[X] Spend time with... : Spend time with someone. A social action. Will give good relationship gain and might lead to special events. Anyone you've met that is inside Veilstone right now is available. The people with special plot events are listed below.
-[X] Marissa event: You find the Team Galactic grunt alone and out of uniform. This might be a great time to know more about her. Maybe the truce is still up?
[X] Spend time with... : Spend time with someone. A social action. Will give good relationship gain and might lead to special events. Anyone you've met that is inside Veilstone right now is available. The people with special plot events are listed below.
[X] Go train with Akahime: You will spend a day training with Akahime again. This training improves your pokemon's stats more than any other kind of training. She can also teach a pokemon moves they shouldn't be able to know. Will open another vote to decide what to train.
[X] Special training with Maylene: Like training but to train an ability or move. Same rules as with Cynthia apply but you can't teach your pokemon things they could not usually learn. Specify in your vote.