A Weapon to Surpass...(Metal Gear Solid/Battletech)

The Named Cast so far
Solid Snake: aka David. "The Legendary Soldier", a clone of Big Boss, his body was mysteriously(and painfully) restored to his prime upon his arrival. Current head of the reestablished Philanthropy.

Otacon: aka Hal Emmerich. Genius scientist, he was dragged along with Snake by the same strange phenomena. Certified otaku.

William Fisher: aka Billy. Family man and mechwarrior, formerly coerced into a pirate gang and is now loyal to Philanthropy.

Marcus Gonzalez: ex-Capellan and former pirate, certified pilot. Enjoys the male form and exercising.

Maya Alberto: 10, Otacon's new assistant. Very smart child, sees Otacon as surrogate father figure.

Hideo: An artificial intelligence, the upload of the mind of a Star League Commodore. Believes Snake to be the future of the Star League.

James Mitchell: New recruit, joined Philanthropy as soon as he turned 18. Very dedicated and loyal, was orphaned by pirates.

Terry: Coerced former pirate, just trying to survive. Has experience with weapon maintenance.

Diane: 23, Former pirate captive, joined Philanthropy to learn to fight like Snake.
Emergency Rescue Suit ERS-01
Emergency Rescue Suit ERS-01
2976 IS Battle Armor
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom /
Type/Model: Emergency Rescue Suit ERS-01
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2976
Config: Biped Power Armor
Rules: Level 4, Experimental design
Mass: 1 tons (rounded up)
Chassis: Medium
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Jump Jets: 2 Jump Jet
Jump Capacity: 60 meters
Jump Jet Manufacturer: Jump Jet
Armor Type: Standard Standard
1 Extended Life Support
1 Remote Sensor Disp.
1 Searchlight Handheld
1 Light TAG
1 Magnetic Clamp
1 Improved Sensors
1 Cutting Torch
1 Space Operations Adapt.
1 Power Pack
Manufacturer: Philanthropy
Location: Undisclosed
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:
Designed by Dr. Emmerich based on a recovered suit of Nighthawk power armor, the EMS is designed to provide maximum protection and utility for first responders and high-risk aid deployments.
With a variety of sensor and targeting technology for search and rescue operations and enhanced life support and environmental protections, the ERS is a versatile platform for rescue operations even in all kinds of dangerous scenarios.
Type/Model: Emergency Rescue Suit ERS-01
Mass: 1 tons (rounded up)
Equipment: Mass
Int. Struct.: 1 pts Standard 0 0.18
Walking MP:3 [4] [1]
Jumping MP:2 [1]
Armor Factor: 2 Standard 0 0.10

Weapons and Equipment Loc Ammo Crits Mass
1 Extended Life Support CT 1 0.03
1 Remote Sensor Disp. CT 1 0.04
1 Searchlight Handheld LA 1 0.01
1 Light TAG RA 60 1 0.04
1 Magnetic Clamp RA 2 0.03
1 Improved Sensors CT 1 0.07
1 Cutting Torch LA 1 0.01
1 Space Operations Adapt.CT 1 0.10
1 Power Pack LA 1 0.02
1 Armored Glove LA
1 Armored Glove RA
1 Jump Jet CT 0.10
1 Mechanical Jump BoosterCT 0.10

Calculated Factors
Battle Value (BV1):7
28 for IS squads(4) or 42 for CS/WoB units(6)
Battle Value (BV2):9
47 for IS squads(4) or 63 for CS/WoB units(6)
December, 2975

Awyron System, Nadir Jumppoint

Snake stood on the deck of his DropShip, with his top ten soldiers decked out for battle, clad in armored environmental suits and armed with Mauser laser rifles. The pirates, according to Marcus, were due to return any day now to pick up the former pirate crew, and Snake had no intention of allowing them to roam free. Billy, being the only experienced mech pilot, was piloting a newly repaired Stinger mech. The man was disappointed that he couldn't use the Pillager, but it had been brought to his attention that in the confines of a Jumpship, such overwhelming firepower was a detriment to the unit.

Snake himself was in his Nighthawk, and held his own rifle at the ready. They had arrived at the nadir of the system four days before, and not even fifteen minutes ago the sensors began picking up an emergence signature at the jump point. His men were as disciplined as they could get, and as he looked over the cold eyes of the former victims, he almost felt bad for the raiders. Almost.

A klaxon went off in the ship as a strange visual distortion appeared in space. They were around five thousand kilometers away from the anomaly when the massive jumpship materialized in space before them. A Tramp-class, the ship was easily one of the largest vessels he'd ever seen, and on its side was another Dropship very similar to the one he was on now. Immediately after the ship entered the system, Snake contacted Marcus on his radio.

"Marcus, you remember the plan?"

"Yes sir. I turned off the comms systems, and have an emergency beacon active. We act like there's been damage to our systems, and once we dock with them, you all storm the ship."

"Don't forget, stay on guard. I don't want to lose my only pilot from carelessness."

"Aw, Boss, you do care. You're gonna make the egghead jealous."

"Quit fooling around, and let's get moving."

"Aye-aye, Boss."

Cutting his codec, Snake settled in for the short trip. They were around thirty minutes away from the Tramp, at standard acceleration, and soon he'd be back at his old tricks again.


The tension built as they grew closer to the pirate JumpShip, his soldiers shuffling and looking around nervously. James, his youngest man, seemed the least anxious. Snake had an idea of the antipathy the rookie held for pirates, but seeing him now, waiting to kill the people that brutalized and orphaned him, really put it into perspective. The boy would be a killer, or die, it was that simple.

With a heavy heart, Snake readied his rifle. Sometimes, he really wanted another cigarette. Through the bay window Snake could see the JumpShip hanging in space, and he could feel the deceleration as the ship maneuvered towards the docking collar. With a thud that rattled his vessel, Snake took a deep breath as he stood at the ready. His men were flanking the bay door, with Billy in the Stinger front and center. The alarms rang out as the pressure began to equalize, and Snake began counting down as the door began to open.


The air hissed as it slowly lowered, letting light through the top of the gap.


Halfway open, Snake tightened his grip on his weapon and moved his finger to the trigger.


He could see the confused expressions of a few rough looking fellows dressed in battered armor, an old man in a mechanic's jumpsuit, and a young boy holding a datapad as they noticed the uniformed soldiers. Snake met the eyes of the senior mechanic just before the bay fully opened, and immediately he tackled the boy to the ground.



Dual machine guns opened fire along with nearly a dozen laser rifles as the four pirates still standing at the door were shredded, bloody chunks and mist all that remained as the soldiers and 'mech stormed from the Dropship.

Stepping over the smear of blood that was an unfortunate pirate, Snake kept his rifle pointed down as he moved towards the two technicians. The boy gazed up at him with wide, shocked eyes while the old man covered the boy with his body. He tried to draw a pistol, but Snake lifted his gun and pointed it at the man. In the background, Snake could hear the screams of pirates getting cut off, along with the yelling of James as he fired over and over into the chest of a particularly savaged body. He didn't have time for these two.

"I don't have any interest in killing anybody that's not a pirate. Take it easy, old timer, and get your kid on the ship," Snake ordered as he stepped back and away from the old man.

The elderly technician glared up at Snake, but stopped reaching for his weapon, and upon being allowed to climb to his feet, muttered a gruff "Thanks," as he pulled the boy along. At this point, his men had secured the cargo bay, James sobbing over what was hardly recognizable as a human corpse.

Making his way to the young man, Snake crouched down beside him and offered him a hand. "Hey rookie, you should stay and watch the ship."

"What? No! I can do it!" He looked up frantically, eyes wide with rage and sadness.

"It has nothing to do with your performance, James. We're gonna be taking prisoners and rescuing hostages, and I need somebody to stand guard with Marcus and protect our ship." Snake gently suggested to the boy, giving a side glance to the pile of meat they were crouched next to.

With a sniff and a watery look into Snake's eyes, James stood up and saluted his commander, before marching back to the cargo ramp of the Dropship and parking himself at the entrance, weapon at the ready.

Looking back around the cargo bay, the rest of Snake's soldiers had killed or secured everybody in the room. Broken into two squads, his remaining men were standing vigilant at the two sealed doors left in the ship. The first led to the other dropship, the second towards the interior of the Jumpship.

"Boss," Diane called as she ran up to him, gun in hand. "It looks like as soon as we opened fire, they sealed the doors. We can cut through 'em, but we'll need time. What do you want to go for first?"

Snake thought about it as he looked toward the Dropship. If anybody were in there, they could get away as soon as they got it up and running.

"Post a guard at the door to the rest of the Jumpship. I want in that Dropship yesterday! Move it!"

"""Yes Boss!"""
Battlemech Spector-SS
Spector SPR-SS
2976 IS Light
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom /
Type/Model: Spector SPR-SS
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2976
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 4, Experimental design
Mass: 35 tons
Chassis: Norse XT-Light Type AE Endo Steel
Power Plant: 245 XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Running Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: 5 Standard Jump Jet
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Jump Jet Manufacturer: HildCo Model 11c Standard Jump Jets
Armor Type: Starshield Light Standard Standard
1 Medium Pulse Laser
1 Guardian ECM Suite
1 Snub-Nose PPC
1 Small Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: Norse-Storm BattleMechs Inc.
Location: Loxley
Communications System: System: AR-12 Sheathed Directional Beacon
Targeting and Tracking System: DLK Type Phased Array Sensor System w/ Norse Guard
A rebuild of the Spector by Dr. Emmerich, specifically for the leader of Philanthropy, Solid Snake, in 2976.
Beyond replacing the standard cockpit with a VR Pod, the Spector`s medium and large lasers were replaced by a Small and Medium Pulse Laser, and a Snub-nose PPC.
Type/Model: Spector SPR-SS
Mass: 35 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 58 pts Endo Steel 14 2.00
(1 HD,3 LA,2 LT,4 RA,4 RT)
Engine: 245 XL Fusion 12 6.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 5
Heat Sinks: 10 Double [20] 3 0.00
Compact Gyro: 2 4.50
Virtual Reality Pod, Life Supt., Sensors: 6 3.00
L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 8 0.00
Armor Factor: 56 Standard 0 3.50
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 7
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 8 5/5
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 1/1
L/R Arm: 6 5/5
L/R Leg: 8 6/6

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 4 1 2.00
1 Guardian ECM Suite LA 0 2 1.50
1 Snub-Nose PPC LT 10 2 6.00
1 Small Pulse Laser RA 2 1 1.00
1 Null-Signature System - 10 7
1 Chameleon LPS - 6 6
5 Standard Jump Jets: - 0 5 2.50
(Jump Jet Loc: 1 CT,2 LT,2 RT)
1 Vibroblade, Small RA 3 1 3.00
TOTALS: 35 1 16.00
Crits and Tons Left:

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: 11,560,410 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1):1116
Battle Value (BV2):1374
AI Controlled Scout JumpShip HIDEO
AI Controlled Scout JumpShip HIDEO
2741 IS JumpShip
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom
Type/Model: AI Controlled Scout JumpShip HIDEO
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2741
Vessel type: JumpShip
Rules: Level 4, Experimental design
Mass: 90000 tons
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: 50.0t Standard
1 Comm.Equipment
1 Drone Carrier Control System
2 Jump Sail (Detachable)
1 Mobile HPG
1 Guardian ECM Suite
2 Hi-Res Imager
1 Infrared Imager
The product of a Star League experiment cut short by the Fall of the Star League, HIDEO is a rogue, unshackled AI built into a modified Scout-class JumpShip. Designed for long term reconnaissance missions and communications, it`s only "defense" is stealth, and a self destruct feature.
Type/Model: AI Controlled Scout JumpShip HIDEO
Mass: 90000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Engine: 0 Fusion Engine 1080.00
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 1080.00
Structural Integrity:1 600.00
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Heat Sinks: 215 Double [430] 124.00
Dropship Capacity:1 1000.00
Escape Pods:4 28.00
Armor (Capital): 40 pts Standard 50.00
Capital Armor
Front: 10
Left/Right Side: 6/6
Left/Right Aft Side: 6/6
Rear: 6
ISRCS, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters 765.00
Food & Water(111.0 days supply) 20.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps(1750.0 Points) 178.50
Jump Sail Detachable(4.0 Integrity) 42.00
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive Standard(3.0 Integrity) 85500.00
Small Naval Comm-Scanner Suite 100.00
Cargo Bays:
Bay 1:BattleMech Bay with 0 doors 150.00
31 Automation and Maintenance (11 minimum) 155.00
3 Officers 30.00
13 Crew 91.00
2 Bay Personnel 0.00

Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Infrared Imager Nose 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 5.00
1 Jump Sail (Detachable) FL/R 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0
1 Hi-Res Imager AL/R 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 5.00
1 Guardian ECM Suite Aft 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 1.50
1 Mobile HPG Body 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 40 50.00
1 Drone Carrier Control SystemBody 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 10.00
1 Comm.Equipment Body 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 15.00
Totals 40 86.50

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: 1,710,877,125 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1):714
Battle Value (BV2):689
"Attention all pirates and potentially coerced crew members aboard this vessel, my name is Snake. This ship and everything on it now belongs to Philanthropy," the grizzled soldier spoke over the shipwide intercom. They had pulled a panel off the wall and hacked into the communications system, so as to declare their ultimatum. "If you throw down your arms and surrender, I can guarantee humane and fair treatment. Any hostilities will be met with lethal force. You have until we breach your security doors to make your decision."

Cutting the transmission, he looked over at his men, and Bravo Team in particular, who were currently cutting open the dropship doors. Bravo Three, a former technician named Sal, had taken the plasma cutter they had brought to the sealed bulkhead door of the newly identified Mule-class Dropship while the Bravo One and Two, Yannis and Giorgos, held their weapons at the ready. On the other hand, Diane, Bravo Lead, was examining her iDroid while fidgeting with the bandolier around her chest. Out of all of his men, only Diane and Terry were up to his standards when it came to ordnance handling. Sure, all of them could throw a grenade at least thirty meters, but those two were the only ones he'd trust with a strap of them in combat so far.

Snake's iDroid chimed, along with those of both team leaders, as the data package Hideo had put together finally arrived. The sheer distance between the jump point and the other side of the solar system meant that despite having confirmed that the ship was a Mule nearly half an hour ago, he was only just now receiving a usable floor plan. Which was fine, he's run missions with FAR less intel before, but it really drove home the sheer logistical problems with space travel.

Giving the schematics a quick glance, Snake noted that aside from the four cargo elevators in the loading bay, there were a series of maintenance tubes that led around the outside of the ship that connected to every major room in the vessel. Marking the paths to the engineering bay and the bridge, Snake caught Diane's eye and she nodded as her own iDroid highlighted the relevant passages.

"Alright Bravo, remember your training. I expect you to act like professionals, but if there's any doubt that someone is surrendering, shoot them. You're more valuable than they are. That goes for everybody here!" Snake raised his voice as he looked at Alpha team, who had split between watching the Jumpship doors and providing first aid to the two surviving pirates. They all looked back at him and snapped off a salute, with a layered "Yes Boss!" echoing off the interior of the cargo area.

He'd have to put them through more training, Snake noted. It was dangerous to salute an officer while in the field, it just painted them as a target. There was no reason to get sloppy just because the enemy was pirates, after all.

The time for contemplation ended very quickly, however, as Sal finished cutting through the lock and the door began to open. Almost by instinct, Snake grabbed the man before nearly throwing him out of the way of the barrage of bullets that streamed through the open door. Diane and the two brothers had already taken cover along the outside of the door while five defending pirates laid down suppressing fire, and a nasty, cruel grin spread across her face.

"Flash out!" She called out as she tossed a pair of flashbangs through the door, waiting three seconds before they went off to the misery of the defenders. Storming the entryway as soon as the bullets stopped flying, the two brothers fired their Mausers at any exposed pirate that hadn't immediately ducked for cover after having been blinded. One beam caught a pirate on the top of his head as his skull burst, bone and cooked brain matter splattered across the dirty gray walls, while a second took the arm off another one of the outlaws.

Before they could move onto eliminating the last three pirates, however, a series of gunshots went off and the largest of them fell forward, shot in the back. The two remaining uninjured defenders dropped their still smoking weapons and stood up from their cover, hands in the air.

"We surrender, just don't kill us!" A young man called out, fear clearly visible on his face.

Diane moved forward and kept her rifle trained on the two, while Giorgos and Yannis grabbed a hold of the surrendering pirates and secured their hands with zip ties. Sal proceeded last, entering the room and quickly rushing to tie a tourniquet around the stump of the disarmed man. Sal had barely passed the basic combat qualifications Snake made his recruits take, but he excelled in more technical skills like first aid.

Snake stalked through the now cleared cargo bay, over towards the new prisoners who were being walked back to Snake's Dropship. He stepped over the partially beheaded corpse, and with his gun at rest he spoke to one of them, an older lady wearing a battered spacesuit with shoddy armor welded to it.

"I hope that wasn't indicative of what your plans are for us," he grumbled, looking at the dead pirate officer they had shot in the back. He seemed to have better equipment than these two, but it didn't help him all that much in the end.

"Jax was an asshole," the lady spoke with a deep voice, almost as gravelly as Snake's was before he quit smoking. "Him and that bastard Yun both. Drove our unit into the ground and now we're pirates. Even if it wouldn't get me a reduced sentence, I'd still do it all over again." She shrugged as best as she could with her arms bound behind her back. "Besides, long as me and my boy are together, you can't do much worse than kill us anyway."

"Your boy?"

"Yep, my son Liam. He's been the only good thing in my life for the last sixteen years. Practically raised him in a cockpit, and he's been a crack shot since he was a little boy." The lady bragged about her son shamelessly, seeming to ignore her son's protests. "Name's Sile; if you're looking for more mercs after you finish holding us prisoner, we're newly unemployed."

Snake's face was nearly set in stone as he nodded and let them get taken back to the other prisoners. As much as he understood that in war torn shitholes, child soldiers were a fact of life, it didn't mean he had to like it.

It just meant that he had more work to do.
Snake shimmied through a particularly tight maintenance duct as gunfire shook the metal of the ship around him. He sent Billy up one of the four cargo elevators in the Stinger, where his 'mech would pin down and distract the opposition while he and Bravo moved in through the maintenance corridors. Their objective was the engineering bay, but his was the "slave bay", and wasn't that an infuriating mental image. He'd be worried about his soldiers, but Snake hadn't exactly been impressed with anything these bastards did.

He also wasn't much impressed with their cleaning and repair, either. Snake knew that these people basically kidnapped any poor bastard that had the misfortune of knowing how to keep a toaster running, so he understood why, but he was certain that the floors in this ship hadn't been properly cleaned in the better part of three centuries. He was actually glad that he was in sealed power armor, even if it made infiltration more difficult.

Through his radio he heard Bravo Lead call out contact, and the sounds of a firefight much closer than the distant reverberations of the twin machine guns. Snake took a deep breath as he continued to move through the filthy duct. Bravo would be fine, but he always felt nervous leaving rookies on their own.

After about two and a half minutes of careful crawling, he had reached a grate in the vent, where he could just make out a dimly lit room below. The lights were hardly helpful, and upon swapping to thermals he could see infrared signatures of at least fifteen people huddled together on the floor, and three men with guns pointed at them. Testing the grate, he found that it wasn't bolted down, but moving it and climbing out would be very conspicuous. If he wanted to rescue the hostages, he'd need a distraction.

"Bravo Lead, I need you to make some noise." He said over his suit's radio.

"Roger Boss, wilco. FRAG OUT!" She responded almost immediately, and within seconds not one but three explosions sounded out against the metal of the ship, which he didn't hesitate to capitalize on. As the three guards spun to look in the direction of the explosions, he slipped the grate out of the way and slipped through the opening. Catching the edge of the vent with his feet, he swung around parallel with the ceiling and threw himself at the nearest guard. Catching the guard by the neck and putting him in a headlock, he brought up his pistol, the only weapon that he could fit through the duct, and fired two lasers into the heads of both remaining sentries before choking out his human shield. Throwing the scum to the ground, he looked around the room and on the floor, staring at him in fear, were over twenty scared, whimpering children. Snake gritted his teeth as he realized that he might have traumatized a bunch of kids.



Bravo Lead, Diane, pounded on the sealed door of the reactor. While she was being a big damn hero, killing pirates and helping the Boss, most of the technicians barricaded themselves in there, and were refusing to come out.

"I don't know you from Adam, and you ain't gettin' in this damn door! If you try I swear we'll take this whole ship out!" An angry old man shouted at her from the other side of the door.

"Look you crotchety old fuck, we're here to rescue your asses and kill damn pirates. We aren't here to hurt you!" Diane was growing more and more frustrated with the way things were progressing. And everything was going so smoothly before.

"Like we believe that! You just want the ship, and you'll probably kill us as soon as we open the door!"

"I didn't want to kill you, but you're making me change my mind!"

Bravo Three, Sal, stepped forward and put a hand on Diane's shoulders. "Hey, let me handle this. I think I know this guy." He pushed past her and cleared his throat before slamming his fist against the door even harder than she had. "Bruce you damn fossil, it's me Sal. Open the goddamn door, we're here to rescue you ungrateful bastards!"

"Sal, is that really you? That crazy fuck Amaris goes through techies like toilet paper, how the hell are you here?"

"Because my new boss killed him, saved us, and gave us the tools to make a difference. Now I'm getting tired of yelling, open up!"

The yelling stopped and Diane could hear as things were moved from behind the door, probably a makeshift barricade. Techies were smart for a reason, she guessed. There was a loud clunk as the lock disengaged and the reactor doors opened up, revealing about eight sweaty, pale people in jumpsuits.

"My word, Sal, it really is you!" The old mechanic, Bruce as Sal had called him, rushed through the door and grabbed him by the shoulders. "My god boy, you're looking fantastic! You're really here to rescue us?"

With a smile, Sal wrapped the old man in a hug, before looking back at the other technicians. He seemed to recognize most of them, and as he pulled away from Bruce he spoke up. "Sure are. The boss is willing to give anybody that wants it a stable job, free food and healthcare, and if you would rather just get dropped off somewhere he's happy to arrange it."

With that, a couple of the techs looked relieved, but before they could do anything, an explosion rocked the ship, followed by the echoes of another barrage of machine gun fire.

"Pirates tried bringing out a disposable rocket launcher, but they missed. Might need some help soon though, I think they're planning something." Billy called out over the radio channel. Diane pulsed her comm to signal acknowledgement, and looked back at the group of techies.

"Alright ladies, tea time is over!We have a job to do, and we need to get these guys out of here, pronto. Bravo two, you're on point!. Go go go!"
Hostage Rescue
"Hey kids, uh…" Snake was a little out of his depth. Give him a dozen men and you'd have a dozen bodies, but he wasn't trained to calm down scared children. "I'm here to rescue you, but it's too dangerous to take you with me right now." He patted around his waist for anything that could be used to distract kids from the incredibly violent murders he committed, but the only thing he had on him was…

Snake thanked every god he could think of that the iDroid had a music function, and quickly turned on the holographic display. The nearest ones flinched at the sudden bright light, but even the seemingly most terrified children began to calm as a song began to play…

Leaving his iDroid wasn't a big loss; his armor could do much of the functions, but he always appreciated clicky buttons. And it was an easy sacrifice to make, to appease a bunch of scared kids. Handing it to the oldest child, who couldn't be more than nine, Snake grabbed the unconscious body of the surviving guard and threw it over his shoulder. Making his way out the door, he pulled up the map on his armor visor, and prowled towards a nearby storage closet.

Slipping inside, Snake pinned the man against the wall and slapped him awake with the butt of his pistol. He wasn't about to be gentle with this guy.

"Gah fuck! What the-" the pirate began to complain but quickly ceased when he felt a gun barrel pressed to his forehead.

"Talk! Where's the rest of the prisoners?" Snake glared at the man, though he knew the scum couldn't see through his polarized visor.

"Okay, okay! The Captain took all the kids' parents with him to the bridge, told us to watch and start killing them if they tried anything while you attacked!"

"How many men are on the bridge?"

"Like seven or eight, if you count the Captain."

"What kind of weapons do they have?"

"I don't know, I couldn't tell you."

"Thanks anyway." The look of relief on the man's face was quickly wiped away by the beam of laser fire, his whole head popping like a watermelon from the point blank shot. Now coated in blood, he dropped the slaver's corpse and slipped out into the corridor, where he began to stalk towards the bridge. From where he was, it was fifty meters down the hallway, turning left at the intersection, then he could climb into another duct. From there, it was a straight shot to the bridge, and he could put down the animals that claimed to be people on this ship

Ripping the grate cover off the wall, he drew a flashbang and his pistol, before he shimmied into the duct. With his thermals on, he slowly shuffled to the end of the vent, getting a clear line of sight into the bridge. Bravo team had cleared the cargo bay, and were currently in the hall outside of the bridge, waiting to breach. Sal had broken into the door panel and was currently working on disabling the door's magnetic locks, but they were waiting for his signal to proceed.

It was a tricky situation; the parents were all held at gunpoint by five of the guards, while two more watched the door, and the captain ranted with a pistol in one hand and the hair of a woman in the other. He was jerking her around, screaming at his men and the hostages, sticking his gun in her face when she screamed too loud.

"Shut the FUCK UP, bitch! I can hardly hear myself think- I SAID SHUT UP!" He screamed, spittle flying from his mouth as he pistol whipped the woman in the face, breaking her nose. She screamed again, before cutting off into choked sobs. A man in the crowd tried to protest before one of the guards bashed him with their rifle, knocking him to the floor and then shooting him in the kneecap.

"Anybody else wants to be a hero, and I'll kill you personally!

Snake had seen enough, and if he let it escalate any more, he'd be rescuing corpses, not hostages. Counting down from three, he pulled the pin on the flashbang and punched through the grate, dropping the grenade to detonate in the air in the middle of the room. While the hostages screamed, Snake threw himself out of the vent while all five hostage guards were blinded. Spinning around before he landed, he fired off a shot at both door guards, who were only just turning to react, catching one in the ribs that blew his chest open, and the other on the side of his head, painting the wall with steaming gray matter.

Luckily, the Captain had been caught by the grenade, and had dropped his hostage to hold his eyes. Sloppy. Launching through the air with his jump jets on full burn, Snake caught the pirate and spun him around, slamming the Captain into the wall with enough force to break bones. He collapsed into a boneless pile, pistol clattering to the floor, and he drew his pistol just in time for Bravo team to breach the door, pointing their rifles at all of the guards who were just now recovering their vision. While Bravo Lead, One, and Two secured the prisoners, sparing no gentleness in how they treated the slaving bastards, Bravo Three ran in, drawing his first aid kit and beginning treatment on the wounded captive.

Sparing a single glance back at the unconscious pirate, Snake crouched down in front of the woman he was holding hostage. She clung to him like a lifeline, just repeating "Thank you," over and over again between sobs. Lifting her to her feet, Snake gently walked her over to Sal and handed her off to him. Snake was exactly the opposite of a medical professional, after all, and he had to finish the mission. Looking around at all the consoles, he found the button he was looking for. The intercom whined as it came to life, and Snake began broadcasting to the whole ship.

"This is Snake. Your captain is dead, and your hostages are secured. Any and all remaining personnel, I repeat, your captain is dead. This ship is under our control."
Civilian Dropship Firefighter FF
Firefighter FF
2979 IS Aerodyne DropShip
Original: Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom
Type/Model: Firefighter FF
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2979
Vessel type: Aerodyne DropShip
Rules: Level 3, Advanced design
Mass: 2000 tons
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: 90.0t Standard
3 Searchlight
4 Anti-Missile System
1 Comm.Equipment
1 Beagle Active Probe
1 Guardian ECM Suite
1 Hi-Res Imager
1 Sniper Artillery
12 Fluid Gun
1 Infrared Imager
1 Look-Down Radar
Manufacturer: Philanthropy
Location: Undisclosed
A dedicated firefighting platform designed by Dr. Emmerich, it is currently unknown how and where the organization is producing new dropships in the Periphery. Nevertheless, these have been donated to various planetary governments to aid in disasters.
An Aerodyne Dropship, the Firefighter carries a suite of sensor equipment, twelve Fluid Guns, and an artillery cannon loaded with specialty Fire Retardant rounds. Also fitted with an anti-missile system and double heat sinks, it is built to withstand and escape hostilities, not to directly engage.
Despite initial deployment being only intended for civilian purposes, it has indeed been refitted multiple times for warfare purposes throughout the Periphery.
Type/Model: Firefighter FF
Mass: 2000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Engine: 0 Fusion Engine 390.00
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 390.00
Structural Integrity:20 200.00
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Heat Sinks: 25 Double [50] 19.00
Life Boats:7 49.00
Escape Pods:2 14.00
Armor (Standard): 1440 pts Standard 90.00
Standard Armor
Front: 496
Left/Right Side: 380/380
Rear: 264
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters 15.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps(4000.0 Points) 102.00
Small Naval Comm-Scanner Suite 100.00
Cargo Bays:
Bay 1:Foot Infantry Bay (28 troopers) with 1 doors 5.00
Bay 2:BattleMech Bay with 1 doors 150.00
Bay 3:IndustriMech Bay with 1 doors 150.00
1 Crew (3 minimum) 7.00
3 Officers (1 minimum) 30.00
30 Bay Personnel 0.00
3 Gunners (3 minimum) 21.00
7 Specialists (1 minimum) 49.00

Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Fluid Gun Nose 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 32.00
1 Fluid Gun Nose 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 32.00
1 Searchlight Nose 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 0.50
1 Look-Down Radar Nose 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 5.00
1 Infrared Imager Nose 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 5.00
1 Hi-Res Imager Nose 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 2.50
1 Fluid Gun L/RW 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 64.00
1 Fluid Gun L/RW 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 64.00
1 Searchlight L/RW 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 1.00
1 Fluid Gun L/RW(A)0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 64.00
1 Fluid Gun L/RW(A)0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 64.00
2 Anti-Missile System L/RW(A)0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 4 62.00
1 Fluid Gun Aft 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 32.00
1 Fluid Gun Aft 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 32.00
1 Guardian ECM Suite Aft 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 1.50
1 Sniper Artillery Aft 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 10 50.00
1 Comm.Equipment Body 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 10.00
1 Beagle Active Probe Body 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 1.50
Totals 14 523.00

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: 2,020,982,400 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1):3565
Battle Value (BV2):4215
Mission Complete
The surviving pirates were led out quite gently considering the circumstances of their captivity. With the wounded and infirm being given medical care, Snake led the capable parents to the room the children were being kept in, to recover his iDroid before they stormed the Jumpship. Upon entering the room, and stepping over the suspiciously unarmed corpses, Snake watched as the teary families were reunited.

One little redheaded boy who had been holding the iDroid, bundled up in more layers of clothes than was necessary, waddled up to Snake as if he had a bum leg. His gait was strange, but he approached the soldier with no hesitation, holding out the gadget for Snake.

"Oy, thanks for killing those cunts, old man," he said, a vaguely Scottish accent making his foul mouth hilariously precocious rather than mortifying. He didn't hold back a grin as he crouched and took the device from the kid's hand. "Name's Nicky; I woulda done it meself, but it wasn't a part of my plan."

"Your plan? You mean trying to hide the fact that you stole the guard's guns, badly? Come on kid, you can't fool me, give 'em up." Snake snarked, hooking the iDroid to his waist as he held his hand back out, expectantly. The kid tried to play innocent for a short moment, before huffing with frustration and struggled to take off his outer bulky jacket, then another long sleeve shirt. Hidden underneath his clothes, and stuffed down the leg of his pants, the boy of no more than nine had tried to smuggle a rifle almost as tall as he was, along with two pistols and as much ammo he could stick in his wasteland and pockets.

"And what the heck were you planning to do with those?" Snake asked as he proceeded to disarm the child, who was more upset that he got caught than the fact that he was losing his loot.

"Well, I figured I'd nick 'em, and get back to business, ya know? I'm something of an on-ter-pa-noor, gotta be if you wanna survive on the streets of Solaris. Everybody wants to buy a gun," said the boy, the ease with which he dismissed his worrying circumstances somewhat alarming to Snake. Holding back a hiss, he reached behind the boy to pull out an FS-style knife the boy neglected to give up. "Hey, what's the big deal?! Every man needs a knife, you can't just do that! I didn't even steal that, it was mine to begin with, give it back!"

"If you didn't steal it, how'd you keep it when they captured you?"

"These feckers aren't exactly professionals, old man. I've snuck into casinos with better security, and they had better guns, too." The boy said indignantly, crossing his arms. "And besides, bad as they are, these guys didn't go around strip searching us or anything. Woulda gutted the first cunt to try." Nicky pouted as he tried reaching for the knife again, kept just out of reach by Snake.

As horrifying as that mental image was, especially coming from the mouth of a child, Snake could understand the sentiment. Especially for an orphaned street kid, the need for that safety blanket was immense, and he could understand the boy's clear anxiety. Snake sighed and prepared to make an offer.

"If you can promise me that you won't draw this for anything unreasonable, I will give this back to you," Snake said carefully, looking the boy in the eyes. "But I need to know that you won't hurt yourself or others, on purpose or accidentally."

"Yeah, yeah, what are you, me da? Just hand it over already, I won't hurt nobody that I don't have to," Nicky whined as he stretched for it again, hands grabby.

Snake narrowed his eyes, but handed the knife back to the boy, who tried, badly, to hide his relief under a cool exterior. Considering he nearly snatched it from Snake's hands and clutched it to his chest like a lifeline, the boy wasn't very good at it. Scooping up the dropped guns and ammunition, Snake began to stand and was about to gather the parents when Diane, Bravo Lead, contacted him over the radio.

"Boss, we need you down here, fast, you gotta see this!"


Snake exited the Dropship to the sight of the Jumpship doors wide open, and what seemed to be the crew having subdued the violent elements themselves and surrendered. It turns out that after hearing of the fate of the Dropship captain, whose name Snake didn't bother to learn, the Jumpship crew was more than willing to just… roll over. They shot the ones that tried to fight, held the worst of the crew at gunpoint, and marched directly into the arms of his crew.

It all felt so anticlimactic. Snake wasn't exactly bloodthirsty at this point in his life, but he was fairly surprised at how little it took for them to just flip. Approaching the most important looking person in the group, a middle aged man with a bright red jumpsuit, Snake was preempted by the leader, who spotted him and called out in greeting.

"You must be Snake," the man said with a wave. "I'm Henry Atkins, the chief engineer of the Painted Lady. I've been through this song and dance before, what will it take for you grounders to not just stick me and my crew planetside? Because if that's the case some of us would rather take the bullets." He chuckled darkly, in a way that made Snake think he wasn't joking.

Snake was almost startled by the frankness of the man, especially since he seemed to imply that this situation wasn't uncommon for him.

"You've been through this before? I wouldn't think that people would be used to boarding actions."

Henry chuckled, giving Snake another look over. "Jump technicians like myself are too valuable for some uneducated regard with a gun to just come in and kill us, so over the last thirty years I've found that as long as I comply with the people boarding me, I keep my job." The man pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke it as if he owned the place. And to be fair, he probably did for a while. Snake looked back at the prisoners, around seven people that appeared to have been beaten by tools.

"Will you join us, teach my people how a ship like this operates?"

"As long as you promise not to eliminate me afterwards, sure."

"Then welcome to Philanthropy." Snake smiled predatorily as he shook the spacer's hand. "And as a new member, I'm obligated to inform you that you'll have to pass my training before I can allow you on any operations."

Henry paused, looking at the soldiers currently loading the wounded and prisoners onto the ship, and their clear discipline. Glancing back at Snake's face, he took another puff of his cigarette, before he uttered a single word.

Victory Party
"My friends, and comrades, thank you all for your service. The mission was a success; we've defeated the pirates, and rescued nearly sixty people. You all have performed admirably, and fought for our cause. Thank you." Snake paused for a moment while the crowd erupted into cheers. The atmosphere was more than jubilant, with the freed civilians and all his soldiers cheering inside the same hangar that he had first trapped, six months ago.

After they had dropped the lifetime spacers off with Hideo, and subsequently dodged dozens of frantic questions, Snake and the others headed back to Philanthropy's Mother Base, minus a few of the captured pirates. Snake had had the captives identify which of them had been particularly heinous, and threw them out the airlock. The remaining twelve, mostly part of a former merc band named the Wyld Bunch, were conscripted, and would have discipline imbued into them; whether they wanted it or not.

Currently, he was apparently making a live broadcast, as Otacon had gotten the fancy Comms array working. Hideo and everybody with him were watching as he spoke, though Henry had to be muted, as he was being disruptive.

"In my original unit, it was tradition for everybody to receive a code name. Mine is Solid Snake. And from now on, all members of Philanthropy will have a codename. But for now, I want to recognize a few people in particular. William of Winter, please step forward."

Billy blushed as he stepped forward, while his wife and son cheered in the background. Marching forward and up the stairs of the constructed stage, he joined Snake, standing at attention next to the podium.

"William, you held off the bulk of the pirate's fighting force with the Stinger. With a confirmed twelve kills, your codename is Lonely Tortoise. Wear it with pride, and rejoin your comrades." Snake shot the man a salute and dismissed him.

He went down the list of soldiers that had been on the mission. James was Furious Doberman, Sal was Steady Octopus, Yannis and Giorgos were Screeching Buffalo and Howling Bison.

And then he got to Diane.

Upon actually speaking it out loud, he could see how getting called Sadistic Orca might have struck a nerve, especially when Bravo team started roaring with laughter. Unfortunately, it was too late, and once you had a code name, you're stuck with it until other people change it, so he could only laugh at her over reactions.

"Anyway, like I said, more people will be getting code names, but I wanted to establish the practice right here, today. Thank you all for your hard work, now relax and enjoy yourselves, we've arranged for food and drinks for everybody!" Snake said, to another round of cheers as barrels were rolled out, and the soldiers and civilians alike began to celebrate. As he snagged a stein of ale and started to walk away however, his codec started to ring.


"Excellent speech, Commander." The digitized voice of a japanese man spoke into his ear as the picture of Hideo's avatar popped into his vision.

"Hideo, how are the spacer's holding up?"

"The Belter, Henry, will not cease asking as many questions as he can, and the others are all simply terrified of me."

"Well, you are a pretty scary guy."

"How rude, Commander. You're the scary one, I've done nothing except have them clean up bloodstains and replace the air scrubbers, and they act like I'll space them at any time."

"I don't know Hideo, maybe it's your sunny disposition and cheerful taste in decor?"

"Hmmm. Commander, can I ask a question?"

Snake walked over to a nearby crate and sat down, taking a sip of the local beer that they had traded from the villagers. He wasn't smoking cigarettes anymore, but he wasn't going to turn his nose up at a beer or two, as long as he didn't go too far.


"May I have a codename?"

Snake looked away from the crowd of people and focused his attention back onto the AI. Taking a sip of his drink, he gave it some thought.

"Sure, but what brought this up?"

The AI hummed over the broadcast, pausing for a moment before he began to explain.

"As a member of this organization, I believe that I am just as if not more important than any other individuals aside from yourself and Dr. Emmerich." Hideo spoke carefully, as if crafting his words in the most mindful way he could.

Snake just snorted, seeing right through the engram's statement.

"I get it now, you just want to be more involved!" Snake laughed a little as he took another drink, grinning behind his mug. "Don't worry buddy, I've got a good one for you. From here on out, your codename is White Whale." He held up his drink just as the party cheered, the timing perfect as Hideo's avatar gave a salute, smiling at the commander. "May all who hunt you be dragged to the depths."

"Moby Dick. Fitting. I'll do it justice, commander. Thank you." The AI cut the call as the party cheered again as Otacon had a couple of people help set up a sound system. Where he found a set of speakers, Snake didn't know, but soon the party kicked into high gear as the scientist began playing music that was nearly a thousand years old at this point. Around the edge of the crowd, Snake could see the little boy Nicky sneaking around and trying to pick people's pockets, only to get spotted and run down by the other kids. Smirking at the kid getting dogpiled, he finished the dregs of his beer and began making his way to the crowd.

"Boss, you here to show us some moves?" Marcus asked with a grin as he moonwalked out of the circle.

Snake cracked his knuckles as he looked over to Otacon, catching the scientist's eye. Hal gaped for a second, before the brightest smile spread across his face and he swapped tracks, playing some catchy synth track that was perfect.

Performing a perfect flip, Snake began to breakdance like he never had before.

"Go Snake! Go Snake! Go Snake!"

And so the festivities went on through the rest of the evening. Nobody was ready for morning exercises the day after, but by all accounts, the party was a complete success.
It's good to see Snake experiencing camaraderie again, I wonder if he'll come to understand some of the love and grief that drove Big Boss to his worst actions?
It's good to see Snake experiencing camaraderie again, I wonder if he'll come to understand some of the love and grief that drove Big Boss to his worst actions?
Snake's whole life has been his friends and people he trusted betraying him, getting fucked up, or dying, and he STILL was a better person than big boss ever was.
Snake's whole life has been his friends and people he trusted betraying him, getting fucked up, or dying, and he STILL was a better person than big boss ever was.

Oh certainly, Snake made the better choices in the face of betrayal and hardship but as far as I'm aware he hasn't gone through the same thing of being a father to his soldiers and seeing them slaughtered.

His sorrows like that have always been more immediately personal.
Act 2 Chapter 1
February 14th, 2976


Snake shook the hands of Billy's family, his brother having put their group up on his farm for the next couple weeks. It was a little awkward for Billy, explaining that their ancestral mech was destroyed, almost getting into a shouting match before he pulled out a picture of him on his new pillager, with as many of the recovered totems and trinkets decorating the massive machine. It was a teary discussion, all told, but Snake had left and began exploring the farm as twilight fell.

While Marcus drilled the recruits and Otacon finished repairing the stable of machines in the Castle, Snake took Billy, a lance of repaired battlemechs, and the captives that chose to go home on a trip into the Lyran Commonwealth. He had a plan that had multiple objectives, and the fact that Billy knew the location was ideal. Winter was the location of a Diplass mech factory, producing Hunchbacks, and Otacon practically begged Snake to try and make a deal with them.

To that end, he sent Snake off with a bevy of things to trade, including a list of all the schematics that Otacon and Hideo could pull from the base computers. They needed funds and resources, after all, and Philanthropy had to be made official if they were going to actually help people. Trading information, schematics, and blueprints to the right people could do more to fund their organization and help people than any direct action they could take, at least without resorting to drastic actions.

He'd heard about this notoriously pacifistic Comstar company, which handled all the mail and the money. A fancy telephone company that operated a middleman business for PMCs and NGOs… Snake thought it was all very sketchy, but he'd been assured by nearly everybody that despite their creepiness, they were 'good people'. They had a strange religion, but the local preceptor and adepts were extremely well regarded for their charity, with Billy proudly proclaiming that they ran the school that taught him how to read and do math.

And Snake could admit, he could understand it. A pacifist organization with the ability to lay sanctions on anybody that went too far was a good idea, if it weren't so dystopian. So he made his plans, and hoped his fears didn't come to pass. A monopoly was a breeding ground for corruption, as were religious organizations. Snake didn't doubt for a second that there were at least two separate factions within the organization, and there were probably more. This contemplation continued for a while as Snake roamed the farm, before a voice shook him from his thoughts.

"Hey old man!" Snake heard Nicky shout for him, running from the large barn the refugees were staying until Snake could arrange for their transport. Nicky didn't wish to leave Philanthropy, citing his lack of protection and family, but he practically begged Snake to take him on the trip. With the boy certain to try something like stowing away, Snake accepted, and allowed the boy to come with them.

"Old man, they said you were looking for mechwarriors?" The precocious little boy asked, running right up next to Snake. He'd long since gotten used to Nicky calling anybody over the age of eighteen old, and him in particular. He could tell the boy found his annoyance funny, so he quickly learned to not react to it. "If so, ya should have told me! I've got contacts with some of the best mechwarriors in the Commonwealth!"

"Nicky, you're nine," Snake grunted, giving the boy a flat stare. "What kind of contacts could you possibly have?"

Nicky puffed his cheeks out indignantly, before he ran in front of Snake and planted his feet with his arms crossed. He laughed haughtily, as if imitating some cartoon character, and pointed dramatically at Snake.

"I'm from Solaris VII, old man, I've met more mechwarriors walking down the street than you have in your life!" Nicky brought his outstretched hand back in to point at himself proudly. "I know at least twenty homeless- I mean, troubled mechwarriors with no place to go! And I can get you in the door, as long as you take me with you."

Snake laughed at how overdramatic the boy was being, which only gave Nicky's indignant glare more heat. Leaning forward and ruffling the boy's hair before he could get away, Snake smiled. "I'll think about it," he said as the boy pulled away, trying to fix his now disheveled red hair. "But what's the real reason, Nicky?"

The boy flushed in embarrassment, shuffling a little and avoiding Snake's gaze, before he muttered something.

"...you'd make a killing…"

"What was that?"

"I said that you'd make a killing in the Solaris games!" The boy shouted out as he turned away from Snake, trying to hide his clear shame. "They've got everything, mech fights, races, power armor battles, anything you can think of, Solaris has it! If you go, we could bet on you and win for sure!" Ah, there it was. This little boy liked money too much, Snake thought, but as far as he was concerned it was better than wanting to be a soldier.

"Look Nicky, I'll consider it. I'll consult with my people, and if we all agree, I'll make plans. But that's a long trip, and we need to finish up here first, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. At least you heard me out, old man. As a favor, I'll even give you some help! See you tomorrow!" Nicky said as he ran off, that slightly ominous statement not leaving Snake feeling very confident in the safety of the boy. However, he was on a farm, on a strange planet. How much trouble could the boy really get into?
Last edited:
February 15th, 2976

New Winter, Lyran Commonwealth

Snake was just a bit more than annoyed at how his day was progressing. He had a few people he needed to meet with over the next few hours: Diplass Battlemechs, to try and trade schematics for starting capital and royalties; the planetary governor, to try and arrange a trade route; and Comstar, to get registered as a humanitarian organization, or barring that as a PMC. Well, now he needed to make a fourth stop, at the DMV of all places.

Having operated every type of vehicle he could think of, from cars and trucks, to helicopters and planes over the course of his life, Snake had elected to drive himself and Billy around the city in one of the trucks that Billy's brother Richard kept on his farm. Given it was a small, local vehicle, Snake thought it would be okay. But now, here he was getting lectured by a police officer that had pulled him over.

"I understand that in the Periphery you might be able to drive around without one, but here you need a valid Commonwealth ground vehicle license. If you want to stay on the road, you'll need your friend to drive for you." The officer said quite insistently, ticketbook and pen in his hands. Snake grumbled as he folded the ticket and stuffed it into a pocket, muttering to himself. He couldn't believe that a thousand years later, traffic tickets were the exact same racket as ever. "Also, you shouldn't be driving with an eyepatch, your depth perception is a vital component of safe driving."

"Yes officer, I understand. Is that all for today?" Snake ground out, glaring at Billy who was laughing at his misfortune. It wasn't even a real eyepatch, but he wasn't about to point that out to a random cop.

"Yessir, that about does it. Just remember, no driving until you get a license." He said as he snapped his book shut, nodding at Billy, before turning back around and walking to his cruiser. Walking around to the other side of the truck, Snake cuffed a still chuckling Billy on the back of the head and climbed in the passenger seat. What else could go wrong today?


"What do you mean you need to search me?"

This almost felt targeted, Snake thought as he was stopped at the entrance of City Hall. While Billy walked right through and headed for the tax department, chatting with the employee, Snake had been eyed by nearly every security guard from the moment they saw him come up the stairs. He wasn't even wearing anything out of the ordinary, just his headband, Solid Eye, and a weathered but clean pair of fatigues.

"Yes sir, we're very sorry, but you've been identified as a potential security risk, and we have to follow procedure," The apologetic but nervous woman talking to him said as a security guard stepped up next to him with a glare.

"This is bullshit…" he grumbled as he began to disarm voluntarily, placing his knife and a laser pistol on the counter before he spread his arms and allowed the patdown.

Finding nothing, the guard signaled such to the others while the secretary gave an anxious smile. Snake collected his weapons and adjusted his clothes again before he folded his arms.

"Now that that's over with, I'm here for two reasons," Snake told the apologetic secretary while the security returned to their place against the walls. "Firstly, I need to speak to the Governor, I'm the captain of the Jumpship Painted Lady, I need to speak with him about arranging a trade route," the secretary squeaked at that and grew visibly more nervous, before he continued, "and second, I need to get a ground vehicle license." At that, the lady instead looked confused. Taking the windfall for what it was, the secretary pulled a datapad from her desk and handed it to Snake.

"Ah, I will inform Mr. Wagner that you're here, though he will be busy for the next hour. If you'd like to take a seat and fill this out, we can begin processing your request."

Great, paperwork. At least this day can't get any worse, he thought to himself.


Snake cursed as he leaned out the window, the driving instructor yelling as he performed some really admirable evasive driving. Firing off his laser pistol, he leaned back just in time to avoid a bullet flying through where his head used to be.

After filling out an hour's worth of paperwork, he had been given the option of just going ahead and taking the driving test. He had let down his guard, not anticipating an attack, but about halfway through, they had been the victim of an attempted carjacking. Two thugs had come up to both sides of the truck as he had stopped at a stop sign, and tried to pull the instructor out, so he hit the gas.

Well, the criminals didn't seem to like that, because as he spun off, running over the foot of one of the thugs in the process, another car came around the corner firing automatic guns at them. Snake's instructor cried out every time a bullet impacted the car, but he drove like a professional. Leaning back out, Snake quickly lifted his gun and fired off a perfect shot to the wheel of the vehicle chasing them, popping its tire and making their pursuers spin out before impacting a concrete barrier. As the bullets stopped flying, Snake climbed back into the cab and looked at the nearly hyperventilating driving instructor, patting him on the shoulder.

"Hey, you did great. Let me know if you want a job as a driver, you're pretty good." Snake shot him finger guns while the wide eyed young man just gulped and clenched his clipboard tighter. "So, I'm gonna go ahead and head on back… do you think we can keep this between us?"

The driving instructor just closed his eyes and nodded, unable or unwilling to speak after getting into a gunfight.


"Alright sir, you scored a 92 on your test, so you're officially a valid driver! Just stand in front of this camera and we can print your ID out!" A far more bubbly secretary greeted him this time, the first one he had seen must have gone home for lunch. The young woman he was talking to right now was less hesitant to talk to him. In fact, he kind of wished she was scared of him, because at least then he wouldn't have to deal with non-stop chatter. Tuning her out as she took his picture, Snake waited for the camera to flash, before standing back up and making his way over to the secretary. She handed him the newly printed ID card, pushing it into his hands with a wink.

Along with his ID was a piece of paper with a phone number and a little heart. Looking back at the bubbly secretary, she winked at him and cleared her throat.

"Mr. Wagner is ready to see you now, Mr. Sears. If you'll follow me into this elevator, I'll take you to him."

Maybe today wasn't so bad after all, Snake thought as the short but shapely blonde woman strutted in front of him.