Adventure in Academia - Art Quest

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A dissertation, for the undergraduate history major at least, has never been about the...


The original N-body Problem
A dissertation, for the undergraduate history major at least, has never been about the expression of the students own ideas or research. Its purpose instead is to demonstrate that the student understands how to write a well researched document, to prepare them for a future in academia.

Of course that has never been good enough for you. For you, history has always been an excuse to bury yourself in a pile of original documents. When you were told that you shouldn't be producing primary research you were more than a little disappointed. But then, what is a conclusion for, but for making wild claims with only your own analysis to back them up.

And thus there you are, buried in the depths of a massive campus library, nose firmly pressed between the pages of a very, very unrelated book.

Who are you?
[ ] Artie MacArthur, Albian Naval History student
[ ] Sasha Medyedev, Caspian Cavalry (armoured) student
[ ] Chihiro Itsuke, Akitsukini Air theory student
[ ] Bailey James, New Alleghanian History of War student

What pronouns do you use?
[ ] He/him
[ ] She/her
[ ] They/them
[ ] Write-in - Be extremely careful with this option, I will not be entertained by jokes

This is going to be an odd little quest. There will be some plot, yes. There will be some adventuring. But mostly, this is going to be me writing a series of in-universe sources of an alternate Gayan history accompanied with some pretty pictures of tanks and planes and botes and such.
[X] Bailey James, New Alleghanian History of War student

[X] She/her
Pt 2
Bailey James. That was the name you wanted to see stacked on these shelves, amongst the greats of Mitchell, Arasuka and Grove. It hadn't been easy getting here, between applying for just about every scholarship that was going and convincing your parents that a history degree was actually going to come useful instead of something a little more applicable to everyday life.

Plus there was the whole non-binary thing. Maybe it had been acceptable for centuries in Akitsukini, but here in New Alleghany it was the new thing that all the kids were doing. You frowned into your research papers and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Your parents weren't unsupportive, not exactly. But they didn't exactly jump for joy when you came out.

But hey; at least it got you the scholarship. Some Alleghanian queer from the 50's who got rich in aircraft decided they wanted more queer kids to go to college and now, forty years later, here you are. Times they are a-changing, or so they say. Maybe they're right. You're not really bothered. You just want a quiet life pouring over reams and reams of information from nigh on a century ago. And that's just what you're getting now that you're at college.

Of course, the ever present threat of your dissertation deadline was hanging over your head, but that's just the price you pay, no?

Where are you at college?
[ ] An urban, Northern local college
[ ] A wealthy Southern prestige college
[ ] A military college with a view to a commission
[ ] Write-in

What is the focus of your dissertation anyway? (This is where you decide what is gonna get described and drawn in Chapter 1)
[ ] The birth of armoured warfare
[ ] The death of the battleship
[ ] The battle for air supremacy, 1920-1930
[ ] Write-in
[X] The weird side-paths in armored warfare, especially ideas that ultimately didn't wind up becoming popular/well known.

Too often, you focus on a line of successful designs, or designs moving towards success. But what about the weird, flawed designs of tanks that everyone would rather forget, but which were part of the process? Military technology ain't a tech tree.

(Plus, you get to draw weird looking, or just oddly spec'd, tanks.)
[X] An urban, Northern local college

[X] The weird side-paths in armored warfare, especially ideas that ultimately didn't wind up becoming popular/well known.
[X] An urban, Northern local college
[X] The weird side-paths in armored warfare, especially ideas that ultimately didn't wind up becoming popular.
[X] An urban, Northern local college

[X] The weird side-paths in armored warfare, especially ideas that ultimately didn't wind up becoming popular/well known.
[X] An urban, Northern local college
[X] The death of the battleship

If I don't vote for the possibility of a cameo by my own character, what kind of quest runner am I?
[X] An urban, Northern local college

[X] The weird side-paths in armored warfare, especially ideas that ultimately didn't wind up becoming popular/well known.
New Kent Community College had been your surprising first choice, shocking your parents and leaving a bemused scholarship panel in your wake as you swanned off to the Northern state and the big, big NKC. But you knew something that none of them did, and that was the proximity of the College to Fort Hamilton, the NK Navy Yards and La Roche field. You have the potential to access some of the biggest military archives from all three major services in a very small area and that's basically unheard of in the rest of the nation. Sure, you could have gone to a military college in the West, but you really didn't feel the urge to get tied into service that strongly.

"What impact did early developments in armoured warfare and tank design have on the major theorists of the early 20th Century?"

You consider your dissertation question. It's an excuse really, just like a lot of this has been, to look at all those strange early designs that never really went anywhere. There was a reason all the modern tanks today, all the Chaffee's and the Panthers and the Chariots, were near identical. And in your mind, you had to go right back to those early days to find out what they were.

After all, back then everything was still to be discovered. Everything was still to be learned. And that made for some fascinating reading.

Where do you start your argument?
[ ] Akitsukini responses to the appearance of Caspian armour.
[ ] Europan armour experiments in the 1910's.
[ ] New Alleghanian lessons from The Great War.
[ ] Write-in
[X] Akitsukini responses to the appearance of Caspian armour.

I think it'd be interesting to step outside the Euro-American (well, this world's equivalent) experience of armored warfare.