, practically rippled with muscle. Each footstep shook the Cygnus beneath the beast. And Vyse knew that he could be crushed without effort.

How am I going to kill this thing? He mentally screamed, rolling to the side again. Antonio charged past him, slamming through lifeboats and splintering them like so much kindling. The bull snorted in frustration, and spun back around. It stomped on the ground, lowering for another charge.


Aika's voice rang clear and true, as her boomerang spun in and clonked the bull on the head. Antonio grunted, and shook his head to clear it, while the green moonstone weapon twirled back to its owner. Aika stood above the pale girl, her hands outstretched. Beneath her feet, a red runic circle was glowing brightly.

"Keep it busy, I'm going to burn it!" She shouted, her voice strained by the need to concentrate. "Moons..."

Vyse tuned his friend out, and grimaced. He raised his cutlasses at Antonio, daring the bull to charge at him again. Antonio was only too happy to oblige. Pounding upon the deck, massive dents following each step, the bull charged right at Vyse. Praying to every single Moon that his friend knew what she was doing, Vyse did the only thing that came to mind. He couldn't stop the bull. He didn't think slashing its face would do any good.

So he coiled his legs and jumped. Antonio snorted in confusion, as the Blue Rogue flew in a graceful arc, and landed on his back.

The confusion rather quickly changed to raging anger. The bull began bucking in a desperate attempt to unseat the Rogue. Vyse cried out in frustration, his off-hand blade flying out of his grip when he was forced to fall to his stomach and hold on for dear life. Antonio practically jumped and bounded, destroying more lifeboats in a desperate attempt to get rid of Vyse. Who could only grit his teeth, his arms and legs tiring as he crawled forward.

His eyes had locked onto an opening in the armor, right where the neck was. If he could just...a little...

"Vyse! Move, now!"

He didn't even hesitate. Vyse let go of his grip on the raging bull and was tossed aside like garbage. He spun head over heels, his vision clouding...until he landed, painfully, inside a pile of crates. Groaning in pain, the Rogue's entire world spun, as a cry of pain echoed.

When his vision cleared, he saw Antonio burning. His very armor alight, as the bull charged out over the open bay door, falling into the endless sky beyond it.

"Heh...heh...that took a lot out of me," Aika laughed weakly, swaying on her feet. "Wooooowwww, never do that again."

Vyse would have laughed, but he was rather distracted by punching his way out of his resting place. Wood fell around the Rogue, as he stumbled to his feet. After a quick glance to make sure Aika was fine, he sprinted over to the fallen Vice Captain.

Valuan or not, that man didn't deserve to die. Vyse fell to his knees by the man, frantically reaching into his pack. Even as his own aches and pains reminded him that he probably needed to rest, he pulled out a little green crystal. It was a quirk of Green Magic. If you had a good focus, and a good mage, you could crystalize spells. The one he held in his hand was the weakest of the Green School.

Even Sacri had its uses.

"Come on..." Vyse muttered, pressing the crystal into the man's gaping stomach wound. Vyse watched, unable to do anything else, as the bright green light suffused the man's body.

Before his eyes, the skin began to stitch itself together. The man's pained breathing slowly evened out...and didn't stop.

Thank the Moons...

Sighing in relief, Vyse gently pulled the soldier out of the way of the bay door, and propped him against an intact lifeboat. He left him resting there, and returned to his friend. Aika sent him a weary smile, and gestured at the girl next to her. "Want to take a look? She seems fine, even if her clothes are odd."

Now that he looked, the teenager couldn't dispute the point. Up close, the girl was a tiny little thing. Her body was thin and petite, covered in a white dress that covered everything except for her shoulders and a little part around her chest. Her almost deathly pale skin was only marred by three strange tattoos, one upon her forehead, and two on either shoulder. She...looked like no one he had ever seen before.

"I wonder where she's from?" Vyse asked aloud, eyes drifting over to Aika.

The redhead shrugged, biting her lip in thought. "I dunno, but we should probably take her with us. Whatever reason Valua had for wanting her couldn't be good."

As he looked at the unconscious girl, Vyse couldn't dispute the point...

*I'm choosing to interpret the nations as they are in game. Valua, being the 'Spain' analogue will use Spanish as 'Valuan'. The mid-ocean language is English, the Nasr language is Arabic...and so on and so forth.

Also, there we go. The proper first chapter.

Anyone who has played the game, will note the first major change here. To anyone reading this who hasn't, you'll see.

Also, it's entirely possible some of FSN Gilgamesh leaked into Alfonso's character. Trying to poke at my muse for the SI involves watching FSN, and...yeah. Alfonso is basically a (cowardly) amalgamation of all of Gil's negative traits, without any of his positives.

Anyway, to explain this entire thing: anyone who knows me, knows that Arcadia is, and always has been, my absolute favorite piece of media. Not Stargate, not Star Wars (username aside), not KC.

What has always stopped me from writing anything for it, is how small the fanbase is. I know, and have known, that it would never get much interest. This, and the knowledge that my other stuff does get attention, kept me from doing a novelization.

With work slowly killing me right now, I decided to go 'screw it' and make this. A novelization of the game, so mostly the same plot...though I will expand on the world and the last third will be where major changes crop up. Regardless, this- more than anything else I've written -is a pure vanity project. This is something I'm writing because I want to, more than because I expect a lot of activity.

Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but regardless, it's a very personal project for me. It really is.
Loving what I've read so far, Sky. I wish I got the chance to play this when I was younger; I saw the advertisements but didn't have the rig for it. So your novelization is the next best thing to playing the game myself, and it's pretty good so far.

Also, Aika is very entertaining. But I see that she is a childhood friend, and is thus destined to lose in the Vyse Bowl ^_^
Yes! Skies of Arcadia fanfiction!

I know what you mean about the small fanbase. I've been building up a collection of notes to try and run a quest with the point of divergence being the creation of a seventh school of magic.

Keeping the Vice-Captain alive is an interesting point of divergence, and from a thematic stand point has me wondering about how this story will conclude -- after all, a sailor's burial at sea were the book open and close to the whole story. Gives me hope for a certain pretty boy.

Also, Aika is very entertaining. But I see that she is a childhood friend, and is thus destined to lose in the Vyse Bowl ^_^
I'm holding out hope for canon pairings. Completely unrelated, wouldn't it be fun if Piastol joined the party as the fourth member? (As part of the Prophecy casting team, ideally.)
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Watching because I love Skies of Arcadia, and I really need to finish that game on my emulator some day...

I've always loved game novelizations, and it's a shame the only good one I've read for SoA sort of died out. can't wait to see where this one goes!
Kinda confused on why Vyse was casually murdering mooks only to flip out when the vice-captain was dying. Did I miss a section explaining that mooks aren't people?

That aside, this is cool. Skies of Arcadia was the very first RPG I actually beat after quitting a bunch of them mid-way. Big nostalgia.
Keeping the Vice-Captain alive is an interesting point of divergence, and from a thematic stand point has me wondering about how this story will conclude -- after all, a sailor's burial at sea were the book open and close to the whole story. Gives me hope for a certain pretty boy.

First, yeah, the fanbase is small.

Second, while (as a novelization) this follows the game plot fairly closely, I did choose the first change for a good reason. Won't say anything on Ramirez, though. :V

Watching because I love Skies of Arcadia, and I really need to finish that game on my emulator some day...

I've always loved game novelizations, and it's a shame the only good one I've read for SoA sort of died out. can't wait to see where this one goes!

I noticed that, yeah. Both of the major novelizations on FFN died years ago. About a decade ago in the case of one of them. That's part of the motivation for doing this.

Kinda confused on why Vyse was casually murdering mooks only to flip out when the vice-captain was dying. Did I miss a section explaining that mooks aren't people?

I'm trying to weld in Vyse's canon reactions with the utterly mad amount of Valuan soldiers you slaughter your way through in game. In this case, fighting and needing to kill soldiers comes as 'part of the job' of a pirate. They're armed and fighting you, so you fight back. I wouldn't say he's fine or casual about it, but it's still different.

The Vice-Captain was unarmed, begging for his life, and (almost) struck down by his own commanding officer. That's a whole lot of taboos right there.

(I am glad to see some interest in this, at least)
something that always bothered me back in the early 2000's when playing this game or other games
how the fuck did the human race manage to survive if they live in like 10 settlements of like 10-50 people across the entire fucking world.
teenager me was stupid btw
20s me was also stupid
30s me is still stupid
but at least I understand a bit more about narrative perspective
Welp, I'll be following this as I've heard of the game but have not seen anything about it.
Well, you have my interest. Never played it, but saw a preview for it in magazine as a child, and the imagery stuck in my memory. That was the first time i've heard about a 'flying lands' setting. That and the names of the main characters are sbout the only thing I know of it though.
Oh, this takes me back to high school when I was first into this game. Even if this isn't gonna be very different from the game's story, I'll be watching this story closely. Thanks for writing this. Here's hoping you'll inject some life into the fanbase.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Letting out a soft sigh, Vyse shifted in his seat. A discomforted grimace crossed his face. Aches and pains from his impromptu bull ride remained, and he refused to waste healing supplies on them. Keeping the Valuan officer alive required more than he did, and there was the girl too. A girl he was sitting beside, as she fitfully rested in a bed aboard the Albatross. As Blue Rogues often did, his father had let the Valuans go- well, without all their valuables -and take the Cygnus back to Valua. Why bother keeping the ship? They couldn't very well sell it! And they weren't Black Pirates, so they wouldn't just kill everyone either.

However, in addition to the biggest haul of gold Vyse had ever seen, Dyne had made the choice to take both the injured officer and the girl aboard his own ship. It wasn't a hard choice. The Valuans couldn't be trusted not to finish the job with the officer. And the girl couldn't be left with her kidnappers. Thus, two occupied beds.

I wonder who they are... Vyse resisted the urge to reach a hand out and pull the covers across the girl. She constantly tossed and turned in her sleep. I've never seen clothes like hers...

"Hey, Vyse," Aika popped her head into the room, knocking his thoughts off course. "She wake up yet?"

Vyse twisted his head, sending a tired smile at his oldest friend. "Nah, still asleep. Looks like nightmares."

His friend grimaced, and shook her head as she stepped fully into the room. Her feet creaked against old wooden planks with each step. The Albatross was well-loved, but she was also a bit long in the tooth. Her plain wooden frames didn't leave much to the imagination, surrounding the two pirates and the girl. Save for a single porthole, allowing natural light into the room.

Not that any of Captain Dyne's crew would give up their ship for anything.

"Can't blame her," Aika sighed, setting down in a seat across from Vyse. She let out a groan of frustration, stretching her lithe body to work out kinks. "Though I could probably sleep for a day, myself!"


Aika nodded, leaning forward to prop her hands against her chin. Tired brown eyes stared over at Vyse, over a crooked smile. "I think that was the first time I ever used Pyres."

Vyse winced. He was utter garbage at any magic that wasn't Red-based, and he knew how tiring Pyres was. Especially in combat. His mother made him promise not to try it until he was much, much older. Desperate times...

"It's not a big deal, though," the redhead continued, sighing again. Her eyes drifted away from Vyse, and over the mysterious girl in the bed. "I wonder where she's from. Don't you?"

"Of course." Vyse snorted a bit, his gaze returning to the girl as well. Her breathing had finally evened out, from...whatever it was she had been dreaming about. In fact, the girl was shifting as if she was waking up.

Something confirmed by her eyes opening. Brilliant, bright green, and completely unlike anything Vyse had ever seen. He couldn't help but stare, because really, he had never seen eyes that shade of green before. If the girl's hair and clothes and pale skin were all odd, he could ignore it. He couldn't ignore her eyes, because he had been taught to always look someone in the eye.

And they're so different!

Shaking his head, Vyse smiled at the girl. And, suddenly beside him, Aika did the same. Though with a bit more 'oohing' and 'ahhing' about how the girl was actually awake now.

"Hi! About time you woke up, sleepyhead." Aika was a self-proclaimed master at cheering someone up. Or so she liked to say, as the strange girl blinked owlishly at her.

"H-hello..." She stuttered a bit, her voice softer than anyone that either Pirate had ever met. There was almost a musical tone to it, underneath her obvious nerves. "Um--where am I?"

"Aboard our pirate ship, the Albatross," Vyse took over, planting a hand on his chest and flashing his signature grin. He thought that the scar on his cheek and the glass on his eye made him look quite roguish when he did it. "We rescued you from the Valuans, when we attacked their ship."

The girl started, her already wide eyes widening further. "Attack?"

Both of the pirates shared a look at that, before Aika- much more gently -continued speaking. "Ah...don't worry, we're not Black Pirates. We're Blue Rogues, so we won't hurt you or anything. We just wanted to make sure you were safe!"

"I--I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means." The girl fidgeted in her bed, her green eyes bouncing between both pirates. Her head tilted to the side, silvery-blonde hair falling over her neck with each movement. "What is a...pirate?"


Vyse blinked, very slowly, while Aika's jaw dropped open. "You don't know what a pirate is? Sailing alone in Mid-Ocean?"

"No...?" The girl's hands clenched in her thin blanket, as she bit her lip. She looked anywhere but at the two teenagers above her. "Is that strange?"

"I..." Aika seemed completely flummoxed by what she was hearing, as she looked at Vyse, then back at the girl. "A bit, yeah. Uh...can you tell us your name, at least?"

As she asked that question, the redhead leaned over to whisper in Vyse's ear. "Where in the moons is she from?"

"How should I know?"
Vyse shot back, eyes narrowed in thought. Strange clothes, even stranger lack of knowledge. He didn't think the girl was lying. "We'll need to ask that, later."

Aika nodded, returning her smile to the girl, as she looked up. "Well?"

"...Fina. My name is Fina." The girl, Fina, smiled shyly at her visitors. A small, barely there, smile. "It's nice to meet you."

"Fina, huh." Vyse tasted the name on his lips. It was as strange as the girl it belonged to. Not Valuan or anything like it, and not really Mid-Ocean either. Huh. "Well, I think it's a nice name. It's so...feminine."

"Um...thank you?" Fina blinked slowly, looking at Vyse as if she were a confused Huskra.

Aika just slapped her face in her palm, and let out a long suffering sigh. "Vyse, if that was supposed to be a compliment, you have a lot of work to do."

The pirate gaped at his friend, before narrowing his eyes into a glare. And raising a finger to point at her. "Hey, Aika! I know how to compliment a girl!"

"Apparently, no, no you don't."

The two pirates glared at each other, though there was no real bite to it. Aika was teasing Vyse, and he knew it as well as anyone. Though it did annoy him a bit. It wasn't like he got to practice compliments much, when the only unattached girls around were Aika and a couple of the other raiders. Besides, he

"You two must be good friends." Fina was giggling, behind her hand. Her wide green eyes sparkled with amusement, behind her lingering confusion.

Vyse let his glare fade away, like dust in the wind. A sheepish smirk replacing it, as he scratched the back of his head. "Heh...yeah, Aika and I have known each other since we were kids."

"And Vyse has always been bad with girls," Aika continued, shooting a smug grin at her friend. Who sputtered at her, while the redhead laughed and turned to Fina. "Anyway, you really don't know what Pirates are?"

Fina nodded shyly, looking a bit uncomfortable to admit that. "No, I'm sorry, I don't. I...didn't know about them, when I left home."

The other two teenagers shared a small sigh at that. Not that either of them let Fina see that, since the girl seemed uncomfortable enough as it was. Instead, they just sat back down beside her bed, and set about explaining things. If the girl was going to be traveling alone, she probably needed to know what pirates actually were. She was very lucky it wasn't Black Pirates who had attacked Alfonso. They would have killed her. Or done worse.

"Right," Vyse started, pointing down at his clothes. Blue fabric that fit what he was. "There are two kinds of Air Pirates. Aika and I are Blue Rogues." He grinned a bit, and hooked a thumb at himself- and the Albatross behind him. "Blue Rogues never, ever attack defenseless ships. We only attack armed ships, and mostly Valuan Armada ships at that. We steal from the rich, and give back to the poor and needy."

Aika nodded along, a distasteful frown crossing her face at what she had to tell Fina. "Black Pirates are the other kind of Air Pirate. They attack anyone, but mostly people who can't fight back. A Black Pirate is a coward, who only wants the gold for themselves."

After what had given Vyse his scar, which everyone assumed was a Black Pirate attack, Aika hated the other type of Air Pirate. Even beyond how much she didn't like that they attacked people who couldn't defend themselves. It was wrong.

Vyse couldn't really disagree with her.

As for Fina? She looked even paler than she had before, as her hands clenched down tightly on the cover she wore. Her green eyes were a bit panicked, like she didn't understand...and didn't want to. This wasn't the confusion, this was her being unable to reconcile what the Black Pirates did.

"These Black Pirates sound very scary," the blonde muttered, so softly it was barely audible over the rush of wind outside the Albatross.

"Don't worry, we won't let them hurt you." Vyse sprung to his feet, crossing his arms over his chest. He even spread his legs a bit, to strike a suitably fitting pose. His grin was at epic proportions now. "After all, we're Rogues. No one hurts anyone that we care about!"

Aika sighed, and laughed a little. "What the musclehead over there is saying, is that as long as you're with us, you're safe."

Fina looked between the two pirates...and relaxed, if only a little. A tiny smile appeared on her thin lips, and she nodded at Aika. "T--thank you."

"No problem!"

Well. There wasn't a problem with keeping Fina safe from other Pirates. There was a problem coming from the voice tube, mounted in the corner of the room. A scratchy, but very recognizable voice. Vyse flinched and dropped his 'heroic pose'. Aika turned pale as a ghost. Fina looked confused, both at the voice tube itself, and the reaction of the pirates to it.

"...that was Dad, wasn't it?" Vyse gulped, looking down at his hands. That were shaking a bit. "I forgot what time it was."

A nod came from his friend, "Yeah, you did. He is not going to be happy."

With the teenage pirates looking so scared, all Fina could do was ask the obvious question. "Was that Vyse's father? Is something the matter?"

Once more scratching his head, Vyse began casually sidling towards the door. "My dad is the Captain of the Albatross. I'm...a bit late for my shift."

While Fina titled her head at the word 'Captain', Aika just sighed. And stepped forward to push Vyse out of the door. While her friend complained about that, the redhead looked over her shoulder and sent a comforting grin Fina's way.

"Don't worry, we'll explain everything later. You should rest for now!"

And just like that, the two pirates left a very confused young woman behind them.

"You're late, Vyse."

The bridge of the Albatross was the second most expansive position on the vessel, after the gun deck. A thick blue carpet, adorned with the logo of the Blue Storm, covered most of the hard wooden planking. Across the walls, various flags and emblems hung. Some from prizes- Vyse saw the flag of the Cygnus hanging over a pair of pistols mounted on the wall -and some from other Blue Rogue groups. The front of the cabin was mostly taken up by the wheel, various consoles controlling the engines, and massive windows. Beyond those windows, the form of Pirate Isle was visible in the distance, floating in the endless sea of clouds that was Mid-Ocean.

Of course, Vyse didn't spare much more than a glance to any of that.

"Sorry, Dad..."

Because, standing by the large chart table, was his father. Dyne was an imposing man under the best of circumstances. Taller than his son, and much more ruggedly built. Where Vyse was lithe, Dyne was muscle. Where Vyse still had the ungainly and bony body of a teenager, Dyne was a man in his prime. He wore a simple tunic and leather pants, nothing ostentatious or even showing off his position as 'Captain'. And his gruff-featured face, mustache and all, was currently frowning at his son too. Which was something Vyse never liked seeing.

I feel like a little kid, whenever he does that.

Dyne's frown deepened, as he raised up a calloused hand to wave a finger at his son. "Remember, when we're aboard ship, it's Captain. Not 'dad'. How many times have I told you that, Vyse?"

"...a lot." The teenager flushed slightly, though in his defense, he knew Dad as...well. Dad. It felt odd to call him 'Captain' all the time! "Sorry, Captain. Aika and I were just talking with Fina."

"Fina?" Dyne's frown faded, replaced by a confused expression. He pursed his lips, and walked over to his son. A meaty hand fell down on Vyse's shoulder, as the elder man looked down into his son's eyes. "Did the girl wake up?"

"Yeah. She seems a bit...strange."

Letting go of his son, Dyne crossed his arms and hummed thoughtfully. "Normally I'd lecture you about how being late on a ship can mean life and death." A smirk crossed his rugged face, at the sputtering from his son. Dyne held his hand up, and continued, "But if the girl, Fina you said, woke up? At least that's a good reason. Did you find out anything about where she's from?"

Vyse shook his head, "Not really. She..."

"Doesn't even know what Air Pirates are!" Aika chirped, brushing past Vyse to look out the expansive windows.

Dyne sent a dry look at the redhead, shaking his head in amusement. It didn't hide the worry in his brown eyes. "Doesn't know what Air Pirates No one who travels in these parts doesn't at least know the name. Unless she's from North Ocean and genuinely doesn't know because Valua keeps things locked down tight over there."

"But, why would..." Vyse began, only to have his eyes widen. "Oh. You don't think she is either, do you?"

"Of course not." The Captain smiled, uncrossing his arms to throw them up in a shrug. "I've been to North Ocean. She isn't dressed like someone who lives there, or Valua. I've never seen clothes like hers anywhere."

"I thought they were strange too," Aika spoke up again, now leaning against the navigation table. Landis, the navigator, was sending the odd glare or two her way, as she disrupted his work. "I mean, I've never seen anyone wear a dress like that!"

Dyne chuckled, "The day anyone gets you into a dress, Aika, is the day I retire."

While the redhead gave a sheepish smile and blushed brighter than her hair, Dyne turned back to his son. His entire bearing conveyed intense curiosity. From the twinkle in his eyes, to the little frown on his face. As well as the way he leaned forward and tapped his foot, the rhythmic beat audible over even the sounds of a ship in movement.

"Hm. As soon as we've docked, I want you to bring Fina to my office, Vyse." Dyne looked his son straight in the eye, and spoke with utmost seriousness. "I don't believe she is any threat to us, or our home. Not intentionally." As he said that, the older sailor's eyes drifted back to the flag of the Cygnus. A deeper frown crossed his lips. "But if the Valuans are after her, I want to know why. I won't send her off on her own, however, if we need to hide her..."

Dyne trailed off, while Vyse nodded his head. "I understand. I think you'll like her, too! She's...nice."

"A bit strange, but nice!" Aika agreed with a vigorous nod, her twintails bobbing with the motion of her head.

Smiling slightly, the Captain nodded. "I'm sure I will. Now, with that mystery out of the way, has the Valuan woken up?"

Both Vyse and Aika winced. They had...completely forgotten about the man they saved. He was in a different room from Fina, and in all the excitement, they hadn't bothered to check up on him. There was a guard posted by the door, to be safe, and he had seemed fine. Though, in all fairness, Luke didn't exactly talk much. Still! Everything had seemed just fine, from what they saw.

Though, if the disapproving look on Dyne's face was any indication, he didn't much agree. Oops?

"I'll let you off the hook, this time." Dyne sighed, shaking his head in fond bemusement. "Honestly, I'm not even surprised. We don't normally take prisoners home with us. Just...keep an eye out, alright? I want you working with Fina, but that Valuan is probably going to want to talk to who saved him."

"Got it, Da--" Vyse cut himself off, when Dyne narrowed his eyes. " it, Captain."

"Good. Now, you two need to get out on deck and help stow the sails. We'll be home soon, and I want the Albatross docked as quickly as possible. The sooner we're all home and I can talk to our guests, the better." Dyne stepped away, muttering something under his breath about having a girl from a strange land and a Valuan Commander on Pirate Isle.

Vyse and Aika shared guilty grins, and set out to do what was asked of them. They wanted to be home as much as anyone, after all!

Christmas in retail royally sucks, by the by.

That said, now that I'm past that, I'm wanting to try and do weekly updates for this, whenever possible. Not because it's my most requested thing by any means, but because it is my favorite thing to write. For reasons I already went over.

That's part of why I'm not trying to ape the other novelizations on FFN and do massive chapters that cover large chunks of the game. This is my average length in anything, these days, and I doubt that will change outside really important parts. Which this, as a bridge between Alfonso and Pirate Isle, is not.
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I heartily approve of the flags Vyse has raised with Fina and Aika. Threesome harem ending is a go.

*is beaten by angry clouds*

I really enjoyed this segment, Sky. It's a bright and fun read, the total opposite of its counterpart FF8. I regret not getting to play it back in the day, and I look forward to seeing the next update ^_^
I heartily approve of the flags Vyse has raised with Fina and Aika. Threesome harem ending is a go.

*is beaten by angry clouds*

I really enjoyed this segment, Sky. It's a bright and fun read, the total opposite of its counterpart FF8. I regret not getting to play it back in the day, and I look forward to seeing the next update ^_^

You say that as a joke, but there are genuinely a number of subtle implications throughout the game that this may, in fact, be canon. Nothing explicit happens, but both girls keep pictures of Vyse in their bedrooms and there's one point near the end of the game where you have the option of giving one of them quite a long hug while the other one's watching from a distance, then receiving a kiss from the latter.

The treatment of this kind of relationship as just happening quietly in the background with everyone involved not getting into fights over it because they value all their relationships with each other is one of the many reasons I love this game.

Good to see another novelization after all this time, I wrote a bit of one myself but ended up stopping fairly early on when I realized that my idea of switching from a (mostly) straight novelization to a crossover with another setting entirely halfway through probably wouldn't have gone very well at all.
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Skies of Arcadia was one of my favorite RPGs back in the day. The old Gamecube edition where I lost the disk. :cry:

Funny enough, I have thought of doing a Quest in the setting, but I couldn't come up with a good enough hook or mechanics.
This is quite engaging, Sky. I can tell that you enjoy writing this. This is my first time hearing about the game, but I will definitely keep up with this.
I love Skies of Arcadia, I remember playing it on my Gamecube as a kid... then my Gamecube stopped working so I couldn't play it any more.
How did I miss this quest. Skies of Arcadia is my favorite RPG game for the Gamecube. Never played the original since I could never afford to buy a copy of it. Anyway I am definitely watching this and wanting to read more.
Like a couple of others have mentioned I also thought up a Quest premise for this, main divergence being why would they send Fina as she's shown when the previous one was so much better trained and still failed for some reason they are not aware of? *Shrug* I can't really write consistently though and with my depression I'd fall off very quickly into it. Not to mention I'm not sure how I'd flesh out the setting, keep track of it, and/or otherwise change the plot up.

Anyway, I never played the actual game, but I saw/read a couple LPs of it. Damn good game. Really damn good game. In the same vein as Wild Arms 3 type good game.

I've been building up a collection of notes to try and run a quest with the point of divergence being the creation of a seventh school of magic.
Black Magic I'm guessing? What were you thinking of having it's core concept being?
All this reminiscing about one of my childhood favorite games is making me want to pull out my GameCube and play Skies of Arcadia all over again. unfortunately the GameCube console is frequently not registering the disc causing me to open and shut the thing while in gameplay a lot and thus making it not worth it. Maybe I will buy a new GameCube console one of these days but its nice to remember the games I used to play on that console. Real life and work are also a reason for not being able to play games a lot these days.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Pirate Isle, known to the world at large as Windmill Island, was a quaint little piece of rock. Floating in Mid-Ocean, the land of A Thousand Islands, it was neither unique nor impressive. Not as large as the likes of Dangrel or Sailor's Island. Nor did it have any fascinating landmarks, like the nearby Shrine Island. It was, for all intents and purposes, a completely average and unassuming little island. Special only for having a proper source of water, and a little copse of trees that had allowed settlers to survive. Valuan ships never stopped there, and traders only came on rare days. A small rock, floating alone, with only a small town.

That, of course, was exactly what Captain Dyne wanted it to look like.

As the Albatross lazily drifted towards the rocky mantle of the island, the man smiled slightly. He had come across Pirate Isle when he was only slightly older than his son. At the time, there had been nothing but a handful of particularly brave men camped out on the deserted island. Dyne, recognizing the utility of such an ill-assuming position right on the busy shipping lanes, had immediately claimed the island as his own. Setting down roots with his crew, and starting construction of the notable windmill and town atop the island. And...

"The dock is opening now, Captain." Briggs' voice broke Dyne from his thoughts. The taller man stood at the wheel, gingerly steering the old girl towards Pirate Isle.

Towards a place, so well-hidden that even the Armada had never found it. A massive chunk of rock and wood, carved right into the side of the island, opening up. Even through the hull of the Albatross, Dyne could hear the creak of enormous chains. Slowly, ever so slowly, an entire side of Pirate Isle opened up.

The Armada never finds us, because they don't think to look inside an island. Dyne chuckled to himself, as he always did when returning home. It was so simple, yet so ingenious. That was what made it work.

Looking out the window, the Captain could see his son out on deck. Vyse had stopped stowing the sails, and instead, stood beside a girl in white. He was animatedly gesturing at the dock, and the dockhands alongside. The teenager gave a wide sweep of his arms to demonstrate, as ropes were thrown to the Albatross to tug her along. The thing was...

Even from where he stood, Dyne could see confusion plain on the girl. Fina.

"That's the girl, isn't it?" Briggs, freed from the wheel, had sidled up next to him. The muscular man was staring down on the deck, a small frown crossing his chiseled features. "Never seen clothes like that before."

Dyne grunted, his own eyes looking over the girl. She was a tiny little thing, slim and frail. Who in their right mind would send her out on her own? Even if she had known about Pirates and Valuans, it wouldn't make sense. If Vyse was right about how little she knew...

"I admit, I want to know where she's from." The Captain looked at his Vice-Captain out of the corner of his eye, his own face twisting into a scowl. "So I can go there and yell at whoever sent an unprepared girl out on her own, without any help or guidance."

Briggs' frown slid off his face, replaced by a slim smile. The man clapped Dyne on the shoulder, chuckling good-naturedly. "You're a father, Captain. Of course you want to. I heard a bit of what Vyse said, myself." The smile was gone, and Briggs sighed deeply. "I can't even say I blame you. Vyse and Aika were out sailing with us at a younger age, but you can't say they didn't know what they were getting into."

Dyne nodded, "And I never let them on a combat mission until I was certain they were ready."

"I'd say they were ready a long time before you let them," the Vice-Captain gave another squeeze, before backing away to dodge Dyne's swing. Chuckling, if not smiling, Briggs hummed a bit and tapped his foot on the old deck. He was thoughtful now.

There was a reason that Dyne kept him around, and his sharp mind was certainly part of it.

"I doubt we'll be able to get much out of her," the man began to pace, walking between the map table and the bridge instruments. Deep below, the sound of loot from the Cygnus being unloaded echoed from the holds. That was a process that would take some time, considering the sheer volume taken.

It was a secondary concern, right now, as odd as that sounded.

"That girl was attacked by the Valuans for a reason. They don't just send an Admiral after a single girl."

With a heavy sigh, Dyne leaned back against the console. He nodded at his pacing Vice-Captain, his eyes drifting over to the banner taken from Alfonso. No. They didn't just send the First Admiral of the Armada after a random girl. Question upon question ran through his mind like a herd of stampeding Warrior Bulls. Where was Fina from? Why had the girl been sent out, completely alone? Why did she seem to know so very little about the world? And, perhaps most importantly...

Why was Valua after her?

"This is...very impressive."

And the thing of it was, Fina wasn't even lying. Oh, certainly, it wasn't impressive by Silvite standards. Very little was! However, she couldn't help but be impressed by the ingenuity of the Island Dwellers, either. To hollow out an Island and use it for docking was ingenious. It was so massive, too! Wide green eyes stared up at ascending levels carved into the rock. Four different levels rose on one side of the harbor. Each was carved from the rock of the island, so sharply that it seemed natural. Two apparent resource areas, with many boxes and cannon. A further one that seemed to provide housing, and far at the top? A set of wooden buildings erected atop the final terrace.

Vyse's father was quite intelligent, to do something such as this.

"Yeah, Dad put a lot of work into this." Beside her, Vyse was grinning and scratching the back of his head. His brown eyes were shining with pride, as he thrust his chin out at the building at the top. "That's his office up there. He told me, one time, that he wanted everyone to know where he was. So they could come talk to him, if they had any problems."

Aika nodded her head, off to the side. She was grinning as well, bouncing back and forth on her heels as her eyes kept drifting to the pile of gold the pirates were sorting through. She didn't move, though. "That's why we all love the Cap'n. If we have anything going on, we can just go talk to him about it."

"I...see." Fina didn't, not really. The Elders were there, however, they always summoned anyone they felt the desire to speak with. One did not simply go to the Elders.

Perhaps, the Island Dwellers were more different than she thought? Certainly, she would like to experience this for herself. So long as Vyse's father didn't ask about her quest. As nice as the Blue Rogues had been to her, none could know of where she was from, or her reason for venturing through Arcadia. She must never tell them.

Even if they are enemies of Valua, the power of the Moon Crystals is too much for any Island Dweller. I...I want to trust them. But I can't. The Elders told me so.

Forcing those thoughts deep, deep down, Fina smiled and looked over at Vyse. The Air Pirate smiled back, even as he was placing his head in his palms. Fina tilted her head slightly, a question on her lips. A question that died, when she saw past her new...friend. Were they friends? She would like to think so, even if she would have to leave, one day.

Regardless, the question had failed, because she saw Aika. More importantly, what Aika was doing.

"Vyse?" Fina's voice was very tiny, and her eyes very wide. "Why is Aika jumping through your gold?"

Vyse let out a long-suffering sigh, "Because she does this every time we raid a Valuan warship." Sigh he may, the teenager couldn't help the smile on his face. Or the slight shrug of his shoulders. "Don't mind her, Aika gets a bit...odd...when it comes to gold."

"Come on, Vyse! You know that you want a share too!" Aika's cheerful voice echoed from the center of the pile of Valuan gold, as she picked up a scepter and stared at it appreciatively. "I think I found blondie's Admiral baton!"

"Of course you did," the teenage Pirate rolled his eyes, and laughed. "If it were anyone else, I wouldn't believe it. But Alfonso..."

Fina was not the best at reading emotions. The Elders were stoic, most Silvites followed their lead, and the only one to ever really show any care for her was...

'You know why I'm going, right? I'm the best Swordsmen we have, and if anyone will get the Moon Crystals...'

'I know...please, be careful, okay? Come back, Ram...'

Shaking her head, Fina refocused. Vyse was much more emotive than she was used to. But she could still see what he was hiding. He may laugh at the man who had captured her, but he was angry at the same time. He just didn't want anyone to see it. Why?

"Um...Vyse? Is something the matter?" Fina hesitantly reached a hand out, touching Vyse's arm. Her wide green eyes stared at him, asking an unspoken question.

Vyse just shook his head, his grin firmly on his face. "Nah, nothing's wrong. Come on, let's get in there before Aika steals all the good stuff."

"Hey!" The redhead protested, standing atop a pile of gold coins as the other Air Pirates alternately cheered her on, or jeered at her to let them take their own picks. Aika ignored them all, having what appeared to be a silk cap atop her head. "It's not my fault you're slow! First come, first serve!"

"Never change, Aika!" Vyse shouted up at her, even as he reached down and picked up a coin. He looked at a very confused Fina, winking at her. While Aika was busy using her scepter as an impromptu sword to ward off another female Pirate, Vyse pulled his arm back. Fina's eyes widened, when she realized what he was going to do.

Yet, before she could so much as say anything, a much more authoritative voice rang out over the assembled Pirates. Fina's eyes moved from Vyse, stumbling and falling face-first into the gold, and up to the building she had seen earlier. A tall man, more muscled than any Silvite, stood at the top. His arms were crossed over his thick chest, and a mustache over his lip. Even if it weren't for the jacket on his body, Fina could recognize him. He looked like Vyse.

Was this his father?

"Vyse! I want you to bring the girl up here. I have some questions for her." Vyse's father's voice rang out over the hidden harbor, and all eyes went from him, to Fina.

...oh. Oh dear.

The Silvite girl shrunk in on herself, eyes darting to the floor. She didn't want all this attention. And what if those questions were about her quest? She didn't want to answer any!

Before she could truly panic, Vyse was on his feet and by her side. "Hey, Fina. Relax...alright?" His brown eyes stared down on her, nothing but kindness in them. "Dad won't do anything, I promise. He just wants to talk."

"I...I understand." Fina stuttered, even as she saw Aika waving the other Pirates off. The redhead smiled at her, and shrugged her shoulders in an universal 'what can you do' gesture. "You're certain he won't? I...I can't tell you about a lot of things."

"Eh. Just tell him that, and it'll be fine. Remember," here, Vyse crossed his arms and grinned brightly. "We're Blue Rogues. We don't hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it, or throw out anyone who needs our help!"

Despite herself, Fina felt herself smiling. Vyse had...there was something about him that put her at ease. Enough that she just nodded at his words, and smiled at him. "Alright..."

Fina had the feeling that Vyse and Aika had wanted to show her more of Pirate Isle. Vyse had stopped at a massive cannon, and began to say something, before shaking his head. And Aika was pointing at every door they walked past, chattering about what they were and who owned what. For all of that, however, they still moved ever onward. It was a matter of minutes before they stood inside the large building, even larger up close, that Fina had seen from the Albatross. A massive wooden table stood at the center, books- real books -and charts scattered across it.

A flush went up Fina's cheeks, when she recognized some of those charts. She knew that Vyse's father had likely been trying to figure out where she had come from. truly intelligent.

However, no man, no matter how intelligent, would ever find her home. It was impossible for the Island Dwellers.

"Hello," Vyse's father stood at the front of the table, a pair of even more muscular men on either side of him. Blue moonstone swords were visible on their waists, while a primitive pistol was on the table in front of the leader. For all of that, the elder man had a slight smile on his face and did not appear threatening at all. "Vyse told me that your name was Fina, correct?"

Fighting down her nerves, Fina nodded jerkily. She fought the urge to outright bow, as she always should for those in power. Different customs. "Yes."​

"I see," the man nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes drifted up and down her body, and yet, Fina felt no fear. There was not a bit of hostility in his gaze, merely curiosity. "I suppose it's only fair that you know my name, then. I'm Dyne, the Captain of the Blue least, my little group of them."

"It--it's an honor, El...Captain Dyne." Forcing herself to remember the proper title, and praying to the Silver Moon that Dyne did not notice her slipup, Fina lost the battle. She bowed her head low, averting her eyes to the floor.

All she got for that was a chuckle, and the sound of a hand waving. "There's no need for that. I may be the Captain, but we're all equals here. We don't bow to anyone, or expect anyone to bow to us. Lift your head up, please."

Slowly, hesitantly, Fina did exactly that. She raised her head, and found Dyne smiling at her. His thin mustache twitched over his lips, and brown eyes- the same shade as Vyse's -had softened. He was, in fact, waving his hand. Not dismissively, but in a way to let her know he didn't stand on protocol. How...strange.

And yet, relieving.

"I'll admit, the main reason I brought you up here was to ask some questions." Dyne continued, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly, when Fina turned her head a bit to the side. "Will that be a problem?"

Fina shook her head rapidly. "N---no, not at all!"

"Good," Dyne nodded, before moving his hand to gesture at the spread of charts upon his table. His first question was painfully obvious. "I've never seen clothes like what you wear, and I've been from North Ocean, to Nasr and everywhere in-between. What country are you from?"

"I...can't answer that." Fina's voice was very small, when she replied. Her green eyes downcast, at how she was taking advantage of the hospitality of the Blue Rogues without giving them anything in return.

"Hm." Dyne frowned a bit, but didn't press her. "Very well. Can you at least tell me why someone your age was out traveling alone? Or why the Valuans would be after you?"

Fina fought the urge to hide behind Vyse. Or Aika. It must have been apparent that she did, considering the latter jumped in front of her and glared at her leader.

"Cap'n, why are you being so mean to her? Fina hasn't done anything wrong!" The fiery redhead certainly lived up to her hair color. Her twintails practically vibrated with each motion she made.

All it gained was Dyne slapping his hand down on the table. The only ones in the room to not jump, were the two men by his side. Even Vyse flinched a little bit. "Quiet, Aika! While I don't feel that Fina would do anything to intentionally hurt us, the fact remains that the Valuans are after her. I need to at least have an idea why they are. I won't let any harm come to my crew, or my family."

Fina felt her heart drop. Not because she was scared. But because she would not- could not -tell Dyne what he needed to know. Nor could she blame him for his reaction. She was a threat to anyone who took her in, as the Valuans somehow knew how to find her. Something that still made no sense. Could she really say they wouldn't find her here, as well?

"I...I am truly sorry, Captain Dyne." Fina's reedy voice brought all eyes back to her, and caused her to flinch back. She quickly took a deep breath, however, and brought her emerald gaze up. She met Dyne's eyes head-on, and saw nothing to fear in them. "I cannot tell any living soul of my quest, or my homeland. It is not my secret to share."

Fina stepped around Aika, and stared directly at Dyne. Nothing, not the books, not the men behind him...none of it mattered. There was only Fina and the man in front of her. The man who she truly, dearly, wanted to trust her.

"I promise you, that I have no intention of harming anyone. I...I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for saving me. I don't want to put you in danger, by telling you what I know."

And it would be putting them in danger. Her knowledge was her own, and no one else but a fellow Silvite would know it. Valua would hunt anyone who did to the end's of Arcadia in their quest for the Crystals. She could not put anyone in danger by telling them what she knew. She would not.

Silence greeted her words. Vyse and Aika were almost certainly sharing looks behind her. Dyne's guards stood silent, not showing any emotion. And the Captain himself? He merely stared at Fina, whatever he was thinking very, very well hidden. His impenetrable gaze would rival the walls of the Shrine in their durability. She couldn't read anything from him.

Until he let his shoulders drop down, and a sardonic smile cross his face.

"Looks like I lost this one, and to a teenage girl of all things." Dyne's voice was full of self-deprecation, yet, not harshness. He merely laughed a little, and shook his head. "I understand that you don't know much about Air Pirates, Fina. But you should know one thing...Blue Rogues have our own code of honor. And I swear on my own, that you are under our protection. So long as you are our guest, we won't let any harm come to you."

"T--thank you, Captain Dyne." Fina felt her face warm, as the man smiled at her.

"Vyse, why don't you show Fina around the village?" Dyne turned away from the Silvite, and looked at his son instead. "Make her feel at home. I get the feeling she may be here for awhile."

Vyse chuckled behind Fina, clapping a hand down on her slim shoulder. "Don't worry, Dad. I'll show her all the good stuff."

"It's Captain, Vyse."

As even the dour guards laughed, Fina felt a small smile cross her lips. She would not tell the Air Pirates the nature of her mission, no. However...perhaps she could find friends here. Relax, until the day she inevitably must find a way to continue on her quest. For she could never stay in one place forever, not so long as Valua was hunting the means to end the world as they knew it.

Her brother had failed, she would not do the same.

I haven't forgotten about the Vice Captain, he'll show up in the next chapter. I'm trying to expand on the viewpoints here, so you can expect more from Dyne's perspective and for him to play a larger role in the story. I like developing secondary characters, after all.

I'm also going to expand on the world building, moving forward. It's not just a rewrite of the game and nothing else, after all.
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Yes, I caught up!

Aika and Fina are cute in complementary ways. Aika because she's so exuberant as to swim in gold coins a la Scrooge McDuck and Fina because she's so prone to getting flustered.

I also liked how you wrote Fina's POV. It helped flesh out her character, making her more than just "mysterious anime girl # 1990".