Intense vote so far.
Winner: Wacky Roadtrip Shenanigans
it's with some trepidation that you accept the contract from the University of Iowa. The pay is, well, good but… they're very much going to make you work for it. This is going to be 20 years of your life spent on this, that's not an insignificant portion of it. This is less 'one good run' and more 'One final hurrah'. You'll potentially be in no shape to be a captain when you return. Unless you're willing to redline, which, over the distances involved, will be very expensive, costing a great deal of delta v.
Your crew is are mostly equal shareholders in the ship. But who exactly are they?
You've got 4 passengers, and only 2 passenger bunks, so you're either going to have to not fill some of your five crew bunks, or the passengers are going to be sleeping somewhat uncomfortably, though you *might* be able to talk down the number of people coming. Especially if you've got a technician to replace one of the load technicians.
You've got enough time to refit your ship, but you only have enough time for one refit
[][Refit]Improved life support capacity
This refit includes extra life support for 2 people long term and 2 extra bunks, neatly solving any issues you have with passenger and crew capacity.
[][Refit]Improved cargo capacity
This refit adds 10 extra interior cargo slots. This is important if you want to carry side loads, because right now all 20 of your interior cargo slots are filled
[][Refit]Mixed usage
This refit adds life support for 1 extra person and an extra bunk, as well as 5 extra interior cargo slots, by shrinking overall space available within the ship
[][Refit]Improved thrust
This refit improved your thrust, reducing the duration of your trip from 10 years out to 8 years out… a significant reduction!
[][Refit]No refit
If you don't refit your ship, your score at the end will be higher as you'll have collected more money.
Given the distance you're going you've only enough room for 8 people on the life support, unless you're willing to hook up a supplemental life support system, which could cost you a pretty penny. 5 of those 8 are already accounted for, unless you talk the University into sending fewer people. If you're willing to drop some people off on Mars, you can carry 12 so long as you're in the inner planets… something to keep in mind if you want to bring side-cargos of people.
You're legally required to have a Medic, an Engineer, and a Pilot, but there's no law that says they can't all be the same person. Technically, you already have an Engineer. Yourself.
Choose however many you want, within the limitations of your life support. By plan only. The fewer crew you select, the higher your final score because more money.
[][Crew]Medic Veronica Waldress
Veronica Waldress uses pot, recreationally. She also grows her own pot in botanical and horticultural equipment that she brings along with her. She's about the same age as you, and has a generally calm and centered personality. Her plants can help stretch the life support of a ship in an emergency situation. That being said: she uses pot recreationally, and while she's never high during working hours, if an off hours emergency happens… she's going to be high.
[][Crew]Medic George Tian
George is a younger man. He's fresh out of training, and has little experience. He used leftover money from his student loan to buy a share into your ship. He's young, energetic, and fresh faced. For him, 20 years is long enough to get seasoned, not the end of his career. His hobby is role playing games.
[][Crew]Medic/Pilot Babur Mohammed
Babur is an old friend of yours, but he has a history of being a drug addict. Hard drugs. A lot of people become so due to the stresses of space travel. He's promised you he's clean again, but as a medic (with cross training as a pilot) he has access to his own supply. If you take him with you on this journey, you'll have to watch him carefully in case he relapses. His hobby is shooter type video games.
[][Crew]Engineer Tidir Idowu
Tidir is a competent engineer with a particular talent for fabrication. She works well with you, and compliments your own specialty of spacewalking and installation. She produces miniatures for her free time, occasionally wasting resources in the process. She is a diabetic, and requires a supply of insulin, but as this is a known problem it is not a big problem. Ships with diabetics usually carry a yeast that produces insulin. Unless the yeast is contaminated by a disaster, there's no risks.
[][Crew]Technician/Engineer Molly Surge
Molly has a nasty attitude and a poor personality. She's quite good at both science and engineering, but she's a truly terrible coworker with a nasty habit of picking fights and arguments with people for fun. Her hobby is card games.
[][Crew]Technician/Medic Shahrir Hassan
Shahrir is an older gentleman, very experienced. Being in his late 50s it's entirely possible he'll die during the 10 year voyage back from the edge of the solar system. That being, he's received cross training that allows him to qualify as both a technician in the handling of scientific equipment and as a medic. His hobby is reading fantasy novels.
[][Crew]Technician/Pilot Pavel Sobol
Pasha is a scientific load specialist who also has some piloting chops. There's a bit of a problem though. He's intensely agoraphobic and cannot do spacewalks. This is not the end of the world, as a pilot is typically not expected to leave a vessel in flight, but as a scientific load specialist, this could be a problem. His hobby is smutty visual novels.
[][Crew]Pilot James McCormick
James prefers to pilot by feel. He's a very loose sort of pilot. Relaxed about everything and generally unflappable, he's well known for his ability to get along with even the most difficult of personalities. Unfortunately, his sloppy, relaxed, nature does mean he tends to use more fuel than a more precise pilot. He's a poet in his free time.
[][Crew]Pilot Nolene Jørgensen
Nolene is a really good pilot. You've known her for years, and she's a 'by the books' type of pilot whose precision can be compared favorably to a computer. That being said, she has a ton of dangerous allergies, ranging from a penicillin allergy to an allergy to the most common form of algae used for atmospheric reprocessing and biomatter reclamation. As you're aware of these issues you can plan ahead, but in an emergency situation you may find yourself without the supplies to care for her. She listens to classical music in her free time, and reads the Vedas.
[][Crew]Chef FNU Thando
Hiring a chef improves morale. Thando is trained in west African cuisine, a flavorful pallet with many spices. He's also trained in cooking for medical needs, and can help passengers avoid allergies or food sensitivities. Thando is a very gentle man, who works well with others. His hobby is his job: Cooking.
[][Crew]Communications and Sensor Specialist Harland Rose
A communications and sensor specialist can handle communications in space and read sensor results to better determine the conditions in space, such as detecting oncoming solar flares. She prefers to be called Rose. She's particularly good at video-editing and wants to make a documentary about the journey, and for a hobby she makes mixtapes from the sounds picked up by various sensor systems. She has a hormonal disorder and requires regular injections of estrogen, which, like insulin, is generally produced by a yeast kept aboard the ship.
[][Crew]Security Nanako Hino
Piracy in deep space isn't a thing: When it happens it's near colonized planets or large stations… places where the near do wells can run away and get lost. A security person works to prevent this from happening. They also mediate disputes among the crew. Nanako Is a strict woman with a stern bearing. She's a very good shot with a pistol, though she prefers not to need to use it. Her hobby is embroidery and crochet.
[][Crew]Oddjobsfellow Murphy NoLastName
Oddjobsfellows fill in for crew members who are sick and injured. They typically receive training from most of the crew during the trip as they learn their duties. Murphy prefers they/them pronouns. They are a diligent worker, though they are young and inexperienced. Murphy's hobby is dancing. Breakdancing
[][Crew]Second in command Anselem De Graff
You've known Anselem most of your career. He's just as hard working as you, though he didn't come up as engineering track. He'd been middle management for as long as you've known him and has the people, budgeting, and accounting skills to match. His time management is great, though his personality is a bit standoffish and persnickety. His hobby is calligraphy.
Of course it may be necessary to reduce the size of the passenger compliment, and you have a few possible strategies for that:
[][Reduction]Try to reduce the number of technicians
Requires having your own technician capable of handling scientific equipment.
[][Reduction]Talk the professor out of bringing the adjunct
Could have unfortunate side effects: the adjunct seems more familiar with the load than the professor.
[][Reduction]Attempt to talk the professor out of coming due to his age
You've only got one shot, and if you fail it could have a negative effect on your relationship with the passengers. Also the professor is an astrophysicist and can predict solar weather for you relatively accurately.
[][Reduction]Any combination of the above.
[][Reduction]You'll take the full manifest
Increase your score due to bigger payout.