[X]Go to Evelyn house, she is adamant of her new friend visiting her, it seems weird that she would do so when you know her for such a little period of time... (Required roll: 10+ Rolled: 51)
You learn that Evelyn's house is more of an old castle than a house, a small one but a castle none the less. This is what you pictured when you decided you would with your father to a new country! She is really nice and a good host, you talk about school work and she becomes kinda fidgety when you question what does she want to do when she grows up, huh, weird.
Apart from that it
is a nice friend and you feel like connecting with her more, Evelyn is such a little thing after all.
+10 to your relationship with Evelyn, the shy girl really enjoys your company.
[X] Go play with the kids that live in the city of Avalon, maybe you could make friends before school starts? After all, it's only recently that you mastered the English language (Required roll: 60+ Rolled 56)
You want to go outside and play and find the perfect day for it, it's a nice sunny Saturday in Avalon,
which is really weird but you don't question it upon the possibility of meeting more people!
You take your stuff and start going outside, it's gonna be brilliant after all yo-
"Where are you going, young girl?" Your father's voice cut your thoughts
"E-ehm, I am going... outside?" Oh, now that you think of it, you didn't really ask permission for this.
"And you didn't tell me?"
"I was going to tell you!" The face of your father scrunches and he sighs.
"Get into the house, you need to ask permission if you want to go outside,
you understand me?"
"Y-yes dad"
"Good" There is nothing else you can do.
Rewards: Your dad is not mad, but disappointed, in Yamataian culture ignoring your parents or caretakers so blatantly is an utmost fault of respect. You may try this action again next turn with a necessary roll of 50+
[X] Get a hobby! There are many clubs in Hogwarts and you think you could join another club! But what does catch your fancy? (Required roll: 20+ Rolled 1 Natural Crit!) AN: Big F
---[X] Dueling
You ask your father if he can teach you the art of dueling, he enthusiastically agrees! Dueling is an important part of Yamatian culture, you and he prepare a room for you to practice. You are practically bouncing off the ground out of sheer excitement!
Then you try a simple spell he wants to teach you, its called
expelliarmus! You keep practicing the thing and its interesting.... until one-hour passes and you can't do anything. Then one more hour pass and your dad simply leaves the room, the other two-hour pass by and still nothing. It's so maddening! You feel so much raw power under your wand!
WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING! With one final push, you put all your might into the wand.
The last thing you see is the floor beneath you and your two legs craking in a horrible sound.
Rewards: Your house guest room floor and your legs are completely broken, congratulations!
Magical injury: You will not be able to walk for the next 3 months, enjoy! Some actions will be locked now.
[X] Try practicing some school work before the term starts, after all, you finally are 11 so you can use and own a wand without any problem! But, what subject do you practice? (Required roll: 30+ Rolled: 100 Natural Crit! 2nd Roll: 100 3rd Roll: 65) AN: What's going on with this dice?!?
---[X] Charms
The rest of the month you are pretty much isolated in your room, by the second day you are desperately bored and by the third one
you are dying. You want to do something by Amaterasu! So you do what any sane person would do, you try to stand up but your crippled legs disagree with you
strongly about your choice and you subsequently fall with a mighty thump towards your bookshelves, one book falls over, it's one of those useless books you tried reading last month... wWAIT! This book is actually in your native tongue! How did you miss this!
Your pale fingers trace alongside the book cover despite your hurting legs.
Objects as the object of magic, a charms grimoire. Your eyes open up like saucers! A grimoire! What is doing a grimoire here and not in your family vaults! With speed you never had before you take your body and the grimoire to your bed.
The last two weeks of the month are chaotic, you feel absorbed by the book, little stacks of notes regarding charm theory fill out your bed and desk, you even learned some charms of the Hogwarts curriculum and you somehow manage to learn a wordless spell! The summoning charm! This is so much fun!
A Charms Grimoire written by ????? during his/her lifetime.
Trait gained: Charms Prodigy +20 to all charms related rolls.
Spells learned:
Wingardium Leviosa The levitation charm
Gravibusa The weight modifier charm
Summoning Charm
AN: Rolls were ridiculous this turn, I am using rollthedice, if any of you know a better website please tell me

Jokes aside, seriously, what are the probabilities?!?!?