A World of Rules (OOC)


A Perky Goth Chick with ice in her veins.
Spokane Valley, Washington
Welcome to her thread about a faerie queen's brutal system of laws that traps anybody who disagrees into its disappearing confines (Credit to Mommy and the D&D book, the queendom disappears every afternoon and reappears every morning). Premise of the game is that each of you is a criminal base on a ruling she made. And you all start out imprisoned in her jail system inside one of her multiple "summer homes." You will get beyond this place if you survive and move onto the city where the castle resides, then to other locales, such as a graveyard and the sea, where you will meet civilizations of islanders.

Here's the char sheet:

Profession: (Professions are like fantasy jobs in D&D like fighter or mage, tho they also represent someting tied to your goals or personality, why else would you choose those professions?)
Notable Equipment:
Background: (Can be as big or as small as you wanna).

Here are some rules for players to follow:

1. Try to avoid making a character who is 'perfectly innocent.' Even tho the ruler is cray cray, we must remember that nobody would be imprisoned for being 'too good or too innocent/pure.'

2. Players who demonstrate troublemaking tendencies or who she (me) feels are disrupting the game gonna get warnings, then we shall talk with the other players, if it is agreed you be removed.

3. The tone of the game is darkish with themes of redemption despite your past crimes.

Basically this game is set in a medieval kinda fantasy world. Very similar to D&D or Lord of the Rings. The 'might makes right' rule is in force in the faerie queen's lands. Other places may have very different cultures.

Here is my char:

Name: Lucindrah.
Appearance: Lucindrah has purplish black scaly skin. She has horns that curve over her ears and behind her head to wicked points. She has fangs and clawed fingernails and toenails. Luci is a bit taller than most human females and has a long prehensile tail. Her build is slight tho she has some muscle after being forced to do labor by her former owners. She has visible 'spikes' coming from points on her spine, which she keeps concealed beneath her clothes. Her eyes are bluish-purple and her hair is long on one side and cut off to just below her ears on the other.
Profession: Priestess of Kallistra (Kallistra is a demonic goddess of pain who preaches that you can overcome any physical wound or illness thru offering yourself up to her. Since in this land magic is real her claims may just be true. Priestesses of Kallistra have healed the ill from terminal illnesses and people with multiple missing limbs find relief from their pain. That said they are often slaves, since their powers are seen as anathema to the natural rules of the society in which they come from, where you must physically and emotionally recover on your own or with medicine.)
Notable Equipment: She carries two daggers enchanted with poison that doesn't go away, which makes bleeding wounds bleed more.
Background: Lucindrah was born into a large family. They sold her into slavery when she was young. Her tasks mostly had to do with entertaining her Masters and Mistresses until she became old enough for physical labor. They set her to work outside or cleaning up large messes inside or from their animals. She became disgusted with the idea that other girls like her had to be force to work against their will, she felt like she needed these people, and did nothing for a time.

When she saw a girl being beaten almost to death she stepped in and fought back, grievously wounding the man, and was then jailed for resisting her Master.

Hope anybody wanna join.

Here's the IC thread for you girls and guys~ A World of Rules (IC) - IC
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Johnny, Lost by a Storm
Name: Johnny
A fairly well-built and large man, John has blue scaly skin like that of a fish and has webbed feet and hands. He also has similar webbed material between his armpits, but besides that, he has quite a few scars on his face hand body, as well as a tail like one of those 'Mermaids' but instead of it being for feet, it's just sticking out above of his arse and is smaller in comparison.

He also has gills, both along the sides of his cheek and his chest but can breath fresh air fine through his mouth as normal, if not without a bit of discomfort. His teeth are also jagged like a beast of the Deep, but at least can keep his mouth closed without stabbing himself. Does give him a very creepy grin though. He has black sclera and white irises though, which help see in the dark, and has a second transparent set of eyelids to help him deal with seeing during the rare times the sun is visible.
Profession: Paladin of Okeanos (While his title may be 'Paladin'...most if not every Priestess, Paladins, or even gods of the seas know Okeanos and his worshippers are just ruthless Pirates of the Storm. They take pride in handling any threat the seas could dish out, and even becoming one of those threats as well. Out in those deeps, nobody knows your sins and nobody knows your fate after going through one of his storms. Not even Okeanos himself.

He grants the strong who ride the waves his blessings of 'Treacherous Weather'...Yes, his blessing is basically 'HAVE A STORM ON ME BOYS!' more often than not. It's for this reason most people don't worship him at all, but those who do, are either some of the toughest beasts who instead of just trying to survive the storm, they THRIVE, picking those unfortunate enough to get caught in with their blessings as well. And few rarely survive, on both the Worshipers and Preys' sides.)

Notable Equipment: Two large scimitars, with saw-like blades, made to bite into their target and tear into them
John is what most would call an Orphan at young. Most would usually just die off young and nobody would bat an eye in the coastal towns. Too bad he didn't, because instead he was found and brought into the Religious Pirate Fleet, Okeanos' Beast after they raided the town. He was mostly worked to the bone cleaning and being taught by the crew to best manage the ship, and when they found him to be the most favored by Okeanos, they taught him how to pay respects to the god. By being the strongest and being the toughest just to survive the suffering that is 'Being favored by Okeanos'.

Eventually, he became what is effectively the equivalent to a Pope for Okeanos...which is bad. Holy hell was it bad. They thought they saw Okeanos' Blessing before, but they never had seen 'Okeanos' Miracle'.

Putting it simply, Okeanos' Beast's main fleet and Captain vanished after a monstrous storm that many nearby say was like that of a God's Full Angry Might...which isn't wrong so to the say at least, but now John was stranded in this place.

(I be the Pirate here, prepare for a lot more unfortunate weather 'round here now :V)
How does this char contribute positively to the game if his religion tell him to just do whatevs he wanna to anybody? Sound like tons and tons of trouble waiting to happen. Like, Luci wouldn't do wevs she feels she wanna do, that would be counterproductive to forming... y'know... a party? If you can explain you in, @Noob5674
How does this char contribute positively to the game if his religion tell him to just do whatevs he wanna to anybody? Sound like tons and tons of trouble waiting to happen. Like, Luci wouldn't do wevs she feels she wanna do, that would be counterproductive to forming... y'know... a party? If you can explain you in, @Noob5674
Well, to put it bluntly...I don't quite think Johnny is very religious after the whole 'being stranded after the god I respected sending a storm like that of his own power manifested, STRAIGHT AT MY FLEET'.

He's most definitely gonna try to redeem himself but basically will absolutely hate Okeanos in every form. Because while his fleet and crew did make use of and give respects to him, they never did worship him devoutly. They were pirates after all, more connected with each other than to Okeanos honestly, and having all of that destroyed due to them succeeding to use Okeanos' Blessing to thrive...

That can crush a man's desire to continue paying his respects. Not that the separate parts of his own fleet would understand of such thoughts of his...nor will Okeanos see such hate with as much hate either. (He does not respect those who bow, he respects those who thrive in the harsh conditions his storms bring, and if hating him will bring more to thrive, then good)
Noob5674 said:
Well, to put it bluntly...I don't quite think Johnny is very religious after the whole 'being stranded after the god I respected sending a storm like that of his own power manifested, STRAIGHT AT MY FLEET'.

He's most definitely gonna try to redeem himself but basically will absolutely hate Okeanos in every form. Because while his fleet and crew did make use of and give respects to him, they never did worship him devoutly. They were pirates after all, more connected with each other than to Okeanos honestly, and having all of that destroyed due to them succeeding to use Okeanos' Blessing to thrive...

That can crush a man's desire to continue paying his respects. Not that the separate parts of his own fleet would understand of such thoughts of his...nor will Okeanos see such hate with as much hate either. (He does not respect those who bow, he respects those who thrive in the harsh conditions his storms bring, and if hating him will bring more to thrive, then good)
So what was he imprisoned for by the faerie queen or is he gonna be outside the jail helping the convicts escape somehow? Either way looking good.
So what was he imprisoned for by the faerie queen or is he gonna be outside the jail helping the convicts escape somehow? Either way looking good.
Most likely...either his crew did something and framed/left him to be imprisoned,

Or he ended up doing something out of habit that ended up putting him into jail.
Leonard Thompson, a Roguish Guitarist
Name: Leonard Thompson

Appearance: He looks like the average man, standing at 5'11' with black hair brown eyes and light skin, his clothing is a cloak and some simple leather armor. light enough for him to do his job. He has a Guitar strapped to his back.

Profession: The Bard/Rogue: A Bard by day and a Thief by Night his two jobs are simple, the first as bard, he sings to inspire others, for money, or for his own amusement, and the second as a Rogue he well, sneaks in and out of places, steals stuff, and unlocks doors. Nothing more to be said.

Notable Equipment: Lock picks, 2 Small daggers, A Guitar, and a small Crossbow

Background: Leo was an orphan, one who before he found his talent for playing the guitar, and preforming for money, he spent his days pick pocketing and scavenging for whatever he could to get by. It wasn't until he saw another Bard panhandle for money did the idea even occur to him, upon approaching the bard, and asking him about what he was doing and if he could so what he did, the Bard offered to teach him how to play, which he took it upon himself to learn. so cut to the present where he knows how to play, how to pickpocket to a better degree than he used to.

How's this? I'm unsure about the background, but I think i got the rest right. Also if you have any idea on how to improve said Background I'll take it.
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Name: Leonard Thompson

Appearance: He looks like the average man, standing at 5'11' with black hair brown eyes and light skin, his clothing is a cloak and some simple leather armor. light enough for him to do his job. He has a Guitar strapped to his back.

Profession: The Bard/Rogue: A Bard by day and a Thief by Night his two jobs are simple, the first as bard, he sings to inspire others, for money, or for his own amusement, and the second as a Rogue he well, sneaks in and out of places, steals stuff, and unlocks doors. Nothing more to be said.

Notable Equipment: Lock picks, 2 Small daggers, A Guitar, and a small Crossbow

Background: Leo was an orphan, one who before he found his talent for playing the guitar, and preforming for money, he spent his days pick pocketing and scavenging for whatever he could to get by. It wasn't until he saw another Bard panhandle for money did the idea even occur to him, upon approaching the bard, and asking him about what he was doing and if he could so what he did, the Bard offered to teach him how to play, which he took it upon himself to learn. so cut to the present where he knows how to play, how to pickpocket to a better degree than he used to, and that he lives under a crappy ruler.

How's this? I'm unsure about the background, but I think i got the rest right. Also if you have any idea on how to improve said Background I'll take it.
There isn't really a need to insert the line about a 'crappy ruler' tho yes, she would jail you for pickpocketing and panhandling if you receive a large enough amount of goods, the background is pretty solid.

We got enough to start the game, will do wen she got a moment.
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So sorry about posting after like every post you guys make, she just has nothing better to really do all day, would you like her to wait longer between posts or is it fine meow?
Tis fine, I understand that feeling.
Your char is pretty good at fighting. Except please remember that the bugs' bites may have left him sick and not all the automatons are gonna go down so easy. Some of them can override the 'don't kill programming' if he provide a stronger threat.

and to @MedievalParadox please don't push the party away because of what the suicidal girl says. Pleasey.
Your char is pretty good at fighting. Except please remember that the bugs' bites may have left him sick and not all the automatons are gonna go down so easy. Some of them can override the 'don't kill programming' if he provide a stronger threat.
I know that automatons aren't gonna all be easy pickings. Didn't quite think about the bug poison tho
I know that automatons aren't gonna all be easy pickings. Didn't quite think about the bug poison tho
Thank you. It's always nice that somebody carefully considers the threats down here. And the poison can be slowed down, tho not healed without medical treatment and well she'll read your post. Probably give Johnny some medicine to find somewhere if he can't cure it somehow.
I won't I'll just push the Suicidal girl away.
do you understand that your backstory had a flaw where he asks a panhandler/thief to teach him how to do that? it wouldn't work that way in real life. strangers wouldn't help you just because you asked. Suicidal girl doesn't care if he push her away. she was violently attack and stolen from, she hates thieves.
do you understand that your backstory had a flaw where he asks a panhandler/thief to teach him how to do that? it wouldn't work that way in real life. strangers wouldn't help you just because you asked. Suicidal girl doesn't care if he push her away. she was violently attack and stolen from, she hates thieves.

I mean I could make it so that the bard he learned from was part paladin, obligated to his code to help people by teaching them, but I do understand that something like that doesn't work that way in real life.