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This was highly influenced by @Ars Poetica, writer of One Foot - Another Multiverse SI
A Certain Boring Index
This was highly influenced by @Ars Poetica, writer of One Foot - Another Multiverse SI


1: Familiar of Zero X ???????_???

2: ????_????

3: ????????!! X ??????-???_???_???_?????_???????

4: ??_??_?????_??_???_??_????_??_?????_??_?_????????

5: ??????????

6: ???????_????? X ??????

7: ??????_???????_??????

8: ?????_????

9:???????_????? X ???????

10: ??????_?????????_????????

11: ?????_??????

12: ????????_?????_???????

13: ??_??????_????
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First Accident
My name isn't important, at least, not yet. What is important is why you came here, why we came here.

We are here to listen to a story...

The world I once knew…still existed. I just wasn't there anymore. You don't know it, but then again, how could you? I went on the first actual vacation I ever actually went on, Tokyo Japan. And let me tell you, it was a blast.

I was walking to the hotel when I saw a kid staring at something in the middle of the sidewalk, holding a laptop to his side. I wondered what the heck he was doing, but started to pass by him. I looked at him, and saw him falling foreword, dropping his laptop. I caught the laptop as the kid grabbed me for support, only for me to be dragged with him forward.

One moment I was seeing a city block, the next I was seeing a birds eye view of some pentagon structure....and I was falling along side this kid.

"AHHHH!!!!!!" I yelled alongside the kid as we fell from roughly a half mile up in the sky. Near the ground I closed my eyes, expecting to die at any moment. The kid landing on me, and I pushed him off of me. I looked around, and took a deep breath. Honestly? I should have died, but something lightened our fall.

What the fuck was going on? This all seemed familiar, but I couldn't think of what it was. It's like I seen this before. My nose started to bleed, and I felt confused. i started seeing things, but ignored them in favor of trying to focus on the now.

The people started speaking a foreign language, and I frowned. It sounded like Latin.

I tried to stand, but couldn't. I didn't have my legs. The kid I just pushed off of me was trying to stop the bleeding, and I examined him.

He was short, Japanese, and wore a blue and white hoodie…why was this so familiar?!

Trying not to think about it, I realized I was in shock. I wasn't feeling the pain at the moment, which didn't bother me for some reason. I took off my belt and tied it around one leg, the boy did the same with his belt as we tried to stop the bleeding. I looked around me, and everyone was shell shocked.

The people around me wore capes, with a five pentagram pendent holding the cape around their neck.

This was bad.

"DO SOMETHING!" I yelled, and a tall, bald man moved towards me, and said something.

Next thing I knew I was feeling the worst pain I have ever had, my legs were being cauterized. I didn't scream, but did grunt and gasp in pain, and bit into the leather of my watch as the man went from knee to knee...I lost both legs right below the knee.

And somehow that didn't bother me.

When the man was done, he said something to me with a look of pity, and I nodded my head to him. You didn't need to know the language to know what it was like when someone was apologizing.

I stayed quiet, and the boy next to me calmed down, but looked worried.

They started to bicker among themselves, and I could tell that the pink haired girl was being mocked. She walked forward, pausing as she got close to the boy and kissed him on the lips. He started to grunt in pain, and I saw smoke rising from his left hand, and smelt burning flesh. She looked to me, and I glared at her. She took a step back.

I'm not a pedophile, thank you very much, and I sure as fuck wasn't getting branded. There seemed to be a bit of arguing, and the only adult, a bald man with a staff, have a word of chastisement to the girl with the pink hair. I tried to dig though my tiny knowledge of Latin, Pax meant Peace, right?

"Pax!" The girl hesitated, and moved closer.

"STOP!" I yelled, pushing her away.

I then felt an impact on my back, knocking me down. I rolled, and tried to get up, but failed because of my lack of legs. A stone statue grabbed me and held me still on the ground as the pink haired girl ran up to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips, and I glared at her as she looked away. The boy next to me was screaming in agony, and I felt a burning pain.

I grunted, and bit into the stone statue, cracking one of my teeth. Oh god it hurt, but I wasn't going to let these bastards here me scream. Eventually the pain stopped, and everyone started to leave by flying. Situation? I was in hostile territory with a civilian; they used torture right off the bat after a ritualistic kiss. I was down two legs.

I picked up the laptop next to me as I examined my new enemies.

They have the abilities of flight, and they use wands. I can safely assume they use magic at this point, and if it's anything like Harry Potter then escape is not an easy option, not without my fucking legs and a stupid civilian with me. If only I had a gun...then I could just....Damn it, you don;t have a gun, just relax and focus on making these bastards pay for the torture.

Still, I had to escape…

I was let go as the statues crumbled. The pink haired girl barked at us, making it clear that she wanted us to follow her. We had to play along for now if we wanted any chance of escape.

I dragged myself along, until the boy stopped and put me on his back. This was humiliating....and he nodded his head when I told him thank you in japanese. I handed him his laptop, and he looked surprised to see it again. I WAS being polite and picking it up for him when he suddenly dropped it like that, nope, he had to drag me across the universe.

We went into a building, and I started mapping the area in my head, taking note of what was around me. Dark Ages in terms of technology, magic likely held them back technologically… No air conditioning, they still used candles, but it seemed that magic was assisting them.

We entered a room, and I nodded my head. I was assuming that this was the pink haired girl's room. I took off my backpack, and set it on the ground next to the door. He put his laptop next to it, and looked surprised by the fancy aura of the room. He set me down on a chair, and I twitched my eyebrow at the straw on the ground, and only one, rather large bed.

So...we are slaves. I growled, and the pink haired girl snapped at me, waving a wand around.

"No." I said, and her face turned bright red.

"Nolo." I told her, while pointing at the straw on the ground. I think Nolo meant 'I will not'. Studying Latin for a harry potter fanfic kinda helped. She started yelling at me, and I shook my head at her.

"Liberum" I told her, while hitting myself on the chest. She pointed her wand at me, and I felt something explode next to me, and the sudden impact of the wall meeting my back.

I felt my vision swimming as she started kicking me, the boy too afraid to do anything. I'm gonna kill this girl....

I grabbed her foot, and pulled, knocking her down to the ground. I held her down, and raised my fist to hit her, but hesitated.

Why did I hesitate?

She had a look of fright on her face…but that didn't matter. Why couldn't I do this?

I will kill her, eventually.

"No." I told her, getting up and offering her a hand. She took it, and backed away from me.

"Liberum." I said gesturing at her. "Liberum." I said gesturing to me. "Liberum." I said, gesturing to the boy who watched. I didn't know very many words, but it got the point across. I dragged myself back to the chair and sat down. The boy started trying to talk. I couldn't understand most of what he said, but I tried to communicate anyway.

"Kanojo wa….what-the-fuck-was-that-word…anata o rikai suru….koto wa arimasen." I struggled to say, but I got the point across.

"Japanese!" he said with joy, and I nodded my head.

"Hijō ni……Ritoru" He then started trying to talk to me in rapid fire Japanese, and I just gave him a look of confusion. Great, language barriers all around. The kid kept on talking, and talking, and I was getting annoyed.

"Satis!" she pointed her wand at the kid, and I tensed up. The boy tried to say something, but it just irritated her even further.

"Silentium!" A white ball of energy fired off and hit the boy and myself, knocking us over. The boy started to speak, and I started to understand what he was saying…but it was fuzzy, I couldn't understand everything, just some of what he was saying. It was Latin, that was for sure. Looks like I had to focus to understand, maybe because I was not the target of the spell, just inside of the explosive force of the spell.

"Quiet." I said, rubbing my sore head.

"I understood you!" The boy said with a look of disbelief.

"Then why are you talking? Be quiet while I try to keep the princess from killing us." I muttered, and the boy gave me a look of disbelief.

"Whhhhaaaa?" He said, and the pink haired girl sighed.

"Look, you two are my familiars, like it or not. This means that you two are meant to serve me."

"Not happening." I replied, "You do not enslave Americans, my people fought a war that killed tens of thousands for freedom for all." She looked surprised by my claim, but Saito nodded his head in confirmation.

"That happened with his people, my people were lucky enough to ban slavery without fighting that sort of war." The boy said, causing the girl to blush, she shook her head and clarified.

"Familiar, not slave." I arched an eyebrow, and I asked the obvious question.

"Will we be paid for our forced service?" She blinked in surprise, as if the thought never occurred to her.

"What? No, familiars are their summoners partner!" I nodded my head.

"Partner? So then what do we get out of this?" I asked, and she looked confused.

"Huh?" Dear god, it was now painfully obvious we were slaves in all but name.

"Well, if i am a partner, doesn't that mean that we share success?" She nodded her head, and I thought about this for a moment.

"Normally a familiar is a beast of some sort, not a Human." She commented, rubbing her head.

"Ah, so a partner like how my dog back home is my partner?" I asked, and she nodded her head.

"So slave really." I said, and she face palmed. Saito asked a innocent question before we could continue arguing.

"How does a beast that is a familiar get tamed?"

"What?" I saw where he was going with this, and jumped on it.

"Animals do not just become partners with some random person, it takes a degree of trust between the two. This would have to be established by the spell, right? So how does the spell make the summoned beasts cooperative?" I asked, and she blushed.

"I don't know." I could guess, but first I wanted to ask around.

"Who does?" I asked, looking at my clothes. Torn up, and some red stains that were slowly growing.

I was wounded from the explosion, I noted that it was a concussive explosion. I am bruised, and need to take things easy just in case I have a concussion. I tore up the shirt, using it to seal the wound on my chest. Thankfully her kicks were far too weak to break anything...

"I need new clothes, and you destroyed mine." Her mouth opened, and I glared at her.

"You get your own clothes!" She said, looking away.

"Typical rich girl." I said, gesturing for the kid to pick me up, and he did so.

"Where do think you are going?!"

"To get clothes my master, as you ordered." I said sarcastically, and she let out a screech of frustration. The boy carried me on his back out of the room as quickly as possible, knowing better then to stay near an angry girl with explosives.

"'re name?" I questioned, and he looked up at me in surprise.

"Oh! Name name is Saito! Nice to meet you!" I told him my name, and I sighed heavily.

"What's wrong?" Saito asked, and I glared at him.

"How did we get here? I get that we were summoned, but I saw nothing." I said, and Saito gave me a confused look.

"The green portal we went though." He said, and I narrowed my eyes.

"What did you see?" I asked, and he took a deep breath.

"There was a green portal..." That was something I didn't see.

"Describe it." I ordered.

"Well, it was impossibly thin, it was like liquid at the center, and mist at the edges...deeper green on the edges, it was...I don't know, I felt like I had to touch it."

"Mind compulsion..." I muttered, and he had a look of confusion.

"They used magic to make you curious about the portal, tricking you into accepting the deal...that might be the acceptance part of the deal the princess mentioned." I explained, and he nodded his head slowly while rubbing his chin.

"And this did something with my mind?" Saito asked with a healthy bit of worry.

"Our mind." I corrected. "I couldn't punch her." I said flatly. "Even though she just blew me up and was kicking me while I was down...." My jaw tightened, and I took a deep breath though my nose. I was pissed.

"Believe me, I wanted to."

"Ahh..." He said, and stayed quiet for a while. Damn it, we can't get depressed.

"Look, we need to figure out how to break this spell, no one should ever be a slave." Saito looked at me, and his face hardened.

"Right, we have to escape." He declared in a hushed tone.

"Not yet. If I am right, then they used mind altering magic to get you into the portal. Chances are that kiss did something with our heads...if we try to leave, there is a chance that the spell will make us want to stay." I commented, and Saito grit his teeth in anger.

"Damn it...this isn't going to be easy, is it?" He muttered, and I shook my head.

"Let's first try to even the score...we should try to learn magic." He got a surprised look on his face, and I explained it to him.

"At this point anything will help...but unless there is a library or a school nearby, I don't think we are going to have much luck."

"Can we even learn magic?" Saito asked, and I shrugged.

"Doubt it, but it's worth the shot." Saito nodded his head, and stayed silent as we explored the castle.

We found a supply closet with books and a small collection of what looked like wands, and a collection of hand written books....they must have been expensive.

I left them be for the moment, deciding to learn more before doing something stupid.

Thankfully, there were some high end clothes in here that looked like uniforms.

I mismatched, taking the butlers black pants, the waiters white shirt, and a black cloak. This would do for the moment. I tore off the lower half of the legs, now that I was doing without.

"Take a cloak. Right now you stand out too much...we can put your hoodie in my backpack when we get back to that girls room...what do you have?" I asked and Saito shook his head.

"What do you mean?" He asked, and I refrained from face palming.

"What do you have with you from our world?" I clarified, and he dug though his pockets.

"Let's see....Wallet, phone, keys...and some spare change." I frowned, but thought about it.

While I did change my clothes, my pants were only minor damaged...but my shirt was already destroyed. I took everything out of the pockets and did a minor inventory.

A pocket knife, a minor leathermen multitool, a pen, a notebook, my cell phone, I-pod nano on a wristband, my actual watch on my wrist, wallet, keys, some change, and a pair of headphones. I showed him, and he was surprised at how much I carried.

"Force of habit, anyway, I have more stuff in my backpack...I was buying stuff for people back home who gave me money to buy them." I said, and Saito nodded his head in understanding.

"Grab a pair of pants and a shirt, you are going to need to change clothes every now and then. Lets get back to that room before she thinks we ran away."

"Not like we would get very far." Saito muttered while picking me up.

"Less then an hour and already cripple jokes..."
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OK, I edited because I realized a fatal flaw in the story, I somehow had half of the post be from before I had the main character lose his legs.

I fixed it for the most part.
i really hope this is a story that doesn't die, it's well written and i like the main character, none of that dense overly-forgiving protagonist bullshit
Did the portal cut off his legs? I'm pretty sure that's what happened but I'd like confirmation.
Jesus Christ an even worse start then Poes. How the fuck do you manage that?
Well, I noticed my name was tagged, came to see the hubbub.

Some writing tips, if you're willing to hear:
1: Don't start your next paragraph with the same letter as the previous. When every paragraph starts with "I", it is aesthetically displeasing. No two paragraphs should start with the same letter in a row.

2: Paragraphs for a story like this should appear longer. In your Word doc or in Google doc, paragraphs tend to look longer than they appear. Always write out at least three sentences a paragraph until you get a feel for how long sentences actually are in a forum format like on SV.

3: Don't be afraid to use Italics or Bold for emphasis. Likewise, the exclamation point can be your friend. You can turn a simple greeting into someone shouting an incredible distance. Also, don't be afraid to use ellipses to indicate a pause in your thoughts or the narrative.

For example:

You can turn this into...
So... We were slaves.
Suddenly, your internal voice becomes much more angry doesn't it?

This has been "Helpful Tips" with @Ars Poetica, Have a nice day! :)
Well, I noticed my name was tagged, came to see the hubbub.

Some writing tips, if you're willing to hear:
1: Don't start your next paragraph with the same letter as the previous. When every paragraph starts with "I", it is aesthetically displeasing. No two paragraphs should start with the same letter in a row.

2: Paragraphs for a story like this should appear longer. In your Word doc or in Google doc, paragraphs tend to look longer than they appear. Always write out at least three sentences a paragraph until you get a feel for how long sentences actually are in a forum format like on SV.

3: Don't be afraid to use Italics or Bold for emphasis. Likewise, the exclamation point can be your friend. You can turn a simple greeting into someone shouting an incredible distance. Also, don't be afraid to use ellipses to indicate a pause in your thoughts or the narrative.

For example:

You can turn this into...

Suddenly, your internal voice becomes much more angry doesn't it?

This has been "Helpful Tips" with @Ars Poetica, Have a nice day! :)

Hummm, I think I am going to go back and work on the chapter, and then refine the next one. (I already wrote most of it.)

Thank you for the advice!

Edit: Ok, edited. I think I will go back again when I have more time, but I followed most of your advice.
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This is intriguing. Watched.

Also just noticed there's invisitext in the "worlds visited" spoiler. Hmm...
This intrigues me. the chapter length was nice, not too long and not too short. also its an interesting premise, an SI with a big and recent disability in basically medieval world.
Second Accident
She was not happy, none of us were. But when I asked her to teach us the customs of her people, she was happy to do so, if only to smear the lack of knowledge in our faces. She even pulled out her textbooks, which Saito could read, but I could not. I would have to teach myself the language, it was hard enough just understanding them speak.

It looked like there was a class system, normals and nobles. Old time Europe with magic. Nobles could learn magic, but the common folk learning magic is illegal. We learned about some of the laws, about the local religion, and the kingdoms.

Soon enough, it was time to go to bed for the girl who still has not introduced herself. I grunted in annoyance and she started undressing.

"No." I snapped, and she paused, and glared at me

"What?" She asked, and I shook my head at her while giving her a 'Are you serious' look.

"Have you no modesty? I'm a fully grown man, and you have a teenage boy right here!"

"So what? You two are my Familiars."

"We are still human beings." I explained.

"Less then a dog at this point." She said, continuing.

"Saito, let's leave the room so she can get ready." i said, and Saito rapidly nodded his head glad to be able to leave the room when things were getting so awkward. Poor boy was trying pretty hard not to look.

"Let us know when you are done." I said as Saito closed the door, and I asked him to let me down. I sat down on the floor, and looked at my stumps.

I lost my legs, and I am a slave. I had to do something about both. I will have to make some prosthetic legs, maybe with magical help.

A tall, tan, busty women in a skimpy nightgown walked up to us, and Saito was freaking out.

"Oh? Is it Louise's Familiars?" She asked with a bit of humor.

" that must be her name...." I muttered, and the girl looked surprised.

"She never told you her name?" I quirked an eyebrow, and asked the obvious question.

"Quite frankly I don't care." I stated, wiggling my phantom legs, of course nothing moved, but the habit was hard to kick...


Fucking puns, the best ones are the ones you don't say out loud.

If I still had my legs, I would have guessed that I was about a half foot taller then her. On further inspection, she had long red hair, and had a large red lizard following her that breathed fire. Saito was too busy trying not to stare at her breasts that he didn't notice the Giant Lizard in the room. I I stared at the lizard, more interested in it then the woman in front of me.

"Oh? Would you like to know mine?" She asked with a sly tone.

"I'll pass, don't think I could stand it right now." I joked, giving my legs a little shake, and she just stared at me in disbelief.

"Did you...just make a cripple joke?" She asked, and I nodded my head. Well, I guess that just killed the mood, in which case mission success?

"You are ok with that?"

"Yeah, as long as it's a joke and not a taunt I have no issue with it."

"Oh? Because I know a few jokes if you would like to here them..." She looked like she was about to get closer when I continued speaking. "This guy over here is more curious." I said, gesturing to Saito. She looked him over, and she grinned.

"He's exotic...and completely inexperienced..." I trailed off, and I swore she had a fire in her eye.

"Oh? A virgin?" She asked in delight.

"Go get er'." I told Saito, pushing him forward, his face landing right into her boobs. I swear he landed there purposely, because that was too perfect of a landing spot as she hugged him to dig his face deeper in- And I am going to look away now. That Lizard was still pretty awesome.

Yes, I am using this poor young guy to avoid becoming a pedophile, sue me. Besides, the kid needed to lighten up a little.

She giggled, and dragged him into her room.

Louise opened the door, and looked outside as he door closed most of the way.

"Where did Saito go?" She asked, and I gestured to the room they just entered.

"He's making friends with the natives." I joked, and she got a pissed off look on her face and started marching over there.

"woahwoahwoah, hold on a second." I said, trying to get up, but falling on my face. She paused, and glared at me.

"WHY!" she yelled, and I said the first thing that came to mind.

"They are having sex." I stated bluntly, and she blushed.

"All the more reason to stop them!" she said tightly, and tried to continue.

"Why?" I asked, and she huffed.

"My family has a blood feud with that bimbo's family." She said, and my brain stopped.

"Let me go stop it, ok? We had no idea, and it's not his fault." She paused, and growled.

"You have one minute." She stated, and I paused.

"Fifty nine...Fifty eight..." I dragged myself to the door and pushed it open, she didn't even bother to close her door all the way.

There they were, Saito trying to keep his clothes on while she was doing her best to seduce him.

"Good job at resisting temptation, we gotta go." I said, and Saito ran over to me and let me climb onto his back. Saito was already out the door, and I was doing my best to ignore the voice behind me. Thankfully I stopped understanding her when I stopped focusing on her, half assed spells worked wonders like that. Dear god, this was going to be an issue all the time, wasn't it?

"Good news, they didn't have sex." I said, and Louise sighed with relief. I listened to her as she told Saito a more in-depth history behind the two families hating each other.

"Is she a threat?" I asked, looking at the door.

"What do you mean?" Louise asked.

"Is she going to attack us." A hostile magic user would be impossible to fight if they had an imagination...

"Not a chance, we are at school." Louise said with confidence.

"Alright, so this is a school." I said, and Saito looked happy.

"Why are you two smiling..." She asked, looking suspicious.

"I want to learn magic." I stated, and she laughed.

"Only nobles can learn magic legally." She said, dismissing the idea.

"I am a noble." I stated, and she paused.

"What?" both Saito and Louise asked, and I nodded my head.

"I would have to show you my family tree, I have it on my computer, but my family came from wealth, owned property, and ruled cities. If there were nobles in my time period, I would count as one." I stated, and Louise looked confused.

"If there were nobles?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

"For the most part Nobles either gave up power willingly, or were stuck down by the people. There are no kings in my nation, only elected officials and the people they represent. Even the homeless man has an equal vote to the would-be noble..."

"I your family gave up it's noble heritage to do this?" She asked, and I frowned.

"Some did, some had it taken away by force...the common folk possess a strength far greater then magic or money." I said, and she looked at me in confusion.

"Numbers. They can overwhelm the most powerful of people, eventually they will win if they believe in the cause."

"I see..." She said, nodding her head. "Tomorrow we can go to the headmaster and talk to him about it. I'm sure he will let you learn, if you can prove your claim and can afford it." I winced at the money part, but I should be able to work it out.

"What about me?" Saito asked, and she just looked at him.

"Are you a noble?"

"Humm...he might have a bit of samurai blood in him." I said, glancing at him.

"I...don't know." He stated, and Louise shook her head.

"You need proof." She stated, and he slouched.

"Cheer up Saito, those runes on your hand gotta mean something." I said, glancing at my own hand with the lack thereof runes. Saito looked up at me in confusion.

"What about the ones on you?" He asked, and i stared at him.

'What are you talking about?" I asked, and he pointed at his forehead.


NO. This was NOT happening.

I touched my forehead, and felt the groves, I was branded...Branded.

I took a deep breath, and grabbed my torn up shirt.

It was a deep green color, with reddish-brown spots from my blood. I tore some of it off and wrapped it around my forehead and tying it off. I dragged myself over to a corner of the room, and sat down.

"Get some sleep." I told the two kids, and they nodded their heads. seems like they started looking towards me. With Louise thinking of me as an equal, and Saito being in the same situation as me, and my being older then both of them...

'Well, it was better then what it was going to be a little while ago.' I muse as I look at the straw.

I dismissed the thought, and just closed my eyes and listened while the two kids tried to go to sleep.

Noisy little fucks.


I only needed about five hours of sleep, so i was wide awake and looking at the night sky, and my laptop.

It was official, I wasn't in Kansas anymore.

I sighed. The stars were different...I checked several locations in Europe, Africa, South and South America, Asia, Australia, Hawaii, and even the North and south poles. There was no denying it, I was in another world and had to figure out dimensional magics in order to get back home.

I took stock of everything I had, this was a good start.

I was doing some shopping when I jumped, and I was glad I did.

I had My Laptop, my tablet, one hand crank/solar recharging units for common household electronics, while it would take me forever to recharge my stuff, at least I could.... Akihabara sold everything.

I had a pair of cat ears that read brainwaves, I had some adult and normal anime and manga, I had my pepper spray, and I had some candy.

A had two yukata's and two kimonos, and that was about it. If only I had a gun...

I dismissed the thought, and browsed by anime collection.

One title stuck out to me....

Familiar of Zero.

I watched the first episode with my earbuds, and I took a deep breath.

I was not from Saito's world. Either I jumped to Saito's world, or Saito jumped into mine right before the portal opened.

Something happened, I was not meant to be here. Saito was meant to be a slave as a harem comedy protagonist.

I looked at the two, and watched the next episode.

How could I not remember any of this? Looking around on my computer I mention it a few times in some of my works....

I shut down my laptop, and stared at Saito. He was a master of any weapon huh?

And he fainted because that was the first time he ever used that power huh?

Time to fix this. I grabbed my Pocket knife and pepper spray, and sighed.

I dragged myself over to Saito, and shook him awake.

"Saito...wake up."

"Huh? what is it?" He asked me, and I shook my head.

"I figured out what your runes do, bring me outside." His eyes shot open, and he silently nodded his head.

I climbed on his back, and we went out.

There was no one outside thankfully.

"Set me down." I ordered, and he did. I got out my pepper spray, and knife.

"What are we doing?" he asked, and i tossed him the pocket knife.

As expected, his runes started to glow.

"Dodge my sprays and disarm me." I said, and sprayed him with the pepper spray. He got a bunch in the eyes, and I winced. That sucked.

With his eyes closed though, he started dodging my sprays and threw the knife at me.

I panicked for a moment, but the pepper spray was knocked out of my hands and the knife safely on the ground next to me.

"That...that was..." And Saito fainted.

Fuck. He fainted.

I grumbled as I grabbed him and dragged him to the building with the pepper spray and knife. I only had three sprays left in it if I counted correctly.

Now came the interesting part. Getting him up the stairs.

It took a while, several hours infact, but I managed by sunrise. I got him back where he was originally sleeping, and sighed. He should be out of it for three days going off the second episode...then again, he was injured pretty badly and used up a lot more energy last time.

Oh well, only time will tell.


I might go back and fix this, i kinda rushed the ending there.
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Alright unless something new comes before Guiche vs Saito fight that by giving him a early power that he curbstomps Guiche via Gandarlf or he pulls something big unseen on canon against Saito in accordance to threat level. The Harem Protagonist should be good to go.
I am working out to join the marine corps, and Saito is only about 120 pounds.

I also had it take several hours to get him up there.

Edit: well, I have already sworn in, but waiting to go to basic training.
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I've been on a FoZ binge for the past couple of days over on The quality is... questionable, at best, for most of them, though there are as always a few gems, so it's nice to see a well-written piece.

Forehead runes are... the one with the really long name, I think? The one that can use magic items. Can't quite remember. I'll have to look it up.

EDIT: Yep. Myozunitonirun, the Mind of God, capable of using (making?) any magical artefact.
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You might want a Beta, someone to give this a glance before you post. There are various tiny errors I keep noticing... If you'd like the help, I'd be willing to offer.