Adventures on the Frontier (IC Thread)


What a load of Donk.
Ohio, U.S.A.
Adventures on the Frontier

Chapter One: No Matter Which Way The Wind Blows

The sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows upon the land below. Woodside had recently woken up, the sleepy town casting off the heavy fog of sleep and starting another day. Sounds of industry filled the streets. There was a fair bit of it, from the hammering of nails, the sawing of wood, bleating of sheep, and the rattle of wheels on cobbled stone.

One of those shadows in particular was larger than most, and moving quite fast. Hovering through the air like a cloud the airship gracefully glided towards the southern-most part of the town. The large sloop was sleek and nimble; designed for speed and maneuverability. Magically lifted on the very air itself, The Leeward Shrike slowed its course and began to dock.

Having been only recently constructed, the stone tower sticking out of the town was a bit of an ugly affair. It was strictly business only, just a round four-story high tower. Still, it allowed for air travel to begin visiting the city of Woodside and improving trade. A more 'aesthetic' design would be considered far long down the line.

Sailors let out yells and bellows, darting off the long ship and readying their ropes. Airships were a bit finicky, and any mistake could send the vessel plummeting down below. They took their job seriously, and in short work found the ship safely moored to the side of the tower; swaying in the quick breeze. Letting out a sigh of relief, the captain gave a nod and very quickly they started unloading their cargo.

A tall fellow, the elven figure called out to his passengers, one hand clutching his cap to keep his gray hair in check. "Well, this is your stop." A pair of green eyes wandered over the five individuals who he'd been ordered to ferry. "Welcome to Woodside. Best get off the deck before my sailors get annoyed at you being in their way." He waved a hand to where several boards had been laid down to cross the parapets.

And indeed, a figure was waiting for them, standing somewhat awkwardly in the center of the tower. She gave a quick wave, lagomorphian ears flicking as she quickly dodged an errant laborer. "Oh, hello! Sorry, sorry. Come over here, would you?" She called, gently bowing to the annoyed dwarven man hefting a barrel easily three times his size. "You must be the adventurers. Not that we'd be expecting anyone else!" The woman in a viridescent uniform gave a quick smile and gestured for her fellows to follow her.

Darting to the side and out of the way so that the crew could do their job, she addressed the five. "Ah, yes. Welcome to Woodside, as your airship captain so graciously said." She patted a bag at her side and deftly pulled forth a sheaf of papers. "Now, may I have your documents of assignment? My name is Guild Handler Bramble Berry! I'll be glad to help you all in the days to come." Her green eyes blinked. "Oh, and please introduce yourselves. I've read all of your files, but it's hard to match faces to words on a paper."
Van - Barbaric Bandit
"Now, may I have your documents of assignment? My name is Guild Handler Bramble Berry! I'll be glad to help you all in the days to come." Her green eyes blinked. "Oh, and please introduce yourselves. I've read all of your files, but it's hard to match faces to words on a paper."
Atop the ship, most of the others would pass by and notice the tall figure with their back to a wall.
Out of everybody's way, but if there was any dark corner one would be brooding in, they would be standing right in it.

With their hood up and pure height, most tend to avoid bothering him until the airship lands and their Handler greets the group's arrival.
For a moment, the encounter was going to be simply them handing over their papers and heading on in to take a scout around town on their own terms...

But, given Bramble's prompt to introduce themselves, as well as show faces, there's little choice here besides to either follow suit or end up setting himself aside from everybody else. Little reason to do the latter, so better to lead with a head raised high.
Lowering their hood...reveals them to be much younger looking than their attire and attitude suggested.

And with that, he introduces himself in two phrases, spoken with not a hint of emotion behind them. "Van. Role is Scout."
Name and job. Little else is needed giving.
Tess - Shaman Sorcerer
"Now, may I have your documents of assignment? My name is Guild Handler Bramble Berry! I'll be glad to help you all in the days to come." Her green eyes blinked. "Oh, and please introduce yourselves. I've read all of your files, but it's hard to match faces to words on a paper."
It was a cozy looking settlement. The sight from the skies was breathtaking. The wind in his hair felt good. Right now he wanted to die.

The youngest looking of the five had spent his time on the ship aimlessly meandering the deck, snacking on fried street foods. He'd nearly choked as the ship came to a halt, fitfully hacking and beating the crumbs from his airway. And as he'd finally recovered, shuffling for the landing board at the captain's request with hurried thanks, he'd damn near toppled from the parapets tripping on his own feet. But that was all pretty normal.

Short-blonde-and-freckled stares wide eyed back at the reason he wants to die. Practically swimming in his oversized poncho-vestment-tabard of a gold green robe, Bramble has the red faced boy's heart in an instant vise grip for all the four sentences they'd shared. Well. She'd shared.

He blinks, breaking from his reverie through sheer force of will to rummage about his robes. A nasty looking morningstar drops and hits his toes, eliciting a squeak of surprise as he staggers forward and thrusts out a handful of wrinkled papers. Head down, face to the floor, he introduces himself in a half mutter, half stutter, all ditz of a mess. "A.. Auxiliary here! I'm, er.. T-Tess! Glad to- Nice to meet- Be happy to help, Ms. Guild Handler Berry!"
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Yska - Venator
A nasty looking morningstar drops and hits his toes, eliciting a squeak of surprise as he staggers forward and thrusts out a handful of wrinkled papers.
A tall athletic woman steps off the airship, her amber eyes rapidly darting around delightedly as she takes in the sight of their long-awaited destination. Free-flowing robes flap around in the wind as she slowly steps off the airship and to the other side of the flustered Tess.

The metallic clang of steel against stone draws her attention back to her companion as she stoops down briefly and picks his dropped weapon off the ground, spinning it idly in her fingers before pressing it to Tess' chest, handing it back handle first.

"You really should tie that thing up better." The half-orc remarks with a chuckle and small smirk. "What is that, the fifth time that's happened? I'm not sure your toes would survive a sixth."

Shrugging her haversack off from her shoulder and onto the ground, her green hand roots about inside for a few seconds, searching through it's contents. A few seconds later and her hand withdraws, producing a couple of crumpled up, travel stained sheets of paper that she hands to Bramble.

"Yska Kutani! Nice ta meet'cha" She cheerfully announces with a toothy grin. "I heard you've got a slight monster problem?" Her other hand reaches slightly behind her back to touch the large unstrung bow holstered on her back, reaching past wild brown hair that had been forcibly tamed into dreadlocks and pulled back into a tight ponytail. "As you could probably tell, I'm the hunter and tracker of the group."
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Heith - Scholar of the World
"Now, may I have your documents of assignment? My name is Guild Handler Bramble Berry! I'll be glad to help you all in the days to come." Her green eyes blinked. "Oh, and please introduce yourselves. I've read all of your files, but it's hard to match faces to words on a paper."

Shuffling off the ship where he had spent most of his time in the open air cataloging everything that he had seen Heith seemed to shrink as he started walking nearly doubling over as his back hunched and he clutched his staff like it was a walking cane. His free hand reached into one of his many pouches and retrieved a well-worn pipe and a small packet of herbs that he with a flick of his finger lit and stuck into his mouth.

Taking a puff from his pipe the hunched-over form of Hieth smiled as wrinkled and bony hands handed over the crinkled and clearly well-read papers to the handler already out and ready to be handed off. "Good to meet you, Madam Berry, I am Hieth and I suppose I would be the scholar of this group." As he finished speaking he leaned back his other hand wrapped around the large staff with him leaning on it.

However, seemingly annoyed a fuzzy moth flapped down on his pipe causing the older man to cough slightly before offering the Guild Handler a soft smile. "It seems that Hei here is somewhat upset about not getting her own introduction," he told her gently running a finger across the moth's back as her wings fluttered.

Seemingly content with what he had said and with no more mothy interruptions Heith took a step back and another puff on his pipe as his faintly glowing eyes took in the town with interest with a faint smile around his pipe.
Lawu - Lady of the Shadowed Scale
Darting to the side and out of the way so that the crew could do their job, she addressed the five. "Ah, yes. Welcome to Woodside, as your airship captain so graciously said." She patted a bag at her side and deftly pulled forth a sheaf of papers. "Now, may I have your documents of assignment? My name is Guild Handler Bramble Berry! I'll be glad to help you all in the days to come." Her green eyes blinked. "Oh, and please introduce yourselves. I've read all of your files, but it's hard to match faces to words on a paper."
"Lawu, of the Fernyiges. You can consider me this group's sword and shield, I suppose." The dragonfolk is the last off the ship, tail swishing almost presciently to minimize time spent in the crew's way as she passes over the documents in a scroll-tube. "Has anything happened while we were en route that we should be aware of?"

As she awaits a reply, she gazes out at Woodside, as if to pick out the most noteworthy locations and commit them to memory. Her hand never seems to stray far from her sheathed sword, though neither does she seem to be expecting to use it.
And with that, he introduces himself in two phrases, spoken with not a hint of emotion behind them. "Van. Role is Scout."
Name and job. Little else is needed giving.

Bramble gave a nod as she took his papers, quickly scanning and adding them to her satchel. "Man of few words, huh? Well, the party will be glad to have you!" She eyed him up and down, surprised to see his lack of weaponry or armor. "Guess it's important for being a stealthy type, hmm?"

Head down, face to the floor, he introduces himself in a half mutter, half stutter, all ditz of a mess. "A.. Auxiliary here! I'm, er.. T-Tess! Glad to- Nice to meet- Be happy to help, Ms. Guild Handler Berry!"

The guild handler's eyes blinked as she watched this display. Seemingly oblivious to his infatuation, she happily took the offered files. "Of course! And no need for much ceremony here. It'd be a real pain if you had to bow like that every time you addressed me, huh?" She knelt down and hefted the fallen mace with a quick nod. "Oh, and keep this close at hand, ya hear? Monsters won't hand it back to you," she said, grinning and holding it out.

"Yska Kutani! Nice ta meet'cha" She cheerfully announces with a toothy grin. "I heard you've got a slight monster problem?" Her other hand reaches slightly behind her back to touch the large unstrung bow holstered on her back, reaching past wild brown hair that had been forcibly tamed into dreadlocks and pulled back into a tight ponytail. "As you could probably tell, I'm the hunter and tracker of the group."

"Oh, you don't know the half of it." She replied, sighing. "The recent logging parties have had to send more and more guards with them. At this point, there's more spears than there are axes!" Glancing at the papers, she hummed and stuffed them away. "That bow of yours will be put to good use, no doubt."

Taking a puff from his pipe the hunched-over form of Heith smiled as wrinkled and bony hands handed over the crinkled and clearly well-read papers to the handler already out and ready to be handed off. "Good to meet you, Madam Berry, I am Heith and I suppose I would be the scholar of this group." As he finished speaking he leaned back his other hand wrapped around the large staff with him leaning on it.

However, seemingly annoyed a fuzzy moth flapped down on his pipe causing the older man to cough slightly before offering the Guild Handler a soft smile. "It seems that Hei here is somewhat upset about not getting her own introduction," he told her gently running a finger across the moth's back as her wings fluttered.

"Oh, we wouldn't want that!" Bramble exclaimed with a grin, staring at the fuzzy little critter. Taking the papers, she pocketed them and nodded. "Well, if Hei wants this to be official..." The guild handler quickly withdrew a sheet and wooden pen, practiced hands charting up an official looking form. "Alright. Hereby the moth known as Hei is officially recognized as a member of the Guild. That should do it."

"Lawu, of the Fernyiges. You can consider me this group's sword and shield, I suppose." The dragonfolk is the last off the ship, tail swishing almost presciently to minimize time spent in the crew's way as she passes over the documents in a scroll-tube. "Has anything happened while we were en route that we should be aware of?"

Bramble gave a hum. "Well, we've had a few close calls. That, and several hunters have reported a migration of Beast-Type Monsters into the area." She gestured to the north. "Otherwise things are going fairly smoothly. Our proposed base of operations is still silent, but who knows what might be inside?"

Tucking away the last files into her bag, Bramble turned to address the group. "Right. Now that that's settled, we can head to the Liaison Office here in town." Sheepishly, she added, "Now, it's a bit of a work in progress, but I'm sure some stalwart adventurers like yourselves are used to roughing it?"

Guiding the party downstairs, they entered Woodside proper. Dodging busy-looking laborers, they swiftly moved deeper into the town. Now that they were on land proper, the sounds faded to a comfortable background noise. It was peaceful here. Colorful, too, with the season entering autumn now that the middle of Limestone had arrived.

Soon, the months of Sandstone and Timber would come and go, marking the winter and arrival of Moonstone. But for now, they had a pleasant environment, and the joys of the harvest season to contend with.

Following their guide through a mazelike streets and crossing over a lazy-looking river, the group arrived at a rather ostentatious, if run-down looking building. Not having been maintained for years, the large plaster and timber structure had started to experience quite a bit of wear and tear.

Clay-roofed tiles had begun to break off, and the shuttered windows looked to be swinging off-kilter in the wind. Someone must not have secured them a long time ago, and they'd merely broken their hinges when swinging for so long. Bramble turned back to the party with a sheepish smile.

"This here was once 'The Gilded Goblet', and was funded by some noble fellow. He had the idea of starting one of the most prosperous and rich tavern in Woodside, and spared no expense." She tapped on the front door. "Of course, nobody told him that ten years ago there weren't going to be any rich clientele willing to travel a hundred miles and shacking it up in the boonies. So... It kind of ran out of money and shut down."

Opening the door, she revealed a dusty-looking yet warm interior. It definitely had the appearance of a tavern, with a large half-circle space for lounging and dining. Only the finest wood had been chosen to line the floors, with darker variants used for furniture and a nice looking T-shaped bar. There was a small stage that had been set up in the far-right corner. Windows let in plenty of light, but their shutters now cast strangely moving shadows.

Waiting for them was an older looking gentleman who had set up shop at the bar. Stacks of papers, books, files, and scrolls covered the bare surface and he was almost buried in them. Grunting, he brushed aside a lock of graying hair and looked towards the group. "Hm. So you're the lot they sent here?" He set down a scroll and stood up, quite tall.

"Yes sir," Bramble replied. "They've arrived just as scheduled." She gave a sad smile, looking towards the stacks. "I see the courier also delivered more papers?"

"Tch. They did. As if I'm not already swamped in work." He sighed, turning towards the group. "I am your Senior Guild Officer, call me Tabran. S'far as you're concerned, I'm the boss here. Fat load of good it does me. Rather be out in the field, but no, you're too old, Tab." He scoffs, stepping closer to examine the lot in front of him.

His eyes scan the group, face drawn up in an almost scowl. "I was expecting more... experienced members. Most of you are green as grass. Very well, it'll have to do." Tabran turned and gestured down a hall. "Pick a room to stay in before we can clear out the ruins we've chosen for the Guild Hall. I don't care which one, just decide it quick. Once you're done, report back here for orders. We're sending you out on a... test run, as it were."
Van - Barbaric Bandit
Bramble gave a nod as she took his papers, quickly scanning and adding them to her satchel. "Man of few words, huh? Well, the party will be glad to have you!" She eyed him up and down, surprised to see his lack of weaponry or armor. "Guess it's important for being a stealthy type, hmm?"
Her look over him barely finds anything that a glance wouldn't have told already.
If anything, the lack of information would be telling about how oddly tidy the boy is. Tidy in the sense that down to the most casual step, he doesn't show any signs of anything. No odd footwork, no twitches of subdued instinct, nothing.

Even the wrappings around his arms only suggest a crude replacement for gloves, which could suggest just about anything.
Whether he's truly young or not, that kind of 'tidiness' is something one only finds beyond just shady territory.

"Suppose so."
Waiting for them was an older looking gentleman who had set up shop at the bar. Stacks of papers, books, files, and scrolls covered the bare surface and he was almost buried in them. Grunting, he brushed aside a lock of graying hair and looked towards the group. "Hm. So you're the lot they sent here?" He set down a scroll and stood up, quite tall.

"Yes sir," Bramble replied. "They've arrived just as scheduled." She gave a sad smile, looking towards the stacks. "I see the courier also delivered more papers?"

"Tch. They did. As if I'm not already swamped in work." He sighed, turning towards the group. "I am your Senior Guild Officer, call me Tabran. S'far as you're concerned, I'm the boss here. Fat load of good it does me. Rather be out in the field, but no, you're too old, Tab." He scoffs, stepping closer to examine the lot in front of him.

His eyes scan the group, face drawn up in an almost scowl. "I was expecting more... experienced members. Most of you are green as grass. Very well, it'll have to do." Tabran turned and gestured down a hall. "Pick a room to stay in before we can clear out the ruins we've chosen for the Guild Hall. I don't care which one, just decide it quick. Once you're done, report back here for orders. We're sending you out on a... test run, as it were."
The implications Tabran puts on the table are more than enough for Van to figure out. And for a split second, Tabran would notice a glint in his eyes.
Contrary to his statement as a Scout and rather mundane look, Van's focus on the guild officer wasn't one of accepting his authority.
Hell, it wouldn't even be considered something one person would give to another. No, it was more akin to a predator evaluating a challenge...

And the fact that it was something caught briefly is telling just how that matchup goes.
"You think any old-" One glance at Heith. "-vets (veteran) would wanna come out here? Any that did probably didn't do it intending to actually work." As for what they intended to do instead...between the two, it goes unstated that it'd be more work than gets solved. For here and wherever they get picked from.

Sass aside, the scout takes up his stuff (not much) in stride and heads to take a room first. Not before giving his new team members a similar look he gave to Tabran as he made his way out.
Bramble gave a hum. "Well, we've had a few close calls. That, and several hunters have reported a migration of Beast-Type Monsters into the area." She gestured to the north.
"Are they suspected to be wandering types, or driven out of prior territory?"

Wanderers would have to be dealt with before they left the area, to ensure less opportunity to grow or harass other settlements, Lawu muses. If they were territorial types, however, then they might drive out other creatures from the local area, causing a widespread cascade of territorial upheaval... not to mention the implications of an entity even other monsters would flee from; with luck, it's just the work of careless adventurers or mages, but the existence of an abnormally strong monster might also be the cause, and cause for concern at that.

Once you're done, report back here for orders. We're sending you out on a... test run, as it were."
Lawu nods, opening the first unclaimed room and leaving a pile of folded clothes within; she'd packed light, and all else with her were armaments, food, and coin, best kept with her for the upcoming assignment. She returns to the main room swiftly, sparing only a disapproving glance at Van.
Heith - Scholar of the World
"Oh, we wouldn't want that!" Bramble exclaimed with a grin, staring at the fuzzy little critter. Taking the papers, she pocketed them and nodded. "Well, if Hei wants this to be official..." The guild handler quickly withdrew a sheet and wooden pen, practiced hands charting up an official looking form. "Alright. Hereby the moth known as Hei is officially recognized as a member of the Guild. That should do it."

His eyes twinkling he gave Bramble a nod in thanks, "Many thanks I'm sure that will mollify her," he told her and indeed the moth's wings fluttered as it took to the air and was soon perched on the brim of his hat as he followed behind the handler making sure to tuck away his pipe before he entred the building.

"Tch. They did. As if I'm not already swamped in work." He sighed, turning towards the group. "I am your Senior Guild Officer, call me Tabran. S'far as you're concerned, I'm the boss here. Fat load of good it does me. Rather be out in the field, but no, you're too old, Tab." He scoffs, stepping closer to examine the lot in front of him.

His eyes scan the group, face drawn up in an almost scowl. "I was expecting more... experienced members. Most of you are green as grass. Very well, it'll have to do." Tabran turned and gestured down a hall. "Pick a room to stay in before we can clear out the ruins we've chosen for the Guild Hall. I don't care which one, just decide it quick. Once you're done, report back here for orders. We're sending you out on a... test run, as it were."

Giving a polite nod to the older man Heith responded "Good to meet you Mister Tabran," he said to the Senior Guild Officer before heading toward one of the rooms. He then shrugged off his fairly large and over the course of nearly ten minutes had retrieved thick tomes and other scrolls that were set up in his room along with a much smaller amount of personal supplies such as clothes and toiletries.

He then returned back to the front his staff in his right hand and freed of his large pack only carrying the bare essentials on him with Hei sitting perched on the broad rim of his hat as Heith waited for the Senior Guild Officer to continue.
The metallic clang of steel against stone draws her attention back to her companion as she stoops down briefly and picks his dropped weapon off the ground, spinning it idly in her fingers before pressing it to Tess' chest, handing it back handle first.

"You really should tie that thing up better." The half-orc remarks with a chuckle and small smirk. "What is that, the fifth time that's happened? I'm not sure your toes would survive a sixth."
His toes did seem to be able to survive a sixth. Hands clutching the proffered documents, the boy's battered, grisly looking morningstar instantly falls from where she pushes it to his chest and into his toes. Tess squeaks a muttered thanks, still nervously bowing his head as he eyes the rest of his colleagues. The hooded one, the archer, the geezer, and the swordswoman. Gosh, they looked awfully experienced. He could hardly wait!
The guild handler's eyes blinked as she watched this display. Seemingly oblivious to his infatuation, she happily took the offered files. "Of course! And no need for much ceremony here. It'd be a real pain if you had to bow like that every time you addressed me, huh?" She knelt down and hefted the fallen mace with a quick nod. "Oh, and keep this close at hand, ya hear? Monsters won't hand it back to you," she said, grinning and holding it out.
Any thoughts of his colleagues, all he could learn from working with them, and all the good they could do together dribble out his ears as he lifts his gaze to meet Bramble's. He swallows. Their hands brush once, as she takes his papers, then again as she gives him back his morningstar.

Tess clutches the weapon to his chest like somebody might hold a bouquet of roses, dopily smiling back. "Y-Yes ma'am! Thank you ma'am!"

The robed boy dimly nods to everything Bramble says, following her down the tower with his luggage in tow. There was little doubt he'd have typically gotten incapably lost in the frontier settlement's labyrinthine streets, taking in all he could of its sights, novelties, foods and wines- But he was so busy trailing after Bramble that he'd made it the same as everybody else. Sensational! He blinks again. Somebody was speaking.
His eyes scan the group, face drawn up in an almost scowl. "I was expecting more... experienced members. Most of you are green as grass. Very well, it'll have to do." Tabran turned and gestured down a hall. "Pick a room to stay in before we can clear out the ruins we've chosen for the Guild Hall. I don't care which one, just decide it quick. Once you're done, report back here for orders. We're sending you out on a... test run, as it were."
Even greener than he thought! Tess tears his sidelong gaze from Ms. Berry and straightens into a sloppy salute. "You gotcha', Mr. Tabran!"

Still sneaking glances to their Handler, he shakes his head and resolutely marches down the hall. This was the start of a new chapter, an exciting, likely life threatening journey across the other ass end of nowhere! He'd develop his magic, help others as best he could, and- Was that window from the second story? Tess pauses, looking around in dismay. Aw. He'd done it again. Opening a door at random, he shuts it. Storage closet.

Tess makes his way towards the stairs, intent on asking Bramble for directions- Only to twitch as he does a double take out the nearest window and realizes he'd climbed another set of stairs. He opens another door, hoping for a room to throw his lugg- No, another storage closet. Tess stares at the musty crates and supplies, measuring how comfortable a pillow one of its mops could make before he catches sight of a tall hood.

Salvation! Tess follows the fleeting glimpse of his colleague into what was probably a room and haphazardly drops his luggage in one of the corners before leaving. Surely the silence was indicative of- What was it? Van's-? Acquiescence! Now.. Maybe if he explored the building, he c-

Tess rapidly finds himself back with the others, snapping from his reverie with a baffled glance around and slow, resigned sigh. Well. At least Bramble was here. Stifling the urge to study the enormous moth in the old man's hat, or ask the swordswoman about her armor, Tess finds a spot of his own not too close and not too far from their super friendly Guild Handler and begins mowing his way through a pouch of candied nuts.
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Yska - Venator
"Tch. They did. As if I'm not already swamped in work." He sighed, turning towards the group. "I am your Senior Guild Officer, call me Tabran. S'far as you're concerned, I'm the boss here. Fat load of good it does me. Rather be out in the field, but no, you're too old, Tab." He scoffs, stepping closer to examine the lot in front of him.

His eyes scan the group, face drawn up in an almost scowl. "I was expecting more... experienced members. Most of you are green as grass. Very well, it'll have to do."
"Nice ta meetcha, Tabran!" Yska replies with a grin, seemingly unperturbed by the examination.
"You think any old-" One glance at Heith. "-vets (veteran) would wanna come out here? Any that did probably didn't do it intending to actually work."
"Now, now. No need to start holding our swords by the blades." Yska replies to Van, bemused raising an eyebrow. "We might be green as grass when it comes to adventuring, but like Father always said, 'Those without dogs should hunt with cats instead.'" She nods to herself, having apparently found the statement profound. "Plus, what's wrong with green grass? S'much better than dry or dead grass."

"Pick a room to stay in before we can clear out the ruins we've chosen for the Guild Hall. I don't care which one, just decide it quick. Once you're done, report back here for orders. We're sending you out on a... test run, as it were."
Yska's smile widens upon hearing his words. "Aye, aye!" She says carefreely, clearly eager to get moving after being cooped upon on the airship on her journey to Woodside.

Sass aside, the scout takes up his stuff (not much) in stride and heads to take a room first. Not before giving his new team members a similar look he gave to Tabran as he made his way out.
Yska's eyes narrow before she smiles back at him, a similar glint in her eyes matching his as she stares at him leaving the room. She hums to her self. She certainly had been grouped with some interesting folk. She trails after Lanu, picking the room next to hers. She deposits the few belongings she had brought over with her, primarily tools for maintaining her weaponry as well as a few knickknacks she had taken with her for sentimental reasons; the tooth of her first kill and the arrowhead her father had made with her being among them.

Making her way back to the ground floor, she sits on the floor, stringing her bow and sharpening her arrowheads in preparation for the "test run".
"You think any old-" One glance at Heith. "-vets (veteran) would wanna come out here? Any that did probably didn't do it intending to actually work." As for what they intended to do instead...between the two, it goes unstated that it'd be more work than gets solved. For here and wherever they get picked from.

"Pfah. You've got spunk, kid. And you're certainly not wrong." He snorted, face drawn up in an amused grin. "So you're all smarter than you look. Good. That'll serve you well."

"Are they suspected to be wandering types, or driven out of prior territory?"

He shrugged. "You don't get that much intel out here." His grin tapered off. "But if I had to guess, they're driven out. From what the hunters tell us, they're powerful and juvenile. Something else probably shoved them out."

"Now, now. No need to start holding our swords by the blades." Yska replies to Van, bemused raising an eyebrow. "We might be green as grass when it comes to adventuring, but like Father always said, 'Those without dogs should hunt with cats instead.'" She nods to herself, having apparently found the statement profound. "Plus, what's wrong with green grass? S'much better than dry or dead grass."

"Then you'd better hope the enemy doesn't bring rats," Tabran replied, seemingly knowing the answer to that word of wisdom from Yska's homeland. Waving a hand, "Grass may be nice, but it still doesn't hold a candle to a blade."

With that phrase, he returned to his makeshift desk and sat down to do more work while the novices chose their rooms. By the time they all returned, it looked like the stack of papers was somehow even larger. The eldritch bureaucracy would be a field unknown to many, but the dutiful Bramble at his side seemed to understand it.

Still, the man didn't seem all too pleased to be saddled with this kind of work.

Once the group had all arrived, he cleared his throat and set down his latest sheaf. "Right, then. Listen up, kiddos." He paused to withdraw a scroll. "From the report we've received, you're going to be dealing with Beast-Types. A pack of them. They appear to be four legged, possess powerful jaws, and have strange spiky spines running down their back. From what we know there are five of them total."

He set down a small sketch in front of them, the crude drawing depicting a powerful looking predator with developed frontal muscles. A long sinewy tail dangled behind it, more thin spines erupting from the end.

"It likely isn't venomous, judging by their physical structure. Shouldn't be a very difficult task, but as always, be careful. Despite what your fellows might say, they're not stupid. All monsters possess a cunning to them. Keep together, keep an eye out, and keep your weapons close at hand."

He stopped, staring at the group. "Any questions?"
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Van - Barbaric Bandit
He stopped, staring at the group. "Any questions?"
Van only takes one look over what the targets are before moving along.
Say what you will about his lack of experience on the field, but there's little point in dwelling much further than the obvious traits given about the monsters. Especially given he's not exactly the fight-iest of the group to need to dwell on the topic.

More importantly, there are things he does need given what role he's taken up.
"Got a map of where we're heading?" And that's figuring out where they're heading, as well as good locations to find and drag the pack out to fight.

Easier said than done, but it's his job to figure out details ahead of time so that they don't find themselves sailing against the wind metaphorically.
Yska - Venator
Once the group had all arrived, he cleared his throat and set down his latest sheaf. "Right, then. Listen up, kiddos." He paused to withdraw a scroll. "From the report we've received, you're going to be dealing with Beast-Types. A pack of them. They appear to be four legged, possess powerful jaws, and have strange spiky spines running down their back. From what we know there are eight of them total."

He set down a small sketch in front of them, the crude drawing depicting a powerful looking predator with developed frontal muscles. A long sinewy tail dangled behind it, more thin spines erupting from the end.

"It likely isn't venomous, judging by their physical structure. Shouldn't be a very difficult task, but as always, be careful. Despite what your fellows might say, they're not stupid. All monsters possess a cunning to them. Keep together, keep an eye out, and keep your weapons close at hand."

He stopped, staring at the group. "Any questions?"
Yska scratches her chin as she stares at the drawing, examining the monster with a trained eye. "Should we bring back the carcasses? If so, we might need some form of transportation to be set up if you wish for us to bring back all eight."

More importantly, there are things he does need given what role he's taken up.
"Got a map of where we're heading?" And that's figuring out where they're heading, as well as good locations to find and drag the pack out to fight.
Yska nods in agreement. "Yeah, a map would be helpful. As well as a general idea of where the monsters were sighted. It would give us a better idea of their behaviors."

The fact that the Beasts were reported to move in a pack indicated a smaller size but a higher level of coordination compared to other monsters. The powerful jaw and developed frontal muscles were weapons honed towards melee combat, for grasping and biting. That indicated that the spikes on their back and tail were likely not ranged weapons. Monsters that possessed projectiles typically developed leaner, more agile builds, to harry and chase down prey. The few that possessed both strength and range almost never moved around in packs larger than 2 or 3 monsters at a time, due to being more self-sufficient and therefore independent in their method of hunting.

Yska turns to the black dragonkind. "Lawu, how well do you think you could handle a pack in melee? Their builds suggest that they grapple and bite their prey, likely moving as one in a pack."
Yska turns to the black dragonkind. "Lawu, how well do you think you could handle a pack in melee? Their builds suggest that they grapple and bite their prey, likely moving as one in a pack."
"Theoretically," Lawu hmmms, "If they're weak enough and slow enough, I'd be able to parry and counterattack reliably even against that many opponents, and use widespread attacks to whittle away at them in the gaps between attacks. But these're monsters, so underestimating them is never really safe, and I haven't yet developed a method to ensure they all focus on me, so there's a risk of some of the pack opting to target you all instead. And if they're strong enough that I can't reliably parry them... Then the situation becomes very, very messy."
He stopped, staring at the group. "Any questions?"
The boy's feet swing from his chair as they discuss the trial operation, lamenting the lack of opportunity to offer Bramble some of his snacks. Sorting the reports, the paperwork, the red tape- As the others say their initial piece, Tess fights a flush thinking about their Handler's logistic competence.

He slaps his cheeks and shakes his head, distracting himself by impulsively joining the conversation. "S-So.. Did the hunters describe what they saw these Beast-Types doing, or will we be conducting interviews of our own?" Van had already asked about charting the site, and Yska their potential behavior. Focus was obviously staying alive and handling the threat, but if they could outline patterning and migration they might be able to get a head start on risk-assessment of whatever turned them mobile.

Tess leans back on his chair, turning to the ceiling in airheaded musing. "Dispersed pack tactics.. I dunno' much about plans, but I'd probably take point with Ms. Lawu. Mr. Van would take scoping and skirmishing, Mr. Heith and Ms. Yska making up the back- Unless things get hazy and they surround us or something. Then Mr. Heith could link with Ms. Lawu and I, and Ms. Yska might join Mr. Van to corral their flanks. Uhm.. Position them into a chokepoint or something defensible, you know?"

He glances to Heith. "You're all wrinkly! You probably know strategy and stuff, right? If there's nearby geography we could use, could you find it?"
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Tess leans back on his chair, turning to the ceiling in airheaded musing. "Dispersed pack tactics.. I dunno' much about plans, but I'd probably take point with Ms. Lawu. Mr. Van would take scoping and skirmishing, Mr. Heith and Ms. Yska making up the back- Unless things get hazy and they surround us or something. Then Mr. Heith could link with Ms. Lawu and I, and Ms. Yska might join Mr. Van to corral their flanks. Uhm.. Position them into a chokepoint or something defensible, you know?"
"Don't think we can really rely on choke points in that kinda terrain unless we can track 'em back to a den without them noticing us." Lawu chimes in, "Though I suppose if any of us have spells for fencing off an area, we could make artificial choke points... Either way, if you're taking point with me, stay just a step or two behind; as long as I'm not tripping over you, the closer you are the better I can intercept attacks aimed at you. Not a whole lot of tactical planning we can actually do until our targets and the area they're hanging out in have been properly scouted out. Even less, if we can't find a worthwhile method of baiting them into an ambush or such."
Heith - Scholar of the World
"It likely isn't venomous, judging by their physical structure. Shouldn't be a very difficult task, but as always, be careful. Despite what your fellows might say, they're not stupid. All monsters possess a cunning to them. Keep together, keep an eye out, and keep your weapons close at hand."

Humming slightly Heith leaned down and peered over the drawing as his mind went over what he had just been told about these monsters. They seemed to be pack types who focused on swarming a single target and dragging them down to more easily kill them, somewhat similar to wolves in a way.

"These seem to be somewhat similar to wolves of a sort given what Mister Tabran has said so far. While there is only so much I can infer based on our current information I would recommend watching our flanks and doing our best to not get pulled down.
He glances to Heith. "You're all wrinkly! You probably know strategy and stuff, right? If there's nearby geography we could use, could you find it?"
As he finished speaking he chuckled slightly at the young boy's description before replying. "Yes, I could do a bit of searching around I do think we should do our best to get some scouting in, and if we can get the jump on them even better. However, I do agree with Madam Lawu, until we get a proper look at the area and our targets we can't do all that much planning." Having said his piece he leaned back slightly his hand wrapped around his staff with his eyes glancing off his soon-to-be combat companions.
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"Don't think we can really rely on choke points in that kinda terrain unless we can track 'em back to a den without them noticing us." Lawu chimes in, "Though I suppose if any of us have spells for fencing off an area, we could make artificial choke points... Either way, if you're taking point with me, stay just a step or two behind; as long as I'm not tripping over you, the closer you are the better I can intercept attacks aimed at you. Not a whole lot of tactical planning we can actually do until our targets and the area they're hanging out in have been properly scouted out. Even less, if we can't find a worthwhile method of baiting them into an ambush or such."
As he finished speaking he chuckled slightly at the young boy's description before replying. "Yes, I could do a bit of searching around I do think we should do our best to get some scouting in, and if we can get the jump on them even better. However, I do agree with Madam Tess, until we get a proper look at the area and our targets we can't do all that much planning." Having said his piece he leaned back slightly his hand wrapped around his staff with his eyes glancing off his soon-to-be combat companions.
"Guess we'll just have to play it by ear then." Tess nods in broad agreement, head emptying of useful questions having recalled Bramble's presence.

Doing good on this first mission would mean getting a feel for his coworkers and completing parameters all professional-like. More than that, it would mean making a good first impression on their Guild Handler. What sort of gifts did Woodside's commercial district have to offer? Maybe if he found materials en route to their mission in the woods- How much were adventurer's paid? He couldn't ask that, or he'd look greedy! Maybe Ms. Berry had coworkers he could glean her preferences from.. In gifts, that was. But, well- If preferences in other things came up along the way- Like, well-
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Van - Barbaric Bandit
Doing good on this first mission would mean getting a feel for his coworkers and completing the mission all professional-like. More than that, it would mean making a good first impression on their Guild Handler. What sort of gifts did Woodside's commercial district have to offer..? Maybe if he found materials en route to their mission in the woods- How much were adventurer's paid? He couldn't ask that, or he'd look greedy! Maybe Ms. Berry had coworkers he could glean her preferences from.. In gifts, that was. But, well- If preferences in other things came up along the way- Like, well-
On most occasions, Van would oblige to let the professionals handle more of the complicated parts of the job.
After all, too many cooks turn stew into bread making.

And while it is true he's doing just that, that doesn't mean he'll let others start getting lost in things obviously not part of the job...
So, he's going to smack the back of his head before everybody gets moving.
"Got a map of where we're heading?" And that's figuring out where they're heading, as well as good locations to find and drag the pack out to fight.

Easier said than done, but it's his job to figure out details ahead of time so that they don't find themselves sailing against the wind metaphorically.

Tabran gave a nod before reaching below the counter and pulling forth a large sheaf of parchment. The map radiated outwards from the town of Woodside, going at least ten miles if the scale could be judged correctly. Sections of the forest had been chopped down and cleared for space, but mainly in planned sites. "You can keep this. I have spares."

The guild officer pressed his finger against the map for all the see before moving it north-east. "They were last spotted around here," he indicated a hillier region. "Likely have been bunking down in a cave or crevasse. Track 'em down, and lure 'em out." Judging by the distance, their location was six miles away. A few hours of walking.

Yska scratches her chin as she stares at the drawing, examining the monster with a trained eye. "Should we bring back the carcasses? If so, we might need some form of transportation to be set up if you wish for us to bring back all eight."

Yska nods in agreement. "Yeah, a map would be helpful. As well as a general idea of where the monsters were sighted. It would give us a better idea of their behaviors."

"We'll be sending a cart out to pick up what you kill." He replied after showing them all the map. "I've already hired several butchers and laborers to fulfill our requests. A few guards will escort them to the location and harvest what you can't carry." He looked towards Bramble, who nodded.

"Right. According to the charter for this region, you are allowed to acquire thirty percent of what you kill. Quite the premium compared to other places!" The bunny lass tapped another sheet of paper she had quickly drawn. "Additionally, you'll be paid for this mission. Not much, but it's a start."

He slaps his cheeks and shakes his head, distracting himself by impulsively joining the conversation. "S-So.. Did the hunters describe what they saw these Beast-Types doing, or will we be conducting interviews of our own?" Van had already asked about charting the site, and Yska their potential behavior. Focus was obviously staying alive and handling the threat, but if they could outline patterning and migration they might be able to get a head start on risk-assessment of whatever turned them mobile.

Raising an eyebrow, "You really expect these hunters to stick around and watch these monsters? They're not trained for that, kid. It's protocol for people who aren't combat-trained to get the hell out of there the moment they spot one. Guess it must be different where you come from, but out here on the frontier? It's dangerous for hunters."

Shaking his head, Tabran waited until the group was finished discussing matters amongst themselves. "Right. You've got your quest, now get out there. Stop by the markets if you wish, they'll have a few trinkets available. Right now Seabreeze is still getting set up. Wherever he is," he grumbled. "Otherwise, it's a simple mission. Kill the monsters and return home safely. Don't die out there, ya hear?"
So, he's going to smack the back of his head before everybody gets moving.
Unfortunately, Tess spaces out listening to Bramble talk logistics. His chair slips and the boy falls back with a dopey smile, narrowly dodging their scout's swift hands. Blinking disorientedly, Tess scrambles to his feet and quietly apologizes as discussions proceed. "Gosh, sorry about that- But thanks for trying to catch me anyways Mr. Van. I feel better already knowing we've got somebody with reflexes like yours!" It was almost like he'd moved before he started to fall! Tess sheepishly scratches the back of his head, covering the dent it had made in the flooring with his chair.
Raising an eyebrow, "You really expect these hunters to stick around and watch these monsters? They're not trained for that, kid. It's protocol for people who aren't combat-trained to get the hell out of there the moment they spot one. Guess it must be different where you come from, but out here on the frontier? It's dangerous for hunters."
The boy nods along in understanding as he settles back into his seat, abashed and mildly flummoxed. Why would they have to be combat trained..?
Shaking his head, Tabran waited until the group was finished discussing matters amongst themselves. "Right. You've got your quest, now get out there. Stop by the markets if you wish, they'll have a few trinkets available. Right now Seabreeze is still getting set up. Wherever he is," he grumbled. "Otherwise, it's a simple mission. Kill the monsters and return home safely. Don't die out there, ya hear?"
He beams back with another sloppy salute, preparing to wait until everybody was ready to leave. Aw jeez, why'd he have to ask silly questions in front of Ms. Berry? Actually, maybe that was good. Yeah! Showing her he was secure in himself, and not afraid of being seen not knowing stuff!
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"Otherwise, it's a simple mission. Kill the monsters and return home safely. Don't die out there, ya hear?"
Dryly, Lawu remarks: "Dying out there would be rather counterproductive. Needless to say, I have no intention of letting any of us die."

She glances at the rest of the party. "My own preparations are effectively complete. You all?"
Van - Barbaric Bandit
Tabran gave a nod before reaching below the counter and pulling forth a large sheaf of parchment. The map radiated outwards from the town of Woodside, going at least ten miles if the scale could be judged correctly. Sections of the forest had been chopped down and cleared for space, but mainly in planned sites. "You can keep this. I have spares."

The guild officer pressed his finger against the map for all the see before moving it north-east. "They were last spotted around here," he indicated a hillier region. "Likely have been bunking down in a cave or crevasse. Track 'em down, and lure 'em out." Judging by the distance, their location was six miles away. A few hours of walking.
For his part, Van would take one firm glance at the map before rolling it up...and handing it off to Heith (@Witherbrine26).

He's already got the rough picture of his destination in mind, and in all honesty, him keeping the map would be counterproductive for the rest of the group considering how he's going to handle scouting...

"Could do with one of those spares for scouting on my own." Not that he'd deny having one handy if he can help it.

"Gosh, sorry about that- But thanks for trying to catch me anyways Mr. Van. I feel better already knowing we've got somebody with reflexes like yours!"
On another topic, Van would already be walking away from Tess.
The fact he didn't feel an impact on his hand is enough to tell him he missed.
Any comment from Tess after would probably have him throw a punch if he bothered listening.
"My own preparations are effectively complete. You all?"
Van checks himself for a brief moment before vaguely nodding.
"Unless we plan to get fancy with traps, more or less so. Not a suggestion though, given odds of friendly misstep being likely."