A Weapon to Surpass...(Metal Gear Solid/Battletech)

Speed Racer is an Anime. Now I dread what Otacon'd Rotunda will become.
Snake's Rotunda, Before and After
Something to tide you guys over and give yall some answers to a couple questions I saw.

Rotunda (2750)
2721 IS Wheeled Vehicle
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: TRO2750
Type/Model: Rotunda (2750)
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2721
Config: Wheeled Vehicle
Rules: Level 2, Standard design
Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 160 Fusion
Cruise Speed: 97.2 km/h
Flank Speed: 151.2 km/h
Jump Jets: none
Armor Type: Mercury Weave Ferro-Fibrous Ferro-Fibrous
1 Large Laser
1 SRM 2
Manufacturer: Buhallin Military Products
Location: (Unknown)
Communications System: SP/2 HAYOT
Targeting and Tracking System: Hanover Sight 3000-A-K-P
From a distance the Rotunda looks like any one of a dozen ground car designs, a deliberate choice by its builders, Buhallin Military Products. Ostensibly a scout vehicle, it was intended for use in enemy rear areas where a traditional military vehicle would stand out, monitoring communications and observing troop movements.�
Officially designated the RND-J-1-11 the Rotunda is essentially a self-sufficient home and fighting vehicle for its one-person crew. It can operate for extended periods of time with little maintenance or other support, exploiting a compact fusion plant to have an effectively limitless range. Only the need to supply the lone driver/gunner with food and consumables keeps the vehicle linked to a base of operations, though three weeks or a month between re-supplies is not uncommon. The Rotunda contains space for cooking and sleeping-the driver and passenger seats fold down to form a rather lumpy mattress, though most drivers prefer to set up a tent outside the vehicle. In most deployments, the Rotunda`s passenger space is not used, instead being employed to store extra consumables or personal effects. When fully loaded, access to the Rotunda`s driver`s seat is cramped and does not allow for fast entry or egress. Notionally a non-combatant, the Rotunda is nonetheless armed so that it can both defend itself and serve as a light raider. The main weapon is an Amdecker 300 large laser, but a Holly SRM-2 missile pack provides a more heat-efficient weapon system; some drivers are wary of using the Amdecker because of heat buildup in the cramped vehicle. Fighting is, however, a last resort for the Rotunda as it has only a single ton of armor (albeit the advanced ferro-fibrous composite) to protect the driver and systems from harm. This armor plating is intended to protect against crashes and small arms fire rather than vehicular combat in which the Rotunda would likely be trounced.�
Entering service in 2717 (though not in widespread use until the mid 2720s), the Rotunda was intended to operate on Periphery worlds as the eyes and ears of the SLDF. It soon became clear, however, that the design could support any SLDF formation, and examples were stationed across the Inner Sphere, often landed in advance of military operations to gather information on enemy deployments and to eavesdrop on communications. Unfortunately, the scarcity of fusion power plants drove the Rotunda to near-extinction during the Succession Wars, its LTV 160 plant being cannibalized for use in `Mechs and other military vehicles. The handful still employed by ComStar and the World of Blake largely replicate the original Buhallin spec, though many components have been replaced with Terran equivalents since the loss of the Dieron plant.�
The J-1-11 was the third model of Rotunda, and the first to see widespread deployment. Its predecessors both suffered technical difficulties: a poor suspension and high maintenance requirement on the original J-100 and a series of electrical issues on the J-110 that otherwise resembled the final production model. There are no known operational variants of the Rotunda, as all use the same systems and weaponry, though there have been numerous body kits designed to alter the shape and appearance of the vehicle to fool observers. As a result, while most Rotundas resemble compact saloon cars, some resemble SUVs, sports vehicles, or even camper-vans.�
==Notable Mechwarriors:==
"Wild" William Jacobsen: When the Amaris Coup washed over the Star League, William Jacobsen and his Rotunda were stationed on New Earth, preparing to head out to the Periphery. Slipping out of the military compound, Jacobsen lost himself in the planet`s cities and began what was later acknowledged as the longest single deployment of the Rotunda: eight years, from the coup on Christmas Day 2766 to New Earth`s liberation in 2775. During that time Jacobsen waged a one-man war against Amaris, gathering information on the Rim Worlds troops in the system and staging harassing attacks. Some times he operated with local resistance forces, at others as a free agent. He had no base of operations-the Rotunda was his home and command center-and he relied on the good will of the other fighters for supplies and maintenance. When the SLDF finally liberated New Earth, Jacobsen received the Medal of Valor from General Kerensky. Though long retired when Kerensky`s call went out in 2780, Jacobsen followed his former commander into exile and went on to play a role in the Pentagon Civil Wars and the founding of the Clans.�
Type/Model: Rotunda (2750)
Mass: 20 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 8 pts Standard 0 2.00
Engine: 160 Fusion 0 6.00
Shielding & Transmission Equipment: 0 3.00
Cruise MP: 9
Flank MP: 14
Jumping MP:
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 0 0.00
Cockpit & Controls: 0 1.00
Crew:2 0 0.00
Armor Factor: 18 Ferro-Fibrous 2 1.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front: 2 6
Left/Right Side: 2/2 4/4
Rear: 2 4

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Large Laser Front 8 1 5.00
1 SRM 2 Front 0 50 2 2.00
TOTALS: 8 2 7.00

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: 440,367 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1):341
Battle Value (BV2):403

Rotunda II 2976
2721 IS Wheeled Vehicle
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom /
Type/Model: Rotunda II 2976
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2721
Config: Wheeled Vehicle
Rules: Level 4, Experimental design
Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 180 XL Fusion
Cruise Speed: 108.0 km/h
Flank Speed: 162.0 km/h (216 km/h)
Jump Jets: none
Armor Type: Light Ferro-Fibrous Light Ferro-Fibrous
1 Guardian ECM Suite
1 Large Laser
1 SRM 2
Manufacturer: Buhallin Military Products
Location: (Unknown)
Communications System: SP/2 HAYOT
Targeting and Tracking System: Hanover Sight 3000-A-K-P
Upgraded by Dr. Emmerich and technician Sally Torres, replacing the Fusion engine with an XL Fusion engine allowed for the complete improvements in all areas. Unfortunately, this version is even more cramped than the original.
Type/Model: Rotunda II 2976
Mass: 20 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 8 pts Standard 0 2.00
Engine: 180 XL Fusion 2 3.50
Engine Supercharger 1 0.50
Shielding & Transmission Equipment: 0 2.00
Cruise MP: 10
Flank MP: 15 [20]
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 8 Single 0 0.00
SRCS: 1 2.00
Crew:0 0 0.00
Armor Factor: 25 Light Ferro-Fibrous 1 1.50
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front: 2 10
Left/Right Side: 2/2 6/6
Rear: 2 3

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Guardian ECM Suite Body 0 1 1.50
1 Large Laser Front 8 1 5.00
1 SRM 2 Front 0 50 2 2.00
TOTALS: 8 2 8.50

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: 3,451,250 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1):452
Battle Value (BV2):539
Last edited:
A/N: Apparently, I continue to underestimate my thirst for writing. Here's a chapter :V.


Snake tuned out Luca's bubbly chattering, most of it being completely useless aside from the occasional personal anecdote that gave Snake insight into Marco Valentino. Luca's mother died during childbirth, and his father had doted on the boy. Spoiled him, more like.

Luca was physically unfit, sheltered, naive, and socially overbearing. The boy had absolutely no concept of 'personal space' and acted passive-aggressively when rebuffed, and only complied with orders whenever Snake gave them, probably because of his infatuation. The soldier made it clear that he would not reciprocate and to stop touching him, but that didn't stop the boy from chattering like a lovestruck idiot.

Billy and Clara on the other hand…

"I swear to Blessed Blake that if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to knock you unconscious."

Billy had been growing increasingly tense and uncomfortable with the lurid and overly personal rant the boy was going on, but stayed silent as he focused on driving the rented car. Clara, instead, escalated immediately to threats of violence.

"You won't do anything to me, hag!" Luca spat back, cruelly. He'd had to be practically forced into a respectable set of clothing, and had opted to wear a pair of women's fatigues, citing that they fit his frame better. "You're just mad that I'm beautiful and dainty, while you're built like a gorilla."

"Luca, knock it off! Apologize to her, right now!" Snake ordered, mostly for his safety. Clara was more than capable of reaching the boy and doing him physical harm, and her mental stability was currently only retained due to a bottle of mood stabilizers Snake bought over the counter at a pharmacy.

"'Kaaayyy~," the boy said in a sing-song manner, gushing at Snake before he turned to Clara in the front passenger seat. "I'm sorry for insulting you, you're beautiful in your own way."

"You little…"

Snake was more than relieved when Billy slowed down and pulled into a free parking space along the street. The fancy bistro Snake had chosen as the meeting place had been rented out for two hours, being a neutral location that they wouldn't be disturbed. The Don had already arrived, and as the four of them got out of the car, Snake could feel the tension in the air. After a quick glance across the street at the fifth floor of the apartment building, they made their way to the door, showing the nervous host their reservations. With a shaky smile, he opened the door for them and allowed them in, locking the door and turning the sign to 'Closed' behind them.

Marco Valentino was sitting down at a small table in the middle of the room, flanked by two bodyguards standing behind him. Immediately upon seeing him, Luca leaned around Snake's body to wave enthusiastically.

"Hey daaaad!"

"Luca, my boy, grazie a Dio!" The older man shot up from his chair as the boy ran forward to embrace his father, the mobster checking to see if he was alright. "They didn't touch you, did they?! You're okay?"

"Oh yeah, I've had so much fun! And Snake is amazing! He's so strong and handsome, but he hasn't done anything to me. Even if I wanted him to…"

He trailed off, muttering as he pulled away from his father, turning to introduce everybody.

"Oh! That's Snake by the way, they call him Commander and he has his own ship and-"

"Luca, that's enough! Sit down so I can talk with your father," Snake barked, cutting him off before he could spill intel about their capabilities.

"Okay~!" Luca giggled with a vacant, happy look on his face, causing a shiver to run down everybody's spine as they all knew exactly what the boy was thinking.

"And who do you think you are, Snake?" Marco hissed at the soldier, whirling to point at Snake with an angry look on his face. "What more do you want from me? You already have my capo, my son, and my cousin."

"I've done some digging, Mr. Valentino. As far as crime families go, yours is by far better than the rest of them on this planet. No prostitution or human trafficking, just wholesome guns, drugs, and gambling." Snake said sarcastically. "Between that and all the extortion, blackmail, and racketeering, you're practically a legitimate businessman!"

"I never claimed to be a saint! And I keep my men in line so they don't go too far!" Marco replied angrily.

"Except your son, Antoni, right?" Snake retorted coldly, causing Marco to grit his teeth.

"What do you want?" He whispered, desperately, knowing he was bent over a barrel.

"Well," Snake said, looking out the glass storefront and up at the fifth floor window of the apartment across the street. "First, I want to know if you put the sniper across the street, or if that was someone else."

"A sniper? What? I didn't-"

Suddenly Snake's instincts began blaring at him, and he was moving before anybody else could even react. "Everybody get down!" Snake dived across the table, tackling Marco to the floor as a bullet whizzed past where his head used to be, while Billy jumped on top of Luca and everybody else hit the floor.

Except for Clara.

Drawing her pistol, the same one from that day all those months ago, she coldly aimed back up at the shooter, emptying her clip at the window and forcing the shooter to duck for cover.

"We have to get out of here, now!" Snake shouted, pulling the mob boss to his feet as Billy scrambled to get Luca out of the line of fire. The man's bodyguards were just climbing up as well, drawing their guns as they interposed themselves between their boss and the shooter.

"Through the back!" Marco replied, picking up his cane and drawing a gun of his own as he pointed at the kitchen door. Turning to Snake, the Don stared at him resolutely. "You saved my life. If we make it out of here, I'll do everything in my power to make it up to you."

"Let's just go already!" Clara yelled, pulling Billy and Luca along to the back as she had spent all her ammunition laying down covering fire. The Sniper could start shooting again any second, now.

"You heard the lady!" Snake said, pushing the Don ahead of him as the two bodyguards watched their flanks. He had a bad feeling this was the least of their problems so far.
Luca reminds me of something I either read or watched a long time ago. A kid (don't remember if they were a boy or a girl) was kidnapped, and the kidnapper keeps lowering the price for the kid's release.
In regards of the sniper, I'm guessing that Antoni sent them.
Luca reminds me of something I either read or watched a long time ago. A kid (don't remember if they were a boy or a girl) was kidnapped, and the kidnapper keeps lowering the price for the kid's release.
In regards of the sniper, I'm guessing that Antoni sent them.
There are a few potential shooters, ISF, Loki, another mafia, his son, rival gang, gotta find out which one :V

And yeah, when you raise your kid to be spoiled and entitled, turns out people don't like to be around them for too long :V
Gang Violence
Snake cursed at his lack of foresight in not bringing a sniper rifle. Of course meeting a mob boss would lead to an ambush, why wouldn't it? Gunfire echoed through the restaurant from all around the restaurant as automatic weapons opened up the front and peppered the restaurant with bullets. As they made their way out of the back of the restaurant, past the cowering staff, Snake and Marco stepped into an alley where they were greeted by the sight of two dead bodies with pulped heads. Clara stood above them, both her fists covered in blood, while Billy had grabbed a hyperventilating Luca.

"Solaris PD have got to be on their way, we need to get out of here," Marco said as from the right, men wearing balaclavas rounded the corner. The Don's bodyguards opened fire and the enemy combatants ducked behind cover while Snake's group made their way in the other direction, rushing as bullets whizzed past them. Turning the corner, they were met by the sight of a black car pulling up to them on the street, one Marco seemed to recognize. He pushed forward before Snake could stop him, waving his cane as he called out to the driver.

"No! Get back here!" Snake called out as he pushed his people behind a parked car.

"Enzo! Get us out of-"

Marco never got to finish as the windows rolled down and gunfire interrupted him, riddling the mob boss with bullets before he fell to the ground. Popping up from behind the car and firing his laser pistol at the assailants, the car sped off before he could kill more than one of the attackers.

"DADDY!!!" Luca screeched as he tried to claw his way out of Billy's grip to rush out to his father. The man was somehow still alive, judging from the movement of his chest, but it wouldn't be for much longer without medical attention.

"Clara, pull him over here!" Snake barked as he began looking for more attackers, the woman obeying without hesitation. As the cyborg dragged the bleeding body of the crime lord into a nearby alcove, Snake started trying to contact the ship, only for the call to ring out. He swore and looked over at the Don for a brief moment before popping out of cover just long enough to kneecap an enemy that was approaching from down the street. Luca had yanked himself out of Billy's grip and practically thrown himself over his father, sobbing over his body.

"Daddy, you're gonna be okay! You can't die, you can't!" Luca wailed, grabbing the man by the shoulders and embracing him, fresh blood smearing the boy as he rocked back and forth.

"Stop moving him, you're making it worse!" Clara shouted, grabbing and pulling Luca away, her grip unyielding. The boy reached out and grabbed the man's hand before he could be separated, fully unwilling to be dragged away from his dying father while Billy moved to try and treat his wounds.

"Luca…" The man coughed blood as he tried to speak, surprisingly still conscious and lucid. "Love you… my baby boy…" Marco gasped as Billy began tying off tourniquets, trying to staunch the bleeding from his limbs before he tore open the man's shirt, revealing six bullet wounds on the man's torso.

Gritting his teeth, Snake made a call that he really didn't want to make, but they were in real trouble.

Ring ring, ring ring.

"Hey Old Man, what can I do for ya?"

"Nicky, we're under attack, I need you to come pick us up, I've got wounded," Snake gritted out, unhappy about asking a kid to come help him. A kid that runs with gangs, sells guns, and can drive. Snake actually heard a loud screeching noise over his codec, along with the sound of an engine. "Are you already in a car?"

"Don't worry about it, Old Man, I'm a professional. Where are you?" Nicky asked over the phone, while Snake looked around for a street sign. Sirens were starting to approach from the distance,

"Halfway down 6th Avenue. Be careful Nicky, don't do anything stupid!"

"Too late!" Snake heard before an explosion went off in the distance, as screeching tires and crashing metal echoed through both his codec and the streets. "This isn't my first gang war, Snake! Welcome to Solaris! Whoop!"

The rumble of an engine grew louder as Snake saw a sleek silver car tear around the corner, skidding to a stop in front of the group, smoking missile tubes poking out from underneath the headlights.

"Somebody call for a ride?" Nicky said as the windows came down and revealed the boy with the widest grin Snake had ever seen. Popping the trunk open, he threw a thumb at the back."It's gonna be a tight fit, but everybody get in!"

Billy grabbed Marco's arms, having staunchest the bleeding by packing the man's wounds, while Snake grabbed his legs. Clara shoved a flailing Luca into the cramped back seat while the two men loaded Marco into the trunk, the bleeding man looking up at Snake with teary eyes.

"Antoni… he did this… protect my son… please…" he wheezed, reaching towards Snake as they settled him in the trunk.

"We're getting you to a hospital, you just have to hold on for a bit longer," Snake reassured the man, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. "You're a tough old bastard, you just have to hold on for five minutes, can you do that? Just five minutes, and Luca will keep his father."

Heat blazed behind the man's eyes and he nodded as he coughed up more blood, staring resolutely at the soldier before the trunk slammed shut. Down the street, Snake could see two more black cars turn the corner, and he cursed at the situation

"Billy, Clara, get them to the hospital! All of you, double time! I'll take care of these guys," Snake shouted as Billy and Clara crammed four people into the two seater car, despite the lack of space.

"Snake, here!" Nicky said, as he picked something up and tossed it out the window to Snake. One of his Mausers, with an extra power pack. "Good luck, Old Man!" He shouted before slamming on the accelerator and speeding off as gunfire began to pepper the back of the fleeing vehicle.

"Oh no you don't!" Snake grunted as he lifted the rifle slightly, and triggered the undermounted grenade launcher. A dull 'thump' came from the rifle as the grenade impacted the lead car and exploded violently, wrecking it as it went up in flames and rolled to a stop in the middle of the road. He only got the lead car, so Snake ran down the street, past the cloud of smoke and the burning wreck, and rushed the remaining vehicle.

Lifting his rifle, he blasted the shooter leaning out of the window in the forehead, leaving his body to lean limp out the window. The driver started to panic, and had only just started to back up when Snake got to the car, pointing the gun at him and climbing in the back seat.

"Drive." He demanded the panicking criminal, who was still staring wide eyed at the body of his fellow, dead in the passenger seat. Lifting the gun, Snake put it to the back of his head and spoke coldly. "To Casa Valentino. Your boss and I have business to settle.

The terrified man couldn't do anything but not and whimper as he slowly started to make a U-turn. Soon, Snake thought, everything would come to a head.

And when it did, he'd be ready.
Snake choked out the weeping driver as soon as they reached the Casa Valentino, leaving him to sit unconscious in the car with his dead friend. Grabbing the man's gun and hiding it in his pack, he stepped out of the car onto the sidewalk and almost immediately made his way to the building entrance. It was silent, eerily so considering the gang violence he had experienced not ten minutes ago. At this point, Marco was either in surgery or dead. Snake suspected that most of Antoni's available manpower was being used to ensure his father's death, regardless of the consequences.

He wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

The lobby was empty, as if hastily abandoned. A half full cup of coffee sat on the front desk, still warm. Snake looked around for other traces, and was about to proceed to the elevator when a speaker on the ceiling crackled to life.

"You're the guy who took my brother, right? The one that the bastard went off to meet?" A raspy voice spoke over the intercom. "You did me a favor, so I'll do one for you. Turn around, and walk away. I'll forget you exist, and both of us can go on with our lives, free from interference."

Snake shook his head, before he looked at a nearby camera. "I don't need favors from people like you," he said, ignoring the elevator that he was now sure was either locked or trapped, and headed straight for the stairwell.

"People like me? Fuck you!" The voice, Antoni, cursed at Snake as he walked across the lobby, ignoring the gang leader. "You don't know a damn thing about me! If you want to die so badly, then fine, I gave you a choice."

Snake opened the door to the stairwell, hearing the shouts of people and the stomping of boots as doors opened further up the building. "Great," Snake muttered to himself as he hefted his Mauser. "I love climbing stairs while people try to kill me."

Snake began to climb, running up the stairs as he heard the gang members shouting and descending towards him. As he passed the second floor, the door popped open and a gang member leaned out to take potshots, only for the soldier to scatter his brains across the grey concrete of the stairwell.

"I see him! Take him down!" Snake heard as he rolled to avoid gunfire, rushing up the stairs and snapping off rapid fire shots that killed or crippled three gangsters that tried to shoot him. Jumping over the moaning bodies, he ran up the stairs, stopping only to briefly take down ambushes from behind. It almost reminded him of Shadow Moses, though he thanked whatever god was out there that it was only fifteen stories instead of thirty.

Resistance was actually anemic. At this point, Snake was certain that even the dregs of the organization were being thrown at him, as the number of actual combatants trickled down quickly. He hadn't killed more than eight people before the rest started throwing their guns down and trying to run. Snake let them, as he didn't have the time or patience to bother chasing them down.

Reaching the fifteenth floor, Snake tried the door, only for it to be locked. Which was fine, Snake had the tools for this situation. Lowering his Mauser, Snake fired off four shots at the door handle in quick succession, and turned the lock into a pile of melted slag. Now unhindered, he kicked it in, revealing a very large apartment.

"Our guest is here, everybody. Give him a warm welcome!" A voice came from deeper in the apartment, as two men popped out from around corners and started to shoot at Snake with submachine guns. Diving back through the doorway, Snake pulled a smoke grenade off his belt and threw it, landing in the center of the apartment. Flicking to the infrared vision mode of his Solid Eye, Snake rushed back into the cloud of smoke and picked the gunmen apart with his bare hands, precision strikes disarming them and laying them out across the hardwood flooring.

The apartment was silent, aside from the hissing of the smoke grenade continuing to discharge its payload. Snake walked out of the cloud confidently, moving through the luxurious rooms as he made his way towards where the crime lord's voice came from. Entering into a lavish office, Snake stepped over the bodies of two men he vaguely recognized as the other Capos and raised his gun at the room's sole occupant.

"You were too late, by the way," Antoni Valentino coughed, looking at Snake tiredly. The man was already badly injured, with a broken arm and bruises all over his face and neck. He poured two glasses of some sort of whisky and gestured for Snake to take one, having a sip before he continued. "My men at the hospital confirmed that he died as he was getting prepped for surgery. Good riddance."

"You seem a little nonchalant for someone held at gunpoint," Snake retorted, ignoring the glass. He certainly wasn't about to drink something that an enemy poured for him.

"I don't even care anymore. I'm free," he said, finishing his glass before he grabbed the untouched cup off the table. "Do whatever you want, I got what I wanted."

"You got what you wanted?" Snake asked, trying to fish for more information. "Your Family is finished, your father is dead, and your brother is traumatized. What exactly were you trying to accomplish?"

"Killing that bastard and ruining his legacy!" Antoni shouted as he slammed his now empty glass onto the desk, glaring at Snake before he slumped, tears in his eyes. "Go ahead. Kill me. That bastard tormented me for years, anything you do to me is a mercy."

"Do you really want to die?" Snake asked, eyeing the broken man in front of him. He'd been putting the pieces together from what Luka had told him, but Marco was more of a piece of shit than he had originally thought.

"I've been dead since that man decided I was too dangerous to live, I just made the first move," Antoni said bitterly. "He made me what I am. I wanted to ruin his legacy, and now I'm the only thing left. Do what you want."

It was such a damn travesty, Snake thought. The abuse and violence that men perpetrated on each other, leading to a cycle of pain and death. It ruined people, like the man before him, who never had any real choice in the life he had. His mind made up, Snake tightened his grip on his gun and set his shoulders, a stoic look on his face.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

Interlude: Enter, Stage Left

Niops IV, Niops System

Association Research Hall

Niops IV was a cold, desolate planet in orbit around a red dwarf star, and would be unremarkable if not for the presence of the Niops Association. An isolationist, technocratic periphery nation on the border of the Free Worlds League, the Niops Association had one goal: the advancement of science. Since the fall of the Star League, little contact has been made with anyone outside of the system, barring minor territorial disputes with the Marian Hegemony.

The Niops Association generally held very strict immigration standards. The amount of hoops that a person had to jump through in order to become even a second class citizen was ludicrous, considering the stratified social classes and de facto caste system.

The only exception was the educated.

Scientists, engineers, doctors, the highly educated made up the ruling class of the Niops Association, for good reason. The Project Workshops, the pride and joy of Niops, were the backbone and foundation of the Association. The largest collection of advanced technology in the Inner Sphere lay in the sole dominion of the Science Council, and they guarded that power zealously. Only highly skilled, well educated individuals were granted true citizenry, with all the privileges that entailed. As a result, the ruling class held considerable leeway in expediting the immigration process

"Dr. Jaeger, we of the Science Council are proud to welcome you to our ranks. Your grasp of genetics and biology are remarkably novel. You said you were from Terra?" Asked Professor Blackwell, one of the thirteen councilmen of the Science Council, the ruling body of the Association. He was the Head of the Board of Education, a title that meant a fair bit more on Niops than on any other planet.

"Yes, North Africa. Historically, it would be the region known as Zimbabwe," the woman said in unaccented English as she walked alongside the scientist leading her through the halls of the Niops Association. Her brown eyes looked over the decorations, a sterile white hallway lined with pictures of scientists and inventors throughout the ages, from Sir Isaac Newton to the current High Associator. She held her distaste from showing as she nodded amicably, responding insincerely to the professor. "I gave your work on advanced prosthetic limbs a look. Your treatise on artificial myomer replacements is likewise revolutionary." Hack. She could do better work stuck on an aircraft carrier. She had done better work on an aircraft carrier.

"Ohoho, stop it, you're too kind," the portly old man chortled. He didn't even have a clue that she was playing him. She hated this place. For all the passion for science, none of these people had the energy, the life of those two. The will. "We've nearly arrived at your new laboratory. Take your time settling in, of course. Geniuses like ourselves need to relax, after all," Professor Blackwell joked as he nudged her with his elbow. "Feel free to put in a requisition form when you feel ready to begin experimenting. Your treatise on nanoscale machine manipulation of gene markers bought you a hefty stipend."

"Oh trust me, Professor, I intend on making full use of all the resources at my disposal," Dr. Jaeger responded, her dissatisfaction hidden behind an amicable but professional demeanor. "I will, of course, be visiting your library quite often."

"Of course! That's a given! Niops holds the most complete collection of Star League scientific research in the Inner Sphere! Well, except Comstar, of course," Professor Blackwell coughed into his fist sheepishly as he looked at Dr. Jaeger with some trepidation.

"I wouldn't know, I don't have any affiliation with them," Dr. Jaeger responded gracefully, not lying at all. She hardly knew a thing about them, only that they were a telecom company. And for some reason, they keep referencing them to her, as if she knew something they didn't. It was frustrating.

"Quite right, quite right," the man breathed a sigh of relief as he moved on from the subject. "Anyway, while the astrophysics and astronomy sections are naturally the largest, given our origins, we've expanded all subjects by leaps and bounds! In your initial citizenship application, you requested access to cancer treatment studies, correct? Rest assured, you have the Science Council's full support in any medical needs you have."

"Yes, I had stage three leukemia until recently. It went into remission, however, but I don't intend on hoping another miracle happens." Wasn't that the truth? Just being alive was a miracle, let alone how she got here. "I feel like my research could contribute greatly to the field."

"Oh my, I'm terribly sorry you went through that," the man said, sympathetically. He meant it, too, for all that he seemed somewhat up his own ass. "Well, rest assured that our medical department is top notch! With our resources and some life extension therapies, you'll have plenty of time to make a breakthrough! I can introduce you to the Director of Medicine, Dr. Crowe. She earned her spot by developing a novel treatment for stomach cancer, after all! Leukemia is a fine next step!" He was actually exclaiming this entirely truthfully, believing in everything he said.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Professor. Thank you, I'll definitely take you up on that offer," she didn't even hesitate. Fuck cancer, it was the second worst thing she'd ever experienced. Just after losing her brother. Maybe he was somewhere out there, doing well for himself, but she would find him eventually. She had to. Smiling kindly, spa spoke up in a pleasant voice. "In fact, you must be well connected, given your status. If there's anybody else you can introduce me to, I'd be very grateful."

The man puffed up as she stroked his ego, looking quite pleased with himself.

"Well, the council holds a soiree every month or so," Professor Blackwell said, matter-of-factly. "If you come by, I'd be perfectly happy to introduce you to the rest of the council. In fact, I can let you meet my son, he looks about your age, you see. He's one of our top researchers, but he doesn't get out much, you see."

"That sounds lovely," Dr. Jaeger responded, politely. Dealing with a shy, repressed scientist was old hat for her. She had no problems with this arrangement. "I think I'm going to go ahead and get some rest, it's been a long day. Thank you for your help, professor," she said, holding out her hand for a handshake.

Professor Blackwell brightened up at that and grabbed her hand, shaking it vigorously. "No, thank you, Doctor Jaeger. You're a valued member of the Association, after all. We have great hopes for you here. And please, call me Joseph."

"I hope that I live up to your expectations, Joseph, " she said, releasing his hand and giving him a fake smile.

"And please, call me Naomi."
So when did Naomi get transported? Just before she died in canon?
Yep, and aside from Snake, Otacon, and Naomi, I have exactly 3 other characters that will show up at some point, all in the same circumstances.
Oh, oh no. Niops is for a ride.
She's gonna wring em for everything they've got :V
Poor Snake will get flashbacks if he learns of this....
"Oh god... Naomi is here"
Otacon bursts in with a huge smile
Mounted Battle Armor Paladin PDN-1A/Stallion Hovercraft STLN-1A
Paladin PDN-1A
2975 IS Battle Armor
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom /
Type/Model: Paladin PDN-1A
Tech: Mixed Tech / 2977
Config: Biped Power Armor
Rules: Level 4, Experimental design
Mass: 2 tons (rounded up)
Chassis: Heavy
Walking Speed: 21.6 km/h
Jump Jets: 2 Jump Jet
Jump Capacity: 60 meters
Jump Jet Manufacturer: Jump Jet
Armor Type: (C) Standard (C)
1 Space Operations Adapt. (C)
1 ECM Suite (BA) (C)
1 SRM 4 (C)
1 Support PPC (C)
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:
Designed by Dr. Emmerich with the help of a secret group within Philanthropy, the Paladin was designed to work in tandem with the Stallion drone Hovercraft. Created after Dr. Emmerich learned of Solid Snake`s noble title.
Mounting a Support PPC and a detachable SRM 4, along with a Battle Claw equipped with Vibro Claws for opening vehicles, the Paladin Battle Armor is heavily armored and surprisingly mobile, especially when considering its mounted speed.
Type/Model: Paladin PDN-1A
Mass: 2 tons (rounded up)
Equipment: Mass
Int. Struct.: 1 pts Standard (IS) 0 0.30
Walking MP: 2
Jumping MP: 2
Armor Factor: 8 Standard (C) 0 0.20

Weapons and Equipment Loc Ammo Crits Mass
1 Space Operations Adapt. (C)CT 1 0.10
1 ECM Suite (BA) (C) CT 1 0.08
1 SRM 4 (C) RA 1 3 0.19
1 Support PPC (C) LA 28 2 0.25
1 Armored Glove LA
1 Battle Claw w/Vibro-ClawRA 0.05
1 Jump Jet CT 0.25

Calculated Factors
Battle Value (BV1):55
220 for IS squads(4) or 330 for CS/WoB units(6)
Battle Value (BV2):61
317 for IS squads(4) or 427 for CS/WoB units(6)


Stallion STLN-1A
3025 IS Hovercraft
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom /
Type/Model: Stallion STLN-1A
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2977
Config: Hovercraft
Rules: Level 4, Experimental design
Mass: 25 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 170 XL Fusion
Cruise Speed: 129.6 km/h
Flank Speed: 194.4 km/h
Jump Jets: 7
Jump Jet Manufacturer: N/A
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous
1 Guardian ECM Suite
1 Battle Armor, Bay
1 ER Medium Laser
1 ER Small Laser
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:
Hoverbike designed by Dr. Emmerich to be used in tandem with Battle Armor, the design was highly successful in both military and police operations.
Designed to be a blisteringly fast, highly mobile insertion vehicle for power armored infantry, the Stallion features a primitive artificial intelligence that bonds with it`s partner like a dog or horse. Mobile on its own or with a pilot, the Stallion features an ER Medium Laser for frontal attacks, and an ER Small Laser to handle pursuers.
Type/Model: Stallion STLN-1A
Mass: 25 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 12 pts Standard 0 2.50
Engine: 170 XL Fusion 2 3.50
Shielding & Transmission Equipment: 0 1.50
Cruise MP: 12
Flank MP: 18
Jumping MP: 7
Heat Sinks: 7 Single 0 0.00
SRCS: 1 3.00
Crew:0 0 0.00
Lift Equipment: 0 2.50
Armor Factor: 17 Ferro-Fibrous 2 1.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front: 3 7
Left/Right Side: 3/3 4/4
Rear: 3 2

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Guardian ECM Suite Body 0 1 1.50
1 Battle Armor, Bay Body 0 1 2.00
1 ER Medium Laser Front 5 1 1.00
1 ER Small Laser Rear 2 1 0.50
1 Environmental Sealing Body 0 2.50
7 Standard Jump Jets: Body 0 1 3.50
TOTALS: 7 1 11.00

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: 2,699,375 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1):295
Battle Value (BV2):356

The shot echoed through the room and landed true; right into the wall by the man's head. Antoni, who had his eyes closed, was surprised when he wasn't dead. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked up just in time to see Snake's tranquilizer gun pointed at his head instead.


The dart hit Antoni directly in the forehead, and knocked him out instantly. Snake quickly picked the man up and slung him over his shoulder. Patting the unconscious man on the side, Snake began to make his way out of the apartment, hopefully without being disturbed. Making his way out, however, he went towards the elevator only to hear voices as he walked past the stairwell. Snake opened the door, revealing six of the remaining criminals, all nervously shuffling at the door. As soon as he looked through, every single one of them looked at Snake holding the body of their boss and threw their weapons to the ground. One guy even started crying.

Raising his gun, Snake gestured toward the ground floor and growled out, "Get me a car."

With an echoed "Yes Boss!" Snake sighed as all six of them literally started sprinting down the stairs to follow his orders. With a sigh, he finally made it to the elevator, stepping in as the door opened. Snake hit the button for the ground floor, and as the doors slowly closed and the elevator leisurely moved down, Snake sighed as he listened to the generic music coming from the speaker. Even a thousand years in the future, they still play muzak.

The bell dinged as the doors opened, revealing the huffing forms of three of the criminals hunched over in the lobby, trying to catch their breath.

"Sorry… Boss…" the crying man said pitifully. "Please don't… kill me…"

"I'm not going to kill you," Snake said gruffly. "You're coming with me, though."

The three remaining people whined as Snake saw an SUV pull up in front of the building. Pointing his gun at them, he forced the three to march in front of him as he made his way to the vehicle, the criminals all sitting straight up in their seats as he climbed in.

"You all are a part of my organization now," Snake declared, daring any of them to disagree. He heard the driver gulp as the rest of them all nodded furiously. "If you try to betray me, I'll make you wish that I killed you. Now start driving, head to the McKenna spaceport."

With another chorus of "Yes, boss…" the car began to move, heading back to the ship. He hoped that Luca wasn't going to take this badly.


He took it better than Snake thought. Instead of the bubbly, obnoxious teen from before, the boy was morose and quiet. Even when Snake said that he took Antoni prisoner, Luca just rolled over in his cot and started to sob, instead of reacting violently.

Giving the boy some space, Snake exited the room and met with Clara, who had taken it upon herself to guard his door.

"What happened?" Snake asked with a sigh, looking at the frustrated cyborg with tired eyes.

"We got him to the hospital, but it just took too long. He was old, and he kicked the bucket," Clara said, brusquely. "If we had our own medical staff, we could have taken care of it, but…"

"But we don't have a doctor," Snake said, softly. To be fair, with the reveal that he was abusing his son, Snake wasn't exactly feeling charitable. But he still tried to save the man, and failed. "Great."

"The man was a scumbag, I don't feel bad about it," Clara responded before she glanced at the door, "but the twink is inconsolable."

"Hopefully, he'll move on, eventually," He stated, wishing he still smoked cigarettes. "That whole family is messed up."

Clara scoffed and looked at him incredulously.

"They're scum, of course they are. The kid is a spoiled degenerate and the other two were criminals."

"Not like that," Snake tried to explain. "The man was a narcissist. Have you ever heard of Golden Child Syndrome?"

Clara's face grew thoughtful as she held her chin, brows furrowed. "I can't say I have," she admitted, after a moment.

"I'm not exactly an expert on the subject," Snake began, "but Golden Child Syndrome refers to when a narcissistic parent holds one child as an example of virtue, usually to unachievable standards. It can be to intelligence, or strength, or beauty, or any number of things that the narcissist sees in themselves or holds in the highest regard. It's usually paired with what's called a 'scapegoat child'."

"Who takes the brunt of abuse that the narcissist dishes out and is blamed for all the issues." She shook her head and just leaned against the wall. Sighing, she looked at Snake with a sardonic grin. "Blessed Blake, I grew up in a cult and I'm more well adjusted than either of those two."

That actually made Snake focus in on the woman, with her having kept mum on the subject of her past. "So, there's a cult in Comstar?"

At that, she just chuckled mirthlessly, looking at him with dead eyes.

"Comstar is the cult," she explained, giving one last glance at Luca's door before she pushed off the wall and gestured for Snake to follow. As he caught up to her, she continued speaking, quietly. "They fill you with a blessed purpose, to kill in the name of Blake, to sow chaos, and then they throw you away. I spent fifteen years as an agent, and they just wrote me off." Clara sighed and shook her head before looking back at the soldier. "Sorry. I have to go."

Snake could commiserate, even though there wasn't a religious angle. He grew up getting juggled between foster parents and trained as a child soldier, getting turned into a tool for the government. His whole being was that of a weapon, a clone made to copy the abilities of Big Boss. If anybody could sympathize with being a remorseless killer, it was him.

"Well, it might sound strange, but I know how you feel," Snake said to her, patting her on the shoulder as he looked her in the eyes. "Just know that if you need help, we'll give it."

"I appreciate it, Snake," She thanked him, pulling away from his grasp with a huff. "I'm done with Solaris. Let me know when we're leaving this shithole."

"It won't be too much longer. The jumpship is fully charged, but I promised Nicky I'd have a go at the race circuit, after this whole mess."

"Well, remind me to bet on you," she snarked, walking away. Waving a hand over her shoulder, she called out back to him. "Goodnight, Snake."

"Goodnight, Clara."
Seriously, the Paladin and Stallion are nightmare to face in bigger numbers.

Infantry will simply cease to exist, vehicles and Tanks will be shredded by them literaly running cirles around them and any mech that is fast enough to catch them is to light to survive it and anything that can survive it is to slow to catch them.

Seriously, the Paladin and Stallion are nightmare to face in bigger numbers.

Infantry will simply cease to exist, vehicles and Tanks will be shredded by them literaly running cirles around them and any mech that is fast enough to catch them is to light to survive it and anything that can survive it is to slow to catch them.

Otacon: look snake, I brought back Cavalry!
The fist thing I seen in my mind when I read those specs was White Scars Space Marines Chapter on their warbikes.

Basicly Cavalry but on bikes.
Pretty much, think those guys combined with the star wars Lancer troopers.


Clone lancer trooper

Obi-Wan Kenobi ordering his troops Clone lancer troopers were clone troopers who specialized in speeder bike combat. Deployed early in the Clone Wars, they rode special Aratech 105-K lancer bikes and wielded Verpine power-lances. Lancer troopers gained notoriety under the leadership of Obi-Wan...
If you can mount Wheels or Tracks on a Mech's legs, then how about a Hover System akin to the Dom's from Gundam?
I'm actually limited to the confines of the software I use. The hover equipment is baked into hovercraft, I can't add it on to a mech that way.

Also, never watched gundam. Ever. Seen like one episode and played a ps2 game and that's all I know of the franchise.
"Gooooood morning, race fans! Are you ready to see some action?"


"Are you ready to see some blood?




"Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce to you another race in the Solaris Derby! We've got one helluva lineup, folks! As you can see, Take-off has just moved into the starting gate, along with Revolucione, Killfuck Soulshitter, and the reigning champion Slow Dancer! Finally, stepping into his slot, our dark horse, Raiden!"

"Sorry, Jack," Snake muttered as his name was called. Snake could hear the crowd and announcer through the feed of his Neurohelmet, outwardly as cool as a cucumber as he maneuvered his Hussar into the mech sized stable. On the inside, however, he was embarrassed. He had expected the 'race circuit' to be more like Formula 1, but it was more like the Kentucky Derby, with guns. When he had gone to sign up, they asked him what his 'mech's name was, and he scrambled to come up with something on the spot. Thinking of the fastest person he knew, he said it without thinking and the staff hadn't even hesitated to write it down.

But it wasn't the time for idle thoughts. As the doors of the stable closed behind him, he checked his sensors and identified his opponents. Two Locusts, a Spider, and… his computer was bringing up a Royal Stinger? It was the most heavily modified mech in the line-up and the readings were coming up with a lot of inconsistencies. It was going to be one to watch out for.

"Alright folks, THREE!"




An artillery cannon went off as the starting gun, as the doors opened and off the racers went. Snake pushed his mech into high gear right off the bat, dashing out through the gates along with the other four racers.

"And Slow Dancer takes the lead! His modified Royal Stinger is one of a kind, folks! That Endo-steel structure let him fit in the most powerful engine he could find! Followed closely by Raiden! I'm told that that's a… Royal Hussar!"

Immediately Snake's sensors picked up incoming missiles and had to attempt to juke his way around a barrage of SRMs that had come streaking from behind him. Slow Dancer, on the other hand, had a set of jump jets that he was using to fucking sidestep like a fucking anime, and snake narrowed his eyes. This guy was good, he thought as he mentally disabled the limiters on his engine and activated his supercharger, kicking the engine into high gear and rushing forward, trying to bull rush Slow Dancer. He connected, slamming into the smaller, lighter mech with a crash, crushing the leg of the unique machine. Subsequently, his momentum was slowed and Slow Dancer was knocked over, and a barrage of lasers and missiles impacted his mech as the other three racers passed him.

"AND SLOW DANCER GOES DOWN! RAIDEN JUST CHARGED HIM AND BOWLED HIM OVER! Oh!! That's gotta hurt! Killfuck Soulshitter takes the lead, followed by Take-off and Revolucione! Raiden has begun to pick up more speed, but Slow Dancer might be out of the race! What an ignoble end for the champion, check out that brutality!"

The crowd was going crazy, half frothing at the mouth in rage while the other half cheered like their lives depended on it. His engine was getting hot, and Snake couldn't afford to spend more time on the champion. Slowly gaining on the three mechs that had overtaken him, he aimed his mech's laser at Killfuck Soulshitter, and fired at the leg.

He had underestimated the effects of the Large Laser, as the beam of light cut through the lead Spider's left leg, causing it to tumble at one hundred fifty kilometers an hour. Both Locusts split, trying to avoid any fire as Snake deactivated his supercharger. His Heat was almost at critical and he was sweating as his mech struggled to cool the heat build-up.

"KILLFUCK SOULSHITTER IS DOWN, BUT SLOW DANCER IS UP, AND HE LOOKS FURIOUS! It looks like he's got a damaged ankle actuator, and he's hobbled, but the Champion is still in the race! Raiden is one bloodthirsty racer, I'll tell you that!"

Shit, Snake thought as lasers began flying past him, barely missing him as he engaged evasive maneuvers. His heat was decreasing, the double heat sinks pulling their weight as he ran by the wreck of Killfuck Soulshitter, catching up to the Revolucione meter by meter.

"They're around the first corner, Take-off is in the lead along the inside, while Revolucione has just kicked it into high gear, he's passed Take-off and has taken the League, but Take-off isn't going to take it lightly!"

Missiles flew from Take-off, now in second place as the pods on its shoulder released its payload, six missiles streaking towards the new leader and impacting them with force, all six missiles on target. The mechwarrior ejected as the legs were blasted off his ride, the man flying into the crowd as the stadium erupted into a frenzy. They came to see blood, after all.

"TWO OF OUR RACERS ARE DOWN! We've got Take-off back in the lead, followed closely by Raiden, and Slow Dancer pulling up the rear, but now we're in the final stretch folks, and anything could happen!"

Snake's heat had reduced back to a manageable level, and he tried to fire at Take-off, who just barely dodged his attack. Snake pushed his machine as fast as possible, lasers impacting his rear armor as Slow Dancer tried to take him down. Cursing at the situation, Snake fired one more time, his cockpit heating up dangerously as the weapon struck true, blasting the missile racks of Take-off and cooking its missiles off inside the machine. The jockey ejected from the mech before it went up in a ball of fire, throwing shrapnel across the track.


Snake immediately focused on the finish line, the lasers petering off as the two mechs struggled to move faster. He was almost there, fifty meters, forty, thirty, twenty, ten-!


Snake slowed his mech to a halt to cool down as the crowd went crazy, he breathed heavily as the adrenaline wore off, the high of winning fresh in his mind. Suddenly, his comms pinged as he received an incoming call.

"That was damn fine racing, 'Raiden'! Name's Timothy, I pilot Slow Dancer. How about I buy you a drink after you collect your winnings?"

"Sounds good," the soldier responded. "Call me Snake. I was impressed." Pausing for a moment, Snake decided to bite the bullet and ask the question he wanted to ask. "By the way, are you looking for a job?"