[X] Get in the Box

Well, you have a box, and there's only one thing to do. You quickly check to see if anyone is around, but there's no one in sight.

Quickly flipping open the brown flaps atop the box, you hop into the small brown container and sit down. You fit comfortably in the box, with your knees up to your chest. After a moment that strikes you as odd. The box seems much larger than you at first thought it was. From your brief examination, there was simply no way you could have fit this comfortably into that small space, but here you are, a bit crammed, but not pinched.

The possibilities unfold before you. So many things a box could be turned to. You briefly consider a few options...say what's this button here?

You are sitting in a cardboard box.
[ ] Write-in a Box fantasy
[ ] ?????
[X] You realize you are sitting on air. The box is bigger than you think it is... You fall in and land by 4 doors.
-[X]One of them has a book on the face.
-[X]Another one has a keyhole.
-[X]Another one has a ball with 4 stars in it.
-[X]And the last one has a cross on it.

[X] You realize you are sitting on air. The box is bigger than you think it is... You fall in and land by 4 doors.
-[X]One of them has a book on the face.
-[X]Another one has a keyhole.
-[X]Another one has a ball with 4 stars in it.
-[X]And the last one has a cross on it.
[X] You realize you are sitting on air. The box is bigger than you think it is... You fall in and land by 4 doors.
-[X]One of them has a book on the face.
-[X]Another one has a keyhole.
-[X]Another one has a ball with 4 stars in it.
-[X]And the last one has a cross on it.
[X] You realize you are sitting on air. The box is bigger than you think it is... You fall in and land by 4 doors.
-[X]One of them has a book on the face.
-[X]Another one has a keyhole.
-[X]Another one has a ball with 4 stars in it.
-[X]And the last one has a cross on it.
[X] You realize you are sitting on air. The box is bigger than you think it is... You fall in and land by 4 doors.
-[X]One of them has a book on the face.
-[X]Another one has a keyhole.
-[X]Another one has a ball with 4 stars in it.
-[X]And the last one has a cross on it.

Also, you might want to consider thread marking posts, for ease of catching up.