Administrator Adventures[Digimon Fanfiction]

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This idea has been bubbling for a while now. I wanted to write about characters who either met their digimon as adults or grew to adulthood in the digital world. I also wanted to write a character who starts the story knowing she's trans and has very good reasons for not wanting to return to her analog world. Warning: there are depictions of transphobia, dysphoria, homelessness, street fights, and slurs, and extralegal activities within the first chapter. So turn back now if any of those things are outside of your comfort zone.
Chapter 1: A Wellspring of Strength and Elegance. To the Strongest Digital World

There are many Layers of the Digital World. All connected to different worlds. Usually, you hear about the adventures of special children who became Digidestined, tamers, Savers etc. But there are times when Adults Must be Chosen to Administrate their Digital Worlds.

Welcome to their adventures.

Valramya spit blood out of her mouth. Right now she felt like she would never be more than a brutal, bulky, ugly man. She enjoyed fighting but it was tainted by her being stuck in her ill-fitting, disgustingly male body. She shook her head. She could indulge her dysphoria later. Right now she needed money to eat, and this was the best way to make it.

"What's the matter," Her opponent said with a laugh, "is the tranny scared because I messed up his oh so pretty face?"

Valramya swung her fist and connected with the utter asshole's family jewels. While he was hunched over she took the opportunity to slam his face into her knee. She followed up with an elbow to his nose and heard a satisfying crunch. She stepped back a couple of paces and connected a crescent kick to his chin and finished her combo by aiming an ace kick towards his chest. Unfortunately the fucker regained his senses and dodged backwards at that exact moment. As soon as Valramya's foot was back on the ground stepped forward and grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her, "I am quite not done with you." She then proceeded to punch him in the throat. She watched him fall onto his back and kneeled beside him. He was still breathing thank goodness. She'd have a deduction she couldn't afford if she'd accidentally killed her opponent. To her surprise her opponent was still conscious. "Goodness, is that all you amount to? You got one fortunate hit and you were confident enough to incite me to rage? There must not be anything going on in your head." He still had the energy to glare at her. She should make sure to put proper fear into him. She wouldn't want him to find her after the fight is over when her guard is down and there's no rules on what can be done to her. Luckily broken bones were expected in this fighting ring and the rules said the fight was over when her opponent was either unconscious or unable to fight. She might as well keep talking while she was securing her victory. "Did you not have anyone to caution you? I do not suffer slurs. Nor do I tolerate incompetence." She got up and placed her foot just above her opponent's elbow. She reached down and grabbed her opponent's wrist and pulled until she heard a snap. She stepped away and watched him flail. Her eyebrows went up when he swallowed to calm himself and attempted to use his unbroken arm to leverage himself up. Well she couldn't have that. She kicked his hand from under him at stomped on it. She heard the crack of broken fingers. While he was under her heel she kicked his arm at full strength and was satisfied with a when she felt his arm break. She glanced at her opponent's face to see him properly passed out.

Well that made her her food money for the week. She stood and strode over to the guy who have her money for beating up people.

He whistled, "Damn Val, that was particularly brutal. You good?"

Valramya shook her head twice and didn't say anything more. There was no need to waste any words. Her life wasn't his business outside of the ring, so long as she didn't make trouble for the ring when she was outside of it. She received her cash, which was $200 less than the other fighters because she made no secret of being trans and it wasn't like anyone cared about an underground fighting ring stiffing a tranny who should have been off the streets with how much she fought and won. But at least she wouldn't starve this week and she'd be able to put the rest in her stash.

"Oh yeah, Val. That idiot you took apart. He's part of a Family, apparently." He mentioned offhand.

Valramya reeled in shock and glared at him, "You did not feel like this was important to tell me?"

"What do you want me to say, Val? You've become too expensive as a fighter and the organization prevents me from even paying you what you're worth." He looked at Valramya levelly, "They got other uses for trans broads, as you know."

Valramya shivered as her stomach turned at the thought of what the other uses were. "I could never leave."

"But you'd get HRT. You know you can't get it legally in this city in your circumstances." He said lighting a cigarette, "It wouldn't be so bad."

Valramya was tempted. She wanted to be comfortable in her own body desperately. But she would not ruin herself. She was almost at her goal. "I need my freedom."

He sighed and handed over the 3 grand she needed to achieve her goal, plus the 30 grand she has supposed to have made fighting all along. "We can't offer you protection then. Val, I'm sorry it ended like this but I can't have that idiot's powerful Family become an enemy of the organization. Protect yourself, Val."

Valramya nodded and started running. If she was lucky would be able to achieve at least part of her goal before word about her harming a member of a Family got out. She should be able to achieve the rest in a different city. That had been her plan in the first place. The hard part was making it out.

5 hours later.

Valramya rued the optimism of herself from five hours ago. When she got back to the copse she pitched her tent in it was on fire. She'd barely been able to managed to save three outfits. Moments after she dug up her lockbox from it's hiding place in a park very nearly ran into a cop who was speaking loudly about dragging homeless trespassers off to jail. She just managed to pick up her newly repaired helmet and pay off her motorcycle(Both of them had A.I that she cherished), and was in the parking lot ready to take off when she was surrounded by twenty people in expensive suits. She sighed. It just had to be this vengeful grudge holding Family. It wouldn't matter if whoever that asshole was deserved her breaking his arms. They wouldn't let her get away unless she skipped this region and the eastward region of the country entirely. She wondered if she could get out of this by just letting them breaking her arms. The people in the suits pulled out guns.

'Oh. So I'm going to die,' Valramya thought. 'Damn it! I was almost there! I could finally go to a place with informed consent! I'd finally managed to repair Bam and and pay off Mam! There was even a house that I could afford to buy outright now!' she stamped her foot in frustration as she raised her hands. 'Well best to get this over with. There is no need to prolong this. It is a sad consolation but at least my dysphoria will end."

"Ah. Look." One of her killers said. "The tranny knows not to resist."

"Don't make fun of her, Jimmy." Another one of her murderers said. "It's not her fault my idiot son decided he was tough enough for one of the hardcore fighting rings. But we can't let anyone get away with breaking my boys arms."

"Yeah, show the dame some respect. She survived this long on the streets that did it's best to kill her." One of her more sympathetic killers said.

"It's just a tranny, Clark." The most typical of her killers said. "No one will miss it."

The father of the incompetent idiot shot the preceding speakers hand. "We will let the lady face her death with Dignity. There will be no more insults."

"Yes, Boss!" Her other killers said in unison.

"Any lasts requests, Valramya?" The Boss said

'How Lovely. The Boss of the people who are going to kill me knows my name.' Valramya thought caustically.

Suddenly there was a bright light behind her. Her motorcycle came alive and somehow before she knew it she was being pushed towards the the light by her motorcycle. Once she was surrounded by the light she felt her body changing but before she could process that she passed out.

Valramya woke up in a chaparral to her confusion. She didn't feel wrong like she usually did. She sat up and pinched herself. Well she was in pain so she was still alive. She looked down at herself. Oh. She was dressed in a proper red midi motorcycle dress that had a hood for some reason. And there was what looked like a pendant watch hanging between her breasts.

....her breasts? She stood up. And immediately stumbled. Why was the ground so close? She flailed and just managed to catch herself. She looked at her hands they were still callused but they were smaller. She was in her ideal body...? She was free! She felt herself smiling.

"Umm... Vamya, not to interrupt your euphoria or anything. Since you just went through the digital gate and all..." A Robotic Hercules beetle said.

"Vaya." A motorcycle without horns teeth and claws said. "We got to you on time. But there's something you need to do."

She knew those voices. The only ones who called her those names were..."Bam? Mam?

to be continued.
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Good job 💯 this reminds me I had a idea for a story set after a group of kids got chosen and after they saved the world
Chapter 2: The Way of the Strongest World! MasterTyrannomon's Training!
this chapter contains instances of disownment, a parent making sure their child stays on the streets, and a love deficient childhood

"Before that. I need to explain some things about the young girl's new body." A gentle voice said from behind Valramya.

Bam took a step back, and said in a voice laced with awe, "Sistermon Ciel!"

What's looked like nun with a blue mouse themed habit and holding a sheathed longsword smiled at Bam, "Hello Young Ballistamon." She turned to Mam with the same, "Little miss Machmon."

Mam revved her wheels shyly, "Sistermon Ciel, Ma'am."

"You both always so cute." She pat both their heads briefly before turning to Valramya. "Hello Little Lady. I am Sistermon Ciel."

"My name is Valramya. It is very nice to meet you." Valramya introduced herself.

"Do you remember falling through the Digital Gate and feeling your body changing?" Sistermon Ciel asked.

"Yes. I passed out while it happened." Valramya replied.

"That's not why you passed out. You were almost deleted." Sistermon Ciel dropped a bombshell.

Valramya gasped. She almost died twice on the same day? She didn't know if her luck was good or bad.

"Don't worry though! Your Digisoul held you together just long enough that I could stabilized you by using some of my data. So you're all good but half digimon now." Sistermon Ciel smiled at Valramya.

This was definitely a lot to take in and she had plenty of questions but it seems like the nun had saved her life so, "Thank you."

Sistermon Ciel pet Valramya's head. "I just did what needed doing. Half of your current data came from me so I'm your.... what's that human word? Gankoomon is Hackmon's...? He's also us Sistermon sisters'. The family member that takes care of you and raises you."

".... parent?" Valramya asked

"Close it's..... It's....oh! Gankoomon is our Mama so I'm yours! Don't worry I'll make you strong!"

"Eh?" Valramya was

"Ugh. Leona! I told you that I didn't want to see the little creature until he was five."

"..... very well, [Data deleted], I guess you can call me Mother.

"[Data Deleted], I expect your etiquette lessons are going well. I expect you not to bother me until next year."

"You want a what?! No I am
not giving you a hug. Those are for poor people."

"Oh finally, you ask for something useful. Of course you can have fighting lessons."

"You were the one who asked for fighting lessons. Don't complain about a broken bone."

"You're a what?! No. Absolutely not. This will ruin my publicity. 16 years wasted. I'm afraid you'll have to live on the streets. Hopefully you'll die there and be out of my hair"

"Sorry, Val. Your bitch of a Ma put the squeeze on all the landlords around here. You can't even rent a closet.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Valramya. The [Data Deleted] family is very powerful so we can't risk making enemies of them by hiring you."

"You're Val, yeah? Wanna make some money?"

Valramya blinked and felt arms wrapped around her and squeezing softly. The arms seemed to be infused with an emotion she couldn't recognize. Was this what a hug felt like? Was this what love felt like? She looked up to find that the one who had hugged her was Sistermon Ciel. This act already made her leagues better than the person who had disowned her.

"It's alright. I'll show you plenty of love!" Sistermon Ciel said.

Valramya, for reasons she couldn't understand, felt like it was okay to cry. Which opened the floodgates.

After Valramya's tears dried up. Sistermon Ciel continued her explanation with Valramya still in her arms, "Now since you're part Tyrannomon, I'll have to take you to MasterTyrannomon's place for training. Any questions?"

"What's a Tyrannomon?" Valramya asked

"A Tyrannosaurus digimon." Sistermon Ciel answered.

".... what's a digimon?"

"Oh dear."

1 week later.

So apparently she was in a parallel world that could only be accessed and communicated with because human society created computers. This world was mostly populated by Digimon, which was short for Digital monsters, which came in all shapes and sizes. The humans that came through and lived in the digital world, without exception, had partners. That's where Bam, a Ballistamon, and Mam, a Machmon came in. They were her partners and posed as the AI of her helmet and motorcycle in her analogue world. Humans with digimon partners in the digital worlds had all sorts of ways to use their connection to give their partners powers. Apparently the internet is multiversal so the Digital World can be used to travel to other universes.

Usually when a human goes through a digital gate linked to Valramya's Analogue world their body is changed to their ideal self. The reason she almost died was because the digital gate Mam pushed her through recognized her body as corrupted data and started purging it(she didn't know how to feel about that) but didn't have enough data to create a body capable of sustaining her soul and Digisoul. So that's where Sistermon Ciel came in. She used some of the data that was inside of herself for the rest of the data that was missing from her body. The half needed for her to materialize and live in this Digital World. So she guessed that it wasn't inaccurate to call Sistermon Ciel her new mother. She'd already been shown more affection in this previous week than she'd been shown in her previous life. And she's had lots of hugs. The Gankoomon Family, which she was now a part of, had a creed. Strength is Love and Love is Strength. Which meshed with MasterTyrannomon's(who was a Giant scarred Tyrannosaurus Digimon with green plates on his back) that care is shown by bringing out someone's strength and teaching them how to reliably use it.

So now she was sitting in this Giant Dojo meditating so she could become more in-sync with herself and her partners. She could feel her connection to Bam and Mam. She traced back both connections to the power inside of herself. She felt like she could expand it herself if she was in a pinch but it would be for more efficient to let her partners do it by syncing up with her and vice versa with the power she was linked to in them. Some things that she should be able do now popped into her head though.

2 months later

Valramya never thought she'd be holding her own against Dinosaurs but it was super fun. She ducked underneath a spout if Fire Breath and intercepted a tail strike by grabbing said tail. She lifted up that Tyrannomon by their tail and tossed them into the DarkTyrannomon who was still breathing fire at her. She was so Strong now! But there was the matter of her long range attacks. It feels like she was missing something. She jumped over of the way of the Tyrannomon X Crash Rolling at her . Her trajectory took her right into the path of the Dark Tyrannomon X preparing to Fire Blast her. The only course of action she could and did take was an Axe Kick to their snout. Luckily that prevented her being burned by fire breath, she flipped, landed on the ground and twirled out of the way of Mamotyramon rocketing at her. She had finally dodged that! That meant she could join in her partners training against the Ultimate level digimon!

She realized she let her guard down as Mamotyramon came rocketing back towards her. Luckily, she panicked, "Ahh!! Clap Thunder!" Her were coated in lighting as she struck Mamotyramon with two simultaneous and parallel pam strikes the impact rang like a thunderclap and left Mamotyramon disoriented.

There was a booming laughter, "Very good, Rouge!" MasterTyrannomon said in-between chuckles. He had thought she was a heretofore unmentioned Sistermon sister when they arrived. Even after correcting the misunderstanding her still called her Rouge. She didn't hate the nickname. "Now you can learn his to fight with Machmon and Ballistamon."

"Thank you, MasterTyrannomon, Sir." Valramya said with a bow

Sistermon Ciel walked up at that moment. "Congratulations, Valramya. These were just completed . This Miwaku no Hansha" Sistermon Ciel handed Valramya a Tessen. " And this little one is Hofuku." She handed Valramya a Blast knuckle.

As soon as she held both weapons in her hand more things she could do came into her head. She even had long range attacks now! "Oh! Thank you, Sistermon Ciel!"

Sistermon Ciel pet Valramya's head. "Now you Three will have to train with me!"

Valramya felt a chill go down her back.

To be continued.

these two chaps have been focused on Valramya. Don't worry though we'll get to Machmon and Ballistamon.