Aces High in the Sky (Ace Combat) [Closed]



Daydreaming CPU
Aces High in the Sky

A reporter's voice could be heard. It's the Belkan War researcher, Brett Thompson.

"Rei Schmitz, Lilith Berlichingen and Alice Heiligwolke. Former members of the Belkan Air Force. 7th Air Division, 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron. Their unit name was 'Apfel'.

"Out of all the pilots and Aces I've had the pleasure of interviewing in my chase of the Demon Lord, I've never met a more colourful squadron in my life. Their flying styles, I gathered, were completely at odds with one another yet they were remarkably in sync…

"A Knight whose noble spirit shines through, a Soldier who has experienced countless battles and a Mercenary who ruthlessly pursues after her desires.

"After the Belkan War, unlike many of their former, fellow Aces, these three had stuck together and in a fit of irony, found themselves working as mercenaries much like he was. They never left that sky behind them. Today, they fly for the ISAF."

"The Squadron"

One can see three women in their colorful flight suits, their ISAF and name patches clearly visible. Around them is a tidy room with three bunks, with a yellow, black and white clay model of an F-22 Raptor in the background.

Alice speaks up first. "We heard tales about him from Grun, Rot and Indigo, but it never really felt real until we saw him in action above the Round Table. The Belkan War had its fair share of Aces but there was something distinctive about the way he flew."

Rei follows. "The Belkan Air Force were wary of this man. Our pilots were top notch even if they weren't Aces. They were highly skilled and experienced but that singular pilot rendered it all moot the second he entered the furball. Back then, he wasn't the Demon Lord..."

And Lilith describes the Ustian ace at the time. "More like an imp."

"Exactly!" Alice concurs.

"Back then," Rei narrates, "he wasn't the Demon Lord, but he certainly had a fearsome reputation. It was only a matter of time until he earned his moniker."

"As fate would have it," Lilith continues, "it would be in that battle that we truly called him a Demon. He dismantled our entire operation, piecemeal. If I weren't on the receiving end of that missile, I'd have called it a wonderful sight. It must've been for those Oseans we were tearing apart."

One could see a montage of the furious aerial combat above Area B7R, the infamous Round Table. Focus is given on Cipher, dancing in the sky within a distinctive F-15C Eagle.


Lilith describes his ruthlessness in battle, much like her own. "The way he flew, it was relentless. A rabid dog endlessly chasing its prey. In that furball at the Round Table, our pilots lost their will to fight in what must've been an instant. Our stronger pilots had missiles up their tailpipes before they could even blink. Our weaker pilots, they fled, but even they couldn't escape the wrath of the Demon. If you told me back then that he was just a young nugget, I wouldn't have believed you. What sort of nugget could cut a swath of terror across our frontline like that? Yet, there he was. Not only was he intimidating but he was ruthless, he didn't stop until anything with a Belkan insignia was destroyed. He killed and shot down so many that I wonder if he had any regrets. To be honest, I felt a little bit of fear watching him go."

Another montage of Cipher's aerobatic flying could be seen. The view shakes as many Belkan planes meet their explosive ends, including the ones trying to flee. He is pretty much a predator chasing his prey.


Alice talks about his pragmatism, similar to hers. "He was a young nugget back then. I didn't even realise. The way he flew, it was like he had been doing it all of his life. Every maneuver that he and his wingman performed, it was precise and calculated. The furball collapsed almost instantaneously as he concisely picked off our squadron leaders, the chain of command collapsing. I've never seen our Air Force crumble like that before, yet, it happened. He harnessed the chaos of the furball and subdued it, made it his own, reading and simultaneously changing the tide of battle to his favour all at once. He was pretty good… to be able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat like that. It really made me wonder where the hell he came from."

There's also a montage of Cipher's aerial antics, complete with shaking camera, but this time, some Belkan planes live to tell the tale.


Rei narrates his inspiring aura, mirroring hers. "There is no greater glory than vanquishing the evil within. I was determined to stare down the terror and challenge of the furball and emerge victorious but… from the heavens, 'he' appeared. I couldn't sense any emotion in the way he flew. He was terrifyingly empty. Even so, when he arrived, it was as if a divine being had blessed the Allied Forces. Casualties screeched to a halt, their morale soared and they flew as if the angels were singing their prayers. He focused on our more dangerous pilots first and worked their way down which must've spared the Allies many casualties. I don't know how many kills he got that day, but I heard word that the Allied Forces had just as many. They called him a Demon Lord, but every single one of them cheered at his presence as if he were some sort of Saint.

"On a side note, you wouldn't believe how salty my sister was, when we were shot down by him over Hoffnung. She was my squadron's engineer."

Unlike the other two montages, this one shows Cipher as more of a team player, expertly coordinating with aircraft from Osea, Ustio, Yuktobania and Sapin, as Belkan planes, one after another, fall victim to their symphony of fire. Many of them, however, are able to flee the battlefield, their lives spared.

Clips of the action over Hoffnung are shown as well, with focus on the aerial duel above, rather than the burning city below.

"Demon Lord was fitting for that man."

"A pilot like him... they would usually call an Ace."

"But him? He was more like… an Ace of Aces."

Welcome to Aces High in the Sky! It's an Ace Combat RP, but it's closed to new players. This is because the four of us, @UbeOne, @ForgottonFuture, @Zeroth Jupi, and @AlphaD, planned and envisioned this RP as a close-knit thing between us. You're welcome to watch and comment, though.

The game starts at September 2004, at the day Erusea tried to finish off the ISAF with a bombing run of Tu-95 Bears on their airbase at North Point. Our characters were made using this jumpchain sheet as a guide: Ace Combat JumpChain

Note that the jumpchain sheet came from one of the Jumpchain Google Drives, and that some liberties were taken to better suit our chosen aircraft and desired builds. The limit to drawbacks has been ignored for that purpose.

Every RP has its house rules, and this is ours:

1. This is between friends and for fun, so powergaming is not allowed. It's not fun to be left behind. Creative ideas are encouraged though.

2. Respect each other; Be civil.

3. OOC stuff goes to the OOC, and IC stuff goes to the IC.

4. Due to the chosen perks and drawbacks, the game will have AU elements compared to canon. Lots of advanced planes, for instance, or drone tech being more advanced than in canon at this point in time. (The irony of fighting Erusea with drones!)

5. Combat is narrative and freeform, but it's closer to Ace Combat standards than to real life. This includes things like shorter combat ranges (only superweapons, cruise missiles and the like can attack from beyond visual range), easier-to-dodge missiles, flares and ECM working on all types of missile guidance, being able to take more than one or two missile hits, etc.

6. If you're uncertain about something you're writing, run it by the other players. The RP is collaborative in nature.

7. The rules can be patched as loopholes are discovered.

8. Have fun!

The player roster is @UbeOne as Rei Schmitz, @Zeroth Jupi as Lilith Berlichingen, @AlphaD as Alice Heiligwolke, and @ForgottonFuture as Eve Schmitz.
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UbeOne: Rei Schmitz - EA-18ADF “Symphonic Rose”
Name: Rei Schmitz
Gender: Female
Callsign: Rose
Nationality: Belkan
Age: 37

Jump CP: 1000
Time Period: September 2004 (AC4 times)
Location: North Point, ISAF (Fly with Mobius One!)
Background: Knight (A chivalrous pilot)

Skills and Abilities:
- Soundtrack (Free background music)
- Basic Flight Training (I can fly a plane now!)
- Missile Surplus (All the missiles, just like in the games)
- Comm Chatter (I can hear the enemy pilots)
- Targeting Algorithm (Fast-acting IFF)
- Living Chivalry (100) (Inspire allies by following a code of ethics)
- Sick Maneuvers (200) (I can easily turn, climb and dive on a dime.)
- Wielder of Excalibur (300) (Superior tactical knowledge, plan adaptation and leadership skills)
- Don't Need a Team (100) (I can fix and tune my plane by myself)
- Technical Certainties (400) (I can easily customize and upgrade aircraft)
- Belkan Heritage (300) (Flying fighter planes runs in my blood, giving me plenty of talent for it)

Items and Equipment: 300 bonus CP
- Flight Suit: Black and White (Every pilot needs this versus g-forces)
- Basic Hangar Bay (Every plane needs a home)
- Personal Sword (For ceremonial and respect purposes)
- Upgraded Tool Box (100) (Everything I need to fix, tune and upgrade planes, whether by myself or with others)
- Personal Brand: Stylized white rose (Identifies oneself, inspires allies and demoralizes enemies)
- Noble Paraphernalia: White hooded cloak, and my personal brand as my sigil (Proof of my lineage)
- Optimization Computer (100) (Shows calcs and sims for my mods, giving me feedback on them)
- Munitions Supply (100) (Never run out of ammo!)
- Pilot Simulator (100) (I can still hone my skills in peacetime!)
- Noble House: Minimalist pastel interior (A fancy, castle-like mansion)
- Grunder Industries (300) (I have the might of a military tech company behind me)
- AAAP (Advanced Automated Aviation Plant) (100) (We can make nice planes and weapons on the cheap? Awesome!)

Fighter: 4th -> 7th Generation Fighter: EA-18G Growler -> EA-18ADF "Symphonic Rose" (Free ECM Pod, ESM, STOL Conversion, Powerful Radar)

Plane Customization: 1300 PP (300)
- Autocannon (Most planes have one just in case)
- Standard Missiles (The typical all-purpose missiles. Can't go wrong with these)
- ECM (Electronic Countermeasures) Pod (Jam enemy tracking around me for a time, after which it requires a cooldown)
- Flare Launch System (A basic defense measure versus incoming missiles)
- STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) Conversion (The Growler is carrier-based)
- 3 x Powerful Radar (200) (Immunity to jamming and tampering)
- Quote the Raven: EA-18ADF (300) (Upgrades my plane to 7th-gen, complete with major overall enhancements, a flyable, detachable front half, and two deployable drones with one TLS (Tactical Laser System) each)
- Upgraded ESM (Electronic Support Measures) (100) (Buffs all friendly aircraft within a three-mile radius with improved rate of fire, accuracy, homing capability, reload speed and weapon damage)
- Extra Armor (100) (My plane can take more hits before going down)
- COFFIN (Connection For Flight Interface) System with Remote Control (300) (Now I can fly my plane with just my thoughts and body movements, all from the safety of my home or a friendly base)
- Stealth Coating and Optical Camouflage (300) (Now I'm difficult to detect, both visually and by sensors)

Plane Appearance: It's a heavily modified EA-18G that takes elements from the ADF-01 Falken. The wings carry the two TLS drones, while the cockpit is completely covered and armored. Its color scheme is Compass Ghost, the same gray colors as the A-10, and features a false canopy on the underside, as well as my personal brand on the tails.

- Performance Issues (+600) (We all took this one as a freebie, since it just disables out-of-jump powers)
- Rival (+300) (An enemy ace with a plane as good as mine... a worthy opponent)
- Technological Prowess (+300) (Our allies start with mostly 4th-gen planes at most, while the enemies get mostly 5th-gens and multiple 6th-gens. At least Erusea has a chance now. :V)

- (Re)born in 1967 and raised in Sudentor, South Belka.
- My family was actually a noble house of Belkan Knights, with close ties to Grunder Industries. Piloting fighter aircraft was in our blood and culture, but so was aeronautical engineering, and I had always liked airplanes, especially fighter jets...
- Earned my Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering at a Grunder-sponsored university in 1989. It was the type of course that had both bachelor's and master's degrees, one after the other. My on-the-job training was with Grunder Industries.
- Worked with Grunder for two years, before joining the Belkan Air Force. I wanted to fly fighter jets, too, not only design parts of them. I was motivated to serve my nation of birth. Though I knew we were headed for war in a few years...
- I was trained at the Kellerman Institute, which, like the other Belkan Air Force schools, featured small classes of pilots-in-training. We were primarily given practical and hands-on lessons by a retired ace. Coincidentally, two of my classmates would later go on to become Grabacr 1 and Ofnir 1. Their names were Ashley Bernitz and Michael Heimeroth, and they could be uncomfortably fanatic about Belka's greatness at times.
- The Air Force had connections with its foreign counterparts, and as such, I served abroad and garnered combat experience. My initial aircraft was an EF-111A Raven named Humming Rose, which I customized as I went via my engineering skills. Among the jets available to me, which were only of the third generation, I liked her speed, and that she could support allies, debilitate enemies, and fight at the same time. To make her more suitable for aerial combat, I modified her for agility and improved the guidance systems of her missiles.
- My family maintained a code of chivalric warfare, and so did I. As such, my flying style was that of a Knight.
- By the time the war broke out in 1995, I was an ace in my own right, who was recalled to defend my country. This time, I was flying what would become my lifelong partner in spirit, an EA-18G Growler named Symphonic Rose, chosen for her versatile performance, carrier capability, and great electronics. One of the first things I did with her was to make her stealthier.
- Assigned to lead Apfel Squadron, with the designation 'Apfel 1'. We were primarily deployed in the southern front, pushing towards Sapin. I had my share of victories and losses.
- We then flew to reinforce the Belkans at B7R, during Operation Battle-Axe. I was one of those wreaking havoc on the Osean-led forces, until Cipher and Pixy came in. The former showed why he became the Demon Lord, and forced us to retreat.
- While stationed at a base near Hoffnung, we were scrambled to defend the city from the incoming attack, a swarm of B-52s and their escorts, including the Galm Team. Many bombers were shot down, but the Dresden-esque firebombing still went through, to my great disapproval.
- I engaged Pixy at first, but Cipher kept cutting it close to scoring hits on me, forcing me to focus on the latter. It was an intense turnfight, scrambling to get above and behind, though Pixy chimed in with boom and zoom. Eventually, I was shot down by the Demon Lord, but I managed to eject to safety, albeit injured. Before that happened, I heard from their comm chatter that they disapproved of the bombing, too.
- And then the nukes came over Waldreich, a horror to witness with my own eyes. Belka surrendered, and lost its air force. We stayed as a squadron and as close friends, but we had to seek employment as mercenaries. At the time, we chose Grunder, renaming ourselves to Discord Squadron.
- Engaged in small conflicts versus insurgent forces, later known as AWWNB.
- Supported the allied forces, including Galm Team, against that group, assisting in the destruction of the Hresvelgr.
- Along the way to Mund Valley, where the enemy nuke was located, we passed by B7R and chanced upon Galm Team engaging three ace squadrons, Sorcerer, Wizard and Gault, all at once. It was decidedly unfair, two planes versus twenty-four aces, even if the Demon Lord himself was there. We lent a hand, as I jammed the enemy radars and boosted the capabilities of my allies. It was hard-fought, with many close calls, but it was comforting to have Cipher on our side this time. We won, and with ammunition to spare for Mund Valley. I heard the enemy ranting on comms chatter, and while I agreed that politicians cause a lot of problems and wars, I did not agree with nuking the world as the solution. It would be at the cost of many innocent lives.
- Flew with the Oseans at Mund Valley versus the remainder of AWWNB, which happened to have numerous aces and experimental aircraft in their ranks. This allowed Cipher and PJ to enter the Avalon Dam, disable the V2, and defeat Pixy.
- Worked as mercenaries for Grunder for almost nine years. I managed to make use of my engineering skills, backed by their resources. Our fighters received massive upgrades, turning them into seventh generation ones. I became a major stockholder in Grunder, and forged more connections there.
- We eventually pooled our funds to commission and build a flying home of our own, a customized Aigaion-class heavy command cruiser that was based on copied Hresvelgr blueprints, our own inputs, Grunder's streamlining, and industrial espionage towards Estovakia.
- Hired ourselves to ISAF in late 2004, in response to the Erusean aggression. When we first joined, they had their backs to the wall at North Point.
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Name: Eve Schmitz
Gender: Female
Callsign: Lily
Nationality: Belkan
Age: 29

Jump CP: 1000
Time Period: September 2004 (AC4 times)
Location: North Point, ISAF (Fly with Mobius One!)
Background: Engineer
Skills and Abilities:
  • Soundtrack(FREE): I have a soundtrack, and can toggle it on and off. Others can hear it if I want them to.
  • Basic Flight Training(FREE): I can fly planes. Duh.
  • Missile Surplus(FREE): My planes can hold more missiles and special weapons then it could otherwise.
  • Comm Chatter (FREE): While an important part of war is knowing what your opponent is up to, sometimes it's good for puffing your ego up too. For whatever reason, my radio will occasionally catch communications being broadcast from the enemy. This can range from important information to wild surprise at my antics. Not too useful, but good for knowing how I'm doing.
  • Don't Need a Team (FREE): I'm a genius, and can fix up a plane quicker AND better than a repair crew. No more performance issues for me~
  • Runway Troubleshooting (-100CP)[900]: As long as my plane is not completely destroyed I can land it in any condition of the runway.
  • Technical Certainties (-200CP) [700]: I'm a genius, can alter fighter planes to great effect, making them better than when they were brand new. I can make any plane fit any role I wish. I can also slave the controls of ground weapons to my computers with ease.
  • Wonder Weapons (-300CP)[400]: My genius is enough to create weapons that threaten continents. I can design and build the likes powerful anti-asteroid weapons and dangerous aerial fortresses.
  • Snug Suit(-100CP)[300]: I look amazing. My pilot suits are nice and snug yet stay effective.
  • Missile Massacre(-100CP)[200]: I have a sixth sense for launching missiles, and can launch up to six at once.
  • Sublimation (300CP)[-100]: My masterpiece! I have the knowledge on how to scan and upload a person's mind into a machine. Their personality, memories, and thoughts will be encompassed in this scan, as they become a digital entity that can travel through electronic networks. Life unending within my grasp.
  • Belkan Heritage (-300CP)[-400]: Flying fighter planes runs in my blood, giving me plenty of talent for it
Items and Equipment[+300 CP for use in here only, labeled as IP]
  • Flight Suit(FREE): Black and red with a hint of purple. Just my style.
  • Basic Hangar Bay(FREE): Home for my planes.
  • Tool Box(-50 IP)[250]: Machines are like people, in a sense. I have to take care of them, or they'll break down over time. Unlike people, however, machines are comparatively easy to fix and upgrade so long as you have the right tools and the right resources. This large box with a handle will guarantee the former, holding all the tools you need in order to fix up and repair vehicles like jeeps and fighter planes to ensure they keep at peak performance. With this, you can be sure that you're never lacking the right tool for the right job. For an undiscounted +50CP, you have an upgraded tool kit that would not only allow you to fine-tune and upgrade machines with ease, but you have a large assortment of tools that will make repairs and upgrades considerably easier for others you task to repair machines as well. Teamwork, after all.
  • Optimization Computer (FREE): Pilots are rather finicky people the longer they last throughout a war. Maybe it's because the more they fly, the more they expand their horizons and feel comfortable in deviating from the standard. Nevertheless, it's up to you to handle these strange jobs and make sure these pilots don't get themselves killed in their greed. This computer has one purpose only; take scans of vehicles, and provide detailed statistics and simulations on how modifications would change their effectiveness. This way you can tell if the tweak to those thrusters will be an actual boon or if you're going to need to repair them after each battle because they keep burning through the wiring with their heat output. A pilot with a fine-tuned plane is a deadly pilot.
  • Electrosphere Infrastructure (-100IP) [150]: I have the knowledge and blueprints to build a network that covers the world of satellites and wireless antennae, as long as I have servers. The data transfer width is vast, enough to transport the human mind.
  • Custom Forge(-100 IP)[50]: A forge fit for my genius, complete with a 3D printer, smelter, forge, and any tool needed to make almost anything I can think of.
  • Instrument(-50IP)[0]: I have a guitar and I know how to play it.
Companions (if any): N / A
Fighter: Sixth Generation(-300CP)[-700]: ADF-01 FALKEN: Codenamed "Nevermore" : ADF-01 FALKEN (I get the Stealth Coating, COFFIN System and upgraded TLS for free)

Plane Customization(1000 Plane Points)
  • Autocannnon(FREE): The standard gun almost every plane has.
  • Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Ground Missiles (-200PP)(base 100)[800 PP]: All of those targets on the ground. There's just so many to choose from, and you only have so many missiles you can fire off at a time. It would be a shame if you had a way to fire off four missiles at the same time. Fortunately with this you can, locking onto four targets and letting lose missiles on those targets simultaneously in exchange for a shorter range than standard missiles in order to expand the destruction you can bring. You may choose to pay an additional +50PP to increase the limit to six targets, and an additional +50PP to allow the missiles to strike at long- range. You may make either of these purchases separately.
  • Pulse Lasers (-200PP)[600 PP]: The future is now, old man. Why settle with archaic weapons when you can move forward into the glow of a golden age? Rather than equipping bombs or different missiles, equipping these direct-energy weapons will not only give you an unnatural amount of ammunition along with firepower that outstrips the Vulcan in regards to destroying a plane that is in front of you. Soar through the sky and create your own stars that destroy all those you deem unworthy.
  • [SPECIAL]Upgraded Tactical Laser System (FREE): Codenamed the "Zoisite Pod", the South Belka Munitions Factor made it quite clear that they're the forefront of aviation and warfare. This weapon when mounted on a plane will activate a powerful laser weapon that can annihilate just about all but the most armored of targets thanks to its powerful output and properties. This weapon will be active for a full eight seconds before a 'charge' is used up, and will require a cooldown period... but that's a small price to pay for effectively having one of the most powerful weapons in the sky, right? There are only two downsides to this weapon; it's a fixed point and it's exposed as a pod attached to the top of bottom of the plane which could let it be damaged. For an additional +100PP, this weapon is upgraded to not only have a power increase and significantly shorter recharge time, but the weapon is also installed inside the plane which folds open whenever you use it to prevent damage from the elements or enemy pilots. The future is now.

  • -Powerful Radar (-100PP)[500PP]: Radar is important. There's no question about it, you need to have a good radar in order to detect enemies coming your way as well as finding the targets you need to attack. While the default radar tends to have plenty of range and can help find things, there's just the problem that it's the default radar. Meaning it's very easy to spoof or take down thanks to jammers. Not so with this, letting you upgrade your radar so that it's considerably more difficult to jam or mess with it so that you can continue to fly the skies with no issues. Multiple purchases will increase how durable it is, with three purchases altogether making your radar immune to jamming or tampering
  • Quote the Raven (-300PP)[200PP]: The allure of technology is that great to you, is it? The power, the ability, the raw potential it can provide. Well... so long as you know what it means. This augments the plane you possess, upgrading it into a seventh-generation fighter plane that has taken data gathered from both the ADF-01 FALKEN and combat data from an ace pilot to ensure the plane flies faster, tighter, and has vertical stabilizers for unparalleled maneuvering. As a bonus, not only is the front-half of the plane detachable so you can escape or keep up the fight, but this also attaches two Weapon UAVs to your wings to detach and use their Tactical Laser System to aid you.
  • COFFIN System (FREE): Standing for 'Connection for Flight Interface', this system is meant to innovate the way pilots control their aircraft and remove such antique systems like flight sticks and toggles. This system instead places the pilot in a special chair and allows them to control the plane with their very thoughts or body movement, while the plane itself transmits images and data from outside the plane into the cockpit for the pilot. As a result, there is no canopy glass and the cockpit is armored. By abusing the 'Electro-Neuron-Synapse-Interface', the pilot can simply place their hands on the armrests of the chair and greatly augment the control they can utilize. There's just one problem... by purchasing this, the 'Ejection System' is removed to make room for the system. Now you know why it's called a COFFIN.
  • -Remote Control (-100PP)[100PP]: Oh. You're going one step further. Why risk yourself being in the plane when you could simply pilot it from the comfort of whatever you call an abode? With this, you can install a powerful relay that will allow you to control your plane from anywhere in the world with the COFFIN, ensuring that no matter how dangerous it gets you'll be able to complain about the tactics they used later on if they shoot you down. Just be careful that you don't treat war as a game with this.
  • Upgraded Stealth Coating (-100PP)[0PP]: As stated before, radar tends to be a double-edged sword when it comes to its use. It's useful for you, but it's not-so-useful for your enemies to have. If only there was a way to get stealth capabilities onto a plane. Oh wait, you can. This upgrade helps adjust your engines and equipment so that you have a smaller radar presence and would need to get significantly closer to be detected, giving the enemy less time to react to your tactics. For an additional +100PP, you can upgrade this further to install optical camouflage onto your plane that utilizes multiple cameras to make yourself nearly invisible! Still not sure why people spend billions on this and not fixing their own infrastructure, but there you go.
  • Support Fleet (-400PP)[-400 PP]: ...oh. You're going for strength in numbers. Well never let it be said that you aren't going for a big impression. By selecting this option you're doing something that to date, very few in the history of Strangereal have engaged in. You're making yourself an automated squadron. Purchasing this means your plane is accompanied by six 'MQ-90L Quox bis' UAV drones, which are equipped with a 'Tactical Laser System' on top of their bodies and an autocannon on the left of the nose while having a small weapons bay that can carry four missiles or a few bombs. The wing design makes extreme maneuvering and speed possible... and they're linked to your computer systems so you can designate targets. Should they detect a missile launch towards you, their priorities immediately shift to using their TLS weapon to annihilate the missile before it hits you. Naturally, this means they need to take out the UAVs before being able to lock on and fire at you.
  • Data Acquisition (-50PP)[-450 PP]: Maybe you want to ensure that your data can be used to aid others. Maybe you want to insert someone else's combat data and use it to improve your own battle tactics. Either way, this will cover you. A specialized computer system will be installed into your plane, where it will have two modes. The first is to collect any and all combat data that you happen to give it while you're fighting someone, compiling it in a format that will let you give it to other systems like UAV drones or machines. The other mode is when data is inserted, decompressing it and assimilating it into its databanks that will let it give you tips and other advantages. If you have an A.I. or UAVs, this data can be disseminated among all drones connected to your plane.
  • Color Scheme (-50PP) [-500 PP]: Custom color scheme for my plane and my drones. Black with a hint of purple.
  • Plane Conversion(-500 CP) (+500 PP) [-1200 CP] [0 PP]
Plane Appearance:
  • Nevermore resembles a mix between the Raven and the Falken, with the former's overall shape and the latter's somewhat angular design and forward swept wings. It's colored black, with purple highlights that resemble a circuit board.
  • Rival (+300CP)[-900 CP]: There's always that one enemy that seems to survive to fight another day. For every force, there must be a counterforce to tip the balance back. It sounds corny in retrospect, but it's funny how it always seems to happen. This same thing has happened with you now, a rival who has joined these conflicts for the sole purpose of fighting you. They will always seem to survive each battle, learning different ways to combat your fighting style and technology. At the end of your stay, you'll be given an invitation to the B7R location, a place where aces are made and destroyed. They'll have one last match with you, for the right to be a King of the Round Table. Will you have the strength to ascend?
  • Performance Issues (+600CP)[-300CP]: Well, this is a problem. Granted that's more a matter of context, but it can still be an issue for someone like you. Any fancy supernatural power you may have had? ...kind of gone for the duration of this visit. Knowledge and skills remain, but any inhuman ability is more or less removed as a result of this world solidifying its nature more thoroughly than normal to ensure an even playing field. You'll still know what to do, right? ...right?
  • Technological Prowess (+300)[0CP]
I'm a prodigy, and Rei's little sister. I was (re)born in 1975, and have always looked up to my big sis. I graduated college with my Master's Degree in programming, aeronautical engineering, and physics. I have smaller degrees in other things as well. I've worked with Grunder in the past. During the Belkan war, I was the designated engineer for my sister's squad and became friends with all of them. Though I've always wanted to fly a plane of my own.. And once Cipher shot down my sister and Waldriech got nuked... I started building the plans for a plane of my own for the next 'couple' years to fight alongside her, using the sims to make sure I won't be a dead weight when the time comes for me to take flight.

Afterwards? Hooked up with Discord Squadron to stay with my friends, and have been supporting them ever since. Most of our 'super-tech', including our base is of my own design, with my sister's help. Though Grunder funds them. Recently, and with much grumbling from Lilith, I've managed to build my plane based on the FALKEN, AND upgrade Discord Squadron's planes (with the help of my sister) to be it's peers. Nevermore will we cower against the likes of the Demon Lord.

And now..? I've finished my greatest masterpiece. How to turn the human mind into a AI, and how to build the infrastructure to support such a person. I've even got plans to work such infrastructure into the base..
Name: Lilith Berlichingen
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Callsign: Malice
Nationality: Belkan
Age: 41
(such a shame about your arm but that's life no?)

Jump CP: 1000
Time Period: 2005 (AC4 times)
Location: North Point, ISAF
Background: Mercenary (It's a dirty business but someone's gotta do it}

Skills and Abilities:
- Soundtrack (Free Music? I always wanted my own accompanying music)
- Basic Flight Training
- Missile Surplus (It's a carnival and everyone's invited)
- Comm Chatter (The panic of my enemies is music to my ears)
- Magnificent Bastard (I read my enemies books)
- The Dosh King (100)
- Boom and Zoom (200) ( Speed is Key!)
- Tidal Wave (300) ( Time to tip the scales!)
- Don't Need a Team (100) (Sure a team is useful but being able to repair on your own just in case is gold)
- Runway Troubleshooting (200)
- Technical Certainties (400)
- Snug Suit (100) (Snug life)

Items and Equipment: 300 bonus CP
- Flight Suit: Black and Violet (Snug, snazzy, and functional)
- Basic Hangar Bay (Planes need homes just as much as pilots)
- Ledger (Keeping track of the finances of me and my allies is important)
- Market Connection (Free for Mercenary)
- Munitions Supplies (100) (Ammo concerns? What are those?)
- Tool Box (100)
- Optimization Computer (100)
- P-1112 Aigaion-class Heavy Command Cruiser (300)
- Personal Brand: A stylized Grim Reaper holding a scythe (100)

Fighter: 4th -> 7th Generation Fighter: F-14D Super Tomcat -> F-14G "Dancing Reaper"

Plane Customization: 1400 PP (400)
- Autocannon (Free)
- High-Accuracy Missile (50)
- Short-Range Aerial Suppression Missile (100)
- VTOL Conversion (50) (The Super Tomcat already is designed for STOL so why not go for broke and become VTOL?)
- 3 x Powerful Radar (300)
- Battle Scan (200)
- Quote the Raven (300) (Upgrades my plane to 7th-gen, complete with major overall enhancements, a flyable, detachable front half, and two deployable drones with one TLS each)
- Flare Launch System (Free)
- Ejection System (Free)
- Luxury Interior (50)
- Data Acquisition (50)
- Enhanced Thrusters (100)
- Data Sharing (100)
- Enhanced Turning (100)

Plane Appearance: A heavily modified F-14D Super Tomcat That takes elements from the ADF-01 Falken. Two hardpoints carry TLS drones. Its color scheme is a three-toned ghost grey except on the tails which are midnight black with the grim reaper emblem prominently sitting in the middle of each tail.

Base Customization: Base Points: 1000
- Bring Your Own Fortress (Looks like the Aigaion is useful in many ways like being a mobile base)
- Base: Aigaion-class heavy command cruiser (free CATOBAR runway, AA guns, AA missiles, flak cannons, Nimbus missiles)
- Communication Network with Fast Internet (50) (The internet is the most important part)
- Strengthened Radar Systems (50) (Now more resistant to jamming)
- Support Staff (Someone has to operate the stuff)
- Datalink Server (50) (Convenient for sharing data)
- R&D Division (100) (We need better toys)
- Machine Shop (100) (In case we need repairs)
- ECM Systems (200) (Enemy missile locks not allowed here)
- Control Tower (To manage air traffic and such)
- Hangar Bays (Homes for planes)
- Luxury Barracks (50) (Hotel Aigaion part 1)
- Luxury Chow Hall (50) (Hotel Aigaion part 2)
- Supply Depots (50) (Space for provisions)
- Pharmacy and Medical Wing (100) (Gotta keep our people alive and well)
- Reclamation Upgrade (200) (Now environment-friendly and more self-sufficient)

- Performance Issues (+600)
- Rival (+300)
- Technological Prowess (+300)
- [Drawback limits ignored, +1200 CP]


- (Re)born in 1963 in Anfang, Nord Belka

- My family was a largely successful family of bankers and merchants. Piloting aircraft was never supposed to be in my future but I rankled against the expectations of my family wanting me to take up a path as a banker endlessly drilling in the habits of being a penny-pincher that never would vanish and forcing me to earn a masters degree in banking and finances, but I ran as soon as the family matriarch died of old age and took the first piloting job I could find.

- I spent the first few years of my new lifestyle learning the ins and outs of piloting and repairing an old F-86 I had found and named Blighted Wight, taking small jobs to keep this existence going

- I would eventually bounce from piloting job to piloting job all the while earning a reputation for getting my jobs done no matter what was arrayed against me

- Ended up working as a contractor for the Belkan Air Force the pay was good and while war was due in a few years I cared little beyond how much it could drive up my prices

- During the early part of my stint with the BAF Blighted Wight finally gave up the ghost forcing me to scrounge around for a good and fast plane, eventually, I would find a plane that sang to me an F-4 Phantom II that I would come to name Laughing Revenant, she would be my pride and joy as I customized her extensively to suit my needs.

- As I was forced to be a ruthless pragmatist the held no real allegiance to any one nation or cause my flying style is that of the Mercenary

- When war broke out in 1995 I renegotiated a full contract with the Belkan Air Force keeping my prices reasonable but expanding my scope of operating into working with a squadron

- Assigned to Apfel squadron I was given the designation of 'Apfel 2', where we were primarily deployed in the southern front.

- We then flew to reinforce the Belkans at B7R, during Operation Battle-Axe. I was one of those wreaking havoc on the Osean-led forces, until Cipher and Pixy came in. The former showed why he became the Demon Lord, and forced us to retreat.

- While stationed at a base near Hoffnung, we were scrambled to defend the city from the incoming attack, a swarm of B-52s and their escorts, including the Galm Team. Many bombers were shot down, but the Dresden-esque firebombing still went through, much to my great surprise.

- While my squadron leader would engage Pixy in combat and eventually be forced to take on Cipher as well as they ganged up on her I attempted to whittle down the enemy side's forces managing to make some respectable progress before getting shot down by Cipher, I managed to eject out of Laughing Revenant at a high cost my injuries were bad enough that I would have my left arm amputated. Before I was shot down I managed to catch comm chatter that the Grim Reaper danced amongst the skies.

- And then the nukes came over Waldreich, a horror to witness with my own eyes. Belka surrendered, and lost its air force. We stayed as a squadron and as close friends, but we had to seek employment as mercenaries. At the time, we chose Grunder, renaming ourselves to Discord Squadron much to the chagrin of my friends and squadmates, I refused to have my lost arm replaced with a prosthetic and instead called upon my connections to purchase an F-14D Super Tomcat in pristine condition that I would heavily customize and name Dancing Reaper.

- Engaged in small conflicts versus insurgent forces, later known as AWWNB. They cramped my style and I needed an outlet to fly with only one arm.

- Supported the allied forces against that group, assisting in the destruction of the Hresvelgr.

- Along the way to Mund Valley, where the enemy nuke was located, we passed by B7R and chanced upon Galm Team engaging three ace squadrons, Sorcerer, Wizard, and Gault, all at once. It was decidedly unfair, two planes versus twenty-four aces, even if the Demon Lord himself was there. We lent a hand or two, as I harried the enemy using my speed and powerful scanning devices to pick out the weakest links first. It was a hard-fought hairball, but it was exhilarating if a tad annoying to have Cipher on our side this time. We won, and with ammunition to spare for Mund Valley. I heard the enemy ranting on comms chatter, and while I would shrug and agree that politicians cause a lot of problems and wars, I did not condone nuking the world as the solution especially because I keep all my stuff and dare I say friends there.

- We flew with the Oseans at Mund Valley versus the remainder of AWWNB, which happened to have numerous aces and experimental aircraft in their ranks. This allowed Cipher and PJ to enter the Avalon Dam, disable the V2, and defeat Pixy.

- Worked as mercenaries for Grunder for almost nine years. I managed to make use of my self-taught engineering skills, backed by their resources. Our fighters received massive upgrades, turning them into seventh-generation ones.

- Eventually, my squadron mates and I pooled our funds to commission and build a flying home of our own, a customized Aigaion-class heavy command cruiser that was based on copied Hresvelgr blueprints, our own inputs, Grunder's streamlining, and some rather fun industrial espionage towards Estovakia.

- We hired ourselves to ISAF in late 2004, in response to the Erusean aggression to with some token protests from me about potential costs. When we first joined, they had their backs to the wall at North Point.
hi sorry im finally here

Name: Alice Heiligwolke
Gender: Female
Callsign: Spooky
Nationality: Belkan
Age: 34 (2004)

Time Period: 2005 (AC4)
Location: North Point, ISAF
Background: Soldier

CP: 1000
Skills and Abilities
  • Soundtrack (Free)
  • Basic Flight Training (Free)
  • Missile Surplus (Free)
  • Comm Chatter (Free)
  • Running Circles (Free for Soldier)
  • Radar Maestro (100 CP)
  • Demon Lord (200 CP)
  • Nemesis Squadron (300 CP)
  • Don't Need a Team (100 CP)
  • Missile Massacre (100 CP)
  • Demons of Razgriz (100 CP)
  • Runway Troubleshooting (200 CP)
  • Belkan Clay (50 CP)

  • AWACS "Night-Eye" (200 CP)
Items and Equipment
Bonus +300 CP
  • Flight Suit: Black and Yellow (Free)
  • Basic Hangar Bay (Free)
  • Uniforms (Free for Soldier)
  • National Flag (Free for Soldier)
  • Personal Brand: A cartoonish ghost (Really? You're being serious? 100 CP)
  • Munitions Supply (100 CP)
  • Doctrine Booklet (100 CP)
  • Optimization Computer (100 CP)
  • Blueprints (100 CP)
  • Pilot Simulator (100 CP)

  • Rival (+300 CP)
  • Technological Prowess (+300 CP)
  • Performance Issues (+600 CP)

Plane Customisation
Fighter: 4th → 7th Gen [Quote the Raven upgrade]
Su-27 "Spirit" → Dassault Rafale M "Phantom" → Dassault Rafale ADF "Wraith"

1350 PP
(1000 + 350 leftover CP)

  • Autocannon (Free)
  • Standard Missile (Free)
  • Heavyweight Missiles (50 PP)
  • Semi-Active Air-to-Air Missile (50 PP)
  • Quick Maneuver Air-to-Air Missile (200 PP)

  • Flare Launch System (Free)
  • 3x Powerful Radar (300 PP)
  • Data Sharing (100 PP)
  • Quote the Raven (300 PP)
  • Ejection System (Free)
  • Data Acquisition (50 PP)
  • Enhanced Turning (100 PP)
  • Stealth Coating (200 PP)