Aces in High School

Original Post


Glorious GM-Chan
The Abyss
Hello! and welcome to my new RP based in the GUP universe, but with aircraft instead of tanks being featured! For the backstory, you all came from various schools shutdown do to loss of funding. All caused by another school attempting to drive out competition. By fate, you all ended up here at Lexington Academy, the next target on this school's list. But they aren't willing to go down without a fight, and neither are you! You must learn to work together despite you different backgrounds to avenge your original schools, and save another from meeting that same fate!

1. Respect GM decisions, and player decisions if approved by the GM.
2. Don't power-game
3. If you find a mistake made, feel free to politely bring it up
4. Any aircraft can be submitted. you want to dogfight in a B-17? Go right ahead!
5. Modifications to aircraft will mostly be case by case
6. one character submitted only unless your flying a multicrew aircraft
7. Rules may be subject to change in the future, I'll let you all know if they are
8. Have fun, it's why I run RPs

Edited rules:
1. Forgot to put this down earlier, 1941 is limit for starting aircraft
2. Ground and Navy Targets will be a thing

Full name:

Preferred name (Nickname if desired):




Bio(their history):





Flight 1 - Long Range Heavy Bomber
@Reliable_2IC - B-17

Flight 2 - Fighter
@SeismicGuide - F4F-3
@ravagEr - F4F-3
@always_confused - A6M

Flight 3 - Fighter
@UbeOne - P-38
@Swarmingu - P-39
@Ash19256 - P-47

Flight 4 - Fighter
@Omida - D.520
@LurkingNorth - P-40B
@Miho Chan - Spitfire Mk. VI

Discord Link (advised to join): Join the The Round Table of Seismic proportions Discord Server![/hr]
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Jean Christophe Duval - Dewoitine D.520
Full name: Jean Christophe Duval

Preferred name (Nickname if desired):




A bit impatient and excitable, Jean feels the need to be constantly on the move or do things, feeling anxious when forced to sit still for prolonged periods of time. His exuberance at times comes off as rudeness, but that is more because he feels that there is no point wasting time with excessive manners when basic politeness should suffice. When he feels slighted, he can hold a grudge for a surprisingly long time before doing something he decides makes him even.

Bio(their history):

Coming from family of tankers, Jean Christophe was always fascinated by the sky instead. Even so, his four older sisters were supportive of him and his parents ensured he received a good education to ensure he would get to a good school with an active aviation club with a rich tradition.

Thus, he went from middle school and enrolled at Guynemere École, a fairly prestigious if frugal high school with proud record of consistently producing skilled pilots. Jean Christophe enrolled in its aviation club and quickly became recognized as one of its possible future aces, specialising in daring, showy flying.

However, his dreams would be.disturbed when a competing school forced Guynemere to shut down over the holidays, and only thanks to his parents did Jean managed to secure at least his plane from aviation club as memento. Still, that meant he suddenly needed to find a new high school to enroll. There was, of course, the offer from the school which forced Guynemere out. That letter was burned. Instead, Jean did his research and found out the next school on the list of victims. Thus, he enrolled at Lexington, determined to stop another school from closing down.

fast planes, elegant tanks, confident girls, Italian cuisine, 'Bardcore' music, coffee 'black like my heart' (followed by laugh), his sisters.

Wehraboos, classic music, tea

Dewoitine D.520
Kazama Akane - P38E Lightning
Name (family, given): Kazama Akane
Callsign: Gear
Gender: Female

This, but with long hair. The picture was made by Mojojoj

1. Quiet and introverted - The spotlight is not my thing, and neither is the noise. I shy away from undue attention, and I find it refreshing to be by myself. Being pushed to do social exhausts me.
2. Sometimes excitable - If it's something I'm interested in that others would be okay with, I tend to be more comfortable with talking about it and such.
3. Avoids arguments - I find it troublesome to debate, since I have a hard time keeping up with the arguments of others. So I tend to go around the whole matter. The exception is if the topic is relevant to me, something I feel strongly on.
4. When sufficiently provoked, I can have quite the temper and vindictiveness.
5. Imaginative - Things come alive in my mind. Designs, fantastic situations, figments of adventures elsewhere, among others. Sometimes it'd feel so nice to lose myself in them, or live them out.
6. Tech interest - Ever since childhood, this is my thing, especially cars, though I also very much like airplanes, tanks, warships and such. It's why I gravitate towards design, towards engineering.
7. Other interests - Taking afternoon naps too, as well as playing video games, browsing the Internet, and going on the forums.
8. Something I dislike is being interrupted, which can be annoying. It disrupts my rhythm and concentration, like when I'm focused on something, a train of thought merrily rolling along, and then something else barges in and ruins the flow of things.
9. I'm also more straightforward than eccentric, more realistic than fantastical. I feel more down-to-earth, even though I also like imagining fantastical things.

- Reincarnated SI. My family are immigrants to the US, and I happen to be born after that. My mom competes professionally in aerial combat (or whatever they call the plane version of tankery/senshadou), while my dad owns and operates a machine shop for aircraft.
- My mom is actually from the Shimada clan, but she decided to pursue aircraft. Fortunately, they were supportive of her, being appreciative of diversity. If anything, the family style of aggressive hit and run tactics applied very well to boom and zoom.
- I also have a sibling, an older sister who went for tankery. We'd cheer for her during her matches.
- My childhood could be considered as typical, a pleasant life at a coastal city. I was inspired by my mom to take up planes as she does, while my dad taught me what I know around a machine shop.
- My big sis and I were enrolled at Saratoga Secondary School, which was based in a schoolship version of USS Saratoga (CV-3), complete with black stripe on the smokestack. One of its selling points was an international, immigrant-friendly student culture, so aviation and tank-wise, they had a core of American machinery that was supplemented by models from other nations. My P-38E, however, is a hand-me-down from my mom, which she used during her high school days. An honor, really.
- My school life could also be considered as typical, though I preferred going to the library or the machine shop during my free time. Sometimes I'd help my sister with maintaining her tank, a Sherman Jumbo. At other times, I'd be found tinkering with my aircraft, or reading something, usually about cars, planes, warships or tanks.
- As for my flying, I did decently in helping my team, garnering three aerial victories so far. Most of my flying was setting things up for teammates to score victories.
- However, things got worse when the school was forced to close down and declare bankruptcy due to running out of funds. It reminded me of Oarai's dilemma, except this was worse. It wasn't a natural cause, but instead, the result of a predatory school trying to run others out of business. The ship had to be mothballed as a result. At least my big sis was able to graduate.
- My parents were the ones who helped once more, this time enrolling me at a sister school of Saratoga, named Lexington Academy. My mom also informed me that it's being targeted by the predator school, so it would be a way to strike back at them via the aerial sport.

- Fangirl of planes, tends to squee in the presence of cool ones, whether internally or externally.
- Tends to ramble on about things I'm enthusiastic about.
- I tend to wear a red hooded cloak, such as over a school uniform.

Likes: Cars, planes, traveling, food, weapons, video games, cuteness
Dislikes: Violence, misery, early death, politics, bullying, "kicking the cat", bigotry, being misgendered

School: Lexington Academy
Year: 3
Club/s: Aviation, Video gaming
Aircraft: P-38E Lightning "Twin Rose"
- Base appearance:

The picture is from the Lockheed Martin website.

- Livery: Red and cyan dazzle pattern with false canopy on the underside
- Victory marks: 3 x Green, black-bordered stars with aircraft models labeled within in white: Ki-43, Mosquito, XP-58
- Role/s: Fighter
- Top speed: ~400 mph
- Cruise speed: ~200 mph
- Climb rate: ~2880 ft/min
- Ceiling: 39,000 ft
- Range: 845 nmi
- Engine/s: 2 x 1325 hp Allison V-1710 -49/52 V12 engines
- Armament: 20mm AN/M2 autocannon, 4 x .50-caliber M2 Browning machine guns, all nose-mounted
- Ordnance: N/A
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Ashoka Agarwal - Mitsubishi A6M Zero
Full name: Ashoka Agarwal

Nickname (Callsign?): Duckling

Gender: Male


Personality: Calm, patient and sometimes coming off as aloof and too stiff or formal, Ashoka can seem unapproachable or uninterested in others. This is simultaneously true, as his upbringing and schooling have driven in a suspicion of others in him, but also false as he does enjoy the company of others by nature. If nothing else, his neutral attitude is to be polite and friendly, if not particularly open. Pushing a little deeper, he is however a loyal and trustworthy sort and is perfectly willing to go to hell and back for those he considers his friends.

Ashoka's calm is deceptive, however, as beneath lurks a wilder and more aggressive side from his past that sometimes comes to the fore as sudden bursts of aggression or a bit too much of a 'blood-thirst' during 'combat'. Further, while he is mostly neutral about his own image, he tends to be very easy to annoy, if not outright anger, when it comes to the image and reputation of his friends. Whether the friend(s) in question care one way or another can often get lost in an angry rush to defend them for the sake of being a good (?) friend.

The younger son of a 'self-made' Indian billionaire who made his fortune manufacturing parts and vehicles for tank, air and sea combat, Ashoka was from his youth a spoiled, vain and arrogant wastrel with little to no redeeming qualities. After their father was much reduced by an automobile accident, Ashoka's much older brother, Indrajit, took over the company and packed him off to the 'Marshal Budyonny Academic Complex of Excellence' in Far-Eastern Russia. An all-in-one academic institution offering both secondary and tertiary level education, it was described by one critic as 'baby's 1st gulag'. Notorious for having some of the harshest instances of corporal punishment in the world, actual educational standards were practically nil. The entire point of the institute was to send the unruly, the unmanageable, or more distressingly, simply the unwanted and hoping something would come out of the endless beatings and hazings. By all accounts, it should've been shut down a long while ago but rank corruption ensured the institute continued to function.

Unsurprisingly, land, air, sea combat were all popular sports at the academy. Ashoka was drawn to naval combat, but was forced (literally) into joining the air combat group. Ostensibly following the usual team-vs-team format, combat sports at the academy was far more of a free-for-all affair and it wasn't uncommon for teammates to shoot through one another just to score a 'kill'. Kamikaze style ramming attacks were also unashamedly encouraged by the coaches, who cared far more about seeing their foes (the students!) crash and burn rather than succeed. If there were any individuals at the academy who weren't utterly insane, it was probably the low-ranking cleaning staff, cooks and janitors who kept the place running but were seen as little better than dirt.

It was with this last group that Ashoka eventually formed a sort of rapport and that eventually changed him for the better. Exposed to students exactly like himself, if not worse, he decided he wanted nothing to do with his earlier self and quickly matured, spending his time with the cooks and janitorial staff and even helping out when he could. When the academy was eventually shut down, no one really gave a damn. Ashoka, however, was distressed at his friends and mentors losing their jobs and livelihoods, however, and returned home to ask Indrajit if he could help.

Intrigued at his younger brother's seeming maturity and newfound humility, but not yet convinced fully convinced, Indrajit agreed to give the now unemployed staff a stipend and even promised to buy-back the Academy, reopen it and ensure it was properly run this long as Ashoka agreed to finish his education at Lexington Academy. And yes, the would-be-seaman was expected to join their air-combat team. Left with little choice, Ashoka gloomily accepted the offer and was packed off yet again, this time to Lexington Academy.

Likes: Naval Combat, Ships, Tea, MMA, Being in good shape, Beating up bullies, Learning, Teaching, Having friends he can trust?!, Indrajit

Dislikes: Bullies, Bigotry, Business studies, Being in terrible shape, Not being able to train, Being surrounded by people he can't trust, Indrajit

Aircraft: Mitsubishi A6M Zero, 'Graveyard Shift'

The (in)famous Japanese carrier-fighter from WW2, the 'Graveyard Shift' as Indrajit calls it, isn't Ashoka's 1st choice of plane. He'd much rather something better armored, but with no plane of his own he had to beg his elder brother to give him one, at least to get him started off at Lexington Academy. To that end, Indrajit agreed and provided him with a Zero, a sign of both his growing appreciation of his younger brother...and a warning that he was still on thin ice nevertheless.
Miyoshi Rie - Bell P-39 Aircobra
Full name: Miyoshi Rie

Nickname: Miyori

Gender: Female


Personality: A wild soul who craves excitement wherever she is. She likes flying because of the freedom it grants her and with a dash of healthy risk to satiate her adrenaline fix. She dislikes most form of authority for some indescribable reason and consequently she's often described as a problem child.

Bio: WIP

Likes: Freedom, Explosions, Fireworks, Snows, Her bed, Cardio, Rare meat, History lessons.

Dislikes: Not being free, Marching Band, Strength exercises, Tofu, Card Games, Family gathering.

Aircraft: Bell P-39 Airacobra
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Hm. I have to leave soon, so I'm just gonna post for interest. I really enjoyed the Girls un Panzer anime... even if I know pretty much nothing about weaponry. Couple questions for the @CCBubba in the meantime though:

1) I assume this is freeform, since no system is mentioned in the first post?
2) Where does the game take place? Lexington Academy (as mentioned), but is the setting Japanese or Western? Just checking before I start working on a character.
Markus Fletcher - B-17 Flying Fortress
Full name: Markus Fletcher

Preferred name (Nickname if desired): Caffeinated

Gender: Male


Personality: Markus is an emotional person, prone to flights of passion and emotional displays. Nonetheless, he is hardworking soul who puts forth his best to help others, and does to the utmost to be approachable.

Bio(their history):
Former School: Alamo High School

Markus was interested in flying high the moment he saw a plane. It was an enthusiasm that he gradually infected his childhood friends with, and one that called out to like-minded people. Eventually, a tight-knit group formed, one that stuck together even after the initial defeat. But their spirits still burn brightly, and they are bound together by the ties of friendship and common cause.

Other people of note (crewmates)
Amy Hope - Co-pilot
Alphonsine Faucher - Bombardier/Nose Gunner
Kazimiera Dudek - Navigator
Aden Brewer - Flight Engineer/Top Turret Gunner

Kate Krause - Waist Gunner
Robert Frye - Waist Gunner
Ruby Walton- Radio Operator
Nicole Conner - Ball Turret Gunner
Simon Rhodes - Tail Gunner

Likes: Hot food and drinks, nights on the town, being organized, focusing on the objectives

Dislikes: Panic, being pursued, being outnumbered, being personally attacked

Aircraft: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

Victory Markings: Fw-190 credited to tail gunner, LaGG3 credited to ball turret gunner
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Alexander Smith - Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
Full name: Alexander Smith

Preferred name (Nickname if desired): Alex (Callsign: Walleye)

Gender: Male

Appearance: WIP

Personality: Relatively calm. Prone to sarcasm when irritated. Has issues with proper mental function without proper quantities of caffeine in their system. Slow to trust those they haven't known for a while. When pissed off, retains a grudge for longer than most would consider normal.

Bio(their history): Alexander Smith has more reasons than most in Lexington's aviation program to hate their latest rival school. His first school was shut down before he was even issued an aircraft, due to being screwed out of sponsors by the rival school a month before they would have competed for the first time. His second school managed to get further - it was here where he secured his first aerial victories, shooting down three enemy fighters and two bombers during a match - but were ultimately forced to close by the rival school accusing them of rule violations, then bribing the investigators to keep the investigation going long past when it would have been obvious that the accusation was false - thus forcing the school to forfeit it's remaining matches, and loosing them what few sponsors they still had.

After that, he retained his second school's P-47, and signed on with Lexington, knowing that they would be his enemy's next target. Come hell or high water, Lexington will be where he makes his stand.

Likes: tea, cereal, pizza, rocketry and spaceflight, gaming

Dislikes: idiots, politics, economics, math, Brussels sprouts

Aircraft: Republic P-47B Thunderbolt, in early production livery, albeit modified with the stereotypical "zebra stripes" found on aircraft which were painted to participate in D-day - never mind that the US had stopped bothering with painting new aircraft leaving factories by the time D-day occurred. On the nose just behind the checkering on the cowling, there are 5 victory marks - white outlines of three Nakajima Ki-43s, and two Mitsubishi G4Ms.
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1) I assume this is freeform, since no system is mentioned in the first post?
2) Where does the game take place? Lexington Academy (as mentioned), but is the setting Japanese or Western? Just checking before I start working on a character.

Combat system will be mostly freeform, any dice I do use I'll let you know about however

Lexington academy is a western school, however your character could have come from a Japanese school if you want
Remilia Trott - Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat
Full Name: Remilia Trott
Gender: Female

Pesonality: WIP
Bio: Formerly an Enterprise High-school track and field team member, Remilia transfered just before the team's last match. Currently wingman to Ryan David Crawford.

Likes: Sports, Tanks, US navy ships and aircraft, video games
Dislikes: Losing, arguing, politics

Aircraft: Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat
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Ryan David Crawford - Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat
Full name: Ryan David Crawford

Preferred name (Nickname if desired): Sparks (Callsign)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes, relatively tall, pale-ish complexion, Usually seen in hoodie and shorts if not in the school uniform, with a wooden cross necklace hanging from his neck.

Personality: I'm Short tempered, constantly bottle up emotions till they burst, highly affectionate, and I'm Extroverted, though I do enjoy time by myself.

Bio(their history):

- Enrolled into Enterprise High-school's Fighter team, when the school was shut down and our old carrier was eventually scrapped/mothballed, my wingman and I enrolled to Lexington high's, and we're going to do our damndest to make sure it doesn't happen again to Lex.
- WIP, requires conversation with GM and Wingman

- Games
- Food
- Friends
- Affection

- Blowing up
- Mushrooms
- Certain ideologies Politics
- Confrontation

Aircraft: Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat

Livery: Standard NAVY Livery blue, with a lightning bolt painted on the nose.
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Pardon, but does my sheet look alright, in the opinion of other players? I'd ask in the discord, but it seems like a very tight knit community so I kinda feel like I'm intruding if I bring it up there.
Pardon, but does my sheet look alright, in the opinion of other players? I'd ask in the discord, but it seems like a very tight knit community so I kinda feel like I'm intruding if I bring it up there.

Feel free to use the Discord, we're only basically a "Tight Knit community" because of how long we've known each other. Your sheet looks fine to me, and I'm pretty sure CC liked it enough too, :p
Combat system will be mostly freeform, any dice I do use I'll let you know about however

Lexington academy is a western school, however your character could have come from a Japanese school if you want

Thanks, and hope you don't mind a couple follow-up questions. (I wanna make sure I do things right :V)

Will this be played on Discord (presumably, the server in your signature?) or play-by-post on SV?
Also, any idea of how many spots you're looking for? Since Girls un Panzer's tankery teams were... fairly large.
Thanks, and hope you don't mind a couple follow-up questions. (I wanna make sure I do things right :V)

Will this be played on Discord (presumably, the server in your signature?) or play-by-post on SV?
Also, any idea of how many spots you're looking for? Since Girls un Panzer's tankery teams were... fairly large.

Play by post here on SV, the discord however is where all discussions and any notifications I need to put out will be.

Haven't set any hard limit, will see how many people post a sheet
Jan Casimir Kowalski - Curtis P-40B Warhawk
Full name: Jan Casimir Kowalski

Preferred name (Nickname if desired): Uhlan

Gender: Male


Personality: While perhaps introverted to an extent, he is not one to shy away from social interaction. He will simply not be the instigator in such situations most of the time. Quiet and contemplative on his own, with a more anxious and awkward side emerging when he is outside of his comfort zone. If one is able to look past all this however you will find a friendly and happy soul.

Bio(their history): Jan's family hails from a long line of gallant knights and hussars, and they never get sick of reminding everyone around them of this fact every chance they get, much to Jan's dismay. Growing up he was immersed in stories and tales of the "simpler" and "more noble" days of old, when their ancestors rode off to gain glory and fame for king and country, but as the years passed on by and he grew older, Jan couldn't help but feel the stories lost their luster. The environment at home became almost unbearable, and he was more than thankful to get away from it all after his application to the prestigious Akademia Warszawska was accepted. It was here that he was first introduced to the Aviation Club and it's counterpart sport to Tankery, and he was almost immediately transfixed.

While the Academy probably didn't host the largest club of it's kind, it was good enough for Jan. At times it felt like he spent more time in the air than on the ground, and that suited him fine. After all, the ground was the domain of his family, and he would prefer to be as far away from them as possible. While they may have disapproved of his choice, they really had no ground to stand on so long as his grades remained good.

Sadly all things must eventually come to an end, and in this case it came in the form of a rival school muscling out competition for their aviation program. Rather than fight this, the Academy leadership simply decided to cut funding to their own Aviation Club and leave it at that. Jan couldn't accept it, and after a few tense conversations with his parents, he was allowed to transfer out of Warsaw and move on to an Academy with a more robust Aviation Club, though that was a fact that Jan omitted from telling them at the time. Lexington Academy doesn't look like much on the surface, but maybe there is some hope for regaining his wings here.

-Country Music

-Bad Weather
-Medieval History

Aircraft: Curtiss P-40B Warhawk
Alexandra Sarah Lee - Supermarine Spitfire Mk. VI
Full name: Alexandra Sarah Lee

Preferred Name: Alex

Gender: Female

Personality: Generally quietly happy, Alex enjoys a good debate on any subject, and enjoys the adrenaline rush that flying brings her. She also generally starts out shy, and won't approach new people on her own initiative, though once you're her friend, you're a friend forever, unless you do something seriously stupid to fuck up that friendship.

Alex grew up in Japan, born of the union between an English Teacher from America and a Businessman from Japan. She had a happy home life, and her parents supported her passion of tankery, and later, flying. You see, Alex had always enjoyed the combat-based sports, and had gone through elementary school practicing tankery, something that Japan practiced almost fanatically. She would become disillusioned to tankery when her friends distanced themselves from her when her tank was knocked out far too early in a match, through no fault of her own. She would seek the comfort of aviation, her other passion other than the navy, and would be quick to apply to one of the Middles Schools that sported an extensive Aviation Club. She would distinguish herself as a decent pilot, and a good friend while playing for Hanamura Academy's Aviation Team, and her classmates were rather sad to see her go when she graduated.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Her parents were transferred to the USA, and no amount of begging would allow the 14-year-old to stay in Japan to attend the Academy of her dreams, one that had accepted her with open arms due to her proficiency in the Aviation Club. After receiving the news, processing it, and deciding that fate could kiss her ass, Alex did her utmost to discover a school with an extensive aviation program that would accept her on such short notice. She found none. When she was almost ready to give up, she found the page for Lexington Academy and was immediately enthralled. It was perfect. First of all, much like the original school, she was planning on going to, it was based on a City Ship/School Ship, a floating city built upon a supermassive carrier. Second, the aviation program was well funded, if under pressure from another school that seemed to have a rather nasty history of its rivals shutting down due to "funding issues". Alex could read between the lines. The rival school had forced the shutdown of those schools, all for their selfish gain. Not that that mattered to her. She had found a school comparable to her dream school after all. She sent her application immediately, and has since been accepted into Lexington High, and eagerly awaits the start of the School Year...

  • Flying
  • Debates, Political or Otherwise
  • Anime
  • Thunder Storms
  • Tea
  • Salmon and Rice
  • Bad Weather while flying
  • Arguments
  • Live Actions Movies or Shows
  • Tomatoes
Aircraft: Supermarine Spitfire Mk. VI
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Roberta Julia Bateson - de Havilland Mosquito
Full name: Roberta Julia Bateson

Preferred name (Nickname if desired): Julie, or "Bob"

Gender: Female

Appearance: Roberta is a petite, slender young woman with perpetually tousled strawberry-blonde hair and a devastatingly carefree smile.

Personality: "Bob"'s air of distracted flightiness belies a keen intellect; she's charming and can be delightful conversation, but she wields these qualities like weapons to get what she wants. She's used to being underestimated, and while it would be a stretch to say she doesn't mind it - she's well aware of her own better qualities - she understands, through long experience, that it's better to let people think what they will and use it, rather than trying to fight reality.

Bio(their history): TBA

Likes: Cider, fried chicken, chips, tea, photography

Dislikes: Beer, coffee, mansplaining

Aircraft: de Havilland Mosquito