Abstergo Bay (Worm/Assassin's Creed)

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I have found something resembling Zaki's armour.
That Dragon made. Cause Dragon likes helping. She's basically a big puppy, but, you know, an AI.
{Honestly, I have writer's block on the next actual post. So have something about your armor instead. This should address Night_stalker's stated concerns, and I'm not even using Tinkertech to do it! Mostly.}

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Topic: Asking for Input
In: Boards ► Creative (General) ► Armor

Armory (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Posted on February 22nd, 2011:

I know I'm sort-of famous on this board for what I make, but I'm having a little trouble with this concept.

So a friend of mine, whose name shall remain a secret, sent me a request to design modern-day assassin armor. Sort of. It's supposed to be like a female Garrett, from that Aleph game Thief. Standard impact-dispersal gel in the plates, Stygian blue coloring (somehow), and slightly looser sleeves.

This is what I've got so far.

EDIT: Thanks to Day_Hunter, updated. Breastplate removed.
Honestly, with the Tinkertech gel I use (as does basically everyone else in Toybox) your concerns are invalidated. The armor pushes back slightly, hits the gel, and the force is spread through the gel instead of focused on any one point. Basically allowing for more definitive silhouette changes and full protection from broken bones. But as multiple people pointed out, including the client, it does look a bit silly.

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► Sentimental_Boy

Replied on February 22nd, 2011:
I'm not sure how you're supposed to make it Stygian blue. Isn't that a negative color or something?
Anyway, maybe try just dark colors in general, outside of black.

► SiftingSand (Verified Cape)
Replied on February 22nd, 2011:
The belts and stuff stand out too much. Either dye them or the armor, but they need to be closer to the same color. Really light brown on black? Seriously?

► Fedora
Replied on February 22nd, 2011:
Build the facemask in. Also, try making it filter the air. That way your client won't breathe in anything toxic while wearing it.
I know there was at least one Tinker who made cloth into gas masks, and he was in Toybox.

► Armory (Verified Cape)
Replied on February 22nd, 2011:
@Sands: I can dye the belts easily.
@Fedora: I know who you're talking about, but she's not exactly... friendly... towards me. More like glacier-cold. I can but try.

Private message from InACave:
The Assassins like you, even after that stunt.
They don't want to recruit you directly, though.
I, personally, want to see you survive the Templars. So I asked an old friend to make up a set of armor for you
You don't have to accept. If you do want it and you want anything specific in the design, tell me, and just ignore Armory's thread on PHO.
I could also supply your group with the same equipment I provide to the Assassins. Generally, computers and comm systems using encryption created by Andrew Richter, as well as smoke bombs and containment foam grenades.​

[] Armory's design
-[] Modifications?
[] New design
- What?
[] Decline Armor
[] Accept Dragon Supply Drops
[] Decline

Last edited:
Sorry I didn't notice the edit earlier. :(

To be clear... this particular one is a single-choice-only vote, right?

[x] Accept Dragon Supply Drops
Sorry I didn't notice the edit earlier. :(

To be clear... this particular one is a single-choice-only vote, right?

[x] Accept Dragon Supply Drops
See how the last post was over a month ago? The quest is considered dead - in general, try not to post in threads that have over two weeks between responses. Necroing is frowned upon.
Me thinks its should be fine since there are NO VOTES

[X] Accept Dragon Supply Drops
Hum, fair enough.
[x] Accept Dragon Supply Drops
@wdango : Remember how you tried to push LtGB to the Assassin's Creed cross?
See how the last post was over a month ago? The quest is considered dead - in general, try not to post in threads that have over two weeks between responses. Necroing is frowned upon.

This quest wasn't dead, necessarily. I actually had something written up for it about two weeks ago, but I got evicted.
I'll see if I can remember what it was.

...To be clear... this particular one is a single-choice-only vote, right?

Dragon Supply Drops is a side quest, like the Templar Keys. Instead of keys, you get parts and/or plans, as well as single-use items. And you can collect the supply crates whenever you want, including during missions.Also, collecting them all originally would've been an achievement but I never implemented those.

"[] Armory's design
-[] Modifications?
[] New design
- What?
[] Decline Armor"

is a separate vote.
Last edited:
Huh, OK. I don't have any good ideas for the armour, though.

[X] Armory's design
{This was originally about 'Vega', the name Chris heard on the phone but didn't know. Then I lost my house and job, and I've just recently gotten back into writing. Also, a new job as of tomorrow. So for now, it sort of drifts between viewpoints and targets. I'll try to rewrite it for coherency at a later date.}

Brockton Bay, 1955
The Phantom's Club

She sits near the stage, at a table with a full view of the room. The Phantom himself is not in the room tonight, but his lieutenant, a relative unknown by the name Auditore, is sitting with the mayor. Across the room, one table draws her attention. She recognizes the men sitting at the table. One of them, del Vega, was seen beating his son the week before, shouting about "the Templar way," as his neighbours reported. The others are highly regarded men of the cloth. All in the Mob's pocket, of course.

Her drinking partner sits and tilts a drink her way. "Hey, leave work at work. We can deal with them after," he murmurs. She nods and throws her drink back, fingering the knife in her lap. He pulls her hands up. "I know they paid you well, but you have no need to attack him now."

The Docks

"Hebert, I know they paid you to hit Galloway, but this..." The man wipes his brow. His guest, Hebert, nods solemnly. They watch as the Galloway family mourn their lost father.

Hebert turns to the other. "I know what I did. I know what he did, as well. Men like him are a stain on our great country, and I will not stand by idle whilst the law lets them free to kill who they please."

The man sighs and lowers his hat. "It is, unfortunately, a part of life, son. You'll have to get used to it."

Hebert grinds out, "Never."

Aboard the ship Altair I
Off the Coast of Massachusetts

"He was a good man." The captain tips his hat. One of his men storms up to him.

"He was a Templar!" The man spits on the body. Before he can do more, the captain pulls him back.

"Nevertheless, a good man. The world is not so black and white, young Johnstone. The organization is evil, yes, but its men may still be good. Some can even be redeemed." The captain walks to the rear of the ship, hauling open the door to the bridge. "Call me, when we reach England."

Johnstone spits on the boy again, before stomping down to the lower decks.

The ship sails away, leaving the body of Jonathan Arden floating in the sea.
{I decided that I've been ignoring the Pieces for too long.}

You've been locked in your apartment for the last three days. The first day the news was blaming you - rightfully - for the massive explosion at Abstergo's offices. Today, Adler, a private detective, has completed her investigation. You're sitting on the floor staring at the broadcast.

"Despite Abstergo Industries initially pointing the finger at a suspected parahuman by the name of Aetos, I have discovered evidence that points to a gas leak in the office of Jane Birkham. Ms. Birkham was the head of Abstergo Industries' Brockton Bay offices, and a rather heavy smoker. This, combined with the gas leak in her office, led to the explosion on the 20th. Aetos may or may not exist, but there is no evidence supporting Abstergo's initial conclusion. This was simply a catastrophic accident. That is all."

You smile in satisfaction, looking away from the television to the laptop in front of you.

► Private message to InACave
Should I be thanking you for Adler's findings?
It seems rather sudden, you offering your help and a detective finding me innocent.
I accept your offer of supplies, however at this time I have no strong feelings towards armour.
With the message sent, you set the laptop on a table and fall onto the couch.

An hour or so before night falls, you see a helicopter pass over the city. Gliding slowly across the cityscape, it drops boxes onto the roofs of several buildings. Each box has its own parachute, and falls safely into the city. You watch each box fall, one by one, counting 25. You wonder what they are.

With nothing left to do, you sit cross-legged on your bed to meditate.

You see before you a room. In this room, there are pedestals, each holding one item. One piece of a larger puzzle.

You see a staff. Upon touching it, you understand that it can generate illusions and make its wielder invisible. In combination with another piece of the puzzle, it can control any human being who is not touched by another source of power.

You see a sceptre, and you know that it makes its wielder inhumanly charismatic: a great leader of men.

You see a crystal ball, capable of granting insight into the designs of the civilization that created the puzzle.

You see a skull. A single drop of blood can show you where that person is and what they are doing at any time. With a more complex network, the skull would allow communication across any distance, or send recorded messages to facilitate video transference.

You see an ankh. Its wielder can resurrect the dead and heal any wound.

You see, finally, an apple. You understand that it will control the mind of any human unaffected by another piece of the puzzle or any other source of power. It fits perfectly within the staff.

You have a choice. You can claim one of these pieces for yourself, or you can reject them all.
[] Your choice
[X] Staff

I was thinking about this quest the other day, and next time we can have Chris build us something, we should see if he could make us an entirely new weapon system. Some sort of pistol like base that can hot swap parts like stocks, scopes, barrels, and calibers using a modular base and parts.

TL;DR We should have Chris build us an AR-15, but awesomer.
Actually getting any PoE will require you leaving Brockton Bay. Except for one, but it's just a rock with some words on it that no one has translated.

...We should have Chris build us an AR-15, but awesomer.

Chris' response: "You already have a gun. Too many weapons and you'll start clinking every time you walk. They'll notice that. Sorry, not happening."

Unlike video games, where you could walk around with every weapon ever and still be stealthy/free-run, your enemies have ears. And they work.
Also, Chris can't make any tinkertech that would stop the noise of a weapon's movement, and Armory won't be finished with your armor until at least December. It's just the end of February.
It was more that I thought it might be a good Idea to replace our pistol with something that could fulfill a wider variety of roles, from what I remember we tend to get caught in situations where a bit more firepower could be very useful.
It was more that I thought it might be a good Idea to replace our pistol with something that could fulfill a wider variety of roles, from what I remember we tend to get caught in situations where a bit more firepower could be very useful.
But with what?

Pistol offers concealability, easy to carry, versatile, and easy to replace if lost.
The problem is that it lacks range, firepower, and versatility. The type of setup we currently have for our pistol is that of a close range, precision weapon. The silencer reduces the velocity and therefore power of each shot we make, we lack the capability to reach out and get someone if needed. That's why I think that some sort of modular system that we could adapt to the situation would be better than a pistol.
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