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This was highly influenced by @Ars Poetica, writer of One Foot - Another Multiverse SI
A Certain Boring Index
This was highly influenced by @Ars Poetica, writer of One Foot - Another Multiverse SI


1: Familiar of Zero X ???????_???

2: ????_????

3: ????????!! X ??????-???_???_???_?????_???????

4: ??_??_?????_??_???_??_????_??_?????_??_?_????????

5: ??????????

6: ???????_????? X ??????

7: ??????_???????_??????

8: ?????_????

9:???????_????? X ???????

10: ??????_?????????_????????

11: ?????_??????

12: ????????_?????_???????

13: ??_??????_????
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First Accident
My name isn't important, at least, not yet. What is important is why you came here, why we came here.

We are here to listen to a story...

The world I once knew…still existed. I just wasn't there anymore. You don't know it, but then again, how could you? I went on the first actual vacation I ever actually went on, Tokyo Japan. And let me tell you, it was a blast.

I was walking to the hotel when I saw a kid staring at something in the middle of the sidewalk, holding a laptop to his side. I wondered what the heck he was doing, but started to pass by him. I looked at him, and saw him falling foreword, dropping his laptop. I caught the laptop as the kid grabbed me for support, only for me to be dragged with him forward.

One moment I was seeing a city block, the next I was seeing a birds eye view of some pentagon structure....and I was falling along side this kid.

"AHHHH!!!!!!" I yelled alongside the kid as we fell from roughly a half mile up in the sky. Near the ground I closed my eyes, expecting to die at any moment. The kid landing on me, and I pushed him off of me. I looked around, and took a deep breath. Honestly? I should have died, but something lightened our fall.

What the fuck was going on? This all seemed familiar, but I couldn't think of what it was. It's like I seen this before. My nose started to bleed, and I felt confused. i started seeing things, but ignored them in favor of trying to focus on the now.

The people started speaking a foreign language, and I frowned. It sounded like Latin.

I tried to stand, but couldn't. I didn't have my legs. The kid I just pushed off of me was trying to stop the bleeding, and I examined him.

He was short, Japanese, and wore a blue and white hoodie…why was this so familiar?!

Trying not to think about it, I realized I was in shock. I wasn't feeling the pain at the moment, which didn't bother me for some reason. I took off my belt and tied it around one leg, the boy did the same with his belt as we tried to stop the bleeding. I looked around me, and everyone was shell shocked.

The people around me wore capes, with a five pentagram pendent holding the cape around their neck.

This was bad.

"DO SOMETHING!" I yelled, and a tall, bald man moved towards me, and said something.

Next thing I knew I was feeling the worst pain I have ever had, my legs were being cauterized. I didn't scream, but did grunt and gasp in pain, and bit into the leather of my watch as the man went from knee to knee...I lost both legs right below the knee.

And somehow that didn't bother me.

When the man was done, he said something to me with a look of pity, and I nodded my head to him. You didn't need to know the language to know what it was like when someone was apologizing.

I stayed quiet, and the boy next to me calmed down, but looked worried.

They started to bicker among themselves, and I could tell that the pink haired girl was being mocked. She walked forward, pausing as she got close to the boy and kissed him on the lips. He started to grunt in pain, and I saw smoke rising from his left hand, and smelt burning flesh. She looked to me, and I glared at her. She took a step back.

I'm not a pedophile, thank you very much, and I sure as fuck wasn't getting branded. There seemed to be a bit of arguing, and the only adult, a bald man with a staff, have a word of chastisement to the girl with the pink hair. I tried to dig though my tiny knowledge of Latin, Pax meant Peace, right?

"Pax!" The girl hesitated, and moved closer.

"STOP!" I yelled, pushing her away.

I then felt an impact on my back, knocking me down. I rolled, and tried to get up, but failed because of my lack of legs. A stone statue grabbed me and held me still on the ground as the pink haired girl ran up to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips, and I glared at her as she looked away. The boy next to me was screaming in agony, and I felt a burning pain.

I grunted, and bit into the stone statue, cracking one of my teeth. Oh god it hurt, but I wasn't going to let these bastards here me scream. Eventually the pain stopped, and everyone started to leave by flying. Situation? I was in hostile territory with a civilian; they used torture right off the bat after a ritualistic kiss. I was down two legs.

I picked up the laptop next to me as I examined my new enemies.

They have the abilities of flight, and they use wands. I can safely assume they use magic at this point, and if it's anything like Harry Potter then escape is not an easy option, not without my fucking legs and a stupid civilian with me. If only I had a gun...then I could just....Damn it, you don;t have a gun, just relax and focus on making these bastards pay for the torture.

Still, I had to escape…

I was let go as the statues crumbled. The pink haired girl barked at us, making it clear that she wanted us to follow her. We had to play along for now if we wanted any chance of escape.

I dragged myself along, until the boy stopped and put me on his back. This was humiliating....and he nodded his head when I told him thank you in japanese. I handed him his laptop, and he looked surprised to see it again. I WAS being polite and picking it up for him when he suddenly dropped it like that, nope, he had to drag me across the universe.

We went into a building, and I started mapping the area in my head, taking note of what was around me. Dark Ages in terms of technology, magic likely held them back technologically… No air conditioning, they still used candles, but it seemed that magic was assisting them.

We entered a room, and I nodded my head. I was assuming that this was the pink haired girl's room. I took off my backpack, and set it on the ground next to the door. He put his laptop next to it, and looked surprised by the fancy aura of the room. He set me down on a chair, and I twitched my eyebrow at the straw on the ground, and only one, rather large bed.

So...we are slaves. I growled, and the pink haired girl snapped at me, waving a wand around.

"No." I said, and her face turned bright red.

"Nolo." I told her, while pointing at the straw on the ground. I think Nolo meant 'I will not'. Studying Latin for a harry potter fanfic kinda helped. She started yelling at me, and I shook my head at her.

"Liberum" I told her, while hitting myself on the chest. She pointed her wand at me, and I felt something explode next to me, and the sudden impact of the wall meeting my back.

I felt my vision swimming as she started kicking me, the boy too afraid to do anything. I'm gonna kill this girl....

I grabbed her foot, and pulled, knocking her down to the ground. I held her down, and raised my fist to hit her, but hesitated.

Why did I hesitate?

She had a look of fright on her face…but that didn't matter. Why couldn't I do this?

I will kill her, eventually.

"No." I told her, getting up and offering her a hand. She took it, and backed away from me.

"Liberum." I said gesturing at her. "Liberum." I said gesturing to me. "Liberum." I said, gesturing to the boy who watched. I didn't know very many words, but it got the point across. I dragged myself back to the chair and sat down. The boy started trying to talk. I couldn't understand most of what he said, but I tried to communicate anyway.

"Kanojo wa….what-the-fuck-was-that-word…anata o rikai suru….koto wa arimasen." I struggled to say, but I got the point across.

"Japanese!" he said with joy, and I nodded my head.

"Hijō ni……Ritoru" He then started trying to talk to me in rapid fire Japanese, and I just gave him a look of confusion. Great, language barriers all around. The kid kept on talking, and talking, and I was getting annoyed.

"Satis!" she pointed her wand at the kid, and I tensed up. The boy tried to say something, but it just irritated her even further.

"Silentium!" A white ball of energy fired off and hit the boy and myself, knocking us over. The boy started to speak, and I started to understand what he was saying…but it was fuzzy, I couldn't understand everything, just some of what he was saying. It was Latin, that was for sure. Looks like I had to focus to understand, maybe because I was not the target of the spell, just inside of the explosive force of the spell.

"Quiet." I said, rubbing my sore head.

"I understood you!" The boy said with a look of disbelief.

"Then why are you talking? Be quiet while I try to keep the princess from killing us." I muttered, and the boy gave me a look of disbelief.

"Whhhhaaaa?" He said, and the pink haired girl sighed.

"Look, you two are my familiars, like it or not. This means that you two are meant to serve me."

"Not happening." I replied, "You do not enslave Americans, my people fought a war that killed tens of thousands for freedom for all." She looked surprised by my claim, but Saito nodded his head in confirmation.

"That happened with his people, my people were lucky enough to ban slavery without fighting that sort of war." The boy said, causing the girl to blush, she shook her head and clarified.

"Familiar, not slave." I arched an eyebrow, and I asked the obvious question.

"Will we be paid for our forced service?" She blinked in surprise, as if the thought never occurred to her.

"What? No, familiars are their summoners partner!" I nodded my head.

"Partner? So then what do we get out of this?" I asked, and she looked confused.

"Huh?" Dear god, it was now painfully obvious we were slaves in all but name.

"Well, if i am a partner, doesn't that mean that we share success?" She nodded her head, and I thought about this for a moment.

"Normally a familiar is a beast of some sort, not a Human." She commented, rubbing her head.

"Ah, so a partner like how my dog back home is my partner?" I asked, and she nodded her head.

"So slave really." I said, and she face palmed. Saito asked a innocent question before we could continue arguing.

"How does a beast that is a familiar get tamed?"

"What?" I saw where he was going with this, and jumped on it.

"Animals do not just become partners with some random person, it takes a degree of trust between the two. This would have to be established by the spell, right? So how does the spell make the summoned beasts cooperative?" I asked, and she blushed.

"I don't know." I could guess, but first I wanted to ask around.

"Who does?" I asked, looking at my clothes. Torn up, and some red stains that were slowly growing.

I was wounded from the explosion, I noted that it was a concussive explosion. I am bruised, and need to take things easy just in case I have a concussion. I tore up the shirt, using it to seal the wound on my chest. Thankfully her kicks were far too weak to break anything...

"I need new clothes, and you destroyed mine." Her mouth opened, and I glared at her.

"You get your own clothes!" She said, looking away.

"Typical rich girl." I said, gesturing for the kid to pick me up, and he did so.

"Where do think you are going?!"

"To get clothes my master, as you ordered." I said sarcastically, and she let out a screech of frustration. The boy carried me on his back out of the room as quickly as possible, knowing better then to stay near an angry girl with explosives.

"'re name?" I questioned, and he looked up at me in surprise.

"Oh! Name name is Saito! Nice to meet you!" I told him my name, and I sighed heavily.

"What's wrong?" Saito asked, and I glared at him.

"How did we get here? I get that we were summoned, but I saw nothing." I said, and Saito gave me a confused look.

"The green portal we went though." He said, and I narrowed my eyes.

"What did you see?" I asked, and he took a deep breath.

"There was a green portal..." That was something I didn't see.

"Describe it." I ordered.

"Well, it was impossibly thin, it was like liquid at the center, and mist at the edges...deeper green on the edges, it was...I don't know, I felt like I had to touch it."

"Mind compulsion..." I muttered, and he had a look of confusion.

"They used magic to make you curious about the portal, tricking you into accepting the deal...that might be the acceptance part of the deal the princess mentioned." I explained, and he nodded his head slowly while rubbing his chin.

"And this did something with my mind?" Saito asked with a healthy bit of worry.

"Our mind." I corrected. "I couldn't punch her." I said flatly. "Even though she just blew me up and was kicking me while I was down...." My jaw tightened, and I took a deep breath though my nose. I was pissed.

"Believe me, I wanted to."

"Ahh..." He said, and stayed quiet for a while. Damn it, we can't get depressed.

"Look, we need to figure out how to break this spell, no one should ever be a slave." Saito looked at me, and his face hardened.

"Right, we have to escape." He declared in a hushed tone.

"Not yet. If I am right, then they used mind altering magic to get you into the portal. Chances are that kiss did something with our heads...if we try to leave, there is a chance that the spell will make us want to stay." I commented, and Saito grit his teeth in anger.

"Damn it...this isn't going to be easy, is it?" He muttered, and I shook my head.

"Let's first try to even the score...we should try to learn magic." He got a surprised look on his face, and I explained it to him.

"At this point anything will help...but unless there is a library or a school nearby, I don't think we are going to have much luck."

"Can we even learn magic?" Saito asked, and I shrugged.

"Doubt it, but it's worth the shot." Saito nodded his head, and stayed silent as we explored the castle.

We found a supply closet with books and a small collection of what looked like wands, and a collection of hand written books....they must have been expensive.

I left them be for the moment, deciding to learn more before doing something stupid.

Thankfully, there were some high end clothes in here that looked like uniforms.

I mismatched, taking the butlers black pants, the waiters white shirt, and a black cloak. This would do for the moment. I tore off the lower half of the legs, now that I was doing without.

"Take a cloak. Right now you stand out too much...we can put your hoodie in my backpack when we get back to that girls room...what do you have?" I asked and Saito shook his head.

"What do you mean?" He asked, and I refrained from face palming.

"What do you have with you from our world?" I clarified, and he dug though his pockets.

"Let's see....Wallet, phone, keys...and some spare change." I frowned, but thought about it.

While I did change my clothes, my pants were only minor damaged...but my shirt was already destroyed. I took everything out of the pockets and did a minor inventory.

A pocket knife, a minor leathermen multitool, a pen, a notebook, my cell phone, I-pod nano on a wristband, my actual watch on my wrist, wallet, keys, some change, and a pair of headphones. I showed him, and he was surprised at how much I carried.

"Force of habit, anyway, I have more stuff in my backpack...I was buying stuff for people back home who gave me money to buy them." I said, and Saito nodded his head in understanding.

"Grab a pair of pants and a shirt, you are going to need to change clothes every now and then. Lets get back to that room before she thinks we ran away."

"Not like we would get very far." Saito muttered while picking me up.

"Less then an hour and already cripple jokes..."
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Second Accident
She was not happy, none of us were. But when I asked her to teach us the customs of her people, she was happy to do so, if only to smear the lack of knowledge in our faces. She even pulled out her textbooks, which Saito could read, but I could not. I would have to teach myself the language, it was hard enough just understanding them speak.

It looked like there was a class system, normals and nobles. Old time Europe with magic. Nobles could learn magic, but the common folk learning magic is illegal. We learned about some of the laws, about the local religion, and the kingdoms.

Soon enough, it was time to go to bed for the girl who still has not introduced herself. I grunted in annoyance and she started undressing.

"No." I snapped, and she paused, and glared at me

"What?" She asked, and I shook my head at her while giving her a 'Are you serious' look.

"Have you no modesty? I'm a fully grown man, and you have a teenage boy right here!"

"So what? You two are my Familiars."

"We are still human beings." I explained.

"Less then a dog at this point." She said, continuing.

"Saito, let's leave the room so she can get ready." i said, and Saito rapidly nodded his head glad to be able to leave the room when things were getting so awkward. Poor boy was trying pretty hard not to look.

"Let us know when you are done." I said as Saito closed the door, and I asked him to let me down. I sat down on the floor, and looked at my stumps.

I lost my legs, and I am a slave. I had to do something about both. I will have to make some prosthetic legs, maybe with magical help.

A tall, tan, busty women in a skimpy nightgown walked up to us, and Saito was freaking out.

"Oh? Is it Louise's Familiars?" She asked with a bit of humor.

" that must be her name...." I muttered, and the girl looked surprised.

"She never told you her name?" I quirked an eyebrow, and asked the obvious question.

"Quite frankly I don't care." I stated, wiggling my phantom legs, of course nothing moved, but the habit was hard to kick...


Fucking puns, the best ones are the ones you don't say out loud.

If I still had my legs, I would have guessed that I was about a half foot taller then her. On further inspection, she had long red hair, and had a large red lizard following her that breathed fire. Saito was too busy trying not to stare at her breasts that he didn't notice the Giant Lizard in the room. I I stared at the lizard, more interested in it then the woman in front of me.

"Oh? Would you like to know mine?" She asked with a sly tone.

"I'll pass, don't think I could stand it right now." I joked, giving my legs a little shake, and she just stared at me in disbelief.

"Did you...just make a cripple joke?" She asked, and I nodded my head. Well, I guess that just killed the mood, in which case mission success?

"You are ok with that?"

"Yeah, as long as it's a joke and not a taunt I have no issue with it."

"Oh? Because I know a few jokes if you would like to here them..." She looked like she was about to get closer when I continued speaking. "This guy over here is more curious." I said, gesturing to Saito. She looked him over, and she grinned.

"He's exotic...and completely inexperienced..." I trailed off, and I swore she had a fire in her eye.

"Oh? A virgin?" She asked in delight.

"Go get er'." I told Saito, pushing him forward, his face landing right into her boobs. I swear he landed there purposely, because that was too perfect of a landing spot as she hugged him to dig his face deeper in- And I am going to look away now. That Lizard was still pretty awesome.

Yes, I am using this poor young guy to avoid becoming a pedophile, sue me. Besides, the kid needed to lighten up a little.

She giggled, and dragged him into her room.

Louise opened the door, and looked outside as he door closed most of the way.

"Where did Saito go?" She asked, and I gestured to the room they just entered.

"He's making friends with the natives." I joked, and she got a pissed off look on her face and started marching over there.

"woahwoahwoah, hold on a second." I said, trying to get up, but falling on my face. She paused, and glared at me.

"WHY!" she yelled, and I said the first thing that came to mind.

"They are having sex." I stated bluntly, and she blushed.

"All the more reason to stop them!" she said tightly, and tried to continue.

"Why?" I asked, and she huffed.

"My family has a blood feud with that bimbo's family." She said, and my brain stopped.

"Let me go stop it, ok? We had no idea, and it's not his fault." She paused, and growled.

"You have one minute." She stated, and I paused.

"Fifty nine...Fifty eight..." I dragged myself to the door and pushed it open, she didn't even bother to close her door all the way.

There they were, Saito trying to keep his clothes on while she was doing her best to seduce him.

"Good job at resisting temptation, we gotta go." I said, and Saito ran over to me and let me climb onto his back. Saito was already out the door, and I was doing my best to ignore the voice behind me. Thankfully I stopped understanding her when I stopped focusing on her, half assed spells worked wonders like that. Dear god, this was going to be an issue all the time, wasn't it?

"Good news, they didn't have sex." I said, and Louise sighed with relief. I listened to her as she told Saito a more in-depth history behind the two families hating each other.

"Is she a threat?" I asked, looking at the door.

"What do you mean?" Louise asked.

"Is she going to attack us." A hostile magic user would be impossible to fight if they had an imagination...

"Not a chance, we are at school." Louise said with confidence.

"Alright, so this is a school." I said, and Saito looked happy.

"Why are you two smiling..." She asked, looking suspicious.

"I want to learn magic." I stated, and she laughed.

"Only nobles can learn magic legally." She said, dismissing the idea.

"I am a noble." I stated, and she paused.

"What?" both Saito and Louise asked, and I nodded my head.

"I would have to show you my family tree, I have it on my computer, but my family came from wealth, owned property, and ruled cities. If there were nobles in my time period, I would count as one." I stated, and Louise looked confused.

"If there were nobles?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

"For the most part Nobles either gave up power willingly, or were stuck down by the people. There are no kings in my nation, only elected officials and the people they represent. Even the homeless man has an equal vote to the would-be noble..."

"I your family gave up it's noble heritage to do this?" She asked, and I frowned.

"Some did, some had it taken away by force...the common folk possess a strength far greater then magic or money." I said, and she looked at me in confusion.

"Numbers. They can overwhelm the most powerful of people, eventually they will win if they believe in the cause."

"I see..." She said, nodding her head. "Tomorrow we can go to the headmaster and talk to him about it. I'm sure he will let you learn, if you can prove your claim and can afford it." I winced at the money part, but I should be able to work it out.

"What about me?" Saito asked, and she just looked at him.

"Are you a noble?"

"Humm...he might have a bit of samurai blood in him." I said, glancing at him.

"I...don't know." He stated, and Louise shook her head.

"You need proof." She stated, and he slouched.

"Cheer up Saito, those runes on your hand gotta mean something." I said, glancing at my own hand with the lack thereof runes. Saito looked up at me in confusion.

"What about the ones on you?" He asked, and i stared at him.

'What are you talking about?" I asked, and he pointed at his forehead.


NO. This was NOT happening.

I touched my forehead, and felt the groves, I was branded...Branded.

I took a deep breath, and grabbed my torn up shirt.

It was a deep green color, with reddish-brown spots from my blood. I tore some of it off and wrapped it around my forehead and tying it off. I dragged myself over to a corner of the room, and sat down.

"Get some sleep." I told the two kids, and they nodded their heads. seems like they started looking towards me. With Louise thinking of me as an equal, and Saito being in the same situation as me, and my being older then both of them...

'Well, it was better then what it was going to be a little while ago.' I muse as I look at the straw.

I dismissed the thought, and just closed my eyes and listened while the two kids tried to go to sleep.

Noisy little fucks.


I only needed about five hours of sleep, so i was wide awake and looking at the night sky, and my laptop.

It was official, I wasn't in Kansas anymore.

I sighed. The stars were different...I checked several locations in Europe, Africa, South and South America, Asia, Australia, Hawaii, and even the North and south poles. There was no denying it, I was in another world and had to figure out dimensional magics in order to get back home.

I took stock of everything I had, this was a good start.

I was doing some shopping when I jumped, and I was glad I did.

I had My Laptop, my tablet, one hand crank/solar recharging units for common household electronics, while it would take me forever to recharge my stuff, at least I could.... Akihabara sold everything.

I had a pair of cat ears that read brainwaves, I had some adult and normal anime and manga, I had my pepper spray, and I had some candy.

A had two yukata's and two kimonos, and that was about it. If only I had a gun...

I dismissed the thought, and browsed by anime collection.

One title stuck out to me....

Familiar of Zero.

I watched the first episode with my earbuds, and I took a deep breath.

I was not from Saito's world. Either I jumped to Saito's world, or Saito jumped into mine right before the portal opened.

Something happened, I was not meant to be here. Saito was meant to be a slave as a harem comedy protagonist.

I looked at the two, and watched the next episode.

How could I not remember any of this? Looking around on my computer I mention it a few times in some of my works....

I shut down my laptop, and stared at Saito. He was a master of any weapon huh?

And he fainted because that was the first time he ever used that power huh?

Time to fix this. I grabbed my Pocket knife and pepper spray, and sighed.

I dragged myself over to Saito, and shook him awake.

"Saito...wake up."

"Huh? what is it?" He asked me, and I shook my head.

"I figured out what your runes do, bring me outside." His eyes shot open, and he silently nodded his head.

I climbed on his back, and we went out.

There was no one outside thankfully.

"Set me down." I ordered, and he did. I got out my pepper spray, and knife.

"What are we doing?" he asked, and i tossed him the pocket knife.

As expected, his runes started to glow.

"Dodge my sprays and disarm me." I said, and sprayed him with the pepper spray. He got a bunch in the eyes, and I winced. That sucked.

With his eyes closed though, he started dodging my sprays and threw the knife at me.

I panicked for a moment, but the pepper spray was knocked out of my hands and the knife safely on the ground next to me.

"That...that was..." And Saito fainted.

Fuck. He fainted.

I grumbled as I grabbed him and dragged him to the building with the pepper spray and knife. I only had three sprays left in it if I counted correctly.

Now came the interesting part. Getting him up the stairs.

It took a while, several hours infact, but I managed by sunrise. I got him back where he was originally sleeping, and sighed. He should be out of it for three days going off the second episode...then again, he was injured pretty badly and used up a lot more energy last time.

Oh well, only time will tell.


I might go back and fix this, i kinda rushed the ending there.
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Third Accident
You wanna know why it sucked that morning was already here?

Because I just worked my ass off dragging that stupid, dense motherfucker up a flight of stairs. Yeah, I might have let his head hit a few steps for my trouble, but it's not like he didn't have it coming. I decided to take a nap while waiting for the kids to wake up... wasn't very hard considering the hard floor... the cold...

For a moment, everything felt right in the world as I fell asleep tired, but accomplished.


Sleep is a malicious thing, isn't it?

When you wake up to feminine screaming and feminine yelling, and they are not exclusive to a single person or gender, you know sleep is for the weak. And I was not weak.

"SHUT UP!" I roared, and the two stopped what they were doing. Saito had a pair of panties in his hands, and Louise had a fist raised. They both tried to talk to me at the same time, and I raised my hand.

"Louise, why does he have your panties?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes.

"I need him to wash them." she stated as if it was obvious.

"Why him and not the school servents?" I asked, and she hesitated. "Is it because you get bullied?" I continued, and she looked away with a look of frustration. "Tell me Louise, have you offered to duel any of them before?" I asked, and she told me it was against the rules. "So what? They know it and so do you. At the point of you offering, it's a matter of pride."

"I would just lose!" she yelled at me, and rolled my eyes.

"YOU EXPLODE THINGS, YOU STUPID GIRL! Anyone with half a brain isn't going to fuck with you!" I yelled at her, and she yelled right back.


"At least I can use it!" I retorted, and she bristled.

"What does that mean?!"

"It means that you don't think, you stupid girl!" she growled at me, and pointed her wand at me.

"Hey!" Saito yelled, and we both looked at him. He waved the panties, and Louise blushed brightly, turning her wand onto him. "Wait a second, what abo-"

Louise had enough, and made an ultimatum. "You will do what you are told or you will not eat." She said, and that made something inside of me snap.

"LOUISE VALLIARE!" I yelled at her, and she froze, and I paused giving her a moment. She stayed silent, and I just took a deep breath. "You just told us yesterday that we are not slaves! Explain yourself NOW!" I demanded, and she threw her hands up into the air and stated what seemed obvious.

"I save money by not having the staff do these things, and with how much it's going to cost feeding the two of you, you should work for it! And between the two of you, he is the only one who's able-bodied!"

"That sounds like an excuse to me young lady. You just told us yesterday that we are not slaves, and yet here you are treating Saito like one!" She dropped her arms and folded them condescendingly.

"At this point I have to pay for all of his AND your living expenses! How are you two going to pay me back?"

"We can get jobs and pay our own way." I stated, "That also doesn't excuse how you are treating him." She frowned.

"But you are my familiars... you have to be near me." She said, and I challanged her on that.

"Prove it." I said and she started to open her mouth. "With evidence. You have textbooks on this stuff, so look it up and prove it." She glared at me and I simply stared. It turned into a contest, and I laughed in my head. My grandmother, before she fell to Dementia, showed me a trick to winning these. Move your eyes around just a little, it divides their attention just a little. Do other things without moving your hands.

After a whole minute of moving my eyes ever so slightly, I acted.I slowly wiggled an ear, and her eye twitched. I wiggled my eyebrows, and I bunny twitched my nose.

She looked away. "Cheater."

"If you aren't cheating you aren't trying." I replied, and she looked at me. I twitched my ear, and she bit back a laugh. Was she that friend deprived?

The anime suggested so... I would have felt bad for her if she didn't act like a bitch so often. I almost sighed, but didn't. I kept on smiling and thought to myself that I can't get depressed.

"Ok, look. It seems obvious that we all can get along, otherwise we wouldn't have been summoned, right?" Louise nodded her head, and sighed glancing at Saito, who with a serious expression... twitched his nose. I blinked a few times and smiled at the sight of her trying not to laugh.

My stomach growled, and I relized that the last time I eat was yesterday morning back in Japan. I paused, and examined myself. I was smelly, stinky, and sweaty. I needed to wash up. I sighed, wishing for my shower back home. I grabbed my backpack, and Louise and Saito looked at me as I started to drag myself towards the door.

"I'll see you guys later, it's time to see the Wizard." I joked, and asked for them to get along. Saito should be able to handle the duel fairly well, and those two had to get ready. Maybe breakfast first? I dragged myself along outside the door of Kirche the Ardent, and smiled. I had already came up with a plan to get her help, and I knocked on the door.

"Oh! If it isn't it Louise's Legless Familiar?" She said, fully dressed in school uniform.

"Yeah, I'm working on that." I said, and she quirked an eyebrow. "Going to see the headmaster." I answered the unasked question and she nodded her head.

"A square mage should be able to help you somehow." She said, and got a confused look on her face. "But what does any of this have to do with me?"

"You know where to go and won't blow me up for something random."

She smiled, "You might get burned." And I smiled back.

"Worth the risk." I said, standing up on my hands.

"Hmm... you would be pretty tall if you still had your legs, wouldn't you?" She asked, looking me up and down.

"Yeah, six foot flat." I said, and she smirked. Oh no, I knew a dirty joke when I saw one. "Cute." I said, and she clapped her hands together in joy.

"At least one of you is honest!" I fought the urge to roll my eyes, and asked her a favor.

"So, Ardent... do you think you can bring me to the Headmaster? He's expecting me." She got a calculating look in her eyes, and I smiled at her once more. That sealed the deal.

"Alright, Flame!" she yelled, and the Lizard ran over to us.

I dragged myself to it, and scratched it's head. It seemed to like it, and pushed itself against me. I smiled and scratched it like I would my own dog, Merlin. The Lizard loved it, but let a little bit of fire pop out of its mouth, almost burning me.

"Good to see Flame likes you... I hope you and I will soon get along as well." She said as Flame lowered himself for me to get on.

"Sorry, you're a student..." I trailed off, and she playfully complained.

"Ah... but that gets rid of all the fun..."

"Well, I'm trying to become a student right now, so who knows?" I said, and saw a fire in her eyes. Hook, line, sinker.

"Alright! Get on top of Flame and let's go!" She announced, walking somewhat dramatically in the wrong direction.

I glanced at Flame, and he licked an eyeball. "Yeah, don't blink. You might miss something important." I grumbled, and climbed on top of Flame.


Kirche stayed outside the office as I entered, the headmaster greeted me as I dragged myself to a chair. "Good morning, headmaster... "

"So, what do I owe the honor today?" He asked while a mouse whispered in his ear.

I pulled out my laptop, and booted it up. "I am from another world, Headmaster. I think you already know this." I said, as I took off my headband. "What I'm about to show you is my family tree, proving that I'm descended from Nobles on both sides of my family." The headmaster got a troubled look in his eye, and I fired up screenshots I took. "Here is my great, great, great grandfather, the owner of silver mines in a nation called Mexico..."


It took a while, three separate tangents about my nations history, technology, and the religions of my people slowed things down considerably. "So, you are not a noble, but would have been if your people kept the titles?"

"That's right." I stated, I was going to lose... fuck.

"You have a chance to reclaim your fallen title then." The headmaster stated, and I looked surprised. "If you have a talent for magic and if you can summon your own familiar, I will write to the queen explaining that a young man from a family line of fallen nobles has been summoned as a familiar. I will tell her that I offered him a chance for his family to become Noble once more, and he took the offer, used magic, and summoned a familiar. They will question it, but they will allow it if you prove worthy."

"Thank you." I said, wishing I could stand.

"If you fail, though, you will never become a noble, and you will be branded to be killed on sight if you are seen using magic." I narrowed my eyes, but nodded my head. The assistant looked surprised by that, and then she got a smirk. "Miss Longueville? Could you please go to the storage room and bring a wand here?" She nodded, and walked out of the room. "Now... do you have anything interesting?" The headmaster asked with a lecherous look in his eye.

At that, I sighed and unzipped my backpack, pulling out one of the adult manga I had. While not my thing personally, I was asked to get them, and given the money to buy them... I handed him the porn, and he looked at the cover with wide eyes.

"You read it right to left, and don't let Miss Longueville take it." I said seriously, and he nodded his head rapidly. Who knew it would be this easy? He started making WOAH! sounds.

"I can't read the language, but this is amazing!" he said, looking at the pictures. I frowned, and weighed my options.

"Well... I can work on a translation, but I have to learn how to read your language." I offered, and the headmaster stared at me.

"How much would I owe you?" He said, and I blinked. I was offering to do it for free.

"Would it work for paying my way to learn magic here?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"Too expensive, much too expensive..." I pulled out the next three issues of the adult manga, and his eyes widened.

I smirked, "That book you are holding is a series."

"By the founder..." He spoke with reverence and disbelief. I heard the door opening, and I hid my books while the headmaster put the one in his hands under his desk. "We have a deal if you manage to become a noble." The Headmaster said, and I nodded my head in agreement.

Miss Longueville handed me a thin, white wand. I felt lightheaded, and almost fell out of my chair. The wand glowed, and I felt information flood into my head. I felt something inside of me stir, and for once it wasn't my... never mind.

I felt it expand, and rip free fro- okay, I am having a bad time describing this without making it sound like that. The room filled with a green light, magic. I pulled it back, and listened to the information.

Wind, Fire, Earth, Water...Void.

I used none of them, and just pulled the magic back into my body, and channeled it though my body as the knowledge told me. "You have a very strong Magic, have you been saving your willpower?"

Willpower? Did that come up in the anime by the second or third episode? I dismissed the thought, and resolved to watch the anime from the start with a fresh mind. I grabbed a tiny part of that energy, and dripped it into the wand, making it glow.

"No element?" the headmaster asked, "That won't do, you have to display something..." he continued with a hint of amusement.

"Alright then." I grabbed a little bit of all five of the elements within me, Taking note of the power I had of each one. Water was the strongest, followed by wind, fire, earth, and then Void. I started with water, squirting a glowing, white liquid...god damn it, this keeps getting awkward.

Water infused with magic shot out of the tip of the wand, hitting the hardwood floor.

"Water? Thats a good ele-" I moved onto wind, blowing some papers off the headmasters desk. "Wind?" He asked in confusion, and I moved to fire, letting a small burst of flame shoot int the air harmlessly. I then used earth, picking up a pebble on the floor and changing its form into a thin, fragile needle.

I handed it off to Miss Longueville, Who showed the headmaster the results.

"You're a square mage?" He asked with disbelief, and I paused. Void definitely was not mentioned in the anime by the second episiode... I think. I was pretty tired when that happened. Was Void Magic Louise's thing? I should keep it hidden for now... besides, I had so little of it that I didn't want to waste it.

"You are not a square mage yet, but you meet the requirements... tomorrow you can do the familiar spell while I get everything ready."

"Cool." I said, putting the wand in my pocket. That was a bad idea, I thought to myself as I fell out of the chair and blacked out.


When I opened my eyes, I was laying on something soft. I was also incredibly hungry.

"So you're awake." A voice to my left asked, making me turn my head to the side. "You have the school arguing for what your name should be." I rolled my eyes, and looked back up. It was Louise, and she looked worried. "You used all four elements... on your first ever try. That's never been done before."

"I already got a name." I stated, and she agreed.

"You don't understand. They are arguing about your title."

"Just make it worthy of the Zero." I said, and she kicked me.

"Get up so we can go get dinner." I nodded my head, tried to stand up.

Last edited:
Fourth Accident
Have you ever woken up to the sound of your own stomach growling? This would be the fourth time for me, and it's actually sorta entertaining if someone is in the room with you.

This has only ever happened to me when I haven't eaten for two days, so I had to guess that I've been out of it for about that long. I looked around the room while on the ground and in pain. There were four people: Louise, Saito, a maid, and the Bald Teacher.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. Everyone in the room looked uncomfortable at the question.

"Two days." Saito answered. I nodded my head.

Okay... That was bad, but I could work with it. "Saito, please bring me my backpack?" I asked. Looked at Louise, I gave her a quick request, "I need to be alone with the teacher for a moment." and she nodded her head, understanding. The Maid put some food and water next to me, bowed, and left the room.

Saito put the backpack on my lap and left with a nod. Louise was leaving the room as I remembered something. "Louise?" I asked, and she turned to me. I climbed onto the bed, and smiled. "You bought a potion, didn't you?" She looked suprised, and I asked the question. "How much was it?" She stayed silent. "I see... I'll pay you back tomorrow." I said, and she frowned.

"You have four thousand new gold?" She asked, and the teacher next to me blanched.

"I will tomorrow." I said, and she harrumphed, walking out of the room. I introduced myself to the teacher, and he did likewise.

"Mr. Colbert."

...I sighed, "What can I do for you Professor Colbert?"

He looked at my lack of legs, and I frowned. "Did Louise ask you to do something about this?" Professor Colbert nodded, and I stared at him. "I can create some prosthetic legs for you, and most mages can achieve minor flight by picking themselves up with a simple spell. But, it's tiring after long periods of time... mostly draining willpower."

"Willpower is basically the magic inside of a person, right? We spend it when we use magic?" Colbert went into teaching mode and started to explain the technicalities. It was a little odd for the most part, but I understood it. Willpower was basically half of the fuel for magic, where Emotion was the other half of the power and half of the control system. That left verbal spells as the other half of the control.

So, let's say you had 100 units of Willpower... well, I had 400 units by being a square mage, but, uh, emotion could diminish and amplify the power of the spells. Anyway, 1 unit could be used for the same cost of 10 units, or 0.1 units going by extreme emotions.

I was an emotional person, but I kept it bottled up pretty damn well when I was around people I wasn't comfortable with. Read: Everyone on this planet. That anger from before? I wanted to kill Louise. Hell, I still did when I thought back to the straw on the floor. I was being nice to her in hopes that eventually she could turn into a decent person, but if I saw her treat anyone innocent like that again... I didn't know what I would do since I couldn't fight back.

This brought me to asking about that familiar spell, since I got no answers the last time I asked about it. What I learned angered me. Me and Saito were meant to be treated with respect, in order to avoid us from freaking out and killing our 'Master'. She was abusing us, even by the standards of the Nobility!


I took a deep breath, and tried to calm myself. She bought that potion, which means that she was starting to change, right? I talked with Professor Colbert about my fake legs, and I showed him a TED Talk on prostheses on my laptop. After his fangasm over the machine, we talked for hours on the basics of electricity, some modern science, the periodic table of elements, and how to construct a turbine. Yes. A turbine.

Now, let me put something into perspective: It was morning when I woke up. By then, we'd finished talking about the science behind tectonic plates and theorizing how to use earth magic to map out the continent for more accurate charts of the kingdoms.

It was then that Professor Colbert was notified by a bird with a note on its leg about him being late to teach a class, and Louise entered the room, tired and haggard looking. "Did you just sleep with him or something?" She asked.

...Ew. No. I grinned, "Nope, even better. I got new legs and talked to someone with a brain." Colbert just gave me some basic legs for the time being, but he was working on a magical equivalent of something a little different... Honestly, I couldn't wait.

I also got a job offer to help him invent stuff... so I'd be set for life. I arrived a cripple, and by the end of about a week I'd be rich and walking out of here, if I ever needed to. Life, I thought, was pretty good. "I slept in Kirche's room for the night." Louise said to me as she walked to her closet, "Saito slept outside." I got up, trying the new legs once more. They were unsteady, but with a staff I could manage it. I took my backpack, made sure my headband was on my head and told Louise I was heading for breakfast.

Saito was outside, polishing a sword. A golden sword. "Huh?" I asked, and Saito looked up at me.

"EHHH!? You're walking!" He yelled, looking at my legs.

"Yes, Saito, We are the Borg. Resistance is futile, your biological and intellectual properties will be..." Saito just stared blankly at me, "...never mind, you don't have much to offer," I sighed, "Worth a shot. So, where'd you get that?" I asked, and Saito looked at the golden sword.

"Louise bought it for me. It cost a lot, but she wanted the best." He said, lifting it up for me to see.

I frowned. This was a day early by my count... and he got the wrong sword. "I'll be back, I want to go into town." I said, walking to Kirche's room and knocking.

She answered, and looked me up and down. "You're walking?" She asked with disbelief, and I smirked.

"Yes, yes I am." I said, and pulled out the white wand that was still in my pocket.

"Oh?" She asked, and I felt the knowledge fill my head once more.

"I think I'll be doing the familiar spell today, care to watch it happen?" I asked and she considered it.

"Sure, will you hold off until classes are over today?" She asked, and I agreed.

I walked away, walked. Good god, that felt great... My knees were getting sore, but that was bound to happen with my new legs. I wasn't a student yet, but it didn't matter. I would just cram study and graduate. I asked around for the location of the horses, and took one to town.

Sadly I didn't know how to ride a horse, so I needed to take some time trying to keep the horse from killing me... it was worth it. I looked around every weapons shop I could find, three of them in total, and found my prize. Derflinger.

"It's One Hundred New Gold." The shop owner said, and I nodded my head. I didn't have any money. I rubbed my chin, and the shop owner made an offer. "If you have no money, I could let you have him if you can make him apologize to me."

Oh? Oh really? I smirked, too easy.

I picked him up, and greeted him as the knowledge poured into my head. Absorbing spells, he could control my body, he was extremely durable, he knew about...

Oh god.

...Oh god...

Everyone was going to die.

Wind Stones ... the other Familiars, the other Void User's, I broke the rules. I wasn't supposed to become the Mind of God. This is a sword that killed this worlds version of Jesus H. Christ and holy shi... right. That settled it. I needed to know more.

"Mjodaitnir?" The sword asked, and I nodded and told him my name. "That's not possible... but here you are." He mused, and I smiled. "Anyway, my name's Derflinger." With another nod of my head, I channeled some magic into him. "Ooohhh! a snack already? You know how to treat a sword... " He said, as the rust started to fall off.

"Sorry to say this, pal. But I can only go with you if you apologize to this guy." I said, and the sword considered it for a moment as I put a little void magic into it.

That sealed the deal. "Alright, Oi! Shopkeeper." Derf said, "Sorry about all those names I called you, and sorry for cockblocking you so many times."

I nodded my head and took Derf, "It's good to admit you did wrong, have a good day sir." I said, walking out of the store. "Derf, you mind if I call you Derf?" The sword told me he didn't mind, and I continued. "Do you have any idea how to save this planet?" I asked, and he asked me what I meant.

This sword... didn't remember. I could access the knowledge, but he just didn't remember.

Well. Well shit.


Well, it's a short chapter, but I am going to make it up to you guys. I have today off.
Simulium Novitius threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Not ready Total: 42
3 3 5 5 2 2 1 1 2 2 6 6 6 6 3 3 4 4 6 6 1 1 3 3
Fifth Accident
I want to apologize, I rushed my first two attempts at this chapter, and it came out pretty bad both times. Thankfully my beta @Ars Poetica gave some helpful advice, and I fixed the issues with the plot for the most part.


"Nevermind, Derf." I said, tapping him against an iron fence while knocking off a large amount of rust. "When we get home, I'll polish you. We got a Gandalfr over there, too! He might use you every now and then." I said.

He hummed. "I'm meant to be used by a Gandalfr, but you did buy me." He conceded.

"When things get tough, I'll go ahead and hand you off to him... but I do want to learn how to use you." I said, and he hummed in agreement. I rode back to the school and ate a quiet meal. I didn't sleep last night, so a nap sounded like a good idea.

"Aether?" A voice asked behind me as I finished my meal, and I turned around.

"Who the hell is Aether?" I asked the source of the voice, Professor Colbert.

"That is what some of the students have been calling you, they heard the word in my class today."

"Uh... why?" I asked and Colbert laughed.

"Aether is the a word used to describe the fifth element by a lost civilization that was destroyed by the elves. Most mages with a higher degree of talent get an additional element after a year of studying with a professional. You are undoubtedly talented, but have already hit the glass ceiling. Some are saying that you will develop the lost fifth element."

"Louise beat me to the punch a long time ago." I stated, and he blinked. "Think about it, it explains a lot. Louise is a Void Dot Mage, you told me that a familiar is summoned using a person's element, and Louise summoned a human from another world," and he frowned.

"Assuming you are correct, and Louise used the fifth element to summon you and Saito," Colbert adjusted his glasses. "The both of you should have a tiny bit of her magic, meaning you would have all five elements." I already knew I did, but at least now I knew why I had some void magic. "It is rare for someone with multiple elements to do the familiar spell, but when they do it is usually powerful, like a dragon."

Huh, so Tabitha used multiple elements? "So what would happen if I used all five?" I asked, and I saw the light glint off his glasses. I looked out the window, and winced. "A little bright outside... " I commented, and Colbert moved on.

"We will find out today... even if you don't have the fifth element, using four elements has never been done before to my knowledge." I smiled, and asked when we do it. "Right now. It would be unsafe to have students around." I nodded and brought my plate to the kitchen.

"Sorry for making more work for you." I said, and was thanked by a shocked servant. Gee, I know I'm walking... prick. Heading back, I was curt with the professor, "Let's go." I said, and I gave him a questioning look as he just stared at me. He snapped out of it, and nodded his head, walking out of the dining hall.

Sorry Kirche, I gotta do this. We walked out of the school, and to the edge of the forest. "For safety reasons we will be doing this here, when you are ready, hold your magic, say the words that resonate within your soul, and release the spell."

That was a really vague statement. I took out my wand, and sought out the knowledge... My soul... I felt it with my magic, it was almost under my skin... I touched it, and I probed it. Hold my magic... I kept my magic still, and my soul started twitching. I tried to move it myself, but nothing happened. I took a deep breath, and spoke:

"I request from existence to bring forth the one destined to stand by my side in the darkest of times, as I will stand beside theirs!" I yelled, and as i said the words I felt a fragment of my soul tear itself, engulfing itself into my magic. I realized what was happening, and shoved the fragment of my soul with all five elements into the words. It hurt, but not physically.

My soul piece felt like it was being examined by several beings, who then left, and came back to look at it again, before throwing something though the portal.

A chill came around us all, and I looked about. It was getting dark. I stared at what exited the portal, and took a step back as it spoke to me.

"You called... I have answered." It was a being made from energy that took a form like my own. It glowed, looking like a silhouette of myself but not quite meeting that shape perfectly. It was... weird.

"A spirit..." Professor Colbert said with reverence and disbelief.


That got his attention, "Yes, right, ah..." he looked again at the 'spirit', "For now, you should be the only one who can hear it." He looked at me, "You must complete the ceremony."

"Why have you called me?" It asked, and I looked around.

"I called to summon my familiar from somewhere in existence... so existence must have chosen you."

"Do you believe you can stand beside me?" It asked, and so I walked right up to it and spoke the honest truth.

"At the moment? No. But eventually I will become powerful enough to stand next to you."

For a moment, there was nothing but silence from the being of light and magic. "Then I shall accept you... and you will have one year to prove you can stand with me." it paused, "Or I will kill you." It gestured with its arm, "Finish the ceremony..." The spirit commanded.

I knelt and kissed its offered hand. For a brief moment, I wondered how a being of energy would get branded. Immediately, its energy became agitated, losing the form it took and becoming a formless ball of energy before reverting back to my physical form.

A small bit of its form turned into a blue energy, answering my question about the brand. The discolored bit of energy was on its forearm, glowing a simple curved line. He floated towards me, and grabbed my head. "Name?" It asked, and I told him. "False... but acceptable. I am the spirit of Thunder from the West Wind... I have no name for the ears of mortal men."

I felt the Spirit's energy enter my body, its soul and magic refusing to mix with my own. Somehow, though, it infused itself within my physical form. I sat on the ground and almost collapsed.

Colbert sighed, and sat down next to me. "I... will have to report what your familiar was. This is only going to make you stand out more." He said as I looked up at the blue sky. "I don't know what sort of spirit you've summoned, but we will find out." He promised, and I nodded my head.

"He said he was the spirit of thunder from the west wind." I stated.

Colbert nodded his head. "We have some information on spirits in our library we can look up ourselves... but speaking with the spirit would be best." I stayed silent as I felt the energy fusing with my flesh.

"This... is actually pretty painful." I said while setting my jaw. I noticed that my cracked tooth was still bugging me, but ignored it. We got up and went back to the school, classes would be over in another hour or two, in that time I would talk to the headmaster. "How important are spirits anyway?" I asked.

Colbert hesitated. "They control forces of nature," he answered, "If there is a lake then chances are it has a spirit. The land has spirits, trees, everything. When bonded to a person, that person can perform the same magic as the elves... but this is rare." He shook his head, "Humans generally can't bond with spirits like the elves can, but since it is your familiar... " He trailed off, and I got the idea.

Yet again I was the exception to the rule because Saito dragged me through the portal. This power I had? I did not deserve it, I may have lost my legs for it, but that was a minor set back in exchange for magic. Because of that I became a Mind of God, breaking the rules about the void familiars.

And because of that I had perfect control of my magic when I used a wand, I just had to practice with it.

Then, because of that and a bit of Louise's Void magic staying inside of me from the summoning, I summoned a Spirit as a familiar and now could use another branch of magic almost no other human had access to.

Was it fair? No. But it was necessary. We opened the doors to talk to the headmaster, and he greeted us while listening to his mouse. "White you say?" he was asking. Miss Longueville blushed slightly, and punched the old man onto the ground.

"Mind if I ask what that was for?" I asked innocently, and she blushed even more. "Did the old man do something perverted?"

The old man recovered and looked at me seriously. "A man needs to keep his blood flowing lest he grow too old in spirit."

"You're a rich and powerful square mage, I'm sure you can find some lucky lady out there who'll tolerate you long enough that you'll croak so she can get your fortune." The headmaster fell out of his chair at the remark. Wait. How the hell did he manage that? "That is cruel, that is cruel!" He cried.

Professor Colbert coughed. "Sir, the familiar spell was a success." He stated, and the headmaster slowly got back into his chair.

"What did he summon?" Miss Longueville asked, and I glanced at her.

"A spirit, I already fused with it." She got a surprised look on her face and the headmaster spoke.

"I will have to notify the queen... you are about to become a very important man." He noted, "As a new square mage bonded with a spirit you will be expected to be on call for the royal family."

"Denied." I stated.

Immediately, Miss Longueville protested, "You have no choice." she seemed affronted.

"I am a familiar. I will not leave my partner." I stated, and Miss Longueville just looked scandalized.

"She is too young, and already promised!"

How about no? "I don't see Louise in that way." I told her, "A little sister, maybe, but not anything like a lover," and I shivered at the idea. Ignoring how violence-prone she was, the girl just disgusted me with her treatment of Saito and, for a short moment, myself.

"And how do we know you are telling the truth?" The headmaster asked with a grin.

I looked at Miss Longueville, "Is he why you think I'm a pervert?" She held up the porn Manga, and I whipped out my wand and took it from her hands. "That, Headmaster, is why I told you not to let Miss Longueville find the Book. Miss Longueville, this was an official payment for services the headmaster rendered."

"That sort of material has no place in this school." She stated.

I laughed, "That book is a priceless artifact that some noble families use as heirlooms. You just stole something worth a nice house with some land." I said, knowing some of what I said was bullshit.

"Hmm... That is true, but you understate the cost. Something like this could end a war if used right." I gave the headmaster a surprised look, which turned into a accusing glare. "Maaah, a deal is a deal."

"Yeah, but now YOU are going to teach me." I pointed at the man.

"What?" Colbert asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I gave him that one book, and three more on the way with the promise to eventually translate the books in exchange for letting me learn magic here."

Colbert adjusted his glasses, and spoke. "One book would have paid for it with a professional translation." and with that, I looked at the headmaster who shifted in his seat, and stared.

"Alright, I'll teach you!" He whined, but then turned serious. "But do not expect mercy from me."

...Was this a good idea?


The headmaster was a challenge as, while perverted, he forced me to get creative with my magic. He exhausted my magical reserves, telling me that for a square mage my willpower was pathetic. That evening I was talking with Colbert and teaching him English and Japanese with the translation book.

And that same evening I was on my last legs by the time I got to Louise's room and laid down next to the window. Both Saito and Louise were already in bed, well, Louise was in bed and Saito on his straw. I sighed, I was tired but I had more to do. I booted up my computer and plugged it into the mechanical charging station. I put on my headphones and started cranking slowly while watching Anime.

It was murder on my wrist, but the information it gave me was... well, no, it kind of wasn't worth it. Man, Saito was a fucking retard and Louise was an even bigger bitch. Maybe because there were more people she wasn't acting so violent...

Perhaps I could judge her character based off this, but at the same time I realized that was unfair of me. Maybe she could change. I watched the Siesta episode, and turned off the computer when I heard Saito sneaking outside. I followed him and saw that he was heading to the kitchen. I frowned, was Louise feeding him properly?

A shiver ran down my spine, what if Louise gave him food but still treated him like a commoner? As i entered the kitchen, took a deep breath. Saito was eating in here.

Saito said my name in surprise, and I sat down at the table, the cooks were nervous at my arrival and my apparent anger.

"Saito, be honest with me...Is Louise feeding you well?"

"She gives me bread and water." Saito replied with a look you would expect from a child expecting to get spanked, and I facepalmed.

"That....bitch. I will be talking to her about thiss." I said, almost losing control of my lisp and looked around me. The Cook's were looking at the Chef uncertainly, and he looked displeased.

"Saito, these guys here are good folk, they helped you when Louise refused to treat you like a human being...stand by them and they will stand by you." Saito nodded his head, and I glanced at Saito's bowl, the smell was divine for leftovers. I looked at the Chef, a tall muscular man with a fine beard. "By the way, Chef?"

"Yes?" He said uncertainly.

"In my world, we have about one thousand years more experience cooking, but you're food is among the best I have ever tasted." I said truthfully, and the Chef grinned.

"A thousand years eh? Then let me get you some, I saw you eying Saito's bowl!" He said, smacking my back while I grinned.

When you have a year to live, sometime you just gotta enjoy yourself.
Sixth Accident
"So, Chef, did you ever tell me where Siesta went?" Saito asked.

The Chef frowned, "She left to enter the service of Count Mott." He stated, and I forced myself to be calm at the revelation. There could be no outward emotion, I didn't actually know this girl yet. Even so, from what little I knew of Mott already, this couldn't be good. Hell, it was terrible...

"She quit?!" Saito asked in disbelief. The Chef only nodded his head, but he seemed to dislike the idea.

"Yes, but there is nothing we can really do about it... We'll have to hope for the best." The Chef said with a frown. Saito got up and said he needed to go do something. I let him go for the time being. I only had two adult mangas left and I wasn't about to let Kirche use up her book, making Saito indebted to her. So, I would follow Saito... But right now? I needed sleep.


The next morning, Saito brought it up with Louise and she patiently explained the circumstances of what normally happens. "When a noble calls on a servant by name, normally it is to act as his mistress." Louise said. I interrupted the two.

"Wait, so, he's married?" I asked, and Louise blinked in surprise.

"Yes, to Lady Mott, a Triangle Mage known for making magical items." She said while giving me a confused look. This was too perfect.

"Then he's cheating on her." I said, and she sighed.

"From a point of view? Yes. Yes he is, but it's legal and a patriarchy." Ah, so not so perfect. "It's also an honor for a peasant to be called upon by a noble." I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders, giving a light shake.

"Listen to yourself already! Don't you realize what you're saying!" I yelled, and she pushed me away.

Louise looked confused. "What did I say?" She asked, and I gave her my best 'Are you kidding me?' look.

"That it's an honor to became a sex toy to some old man?" I yelled at her as she took a step back.

"Hey!" Saito said, pushing me away from her.

"If you think I agree with that view point-"

"I translated what you first said to Saito when you kissed him." I said, and she froze.

"You should feel honored... normally a peasant would never get this from a noble." I said, and her face went red from a mixture of anger and embarrassment. I knew that look, and I just said it.

"Alright... You hate me, go ahead and tell me why."

"You stole my talent!" She yelled. For a moment, I was quiet as I just stared at her... and held back my laughter. It was too much. It was just too much...

"Louise, I didn't steal your talent..." I coughed, disguising a burst of laughter, "In fact... you are actually more talented then me." I said. She gave me a confused look. "You have the fifth element, Void. You're a Void Dot mage." I answered.

Derf spoke up. "It's true! You have the power of founder flowing though you." I nodded my head, and Louise looked shocked.

"If you learn the other four elements, you could become the first Pentagon Mage in the history of the world who earned it on her own power." I said, and she looked confused.

"But you... "

"I got the four elements because of this." I said, taking off my bandana. I grabbed my wand, and my runes glowed. "The familiar rune I got from you. I got the fifth element because you, a Void mage, summoned me. I summoned a Spirit because I summoned it with all five elements, which only happened thanks to you." I let that sink in, and she sat down and thought about it.

Saito was about to say something, but I held up my hand, she needed this moment. Slowly, she got a superior look on her face. "As expected from MY familiar." She said, standing up and folding her arms while nodding.

"Hey, what about me?" Saito said, and I looked at him.

"You are pretty much going to be the best warrior in this country when we train you up... speaking of which, Louise?" I asked, and she nodded her head, all anger gone for the moment. "I gotta train him." She nodded her head, and told me to take my time. I started to drag Saito out of the room, and turned back to Louise. "You don't want to tell anyone just yet what you are capable of doing, let them think you are still the Zero. They're right to do so." She glared at me, and I clarified. "You're a Void user, Void means the absence of space or matter... and what is zero again?" I asked, and she blinked.

"...Oh, wow. It actually fits..." She spoke, shocked.

I nodded, "Eventually they will be saying that with respect and not with scorn... Anyway, think about what I told you and keep it mostly to yourself." That... almost ended badly. I didn't think Louise hated me before, but then again I wasn't there for her for the most part and I was now among the most powerful people in the nation while she was still the Zero.

Well, as long as she knew her power then she wouldn't get jealous. "Alright Saito, let's go find your girlfriend." Saito blushed, and rubbed the back of his head.

"How'd you know?" He asked, and I smiled sadly at him.

"I've had my share of stabs at romance, tell me what happened."

"She... kissed my cheek." He said, and my eyebrow twitched. That girl was going to be shipped with Saito SO much right now, if she cost me this much cash right off the bat, then I'm going by to get my ship damn it!

"Alright, let's ask for directions." I stated, and Saito nodded his head. I went to Guiche at the breakfast table. "The Bronze." I said with a hint of respect, and Guiche turned to look at me.

"Aether!" I almost scowled at that.

"Yes, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Oh?" he blinked, "It would be an honor." He said giving a dramatic bow. I rolled my eyes, and asked for directions to Count Mott's place. He gave me some basic directions, and I thanked him and took my leave.

"Let's get some horses and be on our way." I said. Saito just remained silent. "No matter what you do, do not raise your sword to that man. He is rude and gross, but we are not going to fight him in his own house... Actually, now that I think about it, trade swords with me." Saito looked surprised, and was about to voice it when Derf spoke.

"Why would you want a useless piece of trash?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"Appearances. They expect me to be the rich looking one and Saito to be the poor looking one." I said as we reached the stables. I got changed into my spare clothes and put on the cloak. Saito was wearing his normal clothes, and was more than a little tense. I paused, and realized something. This was a whole 12 hours early... how did... "Butterflies." I muttered and looked around, wondering what I should do.

Siesta left a day early, which meant Count Mott made his pick early... What made him move sooner? He was a palace adviser, so it could have something to do with work, and really that's all I had to go off of. The change had to have been because of me, I was what changed things... wait.

The royal family was notified of me, so naturally they would send someone to investigate... and who better than the man who did it in canon? So, Count Mott was probably involved with my paperwork, which made him move faster with his other affairs. Wonderful, that actually helped. Now if only I had a way to notify him before meeting him myself.

I paused, and floated myself onto a horse, Saito getting on behind me, I paused and gave him a questioning look.

"I don't know how to ride..." Saito explained, and I nodded my head slowly.

"Just pay attention to what I do, and remember to respect the Horse." I told him, riding the horse to the front gate.

Let's see...A four hour walk in the anime at about 3-5 miles per hour for average walking speed, 12 to 20 miles away... not interested. A galloping horse can go 25 mph, higher than that I think. It could be a half hour to just above an hour.

You know what? I was over thinking this. I started the ride, and let Saito point out where we had to go. Riding a horse was pretty fucking hard to do with my legs, or lack thereof.


When we arrived, I gave a respectful nod to the guards who asked us our business. I introduced myself and requested an urgent meeting with Count Mott. The guards stared at each other, and I smirked. "Just inform him, he will know who I am." A single guard left and, with little else to do but wait, I decided to occupy some time by taking out my wand to start playing with the elements.

I made a tiny breeze come from my wand, then added earth to make dust blow out of it. A little bit of fire made the dust light up, making a tiny fireball. A bit of water probably could have made it like napalm, so I didn't do that. The guard was getting nervous about my actions anyway, no need to compound that with explosive death. I smiled at him and made to douse the magical flame.

"Just a little bored, no need to worry." I said, ending the spell and smothering the fire with a wind and water spell to make a foam to cover it. Honestly, basic manipulation of elements was most of the magic. Actual spells required words.

"Do you think you could make a breeze? It's, uh, kinda hot out here." Saito said, and I worked on it, focusing on the spell... I couldn't do it. A frown crossed my face. I thought for a moment, and touched the Spirit's power.

"West wind, right?" I muttered, and the Spirit 'grunted' affirmatively. The guard seemed to relax as a nice cool breeze hit us. A well dressed man walked towards us with guards, and I gave a bow. "Count Mott, allow me to introduce myself." I told him my name, and he nodded his head.

"I had just received word that you summoned a Spirit as a familiar... do you have proof?" I channeled some of the Spirit's power to my eyes, making them glow. "I see... and why have you come to my home, Aether of Earth?" I blinked, huh.

"That's my official title?" I wondered out loud, but answered his question. "Recently you have taken employment of one of the school's servants and she was in a relationship with my fellow familiar."

"Ah, I know the situation. And, while sympathetic, I am not willing to part with Siesta quite so easily." He stated, and I nodded my head.

"Maybe if you examine this book we can begin bartering." I handed him one of my adult manga, and his eyes widened.

"This! This is... you can have her!" I frowned.

"If you think I just want Siesta for a book that rare, then you are overestimating the reality of the situation."

"Name your price." He stated, as I took the book back.

"I want two magical artifacts, made by your wife. Both to prevent love potions from taking effect, and expertly made. I am a square mage. I can tell if something is not correct or weak." Count Mott rubbed his chin, and nodded his head.

"They shall be made by the next Void Day, what can I hold in the meantime to ensure you pay?" I handed him the book, and stated a simple fact.

"As a square mage with the power of a spirit, I can pay in advance, and if you don't deliver I can also take it back."

"Was that a threat?" He asked, and I smiled.

"It is a fact." I turned off the wind, and Count Mott's eyes widened.

He was pale, I noticed. "Very well," he said, struggling to maintain composure, "Guards? Go get the new maid." Count Mott ordered to his men, walking away.

I looked at my fellow familiar, "Saito, what you just saw me do was disgusting. But one day we can make it so that this sort of thing never happens again." Saito looked grateful, and I realized something. One horse, three people. "I need to think things through more." I told Saito, looking up at the sky. This was going to be a long walk.
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Seventh Accident
Thank's for this chapter goes to @Ronan O'Brien, my second Beta!

Still trying to find one more Beta, if anyone is interested, go ahead and let me know!


I walked home so Saito could go horseback riding with his new girlfriend. God damn it Saito, I'm a freaking cripple and now I'm walking for four hours just to be a wingman.

"You owe me you dense bastard." I grumbled as nightfall started. Two hours later, and I was kinda glad I walked, the two moons were kinda cool looking.

"You lack focus..." The Spirit grumbled at me. "I have seen your memories, and they are not what they first seem...but I do know you once had the focus needed for your task..."

"I'm dealing with losing pretty much everything right now, is that so wrong?" I asked, and the Spirit laughed.

"You fool...I just told you your memories were changed...did you ever even lose anything?" That made me feel angry, and the spirit felt pleased. I paused, and considered what he said for a moment. Was it all fake? No, that sounds too much like a bad Final Fantasy 10 fanfic.

"Yeah, I lost something, I lost the truth." I stated, and the Spirit mulled that over.

"Very well.....then you must seek it, no?" I stopped walking, and frowned. Did I even care anymore?

No, not really.

"Nope, don't care. Any chance I had to find the truth flew out the window the moment I altered canon."

"That picture show is not accurate to the facts of the world." The spirit told me bluntly, and I shrugged and continued walking.

"Why don't you tell me about it then?"

"Very well...the world you and that boy came from is under attack by the same beings that are attacking the Elvish Race. Soon they will reach this land."

"The Elves are fighting a war?" I asked, and the Spirit elaborated.

"Beings from another world, and they are slowly winning...." I shivered, and considered that fact.

"What are these things?" I asked, and the Spirit answered.

"Demons." The Spirit said, but didn't go into details. Great, demons from another universe are attacking mine or Saito's world, and this world. I didn't even know what to do with this information, I didn't even know much about the elves. I would have to watch the anime....

Fuck it, watching it almost non-stop tonight and tomorrow.


When I went to sleep that night, I had finished the second season.


I was swimming, I hated swimming, but I was trying to swim away from something.

Something was behind me, then in front of me. Never in sight but always at the corner of my eyes, under the salty ocean.

I felt something grab me, and I lashed out, feeling myself hit something solid even though I was in water and -

My eyes opened, and I looked at the person I had punched. This was a habit of my families, don't touch me when I am sleeping and dreaming.

Louise rubbed her cheek, and I apologized.

"What did you do that for!" She yelled, and I glared at her.

"It a trait in my family, sometimes I punch things in my sleep." I said, and Louise rubbed her jaw.

"Your girlfriend's must have found it awkward." She snarked, and I nodded my head.

"Not really. I just never slept with them." I said honestly, and she rolled her eyes.

"Tch, whatever. Everyone is being called to the courtyard, get dressed." She ordered, and I mock bowed. I took my clean clothes and got changed rapidly, catching up to Louise and Saito outside.

"Any idea what this is about?"

"War." Said Louise said, and I stopped. How the fuck did I cause a war...oh.


The Spirit mentioned....oh. Well, they were fighting the elves, so it's not our problem yet, right?


I stayed silent as everyone gathered in the courtyard, everyone was guessing about what was going on, but only I had a good idea about what just happened. The Headmaster called for silence, and slowly everyone quieted.

"Romalia has been attacked by a giant beast, and has been destroyed. The Pope is dead, having been attacked without warning by the beast. His successor is calling for a crusade to fight against the elven aggression...but let me make it clear right now, there is no evidence of elvish involvement in this tragedy. The beast was killed by a team of Square Mages, four of whom heroically died to stall it...."

The courtyard burst into various responses, and I just glanced at Louise who was too stunned to say anything.

"All students will be entering War Time Lessons, Void Days are now to be used in practice fights against War Mages from the Royal Palace....tomorrow the events that were planed will take place, and the Princess will still visit, but it will your last day of peace, and your last day with me as your headmaster...Professor Colbert will be the new Headmaster." The headmaster said, looking directly at me for a brief moment.

"All Square Mages are being conscripted to protect the border." Everyone was now in a frenzy, and I had heard enough. I walked out of the crowd, and sat down. Tabitha did the same, and I glanced at her.

"We are going to be called on." I stated, and she nodded. I could tell she was tense, and I sighed.

"I know about your dragon, and you should already know I summoned a Spirit. I can try to get your dragon a Spirit." I offered, and Tabitha looked at me in surprise.

"I can talk to him, we can try." Tabitha nodded her head, and continued reading with the occasional page flip. I took a deep breath, I was going to be forced to fight a war that I had no business fighting.

"If I say something out loud, ignore me." I told Tabitha, who just looked at me.

"Look, you heard everything I said so I'm not going to beg." I said, addressing the Spirit.

"You want me to do what?" The spirit asked in disbelief, and I explained.

"It will give us a fighting chance, and she's a better fighter then me right now and she's just a Line Class Mage."

"I owe no such favors."

"If you want us to kill your demons, then you should help us." I stated, and the Spirit stayed silent.

"I will make an echo to my brethren, have the girl be ready tonight in the courtyard." He ordered, and cut off communications.

I shook my head and spoke to Tabitha.

"No promises, but he said he would message his brethren about it." She nodded, and I closed my eyes for a moment and took a nap.

This was going to be a long day.


When I woke up, it was to the headmaster with his staff pointed right at me.

"Today your training will increase, we will be focusing on increasing your reserves of Willpower...get ready." I nodded my head, and started to get up.

The Headmaster hit me with a gust of wind, and I pulled out my wand and tried to defend myself.



That evening I was outside with two blue haired girls as my spirit was telling me details of the Spirit that he spoke to.

"Its a Earth Spirit, not too useful while flying but it should give you much stronger armor with its energy, earth magic would reinforce your scales. You will also become physically stronger when you use the energy actively." I said to Slyphid, Tabitha's dragon familiar.

Tabitha herself wasn't reading for once, and seemed a little nervous.

"He is here." My spirit stated, as the ground started to rumble.

Slowly a small ball of energy came out of the ground, the dirt forming into the image of Slyphid.

"The Thunder of the West Wind has claim to be an ally to fight the Demons?" It said with the voice of a little boy.

That was weird to hear from a form so clearly....nevermind.

I nodded my head alongside Tabitha and Slyphid.

"I expect at least one Demon to die by our might." It stated, and jumped at Slyphid, leaving the dirt in the air.

I watched as Slyphid tore her clothes while transforming into a dragon, and she shook ever do slightly with her eyes closed.

"Thunder, you said that Earth Magic from the spirit would make her stronger and more durable, what do I get?" I felt a feeling of annoyance from the spirit, which made me annoyed in turn.

"You can increase your physical strength as well, but by a higher degree because I am superior to the young earth spirit that dragon bonded can control the wind to a slight degree, hardly any combat applications, but your main boon is thunder. If the conditions are correct, you may call a bolt down to strike your enemies." I arched an eyebrow, that was kinda selective, but there are ways to abuse that.

"So, I can call on electricity if there is enough of it in the air?"

"Electricity? Oh..." I felt my mind being looked at, and felt uncomfortable.

"Generally it is only in the clouds...sometimes in a dust storm. Very rarely from a persons body, if a human uses magical...electricity...I can deflect it for you, but I can not call upon it." That was useful.

"But I will remind you not to use me very often, you need to become more powerful on your own." He then stayed silent, and I frowned. Great, I get this awesome power but I can't use it or the spirit will think I am slacking off.

Slowly Slyphid transformed back into a human, and I looked away knowing that she was going to be naked. I took off my cloak and gave it to her while not looking. She thanked me in a pained tone, and I nodded my head.

"The pain should go away in a moment," I explained "Let's get some food in you, then you should go rest."

"Aether..." Tabitha said, and thanked me.

"Why doesn't anyone say my name?" I asked, and Tabitha shook her head.

"Does not...sound right." She stated, and I frowned what was wrong with it?

"Ah, ok...I'll figure it out later. Come on, I know the chef and he would be happy to give us the leftovers, they make too much for the students, staff, and servants." I said, walking towards my destination when someone jumped on my back.

I did what anyone would have done with no legs, I fell over on my face.

"!" I looked at who it was, and it was Slyphid, on top of me pouting.

"You wanted a piggyback ride?" I deadpanned, and she nodded, I saw a flash of pain when her body quivered, and I almost sighed.

"One moment." I said, and pulled off my prosthetic legs, making Slyphid stare. I took out my wand and listened to the magic. I formed a pair of Earth legs which came up past my knees and all the way up to my upper thigh.

"Hop on." I said, and she climbed on. I floated the prosthetic legs alongside, and frowned. I hope she isn't interested in me at all, way too young.

Meh, Saito will make her fall in love with him eventually.

I sat and ate dinner while watching in awe as Slyphid ate enough food to make me full three, no four times over. The Chef was amazed, and stated as such.

"I know she just bonded with a Spirit, but does that really make her so hungry?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

"I got hungry as well, but her spirit is changing her body a lot more then mine did, she's going to be hungry all the time when she is here." The chef got a serious look on his face, and I recognized that look.

He saw a challenge.

"Really? Then in that case she can try all my specials..." Slyphid's eyes widened and she jumped up and hugged the chef.

"Thank you!" He laughed and rubbed her head.

"Not a problem, we just need you to learn how to appreciate the different flavors and how to identify them." He said, and she jumped with joy.

I looked to Tabitha, and she was frowning.

"Oh, it's not going to cost a thing." The chef said when I rubbed my fingers together in a 'money' gesture.

Tabitha was still frowning, and I rubbed my chin. I couldn't say much out loud without spilling the truth about Slyphid.

I got up, and excused myself. Tabitha did the same, leaving Slyphid to enjoy her meal.

"Naked." She said, and I blinked. Oh.

"Ok, that I can deal with....I'll be right back." I ran, ran, i can't believe I could run with these legs, if only they didn't use up my willpower....

Right, I ran to my room and got my backpack. The Yukata should fit her....

I ran back, and stopped in front of Tabitha, handing her the beginners pamphlet with pictures.

"Was there anything else?" I asked with concern, and Tabitha stared at me.

"Familiar." She stated, and I nodded my head. The war.

"Right, we will just tell the Chef that since she is leaving soon." Tabitha looked though the kitchen door and I looked as well. Slyphid was laughing and talking happily with the Chef.

"She can still eat here until we go, no one is saying she can't..." A thought occurred to me, and I asked a question.

"How old is she?" I asked, and Tabitha looked up.

"230 or so." I blinked, and nodded my head.

"Kinda young for a dragon." I said, and Tabitha nodded her head.

"My age in comparison." Oh. Well that made a tiny bit of sense. I went back and finished my meal, thanking the chef and telling everyone goodnight. I walked with the earth legs back to Louise's room, and sat down while Louise was finishing up getting dressed.

" are you walking?" She asked, seeing my prosthetic legs.

"Earth legs." I said, showing a leg off.

"Don't tire yourself out....I'll be back in an hour, stay out of trouble." She ordered, and I mock saluted. Saito told her yes in a tired tone.

I offered him some of my normal manga to read, and he got all excited over it until he saw that it was a horror story. He just booted up his laptop and started messing by around on it rather then read my manga.

I rolled my eyes and took out my own laptop, spending the rest of the day reading some of the Familiar of Zero stuff I had on my laptop and watching the anime. I let Saito use my recharging crank, and put on my headphones.

It was worrying, yet hopeful at the same time. Louise knew most of the beginners spells for both elemental and normal, with her help maybe I could do more then doing whatever my runes told me to do.

I cut loose in the forest at the headmasters insistence when I told him what my runes did for me, I would have destroyed the forest with ease if the headmaster was not there.

So, he told me my weakness.

My willpower is pathetic when I ignore the runes instructions, but if I did what they told me to do, I could access all of my willpower that was being saved up for twenty three years. The Headmaster believed that the runes amplified my magic as well. In other words if I listened to my runes I was an army killer. But I was predictable, which is never good in a fight against an intelligent being.

So, there was two solutions, and I could do both. One, I was to train up my willpower. While I had a lot of it, without using my runes I could not channel the energy nearly as well. A staff could help with this, but I would have to make it myself or find one.

The next option was to use more emotion in my spells to increase the power, but sacrifice some control. I hated that idea, emotions are one of those things you don't just use, and I am a high believer in control being superior to just raw power.

It's better to just not use them, if I needed a power boost then I could get mad pretty easily just by thinking of the backwards society these people are a part of...Louise made me mad a few times there, I had to get a better grip on things, it was stressful, but worth it.

When Louise got back, I asked her about it.

"You want me to teach you?" Louise asked in disbelief, and I nodded my head.

"I need to know more, and you know the majority of the spells I need to know." I explained, and she narrowed her eyes.

"How do you know this?" She asked with a hint of accusation.

"I asked around, you have great scores on your class assignments, and none of your teachers suspected a mistake until the explosions became apparent." I said, and she sighed, walking to her wardrobe.

"I don't have the time to teach you everything, so study from these," She pulled out a stack of papers, and dropped them on the bed. "on the theory."

"Right..." I said, as Louise walked out of the room.

I picked up the papers and put them on the desk, noting how the paper felt compared to what I was used to. I leafed though them, and realized something.

"I can't read their language yet." I muttered and head desked.


Feel free to speculate on what will happen now that the Pope is dead.
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Eighth Accident
The next morning, the Princess Henrietta did in fact arrive, and she did lift their spirits. she gave a speech right off the bat about bravery, and the crowd went wild. At least, that's what I got from Saito, I was too busy thinking of what to do about Miss Longueville. That LAW rocket launcher would be pretty useful in the war....

Being unable to think of an appropriate answer, I just told the headmaster that I knew how to use the Staff of Destruction because it was from my world, and that it was a single use weapon from my people. I explained a bit about the history of the weapon, and the Headmaster told me about the soldier who died...

I had to visit his grave, and I did so with the headmaster.

"Did you...bury him with his clothing and artifacts?" I asked, and he nodded his head. What if...what if he had a gun with him?

"Yes, I personally buried him in a perfectly sealed stone, removing the air within...he should still be as he was the day he died." I took a deep breath, and apologized.

"I'm sorry Osmond, I am sorry soldier, but I need this." I said, pointing my wand at his grave.

"You can't be serious!" He yelled, and I glared at him.

"My people have lost too many people in the war he was fighting, too many of them going missing in the jungle!" I yelled right back at him, taking a step towards him.

"I may be doing this for selfish reasons, but one day I WILL make it back home, and I WILL let his family know what happened!" Osmond looked angered, but looked away as I turned back to the grave.

"My people have a monument called the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier...for people like this that died without anyone knowing who they were, fighting for our country and's a monument to those who we dishonored by forgetting them. No one should be buried without someone knowing who they were...and today you will learn his name." I stated, lifting the stone out of the ground with my magic.

The headmaster stepped forward, and tapped the casket.

"Take a deep breath, while sealed he still would have decayed." I nodded, and took a deep breath as the casket fell apart.

There he was....he was in the Army, where I was getting ready to join the Marines.

I saw that his M16 rifle and Colt M1911 were a little rusty, but they could be repaired with magic. I looked around him, and saw various packs next to the body. I opened them one at a time, starting with the smallest one.

It was practically a treasure trove in my eyes, this guy must have been a heavy weapons expert of some sort, because he had two Claymores, two grenades, a few smoke grenades and flares, but almost no ammo...He must have been running low. I took the folding shovel, the machete, and a few things like the compass, zippo lighter, and his dog tags.

I noticed multiple bullet wounds and minor cuts and burns on his body, I saw a journal, and a picture of a women holding a baby. I thought about taking those, but didn't. I took too much as it was....

He was a father of two, he was the heavy specialist of his squad, and had a list of dirty jokes he would make in his journal.

I told Osmond the man's name, and a bit about him as a person...we stayed silent for a short while, an unspoken agreement to a moment of silence. I quietly asked the headmaster to seal the casket, and pocketed the dog tags. I will one day return these, even if it ki...

Wait a second.

"Headmaster, where did you find him?" The Headmaster blinked in surprised at the sudden shift in mood.

"Near the school, but why?" I felt hope, and answered.

"I might be able to find my way back home, but for now I'll let it drop..." I answered, thinking about it. I needed a way to get information from this guy....

"Regardless, I will give you the staff of destruction tomorrow, take care of it, and the rest of his possessions...we will not be training tomorrow, I will be preparing to leave, you will have to leave for the war front soon, but because you are a familiar they are going to wait a short while for Louise to turn seventeen this year..see me tomorrow, we still need to discuss some things."

"Yes sir." I said, giving a bow to Headmaster Osmond as he left. I took a deep breath, and took my stolen possessions back to Louise's room to show Saito.

"Saito, I need to borrow you for a moment!" I said, dropping the items on Louise's bed much to her annoyance.

"Why are you putting those stinky things on my bed!?" She yelled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Replace the sheets then, just be quiet. These are tools and weapons from my world." I said, and the two teenagers looked at each other.

I cleaned up the weapons as best I could, then used magic to repair some of the damage. I handed them to Saito, his Rune working like a charm and he was inspecting the M16 and declared it in working condition. I smirked, and gave Louise a pen and paper.

"Saito....think about how to make ammo for your rifle, and say it out loud." Saito then explained in detail how to make ammo, and Louise was quickly writing it all down when she realized why I gave her the paper and pen.

Saito did the same with the Colt, and examined the grenades and claymores, we then took a break.

I looked at the instructions, and gave a grunt of annoyance. I couldn't read them, but the man I was going to share them with did. I took the instructions over to Professor Colbert office and left it on his desk. He can make me some bullets with his magic later, or I could do it myself when I have the supplies. Maybe he can make them magical?

After that, I spent an hour doing pushup and crunches. It was a light workout, but it was going to help keep the rest of my body in shape.

"Holy fuck I need a bath..." I muttered as I entered Louise's room to see Saito holding Louise's horsewhip with both his hands to prevent it from hitting his face.

Hello God, I would like to report an error with Program Anger_Management.exc and Program Rational_Thought.png...

Report filed incorrectly, error message: WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?

"LLLLLOOOOOUUUUUUIIIIIIIISSSSSSSEEEEEE!!!!" I screamed, and pointed my wand at her, she jumped and hid the riding crop behind her back.

"That's it, FUCK IT ALL! I am telling you all the truth! BOTH OF YOU SIT DOWN ON THE BED RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" I said, taking out my laptop and starting it up, I ordered Saito to slowly use the crank to recharge my laptop, and he did so with utmost haste.

I started episode one.

"Wha...what is this?! Is that the academy?!" Louise demanded.

"The art...we are an anime?" Saito asked in disbelief, and I said nothing but held up a hand to make them be quiet as they continued watching.

Saito blushed lightly at Anime!Louise waking up in bed, and Louise growled at the absent minded look on her anime counterpart's face and the fanservice.

"I hav...have biiiiggggerr boobs then that!" She half stuttered, half yelled, and I glanced at her.

"Liar." I said, to which she told me to shut up, then blushed even more at the stockings scene.

"At least they have decent music...." She grumbled as she continued watching. The scene where Anime!Louise blew up Anime!Mrs. Chevreuse, the classroom, the window, and those clothes we watched her put on just two mins ago. This caused Saito to laugh, which made Louise kick him, and this time I didn't blame her.

"Kirche doesn't have boobs that big." Saito said, and Louise glared at him. I lightly tapped Louise's head, and told her to knock it off. I noticed that Guiche wasn't that handsome, but he was that much of a playboy. Tabitha was pretty much the same, but with slightly lighter hair.

"WHAT DOES THAT OLD MAN THI-" I paused the video, and looked at Louise. She was standing and pointing at the scream accusingly. She stopped yelling as soon as the video stopped.

"Louise, it's ok to react, trust me, I would be freaking out if I had to watch an anime about my life," I felt a shiver go down my spine at the thought, but continued. "But we are never going to finish the anime if you keep on yelling."

"I can't read that writing, and I don't understand what they are saying." Louise said, sitting back down.

"Oh....Saito, here." I gave him a pen and paper.

"You can read their language, so you should be able to write it. Start writing down what they say. I can pause sure to label who is talking." He nodded and started to write as I took the hand crank machine form Saito and continued the video.

"Miss Longueville kicked the Headmaster like that?!" Louise asked in shock, and I glanced at her.

"What about it?" I replied, and she answered.

"He's a square mage, Miss Longueville is a fallen Noble...." I felt a little bit of my positive outlook on life die, when will this girl learn?

"Weren't you mad just a second ago about the headmaster perving on Miss Longueville?" I asked, and Louise tried to explain.

"Yes, but with him being in charge and a square mage...." She trailed off, and I blinked.

"You really don't understand, do you?" She shook her head, and I took a deep breath.

"The headmaster likes her, so he lets her hit him. He might even like it." I stated, ignoring the blush that spread across her face and continued the episode at the point where the explosion Anime!Louise shook the school, and the Anime!Headmaster and Anime!Miss Longueville knew exactly who it was who caused it, suggesting that this is a common occurrence.

"Was the classroom really that damaged?" I asked, only to be met with a silence which proved to be more then enough of an answer.

As the video played, Saito kept on looking at Louise and wincing at his own treatment.

"Do you see why I got so mad?" I asked, and Louise looked away, but slowly looked back to the screen as the episode continued.

"You are known for torturing someone who consistently tries to save your life, taking advantage of the Familiar spell that's going to force him to fall in love with don't even treat the common people like this, just Saito and those who insult your chest." Louise stayed silent the rest of the episode except for Saito to pause the video so he could catch up on writing the script.

"So, next episode is told from Saito's point of view." I said cheerfully as the Saito and Louise looked away from eachother upon seeing the ending credits.

About halfway into the second episode, Saito asked me a question.

"Why did I faint here and not last time?"

"This time you were too busy trying to keep me alive, you fought off the exhaustion long enough...Thanks for that." I said, and Saito scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. I resumed the video, causing Saito to continue writing.

"Huh...Saito, What if I tried that Silence spell again, but this time on-" Louise started to say, but I cut her off.

"I don't feel like being blown up."

"Be quiet! I know that I am a Void Mage now, I should be able to control the effects!" She pointed her wand at me, and I hesitated.

What if she was right?

Louise said something I didn't understand due to not paying attention, and I fell out of my chair from an explosive force.

"God damn it Louise, just like sex and favors, No means no!" I yelled, and started coughing. I couldn't see a thing, it was only after Saito shook my shoulder and pointed at Louise that I noticed her look of horror. Directed at my computer screen.

"Nope." I said, looking at the screen and pulling out my wand. The screen was shattered, but I was going to fix it.

I frowned, and realized that the runes did't know what the screen was made out off...I put away my wand, and sat down on the bed.

Louise continued to open and close her mouth as Saito glared at her for a whole two seconds before she protested.

"How was I supposed to know!?" She asked, and I facepalmed.

"Forget it, let's just see how well the spell worked." I said, walking over to Louise's school notes.

Yup, I could read them. I wrote down a simple sentence in English, and showed it to Louise and Saito.

"Mary had a little lamb?" They both said, and I handed the paper to Saito, telling him to write something in Kanji.

He wrote "this is a sentence.".

"Wow...." I now have universal translator...this might be worth it.

"OK, enough of this, questions and answers time." I said, gesturing to Saito.

"Why aren't you in the anime?" He asked with a sharp look.

"I don't know, but I am not supposed to be here." I said, and Louise looked confused.

"Why are you here?" Louise asked, and I shrugged.

"I don't know. I jumped worlds once, then jumped with Saito to this world." Accident or not had yet to be determined.

"Look, I want you two to ignore what you saw in that anime. Louise, you know about your power earlier than the original timeline, so you are going to get more powerful sooner. You're acting like a better person than the other you, but you have to start treating Saito like a normal human being." Louise nodded her head, and it was Saito's turn.

"Saito, you are progressing with your runes at a much faster pace than in the anime, any fights that come up later on, you are going to be better then that version. You have to stop trying to piss Louise off, and start training your body." I looked him up and down, and frowned.

"Also we have to use practice swords to teach you how to fight without your runes." Saito gave a one word agreement and looked outside. He was not happy, and that was understandable. I approched him, and sat down on the floor.

"The moons look more majestic in real life than in the anime." Saito said quietly.

"I can answer a few questions about the original timeline..." I trailed off, and Saito leapt on the chance.

"Do I ever get home!" He yelled, and I shook my head.

"I didn't get that far into the series yet, but I do know there are a few ways to get back, you give up one of them to save Louise." I answer, and he slumped down to the ground.

"'s a harem comedy, you have to either make it back home with some girl on your arm or live happily ever after with several girls on your lap." I said semi-seriously, and he lightened up on that.

"Oooohhhhhh...then who's the tsunder...." He glanced at Louise and then back to me. We both were dead silent, and Louise looked confused.

I nodded my head slowly, and Louise's eyes narrowed.

"Oh...then Kirche...." He said quietly, and I nodded my head.

"Tabitha?" I shrugged, and Louise looked livid.

"What are you talking about?!" She screamed while blushing, when a knock came to the door.


I walked to the entrance and opened it while bowing.

"Welcome Princess Henrietta to our humble abode." Louise looked from me to the cloaked figure.

"Who are you?" Louise asked as the cloaked figure, obviously the princess, uncovered herself.

"It's been a while...Louise Francoise!" She yelled while hugging the pink girl.

"You're Highness, The Princess!" Louise exclaimed, and I watched from the sidelines as Saito asked who she was. The girl before me is the Princess of Tristain, childhood friend of Louise, one year older than the pink tsundere. They explained the childhood friend aspect, and I nodded my head and got down on one knee.

"Princess." I said, and the princess smiled at me.

"You must be the Noble Familiar." She said kindly, and I stood back up and offered the princess a chair which she took.

"There, formalities out of the way." I told Louise, who looked like she was having trouble understanding what I just said. I sat down and smiled right back at Henrietta.

"Oh?" Henrietta asked with a bit of humor, and Louise looked confused. I looked the princess in the eye.

"Do you have any good stories about Louise?" The Princess gave a predatory grin, and Louise started freaking out.

"Oh? Like what?" She asked innocently, against Louise's protests.

"Anything fun." I said, and Louise kicked me out of the chair.

"You know, you shouldn't treat your familiar like that." I stated, standing back up, and the Princess noticed my wooden legs.

"So it's lost your legs in the summoning." The princess said, and she took a knee.

"I apologize for this, such injuries have never happened before during a summon." I shrugged, inwardly noting how I now have had royalty kneel before me.

"Formalities are out of the way, remember? Besides, it's not like the royal family could have stopped it." I answered, and she sighed in agreement.

An hour later, we finished talking about how Louise once accidently a tree while trying to catch a butterfly. Apparently she stole her mother's wand...

"Good night Louise, Sait-" We were then interrupted by a group of six guardsmen running towards us.

"Princess!" A guard yelled from the hallway, and I rolled my eyes.

"Good night Princess." All three of us said as she closed the door.

Louise's smile turned into a furious mask of...fury? Rage? Anger? Constipation?

"You are so going to pay for that." She said with a calm voice, which I knew meant she was furious. I shrugged.

"That's what you get for breaking my laptop." I answered, and she clenched her fists.

"That wasn't my fault!" She yelled, and I glared at her.

"You did the spell even though I told you not to, and you knew about your explosions!" She turned away from me and looked down at the ground.

"I thought that now that I knew about my power..." she said quietly, and I cursed inwardly.

I grabbed my wand, and it gave me a solution. I grabbed Louise's hand, and channeled my void magic into her. It was originally hers, even if I started to develop it.

"You feel where that magic is? You sense it?" I asked, and she nodded her head.

"That is your void magic, learn how to control it." I told her, and she nodded again.

I yawned and walked to the window, my sleeping spot, and laid down for the night. was I going to finish the series?!

I felt sweat drip down my back and sniffed myself.

I still needed that bath.
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Ninth Accident
My first bath was wonderful....the soaps that came with it, not so much. They stank, they were oily, and were harsh to the skin.

I am tough, but I actually have very fair skin, it was easy for me to pass as a noble...which is why everyone was avoiding me right now. I was using the servents baths at the moment, and even though I got glanced at every now and then at least I didn't have to deal with Nobles trying to win favor with me.

In the bath.

You can see how that might be an issue when worded that way? Good, because it almost felt that way. Ever since the war has been declared, I was receaving letters by the hour. By bird, familiar, and servants, mostly letters wishing me luck on the battlefield, or requesting an allience. Two were actually marriage proposals, one of which sickened me deeply.

Pope and King Joseph, the uncle of Tabitha, wanted me to marry said girl.

How about no?

I wasn't sure what to say, how do you refuse a marriage proposal from the fucking pope in the dark ages without being a king? A wild idea formed in my head, and I beat it down like a drum, only for it to came back in force and captured my attention. I wasnt going to go to war until Louise turned seventeen...

I could do this, holy fuck, I could actually do this with Louise's and Saito's help...but they would never agree to it. Then I needed to let canon happen...but Joseph had no reason to do the revalution now that he was calling for a crusade.

Damn it...for now just impress the princess, she will call on us to deal with the corruption, which will let me go and end a revolution in magical England.


That sounded like a bad Harry Potter fanfic, but still! It was going to work!

"Why is he standing in the middle of the bath?" A random guy asked, and an older man replied.

"He's a noble, they all have these quirks...and don't stare, its rude." He answered and then chastised.

"Hey, I grew up with normal people, not nobles, everyone has quirks!" I declared as I left the baths.

"You think he's going to be ok?"



"Saito, I want you to try to kill me." I said on the stage when it was our turn to show off. I pulled out my wand, and gave him a warning blast of fire past his shoulder.

"Wha...." Saito looked confused as I started moving.

"Wind, Earth, Fire, Water!" I yelled, making a square and controling four whips of each element and had them keep Saito away as I got my next spell ready. I shot a wind and earth spike at him, which he dodged the earth spike, but the wind one that knocked him to the side. He rolled with it, and gave me an angered look.

"Damn it..." Saito took out Derf, and his runes glowed. I shot more spells at him, but Derf was absorbing my spells rapidly as Saito charge towards me.

I drew a simple knife, and used my earth legs to back off while casting a gust of wind to slow Saito down. As I landed, Saito was above me, but I had a trick up my sleeve. I kicked upwards, extending the earth leg five feet past my legs apparent natural length, and it nailed directly into Saito's stomach, knocking him back a dozen yards and making him vomit. He was still vomiting as he stood and flashed towards me with nigh impossible speed, dodging my whips strikes. I fired off a sprial of wind around me, and dodged opposite of the flow of the wind. Derf missing me by several inches, I punched Saito across the jaw on reflex, making stumble back into the spiral of wind. I didn't let up as I used the Water Whip from before to knock him back. I fired off some spells to keep him on his toes, and flew up into the air to get a better advantage. Saito jumped at me, forcing me to blow him down with wind, which he cut in half with Derf.

Thankfully the wind slowed his attack down enough for him to fall back down to the earth rather then make this an air melee. I threw the knife at him, infusing it with the Wind and Earth, and as expected Saito caught it.

And threw it right back.

I dodged, not expecting that, the dodge itself made me lose focus on my floating spell, making me start to fall back to earth. I started kicking at Saito with my legs and minipulating the earth he stood on to shift, I shot jets of water to create mud, which I used to attempt to hold Saito down. I landed, and dodged a sword stike, leaping away. We stared at each other, I was thinking of a plan as Saito muttered to Derf inbetween panting for breath. He started to move for me as I picked him up with my magic, and threw him away while spreading ice across the stage.

"Enough!" Headmaster Colbert ordered, and I stopped at the same time as Saito, who was out of breath. I could have won the fight, easily with just spamming wind spells, but that wouldn't have been nearly as impressive... I dismissed the though as Saito stood with me on the stage. We observed them as they started cheering. They were wet and dirty, but they were shocked in a very positive light.

"That was a high level fight..." Former Headmaster Osmond said, rubbing his beard, but he looked unimpressed when he looked directly at me.

Louise bowed as the Princess stared at both me and Saito with suprise. I turned to the students, most of whom looked exicted or scared....To be fair, that took a lot out of my body, it just wasn't ready to move at such speeds. Saito stood next to me, as Louise stood between the two of us and spoke with clear pride in her voice.

"My familiars." She said with pride, and both Saito and I bowed. The crowd cheered, and we got off the stage.

Then Tabitha stole the god damn show with Slyphid minipulating Earth and using it to make Dragon Golems to fly around with her own wind magic assisting them. Needless to say, Tabitha won hands down. Our fight was impressive but she was now her own expendable dragon flight squad. I retired to Louise's room with Saito as Louise stayed to talk with the princess, Saito was kinda glum about losing what he saw as a fight between him and I, and the contest.

I sighed, there was nothing I could do about that, but offer to help him train up. I turned my attention back to my tablet, while cranking every now and then. How long did I have this thing on here? I was an idiot for not checking my tablet, and as a result I checked my other devices.

I had the Familiar of Zero light Novels in Japanese on my tablet as PDF files, and the music on my IPod nano.

I quickly got caught up, and saw that the light novels were different from the anime...which should have been obvious. I wished canon wasn't so changed, then I could take advantage of the situation...but still. A Russian nuclear submarine in dragons cove, useful to know about.

For now I had to settle with making a peace with the elves by a show of force and the kill them with kindness to get to it...

It took two days, but it happened. The princess visited us and requested us to go undercover to investigate corruption in the city.

We agreed readily, and I mostly let Louise do what she wanted. She dismissed us when Saito got into an argument about money, and I followed Saito around who mostly just checked out the town. As predicted, she lost all our money and we got recruited.

Well, they got recruited. I ran the hell away as soon as we saw Louise and watched from afar. A man several times taller and more muscular then myself in a far too tight outfit hired the two. I don't flow that way, so I was going to avoid that situation as much as possible.

I stayed outside and slept outside the city in the woods, it was a nice break from damp smell of the castle. I let the two know that I was following a lead, and would get back to them later. It took two more days, but everything happened mostly as canon...except that Louise managed to get more tips from average customers then in the anime, from what I saw she acted nicer than in canon. Oh, she still knocked the shit out of a few people, but she held herself in check a lot better then she did in the anime.

I was waiting outside for the man as they tipped Louise, and quietly took them personally at wand point to the stables.

He was scared, and he should be. I just disarmed him and his guards without making a hug scene and floated them all to a quiet location, behind the tavern.

"What do you want? If its money, I can ge-" He started to plead, but I had had enough.

"I don't want your money, but maybe your life...make a move and I won't think twice." That was a piss puddle, wow, Caged Elephant had the right idea. "I'm with that girl, and if you want to survive a beheading on the queens orders then you are going to do one very simple thing..." I said, materializing a sword of iron with earth magic.

"Anything!" Coward.

I crouched down to his level and whispered. "You are going to write down the names of the nobles who have been abusing the people, and who have not been paying the proper taxes to the crown. Do this, and you will be named as critical in routing out curruption, maybe given a higher title..." A look of hope dawned in his eyes, and I felt disgusted.

"At once!" He yelled, pulling out a scroll and writing on the back of it.

"Good, list what they have done, and the dates..." I ordered, letting his guards down gently, they didn't like staying up in the air for so long.

"Relax men, you should be getting a pay lasted longer then five seconds against me." I stated, and they glanced at eachother warily. After half an hour or so the filth signed his testimony, and took an oath of loyalty to the crown.

"Now leave, and do nothing unusal, if you warn anyone I will personally find you." I ordered, and he bowed, and tried to kiss the hem of my cloak. I snarled, and he backed off.

"Of course my lord!" He said with a fair bit of frantic pleading. He composed himself, and walked out of the stables with his guards right behind him. It looked a little strange with his pants having a huge wet spot on them, but whatever.

"Too easy..." I muttered, at least the idiots that try to mug you back home put up a fight, this noble didn't fight back even though he had magic.

Pathetic, greedy, disgusting...

I found my way to Saito and Louise, when something unexpected occured, Louise was serving customers in the black maid outfit. Louise called out to me the moment she saw me, and I handed her the list of corrupt nobles that I had gathered. I explained what it was, and she looked overjoyed.

"Why didn't I think of that?" She asked outloud, and I answered.

"You were too busy helping the people here be free from corrupted nobles, I think you did a pretty damn fine job at it as well, you scared the man to the point where I could get him to cooperate." She beamed at the praise, and I smiled.

"Good job Louise, the Princess will be pleased." I said, as I pat her head somewhat mockingly. My hand touched the headwear of the suit, and I felt my runes kick in.

This really was magical. It had what amounted to a notice me not charm combined with a minor shape shifting ability, but just for anything that didn't meet with a high standard of beauty, I noted that it was determined by what the wearer had in mind... I glanced at Louise, and frowned. She didn't know how to use it.

"Louise...without using your wand, channel a tiny bit of magic into the suits headgear." I ordered, and she gave me a confused look.


"Because it really is magical."

"Oi, someone who knows of the secret of the outfit!" You remember the man that hired Louise and Saito? This was their boss, and he Not to make it an insult or anything like that, but he was the most stereotypical image of a gay bodybuilder I have ever seen, and there were some pretty damn gay bodybuilders in my high school.

"It still works even without magic, but it still gets most men's blood flowing!" He yelled in his high pitched voice, and I took a step back, standing right next to Louise as he turned to me and said "Most." while winking.

"I am more intreasted in girls my age." I stated, replying to both what he said and his hidden message. The man was about to say something but was interrupted by the sudden arrival of an older version of Louise, who I would have guessed was her sister.

Damn, it really worked! The shape shifting worked pretty well, and I can't notice any flaws either...Impressive.

"Oi my! Little Louise used the suit!" I took another step back and looked around the room. Everyone was staring at Louise with a blush, and I looked back at her...

You know, her sister was kinda hot...No, bad thoughts!

"So...I guess that you look up to your sister a lot?" I asked while looking away. No matter how she looks, she's still the cruel little girl who cut off your legs. Louise gave me a confused look that made my heart flutter. God damn it, this suit worked too well...then again it could be the Familiar spell also effecting me.

"Yes, but did everything get smaller...what just happened to my voice!?" She asked with a bit of panic, as she transformed back into normal Louise, I dragged her to the kitchen and explained what the suit did.

"Mirror! I need a mirror!" She yelled, and I covered my ears. Dear god, I was actually attracted to that?

"Alright, alright...." I made some sand and forced it into a thin sheet about as tall as me and a little wider. I melted it by infusing it with fire, and it was now a molten glass sheet that I held together. I removed the fire and added water and wind to make it cool down, forcing the glass to stay in shape and checking it so that it stayed clear.

"I need silver." I said, and Louise handed me a bag full of silver coins.

"Tips." She answered my questioning gaze. I'm going to have to learn the currency system sooner or later.

I floated the coins into the air, and infused them with fire, it took a lot more energy, but the Silver melted. I spread it onto the back of the glass, and heated it to keep it melted for the moment. I kept checking both sides, and nodded my head. A few mistakes, but I can fix those. I removed the silver from those spots and reapplied it.

I made some simple stone frame, and stood it against the wall. This took me about ten minutes to do, and I smiled as I let go of my newest creaton.

"Thank you!" Louise said as she concentrated, and transformed. I was pretty impressed, I was going to have to ask her sister out if she really looked like that...

"Oi, my! The Mister made a mirror for our fairy!" Annnnnd that was my cue to leave.

"Mademoiselle! Please let me keep this!" Louise begged, and I tapped her over the head.

"Dumb girl, this is his families I should go." I said, but Louise grabbed my cloak's hood.

"Saito!" Louise yelled, and he came running and stopped and stared at Louise.

This was the first time he saw her like this.

"Marry Madamoiselle's daughter!" She demanded, and all three of us men currently in the room looked shocked.

"I wouldn't mind..." Jessica, the daughter of the gayest man I knew said while entering the room.

Said man's attitude shifted, and he was overjoyed.

"Yes! My little Jessica is going to be getting married!"

I had enough of this attack on my Ship, and counter attacked.

"Saito is already dating your first Cousin, Siesta."

"Oh? That's a shame..." Jessica said while shrugging. I then realized that she was joking about marrying Saito.

"Tres Beien! You are courting Siesta!? What good news!....But my little Jessica isn't getting married..." He laminated, and I walked out of the room, this was too stupid.


That night I thought about every magical artifact I have ever touched, and what it meant to be the Mind Of God according to the light novels.

"I can create...and change..." I muttered, but hesitated.

Every single one of the four Familiars of the Void had a limit to the magic the rune gave, eventually mine would run out and I would die. Saito got lucky and got the longest lasting one, but also the most likely to die on the field of battle.

I had to somehow get around that, and two rings provided the answer. The half-elf-royal-void-user who summons Saito later on, what'shername, her ring could revive the dead, and the Water Spirits ring could create and minipulate souls...With these and my mind of god abilities, maybe I could do something to keep myself alive...

"If you can survive the whole year..." The spirit muttered, and I rolled my eyes.

The plan was set, and it worked almost too well with my new ideas...Now I just had for wait a little longer...


Sure enough when we got back to the school everyone was on summer break, and I mostly stayed inside and worked out, trying to let canon do its thing.

"You know the water spirit is going to want the ring..." My spirit told me, and I paused.

"I'll return it, but first I have to save my own life." I said, and the Spirit grunted.

"You could just make a ring like it." The spirit muttered, and I sighed.

"I have to study it first, remember? Its not easy and with how little of magical devices the other Mind of God used, I think even a Wand counted..."

"So you want to use up the mind of god powers to save your own life and then make yourself powerful afterwards?" He askes in amusement, and I nodded my head.

"Its a legitimate way of doing it..." I said, and the Spirit snorted.

"You are lucky Spirits cannot die, otherwise I would think you were trying to kill me as well." Oh, right. If the master died the familiar died as well.

"I'll just resummon you, since our contract would be broken." I said, and the Spirit gave a feeling of understanding, and spoke.

"Then the year would restart...clever." I blinked, that never occurred to me. We stopped talking, and I wondered if I could actually pull this off...

Next thing I knew Siesta, Saito, Louise, Montmorency and Guiche were all entering the room with Siesta trying to kiss Louise.

"Love potion?" I asked, and they all, except for Siesta and a blushing Louise nodded their heads.

"Highly illegal, and we need a tear of the water spirit to fix it so the maker doesn't go to jail, Louise doesn't get raped, and Saito can continue dating his girlfriend." I said, and they all reacted differently.

Montmorency looked embarrassed, Guiche looked suprised by the girlfriend part, Saito was blushing, Louise was still trying to explain to Siesta in a stuttering voice that she was not attracted to girls. Siesta was denying being in a relationship with Saito, and had eyes only for Louise.

"I guess you came to me because of Louise, or because I have success with talking to Spirits." I stated, and this time Saito, Montmorency, and Guiche nodded their heads.

"Both really." Guiche stated, and I sighed.

"Let's go." I said, lifting Siesta up with magic and carrying her to the bed and dropping her there as she protested.

"Louise, what is the sleep spell incantation?" I asked, and Louise told me.

"Siesta?" I asked, and she glanced at me as I cast the spell. OK. Now to deal with this.

"Louise, how long will the spell last?" I asked, rubbing my forhead, feeling the runes, they felt warm...

"Eight hours normally."

"We get up in six hours then, and ride first thing in the morning room the water spirit." I said, and glanced at the kids as they listened to my every word.

"Louise, you sleep in Montmorency's room tonight. Me and Saito will crash in Guiche's room." There was no protest, even though they didn't look happy about. We went to the various rooms and went to sleep for the night. I had a hard time sleeping inane new room, and started thinking about everything that happened since I got here...

Losing my legs, becoming powerful, saving Siest-

Wait a second! I forgot about the two Magical artifacts I had Count Mott make!


No beta this time, tried it myself, tell me how I did!
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