Adventures on the Frontier (IC Thread)

Shaking his head, Tabran waited until the group was finished discussing matters amongst themselves. "Right. You've got your quest, now get out there. Stop by the markets if you wish, they'll have a few trinkets available. Right now Seabreeze is still getting set up. Wherever he is," he grumbled. "Otherwise, it's a simple mission. Kill the monsters and return home safely. Don't die out there, ya hear?"
Yska chuckles and nods. "That is the plan, yes." She then cocks her head quizzically to one side. "Also, Seabreeze? Who is that?"

The boy nods along in understanding as he settles back into his seat, abashed and mildly flummoxed. Why would they have to be combat trained..?
Yska nudges the boy with an elbow and gives him a conspiratorial smile. "I know, right?" She whispers. "Apparently, there are smaller beasts that are safe for people to try and catch without magic." She shakes her head in disbelief. The Landlocked were so weird sometimes.

She glances at the rest of the party. "My own preparations are effectively complete. You all?"
Yska gives a good natured shrug. "I'm broke anyway. I spent most of my gold signing up and making the journey over here. Couldn't buy anything even if I wanted to."

"Unless we plan to get fancy with traps, more or less so. Not a suggestion though, given odds of friendly misstep being likely."
Yska ponders for her moment, scratching her chin idly. "No." She eventually decided. "If we were after a single monster, a trap would be rather effective and pretty simple to set up if we knew where it's den would be. But any trap that could handle multiple monsters would be too complex to set up quickly."

She then nods at Van's words. "And yes, the chances of either Lawu or Tess being accidentally caught in it as well would be quite high, considering their positions and our lack of experience working together."

She claps her hands together. "Well, I think that covers everything. We should probably get a move on. We don't want to be fighting those things in the darker, or anything in the dark for that matter."
Heith - Scholar of the World
She glances at the rest of the party. "My own preparations are effectively complete. You all?"

"I'm all good, I have everything I need in my own rucksack" As he finished speaking he turned to Van.

For his part, Van would take one firm glance at the map before rolling it up...and handing it off to Heith (@Witherbrine26).

Taking the rolled-up map he tucked it into one of his many pockets inside his robe. "Thank you."

She claps her hands together. "Well, I think that covers everything. We should probably get a move on. We don't want to be fighting those things in the darker, or anything in the dark for that matter."

Rolling his shoulders Heith looked around to see that everybody was ready before speaking, "I do agree with Madam Yska, I do not want to fight at night or nearing dusk." With that statement, he waited for the younger and more resilient members of their makeshift group to take the lead.
On another topic, Van would already be walking away from Tess.
What a cool guy, their scout. Already getting a head start on their mission, just like a.. Well, a scout!
Yska nudges the boy with an elbow and gives him a conspiratorial smile. "I know, right?" She whispers. "Apparently, there are smaller beasts that are safe for people to try and catch without magic." She shakes her head in disbelief. The Landlocked were so weird sometimes.
Tess shrugs and smiles back, too caught up in Bramble's voice to form an actual reply.
Dryly, Lawu remarks: "Dying out there would be rather counterproductive. Needless to say, I have no intention of letting any of us die." She glances at the rest of the party. "My own preparations are effectively complete. You all?"
Rolling his shoulders Heith looked around to see that everybody was ready before speaking, "I do agree with Madam Yska, I do not want to fight at night or nearing dusk." With that statement, he waited for the younger and more resilient members of their makeshift group to take the lead.
The boy stretches, nodding determinedly to Lawu's words in particular. He makes to follow, waving to their superiors. "B-Bye Ms. Berry, Mr. Tabran!"
Yska chuckles and nods. "That is the plan, yes." She then cocks her head quizzically to one side. "Also, Seabreeze? Who is that?"

Tabran paused before nodding. "Ah, yes. Seabreeze is our armorer or quartermaster, whichever he feels like calling himself on a given day. If you have any equipment issues, find him once he's set up. The man's rather eccentric, so keep that in mind."

The boy stretches, nodding determinedly to Lawu's words in particular. He makes to follow, waving to their superiors. "B-Bye Ms. Berry, Mr. Tabran!"

Bramble waves to the young man, giving them her most beaming smile. "Good luck, you all! Come back heroes, aye?" Her smile turns into a mischievous grin as her eyes glint. "I'd rather not have to sign excessive paperwork if something goes wrong."

With that, the party departs from their current base of operations. The morning sun has risen higher in the sky, signaling that noon has come. As they move towards the north-eastern gate, folks begin to take notice of the rather unique individuals now calling this town their home. Waves and happy exclamations are given when people notice that Adventurers are on a mission.

Passing by a long row of stalls and tents where aspirant merchants sell their wares, the party finds irresistible smells waiting. Vendors here seem to be hawking simple meals, and it proves the perfect time to get a cheap lunch. Meat skewers with roasted vegetables and mushrooms liberally drizzled in sauce prove to be the most popular, but there are sandwiches and wraps available for those who prefer cleanliness.

Once hunger is taken care of, they continue out towards the gate after crossing the stream that separates part of the town. The guards on duty readily open it to allow them to exit, and the group finds themselves entering the wilderness.

This close to the town, much of its nature is blunted by deforestation. The massive palisade wall took a lot of wood, after all. But even with aggressive lumberwork, the forest is still a force of nature. Already young trees have started to sprout at the edges, with wild grasses and flowers growing in a frenzy.

But the moment they enter the woods proper, a sense of silence falls upon the group. The noise of civilization fades quickly, and soon they find nothing but birdsong and the rustling of leaves. The forest around them is truly old growth. Trees reach far into the sky, their canopies eagerly drawing up the light from this world's sibling suns. It leaves the surroundings dim and shadowed.

Not threatening, though. Life flourishes here, from the smallest insect to the largest deer. Leaves turning orange leaves the place in a wash of bright colors. Mushrooms thrive in the corpses of dead titans, and flowers find places to root where the light falls.

Having one map and five heads does pose a problem. How exactly are they going to get where they need to go?

[The party must make their way to a destination several miles away. This will require two DC pools to collaboratively deplete. The first is Locomotion, which will require a total of 25 to beat. The second is Proficiency, which will require a total of 35 to beat. Your characters may each make a roll, the results of which will need to beat your chosen DC. Players may pick whichever one they'd like to contribute to, and may spend MP.]
Bramble waves to the young man, giving them her most beaming smile. "Good luck, you all! Come back heroes, aye?" Her smile turns into a mischievous grin as her eyes glint. "I'd rather not have to sign excessive paperwork if something goes wrong."
"Y-Yes ma'am!" The red faced sorcerer brands the sight of their Handler's smile into his mind, even as his refusal to look away trips him into the floor.
Vendors here seem to be hawking simple meals, and it proves the perfect time to get a cheap lunch.
Tess displays his ingenious cunning as they pass the street vendors with a messy feat of culinary brilliance; the sandwich skewer. Was it sandwich? Was it skewer? Was it eaten by the stick or by grappling with the bread? Whatever it was, Tess can attest it's delicious- If a bit bland for his tastes.
But the moment they enter the woods proper, a sense of silence falls upon the group. The noise of civilization fades quickly, and soon they find nothing but birdsong and the rustling of leaves. The forest around them is truly old growth. Trees reach far into the sky, their canopies eagerly drawing up the light from this world's sibling suns. It leaves the surroundings dim and shadowed.

Not threatening, though. Life flourishes here, from the smallest insect to the largest deer. Leaves turning orange leaves the place in a wash of bright colors. Mushrooms thrive in the corpses of dead titans, and flowers find places to root where the light falls.
Its a struggle not to fall into the beauty of the woods, to chase each moment and ephemeral sight. He stays close to his new companions, trailing after their steps as he swats at insects with his robes. Its a struggle between his sense of direction and lesser stamina, but he keeps their pace with the effort and grit of youth. He's the closest he'd ever been to what he'd traveled into the frontier for, and it does well to drive him forward.

All but clutching the other's bags to avoid losing them, the boy closes his eyes and does what he can to help direct their course. He breathes in, out. The shadows and decay of the undergrowth. The primal ambience and instinctual forces. Tess smiles, darkly serene. [Proficiency (3d6 = 17)]
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Heith - Scholar of the World
Having one map and five heads does pose a problem. How exactly are they going to get where they need to go?

Looking down at the map Heith strode up to his full height, not that it was all that impressive given his age, and took a deep breath. Letting the mana in his gut spool up he threaded it into his head and behind his eyes. Peering out his eyes shining with Light it was simplicity itself to see the path he would need to travel. "Follow me," he says with his voice having an ethereal tang to it and soon enough he was off eyes peering off at something only he could see as he walked through the forest toward their destination

[Proficiency: -1 Focus, (11d6 = 35)]
Van - Barbaric Bandit
But the moment they enter the woods proper, a sense of silence falls upon the group. The noise of civilization fades quickly, and soon they find nothing but birdsong and the rustling of leaves. The forest around them is truly old growth. Trees reach far into the sky, their canopies eagerly drawing up the light from this world's sibling suns. It leaves the surroundings dim and shadowed.

Not threatening, though. Life flourishes here, from the smallest insect to the largest deer. Leaves turning orange leaves the place in a wash of bright colors. Mushrooms thrive in the corpses of dead titans, and flowers find places to root where the light falls.

Having one map and five heads does pose a problem. How exactly are they going to get where they need to go?
While the others would take their time to work together, Van takes his role as scout well and with only minor issues. From his view at least.

To them, everybody would watch as Van very quickly breaks from the pack...before returning. Then leave once more and all over again. Each time, he found a bit more about the way forward and mentioned difficult locals that weren't shown on the map.

It becomes very clear that he's not a scout for his expertise in getting through obstacles. He's a scout because he physically manages to see the path before everybody else. As for obstacles, he's more than aware of what odd things to set boundaries to return by.
Figuring out the path exactly is something the rest will have to do, which is why Heith is the one with the map.
[Locomotion Roll +1 Party movement bonus (+2d6)= 8d6 = (32)]
Having one map and five heads does pose a problem. How exactly are they going to get where they need to go?
"Follow me," he says with his voice having an ethereal tang to it and soon enough he was off eyes peering off at something only he could see as he walked through the forest toward their destination
Follow, he might have said, but Lawu takes it upon herself to match his stride as much as she can, clearing space when Heith's path would otherwise be impeded by undergrowth or wildlife.

[Locomotion, 4d6-2 = 17]
Having one map and five heads does pose a problem. How exactly are they going to get where they need to go?
Though not used to the land in which she found herself, Yska is still familiar with navigating dense foliage and flora, and is able to help her less experienced companions bypass any obstacles that Van points out while he goes ahead to determine their next move. [Locomotion. 6d6 = 17]

As she helps Tess over a particularly steep hill, slippery with moss and fallen leaves, she looks curiously at him. "You seem much more happier now. What happened back in town? You were so nervous, I felt like your heart was about to grow wings and fly right out of your chest."
As she helps Tess over a particularly steep hill, slippery with moss and fallen leaves, she looks curiously at him. "You seem much more happier now. What happened back in town? You were so nervous, I felt like your heart was about to grow wings and fly right out of your chest."
As Heith directs them, Van scouts forward, and Lawu and Yska pave their way, Tess still somehow manages to stumble over a root and into a branch. The boy spits a leaf from his mouth and glances aside. "Back in-?" He flushes. "W-Well, I mean. We were meeting our seniors, and, uhm-" He waves his hands, nervously laughing as they scale the next hill. "I-It's not really-" Tess pauses, frowning. "..'Much more happier' isn't proper grammar."
[Locomotion Check Totals = 66! Critical Success! Proficiency Check Totals = 52! Success! The party finds their destination and is not burdened by any obstacles or barriers.]

Moving forwards, the party finds themselves adapting to the wilderness quickly and efficiently. The group matches each other's pace and keeps things copacetic. A rhythm is found, and the forest accepts them one and all.

Heith manages to harness the magic of the aether, following the tell-tale signs of magic and using them as an excellent landmark. In a forest like this, there aren't many natural ones aside from 'more trees'. But to an arcane sense? The magical environment is stark and radically different from place to place.

Thankfully, Tess is there besides the older man to keep him grounded and focused on the mundane rather than being lost in those eldritch visions. Together, they hammer down a path that should lead them to their destination. One would hope.

Where the more natural distractions lie are taken up by Lawu and Yska. The knight herself isn't a natural, but her strength and armor makes it so she can simply brush through any natural barriers like thorns or briars. With a blade ready to chop and cut, it makes the going much easier for the 'squishier' members.

Yska on the other hand, was born and raised in the wilds. She managed to guide the others through easier paths, following the trails of wild game and beasts. Their wisdom comes in handy, and it proves quite smart to tread ground already traveled. A huntress is always keen to find the best path.

For the case of Van, however, the quick and nimble scout manages to find something entirely unique. Moments before he would trip and fall into a pit, the man manages to steady himself on a nearby branch.

Then he looks down.

[Verdant Sinkhole discovered!]

Below him is a picturesque grotto forming some kind of sinkhole. Whatever geological process allowed it to form, it has proven to become a beacon of growth in an already green woods. Water has collected in a large, clear and crystalline pond. Fish scamper between the rocks and stones.

Granite rock covers the walls where moss and creepers haven't overgrown. Pockets of dirt and detritus have fallen and formed spots where bushels and flowers can grow; fed by the sun above. And magically, this place shines. It is a natural leyline, allowing the flora here to blossom even further.

An appraising eye will also notice crystalline growths jutting from the walls, no doubt valuable and an excellent option to sell. This entire place is a bounty, and well worth a halt in their travel.

[Verdant Sinkhole. Unique chance of 13. The party may all make Loot Rolls.]
1 - 45 - 67 - 910 - 1213 - 1415 - 1617 - 20
Van - Barbaric Bandit
For the case of Van, however, the quick and nimble scout manages to find something entirely unique. Moments before he would trip and fall into a pit, the man manages to steady himself on a nearby branch.

Then he looks down.

[Verdant Sinkhole discovered!]

Below him is a picturesque grotto forming some kind of sinkhole. Whatever geological process allowed it to form, it has proven to become a beacon of growth in an already green woods. Water has collected in a large, clear and crystalline pond. Fish scamper between the rocks and stones.

Granite rock covers the walls where moss and creepers haven't overgrown. Pockets of dirt and detritus have fallen and formed spots where bushels and flowers can grow; fed by the sun above. And magically, this place shines. It is a natural leyline, allowing the flora here to blossom even further.

An appraising eye will also notice crystalline growths jutting from the walls, no doubt valuable and an excellent option to sell. This entire place is a bounty, and well worth a halt in their travel.
For his part, Van took the almost immediate death by falling well. If only because he's already used to areas more precarious in terms of height.

Regardless, with the sight of the strange area, the boy leads the rest of the group to the Sinkhole before he makes his way down, climbing and controlled falls making it far faster than a careful trek would.

And for his part...would find some interesting things already.
[Looting roll (DC 13 for Unique)= 20 (what)]
[Item check- Type and Rarity= 18 (Morale) 19 (Mythic) (Again, what)]
Perusing the natural bounty before them, Van searches for something valuable to add to his collection. But before he can gravitate towards the fancy-looking crystals or rare herbs, a small dandelion catches his eye.

To the naked eye, it appears a simple flower. Just a weed, some would say. But to grow here, it is special. Even in autumn, the flower still blooms a bright yellow.

When he touches the flower, Van feels something. He feels... content? Happy, almost? For a man so used to rage and hatred this is quite strange. Unnatural, but good. It's nice.

Picking the flower, Van is able to safely store it away and learn that he can repot it later. But for now, it has given him a spark of something new.

[Van has found the Flower of Life!]

[Flower of Life - Mythic Morale Item]
[This small dandelion is capable of growing in the aridest of soils. Scarcely any care is needed to keep it alive. When one touches its petals, they are given succor. This flower improves the Party's Morale Cap by 2. When at 11 or higher, the party receives a +3 bonus to all defenses.]
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Regardless, with the sight of the strange area, the boy leads the rest of the group to the Sinkhole before he makes his way down, climbing and controlled falls making it far faster than a careful trek would.
"H-Hang on, wait up!" Tess stumbles forward and away from Yska's questioning in pursuit of their scout, only to slow as the pulse of the wilds make themselves known to him. Awe and wonder. Reverence and calm. The boy opens his eyes to the sinkhole over the leyline, arms spread out.

Tess can feel it thrum beneath his feet. Sparing a moment to drink it in, he follows Van in search of mementos. [Looting Roll (7, 19, 17)]
Tess meanwhile finds a less bountiful but still worthwhile source of sweets. The bushel of berries that he finds are almost painfully tart, a delicious treat that can make any person crack a smile the moment they pop one into their mouth. This many berries will mean a lot of people can enjoy something nice. Storing them all will be a problem, though.

[Tess has found Wryberry Bushel! This counts as a Large Morale Object.]
There were glittering things, priceless things- Unique to this miracle of nature alone. But Tess passes them over, catching sight of something even more beautiful. Berries! "Never had anything this sour back in our vineyards!" He admits, moving to harvest an entire bushel. Selling them didn't even enter the boy's mind. He could try making wine from them, or share a few with Ms. Bramble.. Candlelight, wineglasses- Ahh! His face burns.
Stopping as Van almost fell into the pit Heith squints looking around this region as Hei flaps in surprise on top of his hat. This entire region is bursting with Life and other strange smells. Shrugging that aside Heith heads towards where the Light behind his eyes takes him. Past herbs and other plants, he soon comes across a small tree.

Picking up the bonsai tree he smiles, it is clearly magical having fed on the surrounding Life he tucks it in the crook of his arm. This would be a potent tool for combating those opposed to nature and to a greater extent growing some more herb for his pipe. Heading back to the group Heith's mind was distracted by the potential of perhaps getting a few of the rarer blends he had the fortune to try a few times.

Bonsai Staff of Nature - Mythic Weapon Item
This bonsai sapling proves to be an incredibly strong magical focus. Even those who are not magically inclined can tell this object has an effect upon the world. When wielded against creatures that diametrically oppose nature it allows you to deal 2 extra damage. Additionally, this weapon gives a +2d6 bonus when using magic related to nature. (Growing plants, moving earth, or calming animals.)

[Looting roll (DC 13 for Unique)= 15]
[Item check- Type and Rarity= 6 (Weapon) 20 (Mythic)]
Searching through the rich and vibrant forest grotto, Lawu is stricken by the sheer bounty on display. It's certainly a sight to behold. Places like these are hidden throughout the world, their riches locked away by the monstrous threat that keeps people at bay.

To a knight like herself, it's an honor to visit such a place. And a boon, too. She searches through the environment and manages to find a rare specimen.

[Lawu has found Bloodsap Brew!

Bloodsap Brew - Rare Reagent Item
This sap has been harvested from a rare Bloodbud bush. It is a highly valuable component, and can be used to upgrade a Common or Uncommon item into a Rare one.]

This, Lawu thinks, is something we'll want to harvest as often as it's available. Let's just hope Seabreeze can make particularly worthwhile equipment using it...
"Oi!" Yska peers down into the hole. "Y'all alright down there?"

Yska slides down the side of the sinkhole and peers through the undergrowth. She gives a low whistle. "Sheesh. Even back home, we didn't have places this thick with life." Without any danger that is. She gives a wave to Van and gives him a thumbs up. "Hey!! Nice find, Van!"

Hungry and knowing that the party will need more food supply if they want to range farther into the wilderness, Yska focuses on searching for *edible* plants.

There isn't much here that could be considered edible, though. She does manage to find a tree hanging over the side of the sinkhole that is full of low-hanging fruit. It's strange how mangoes are growing here, but she isn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Once dried, these succulent fruits will be worth bringing along.

[Yska has found a Mango Tree! This counts as a Small Supplies Object.]

Yska unslings her rugsack from around her neck and carries off a couple of mangoes, as many she could fit in her rugsack without weighing herself down. She licks her lips and pats her lightly growling stomach. Biggest downside of being broke, food was hard to come by. Not that Yska minded having to hunt for her food, but given the couple weeks of travelling, she simply didn't have enough time to hunt her prey properly. It was very inconvenient!

She smiled to herself. Maybe she'll share some with the group once she's dried them up. Mangoes made for sweet travel rations.
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Having filled their packs with a bountiful harvest, the party chooses to continue onwards. Their travel deeper into the woods remains uneventful as the wilderness overtakes them.

Gradually, the region begins to grow hillier and hillier, the tree cover lessening when it fails to find purchase in rocky soil. Hardier plants begin to grow here, nettles and perennials. Small herds of mountain goats call these places their home, followed by scavengers and predators. Their group is warily watched by a large looking lizard resting in the sun, but it pays them no mind. Raptors know when they are outnumbered.

This close and with the amount of blockage greatly reduced, they can all see the towering Hinterlands Peaks in the distance. It's an awe-inspiring sight, and promises the enticing presence of the unknown just a few miles out of sight. This entire region has barely had its surface been scratched thus far.

However, as they proceed onwards... the party notices that things are growing quiet. Too quiet. Where before there had been buzzing insects, flitting birds, and grazing creatures, now there was silence. The source is only too obvious; monsters in the area. Wildlife knows when to steer clear of such things.

Even the bugs can figure out it's best to hole up in their nests.

The source remains hidden, though. Resting, most likely, conserving energy. This pack that they've been sent to find will be no easy task to discover.

Moving farther into the hilly-woods, the party begins their search in earnest now that they've found their mark.

[The party must discover the den of these monsters. This will require the party rolling Proficiency and must succeed in collaboratively meeting the DC of 45.]
Van - Barbaric Bandit
Moving farther into the hilly-woods, the party begins their search in earnest now that they've found their mark.
Van in this search would be...mildly helpful. Not in a grand degree nor actively unhelpful, but just average.

While his searching does find and unearth clues for the others to follow, the fact remains that he himself does not know what to be on the lookout for.

[Party Proficiency DC: 45]
[Van Proficiency Roll 3d6: (6,5,2)= 13]
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Moving farther into the hilly-woods, the party begins their search in earnest now that they've found their mark.

Spooling up more Light that hit his mind like a breath of fresh air after hours underwater Heith continued his search following in the wake of Van's efforts. "Mmh" He hummed out with his newfound bonsai staff tucked in the crock of his arm as he started walking forward his glowing eyes showing him the path forward

[Party Proficiency Roll: 45]
[Heith Proficiency Roll 11d6 {4 1 3 3 4 4 1 4 3 2 3}= 32]
This close and with the amount of blockage greatly reduced, they can all see the towering Hinterlands Peaks in the distance. It's an awe-inspiring sight, and promises the enticing presence of the unknown just a few miles out of sight. This entire region has barely had its surface been scratched thus far.
Yska pauses, momentarily made breathless by the sight. She smiles from ear to ear. This is the tallest mountain she's seen in her life. She sighs contently. While the circumstances that led to her joining the Adventurer's Guild were less than ideal, at this moment, she finds it hard to feel regret about her choices.

Moving farther into the hilly-woods, the party begins their search in earnest now that they've found their mark.
With Heith's eyes burning like will o wisps, scouring the ground ahead with his magic, Yska focuses on finding physical traces of the monsters. Scratches on trees, broken branches, pawprints left in dirt. Her cheery demeanor is now replaced by a cool and measured silence as her eyes scan the forest floor for their mark.

[Party Proficiency Roll: 66]
[Heith Proficiency Roll 6d6 {2 1 1 5 6 6 }= 21]
Moving farther into the hilly-woods, the party begins their search in earnest now that they've found their mark.
Lawu keeps an eye on their surroundings; to be ambushed while searching for the targets would be rather inconvenient, to say the least.

[Party Proficiency Roll: 79]
[Lawu Proficiency Roll 3d6 {6 1 6 }= 13]
Moving farther into the hilly-woods, the party begins their search in earnest now that they've found their mark.
Tess stifles a prayer to the grand peaks, unsure if their quarry would be able to sense the pulse of magic. Instead, he lets his senses sink into the silence- Its tastes and textures- Trying to find them an advantage. Even sticking close to Lawu, its a miracle in of itself he hasn't gotten lost.

[Party Proficiency Roll: 91]
[Tess Proficiency Roll 3d6 = 12]
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[Threshold has been met and surpassed! Critical success!]

Working together, the party manages to uncover clues and tracks that will no doubt lead them to their target. Piles of discarded bones, cracked open and every last bit of marrow scooped out. No doubt these monsters have been gorging themselves. There are paw prints in the rocky soil, large ones that definitely look bigger than a wolf's. Three-toed, it seems.

These creatures have chosen a good spot to set up. The hilly terrain offers ample coverage for ambushes, and their long sinewy stride suggests good climbing capabilities. But they're not impossible to find. Thanks to the magical senses of Heith and the hunting skills of Yska, the party manages to find their den.

Upon first glance, the rocky crevasse they rest inside appears to only have one entrance. Thankfully, the terrain here works to their advantage as well as the party stealthily creeps up to the tip of a hill and peers down below. You all get your first glimpse at the creatures down below, resting away from the direct heat of the sun.

The yellow and black-furred creatures definitely look imposing. Easily reaching the height of one's chest, their powerful limbs appear to be bulging with muscle. Their thin and bristly spines look akin to that of a hedgehog; something you don't want piercing your skin. Designed to break off. There is also something vaguely reptilian about them, with their mouths seemingly capable of unhinging as you all watch one swallow a chunk of meat larger than its head.

A recent kill.

One strange thing about monsters is they don't make any of the motions that a normal creature would. They don't have the little twitches and movements that a normal animal would. Even their breathing is repetitive; a shallow intake and exhale that repeats. Neither do the creatures pay attention to each other. As they lay there motionless, there is no pack behavior in play. Just coexistence and ignoring one another.

Four of them seem exactly identical to one another, but the fifth is an outlier. It stands a head taller than all of the others, with bigger limbs and longer spines. This one must have consumed the most, and grown much stronger for it. And more magical. Its central spines have thickened into chitinous rods, from which sparks of electricity are emitted. The black fur has changed to a grey, and grown more jagged in shape.

Whatever the case, their quarry has been found. Keen eyes, however, notice something unusual. One of the nearby boulders is hanging on by a thin thread of stone. After a bit of discussion, you all think that this large rock could be easily loosened and sent careening into the den of these creatures.

[Pack of Jaw-beasts discovered! Battle can be initialized by utilizing the terrain. Each enemy will start the fight with 1 HP depleted thanks to the critical success.]

[Jaw-Beast Monster - 4 HP, 4 MP - 4d6 SP, 2d6 PP, 4d6 LP, 2d6 IP - Retaliatory Spines: These monsters possess thick skin and nasty-looking spines. Determine their Skirmish Defense as if they had rolled a 4 for each die.]

[Alpha Jaw-Beast - 8 HP, 10 MP - 6d6 SP, 3d6 PP, 5d6 LP, 3d6 IP - Lightning Rod: This monster has been electrically charged thanks to its mana consumption. Unless you surpass its Skirmish Defense by at least double, you must make a Locomotion check (DC 18) or take 1 damage.]


Jaw-Beast #1 [3/4 HP, 4/4 MP] - Targeted by X
Jaw-Beast #2 [3/4 HP, 4/4 MP] - Targeted by X
Jaw-Beast #3 [3/4 HP, 4/4 MP] - Targeted by X
Jaw-Beast #4 [3/4 HP, 4/4 MP] - Targeted by X
Alpha Jaw-Beast [7/8 HP, 10/10 MP - Targeted by X
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Whatever the case, their quarry has been found. Keen eyes, however, notice something unusual. One of the nearby boulders is hanging on by a thin thread of stone. After a bit of discussion, you all think that this large rock could be easily loosened and sent careening into the den of these creatures.
Tess offers a description of his capabilities for the group's consideration as they huddle and plan before spacing out, assured in the snippets of vague consensus he hears them reaching. Spacing back in and realizing the group was still discussing, Tess pauses consideringly.. Then shuffles off to the side and kicks the boulder the others had found. Taking up his mace as it plummets, the robed boy jumps down for a monster. "TESS VILLANUUUUS!"

Jaw-Beast #4 [3/4 HP, 4/4 MP] - Targeted by Tess (4d6 = [12], Tess attempts to apply Seeping Delirium split as 1d6 between Mooks 2, 3, and 4)
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Van - Barbaric Bandit
Whatever the case, their quarry has been found. Keen eyes, however, notice something unusual. One of the nearby boulders is hanging on by a thin thread of stone. After a bit of discussion, you all think that this large rock could be easily loosened and sent careening into the den of these creatures.

[Pack of Jaw-beasts discovered! Battle can be initialized by utilizing the terrain. Each enemy will start the fight with 1 HP depleted thanks to the critical success.]

[Jaw-Beast Monster - 4 HP, 4 MP - 4d6 SP, 2d6 PP, 4d6 LP, 2d6 IP - Retaliatory Spines: These monsters possess thick skin and nasty-looking spines. Determine their Skirmish Defense as if they had rolled a 4 for each die.]

[Alpha Jaw-Beast - 8 HP, 10 MP - 6d6 SP, 3d6 PP, 5d6 LP, 3d6 IP - Lightning Rod: This monster has been electrically charged thanks to its mana consumption. Unless you surpass its Skirmish Defense by at least double, you must make a Locomotion check (DC 18) or take 1 damage.]
Van on his own part would look to the boy charging in with a cry with more than a bit of cringe.

Still, the chaos of combat leaves little options to do in aiding, as one glance at the team tells that two he can't really help, and the last (Heith) is managing to slip his magic into Tess' wild charge to take the lead.
So, with little optimism in his own odds trying to fight a monster 1v1, the boy slips in to help the duo in the fray.

[Jaw-Beast #4 [3/4 hp] - Targeted by Van, Aid (3d6 halved rounding up - 2d6= 9)]