A Whole New World! (Multi-cross SI

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I have been hopping from world to world for as long as I can remember. I do not remember when it started, but I better enjoy what's left of it.
000: The Cycle Starts


B O N K !
Pound Town

My mind screamed to move and so I did. I sat up, disarrayed by the sudden movement. It feels as if I am energized compared to a typical morning that I am having.

There is one thing that made me feel different. I am not in any sort of bed. I came to the waking world with my face kissing the ground. My mind have shown the greatest illusions.

I am in the middle of a wide crossing.


or so the buildiing displays.

I pulled out my phone and I'm glad to see that it is the latest Android model of my time. I opened up my journal app and typed in my very first words, the start of my journey.

"First world, TWEWY"
Its a bit short to really say anything about this story at the moment. I hope later chapters will be much longer, but i do love these jumping from one story to the other fics.
001: It's a Wonderful World! (TWEWY)
The World Ends With You, a game made by Square Enix. A masterpiece that is rare in gaming genre. A battle arena-type gameplay and visual novel format for story telling, the setting made us players easy to relate to the characters inside the game. I don't know if I am right or wrong, but Neku will come by anytime soon. I don't really want to steal his waifu

CC ended his writing session when he felt something, like a ripple in a pond. Lo and behold, the carrot head is seven meters away from him, unaware of gain nor aware of loss.

He left Neku to his own devices. CC walked away from the post he is leaning on in order to stalk other players.

The rules of the world affects him. All of his abilities, though he don't remember much of it, turned into pins. Invisible is one of them.

Invisible: Concept of Normality, Just a Passerby. That is what theleftover memory told him.

Using the pin seems ineffective since players can see still see him. He sighed, knowing that the useless ability seems to sorrounds him with air of normality.

He walked by Hachiko and sat on one empty spot. More and more players comes popping up and only three of them are the ones he know. Shiki, Beat, Rhyme... Joshua?
He's walking towards me!
"Joshua isn't supposed to appear until the second chapter!" He thought.

"Yoh, intruder." Joshua, whose apparently have teleportation ability, greeted him face to face. That's right, Invisibility pin doesn't mean transparent.

"I can't panic, I have to do the most sensible thing in the world."

"You need a pact bro?" He asked Joshua.

"Okay maybe not the most sensible thing to say." He slapped his forehead because of his stupidity.

"Indeed. You know, for an intruder of this plane you're quiet polite. It's quiet rude to punch through a plane and act like it's nothing." Joshua said, like he knows everything.

He sure knows I arrived here but he doesn't know how.

"Sorry man. I mean, it's probably a forced transportation, something I didn't do." I said, scratching my head.

"What's your name, stranger?" He asked with a smile.

"Cobalt Conrad. I prefer to be called CC." He held out his hand for a handshake.

"I see. CC, is it? Very well—


"I heared a loud gunshot. I can't move. My head feels hollow. What..."

Down to the ground, the man named CC goes.

"I'm sorry CC, but nobody messes with my game." Joshua said as he turned to walk away from the body.

He stopped and looked to the sky. "I have to fix that hole." Joshua thought aloud. He sighed and took another look at the dead man.

Blank. Gone. Like there was no body in the first place. Like the man named CC didn't exist for single moment.

For CC, existence is not true.

"I don't know what happened there but whatever." Joshua sighs and left the scene. He have better things to do.

Cycle 1, End.
0.01: Fragments of Memories 1
Entry #001

I am Cobalt Conrad. Adopted son of Kischur Zelretch Schwienorg, or so I was told.

The first time I met him, he called me a problem child, telling me something about pubching a hole through the planes of something something. I do not know and he never got into details why I have been causing problems everytime I... jump? I have sworn to never jump again but all he did is slap forehead and telling me that I do not understand.

He seems very annoyed and frustrated with all the curld on his face. I know that even an old man can't frown that bad.

He said that he is a magicial vampire and he told me he will teach me tommorow! I am excited and nervous about the whole ordeal. I mean, a month of memories is all I have and a week later, he adopted me.

I would stop here. I must be full of energy for tommorow. I have to sleep early today. Good night.

This is CC, ending the night.
I decided to change POV into 3rd person. That way, the scope of the reader's ability to know what other characters think.
000: The Cycle Starts Anew

The mind screamed and the body obliged. Cobalt Conrad sat up, his mental state in disarray.

"Something feels different." He thought. Different, as in not waking up on the pavement laying on the ground like a d̤̘̖̝͇̻̿ͣͤ͢e͉̔̀̂͐̐͗a̞̦̯̫̥͎͓͝d̼̱̂̍ ̹͒̒ͥ͗͌͛͘m̹̥̭͈͂̈́͌͋ͦ͑a̭̹̺̭̯̱n̸̫̝̻̬̈́̐̇̌̇.

His bed made of grass, and everywhere west, east, north, south, trees.

Trees everywhere as far as his eyes can see.

"Ah shit here we go again." He stood up and walked to wherever his feet will take him. It's not like he have a compass and a map anyway. All he have is his trusty phone, which, hopefully, is filled with all the images he saved.

He raise a fist and shouted to the heavens. "Memelord CC is on the job!"


...a nevermore swooped down on him and carries him to his apparent death.

"What a great start." He sighes. The day he took the job is the day he signed his death certificate. "All I want is to mess with the timeline, dammit!"

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001: What A Coincidence! (RWBY)
It is I, Dio— I mean, CC. I am currently letting this pesky bird take me somewhere else other than a forest. I was lucky that I am able to slip off its talons and ride the back of this big bird. It seems that the grimm airlines is heading towards the same ruins if I am right.

Cobalt stopped typing and zipped his phone in his left jacket pocket. Left jacket pocket. Left jacket pocket. Bald John Travolta.

System error happens but whatever. The Great Memelord is currently waiting for his arrival the destination and hoping that the useless lesbian called Weiss will come flying in with jailbait junior.

"Haah. I really need to keep my thought for myself." Cobalt thought aloud, huffing.

Just a few minutes later the telltale sound of a screaming Weiss can be heared. Cobalt became alert and got out of his daydream.

"Oof!" Both Ruby and Weiss got caught up to the flight and hit the left wing of the gigantic nevermore.

"Hey, Vsau—"

"Why hello there!" Cobalt cut off his train of thought in order to greet the two other passengers.

"Wait! Someone's already up here!" Weiss said, in shock.

"Hey! Mind helping us up!?" Ruby said, waving at Cobalt.

Cobalt fought off the strong winds and crawled over to the new arrivals. He pulled them up and they all held to the feathers once they crawled back to the body.

"Welcome to the grimm airlines, where all people with suicidal tendencies climb on for a ride!" Cobalt shouted, grinning.

"Oh great, not another one with masochistic streak!" Wiess complained. Cobalt just laughed at the image of the snow princess being a dominatrix.

"I'm Cobalt Conrad, and no, I am not one of them. I just got caught by the bird and miraculously survived!"

"Wiess! Wiess, there's the ruins! When I say jump, jump off!" Ruby shouted, not even a minute later.

"Are you crazy!? We'll die from falling at this height!" Weiss exclaimed in worry.

Cobalt, being the sadistic Memelord he is, did just that. "YeeT!"

And down he goes. Lucky for him, Cobalt knows exactly why he did that. The rules of the world applies to him, thus his magic and scientific powers became semblance. Unfortuantely for him, his existence is false, thus his semblace is not a part or the representation of his soul, but rather the opposite of it. There is no logic for I have surpassed its limitations.
The CC in current existence is a sadistic man that fantasizes torturing poor souls physically, sexually, socially and mentally. His semblance in turn, gave him the ability to heal and protect.

His blood give life to the drinker and heals their wounds. His blood boils hot with all the contained sadism used to forge his skin for it to be hardened like titanium.

His skin turns black as he falls to the forest.

"Nanomachines, son!" Although it wasn't really nanomachines. He curled himself iinto a ball and somehow, some way, the rolling stone hit a beowolf head-on. Poor grimm, it's not even a day old and it was tuned into paste!

Cobalt momentarily halted the the momentum of the fall by opening his body. He landed on his two feet and began to run.

""OOF!!"" He did not see a Rose fall from the sky, and no, it's not light as petals. It seems that she followed his lead so carelessly.
Canon's ruined!
"Ugh. Ruby never do that again." Cobalt groaned and shover the girl off of him.

"Oh... I am so sorry." Ruby apologized, visually regretting ever following Cobalt.

"Whatever. Hey kid, what's your name again?" Cobalt asked. "Still hadn't caught your name."
Hope she didn't notice.
They pat the dirt out of their clothes. Cobalt and Ruby rushed towards the ruins, their destination.

"I forgot to say. I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose." She said while running along with Cobalt.

"Once again, I'm Cobalt—" They jumped above a fallen tree. "—Conrad. Call me CC."

A minute or two of running have passed and they arrived at the ruins. Every protagonist is waiting for them except maybe for Pyrrha Nikos, because, scorpions, Jaune, which is probably chilling at one of the trees, and Weiss.

"Why did you leave me!?" Wiess' voice is heard. She is hanging by a moment, close to plummeting to death.

"See Ruby, this is your fault. You should have stayed." Cobalt said, sighing.

"I'm sorry already!" Surely, she must be crying imaginaty tears right now.

"Hey Ruby. You as well hot stuff." Yang flirted to Cobalt. "By the way, are you two partners?"

"No Yang. He's not the one that I made first eye contact with." Ruby explained.

"Then who's your partner? Is it that girl?"

"Yes Yang. Yes she is." Ruby concluded.

"Umm, Yang..." The cat faunus came along and pointed to the sky. "She's falling."

"That's Blake Bellabooty for you." Cobalt sighed at the thought.

"She'll be fine." Ruby said, staring at her supposed partner.

"She's a snowflake falling 20 km per hour fom the sky."

Just as expected, squishy Aura battery came to the rescue, depleting his own chrage to 15 percent. Cobalt can't help but derp his own face and blake, although unknowingly, did so as well. Uncultured swine...

"He still looks stupid to this day." "How... pitiful." Cobalt and a certain cat faunus thought respectively.

Suddenly, a loud roar rached the ears of all the ones at the ruins. A redhead beauty of a spartan ('coz spatan warriors are MANly.
Pafecc Thighs!
"But in all honesty, she looks like a stripper from a bar." Cobalt thought and can't help but sigh.

While everyone backed up from the eleder grimm on Pyrrha's tail. Cobalt is so focused on the image running on his head. He cannot see and cannot hear while he contamplates his life choices.

"CC!" Ruby shouted. The name woke him up from his daydream. The grimm, hesitated attacking a seemingly brave man. Once Cobalt became aware of the prescense of the grimm, fear became evident upon him. At that moment the grimm hesitated no more.

It roared and it flinched Cobalt hard. The stinger is high, ready for piercing a dead man. The others could not do anything as they are being bomabarded with feathers that the forgotten nevermore released.

The stinger came down, hitting tru to the center. Thus is the en—

"Not today!" Cobalt shouted, combat ready, he slammed his hardened arms to the stinger. The point managed to reach his hardened chest and his arms managed to reduce the impact speed.

Blocking the attack had caused to launch Cobalt off from where he stood. He crashed the fallen feathers on the nevermore amd managed to stop himself from slamming onto the stone monolith.

He spotted the rest calling out to him and he obliged. He sprinted away from the deathstalker as his heart pump blood to his body. With the boiling blood passed down to his entire being and with the help of his aura, he ran faster than he ever had.

They all arrived on an ancient village of sorts. The nervermore perched atop the crumbling tower clearly knows where they were.

"Great. It just got worse, we're boxed in." Yang said looking at where both elder grimms are.

Cobalt burst through the forest with the same deathstalker behind him.


"Go! We'll yoink this by the stone bridge!" Cobalt shouted as he ran ahead.


The nevermore decided to stop being idle, dragging the tower down with it.

Nora shot grenades at the nevermore. Unaware of the incoming deathstalker, Blake and Ren postponed its advance. She is quickly taken away by Weiss as all of them advance by the bridge.

They all crossed over it and Cobalt halt his steps. He faced the deathstalker and charged his blood, commanding it to flow through his all four of his limbs. With his legs curled and his arms pulled back, he launched himself towards the scorpion grimm and smashes its carapace. A crack came is now visible at the center of its face.


Cobalt felt the shock of the impact. The hardened arms receded and he managed to jump back to the bridge. The deathstalker has been disoriented with the heavy attack it recieved. His effort made everyone reserve bullets and gave them time.

Cobalt chased after the others and managed to reach the others in the middle of the bridge. Bullets after bullets have been wasted trying to take down an elder grimm.

"Dammit. Children stop! That won't work you're wasting ammo!" They all stopped shooting and Cobalt sighed. They nevermore crashed itself on the bridge and the team is split into two. Blake, Cobalt Pyrrha, and Ren are left to face the deathstalker that had recovered from Cobalt's offensive move. The others, Jaune, Nora, Ruby, and Yang are still recovering from the destructive attempt to kill them.

The deathstalker turned mad, flinging off Cobalt and Blake to the other side. They almost fell through but Blake caught Cobalt and herself and swung to the ground. Nora have a bright idea to catapult Jaune and herself towards the other side to support them.

Once the four of them are together, Jaune called everyone up.

"Okay guy, I have a solution. That CC guy made it easy for us to kill this thing. Pyrrha, Ren, disable some of its legs. Nora, distrwct it!" Jaune ordered and they proceeded with the plan. With the legs cut off Jaune started the second phase of the plan.

"Stop! Nora, on me!" Jaune rushed towards the grimm and plunged his sword through the cracks. "Nail it!"

"Yah!" Nora smashed her hammer to the hilt of Corcea Mors. The sword dug deep to its core and the dying grimm stopped moving. It twitched and started dissapating into fine darkness.

Meanwhile, Cobalt is just watching the girls try to kill it. Everything sets in just like the canon. There were time where he thought things don't go right, but he let them be.

"Haah. Messing with the canon is harder than I thought." Cobalt sighed since he cannot do anything.

The soon-to-be team RWBY successfully killed the nervermore. Ruby's scythe pierced the grimm's head throught its mouth.

Cobalt stood up and went down the tower. Ruby and the others hang out on the cliff as they rest while Jaune and his team rest on the bridge. All of them look exhausted so Cobalt took this chance to slip away.

"Good job guys." Cobalt commented as he walked past through them.

"Haah... haah... thanks CC guy." Jaune replied. When he recieve no voice talk back only then he realized that CC is long gone.

Cobalt disappeared into the forest. His face shall be remembered by the initiates. Until the time comes, he will enjoy a life until it's time to move or until his eventual demise.
He will destroy the future!
Divergence is true!
Butterflies are permitted!
"Hmm mm... hm hmm hm hm hm hmm..."

A cocoa skinned man with black, greying hair is walking through the unharassed part of the Emerald Forest. He wears green fatigue pants, black combat boots, white v-neck and an orange hoodie. He is smiling at the sight of birds singing on the trees. He keeps walking and will surely reach a clearing or a road somehow.

He stopped for a moment. He looked to the north-west, towards the well-hidden camera. He waved a hand and walked past it uncaring of such discovery.

"Hm hmm hm hmmmmm... hm hmm hm hmmmmm..."
Finally done. I can't believe that balancing gaming and writing is so hard especially if you have a time limit.
I realized that I have made so much mistakes on spelling. This is so embarassing. I suppose the next installment will be next week since I need to spend a good part of my week chatting with my friends.
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