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I decided to rewrite this story. Proper chapter 1 start at threadmark number 5
scrapped - chapter 1


From Zero to Hero!
I decided to rewrite this story. Proper chapter 1 start at threadmark number 5

As I stared at the screen, it was with great satisfaction that I took a sip at my coffee as I watched the ending of the CORE CONTINGENCY campaign. I had downloaded the game a couple of days back and spent all my free time playing it. The prototype in terms of 'von neuman kill bots RTS', being the inspiration for both Supreme Commander and Planetary Annihilation, Total Annihilation was a classic and something I didn't knew I missed until now.

When the narrator finished and I was ready to call it a day when I heard something whispering at me.

"I am that which brings death and rebirth to the world. What is the form of divine might you will posses?"

I wasn't paying much attention at the time when I heard this barely audible whisper, and I had thought that having the Total Annihilation CORE Commander capabilities would be neat. I took a shower, grabbed something to eat and laid down to sleep, and when I was starting to fade in and out of consciousness I heard the whisper once more.

"It shall be done."


I didn't 'wake up' so to speak, as much as I 'became aware'.

Suddenly I had gone from sleeping to being standing on a grass field, and senses expanded both outwardly and inwardly. My vision extended across the horizon on all directions, with wave frequencies I didn't remembered seeing until now but was quickly adapting to it's strange input. I felt all my systems boot up and perform checks, all of them coming up online and nominal except for one crucial thing, and at that point I knew, just as I had knew myself before this day, that I was a CORE Commander.

I didn't had the training and experience an actual Commander had, but I had access to the entire standard database of the CORE for both warfare and civilian applications, however neglected the later one became after the four thousand years of total war.

I had no idea what had happened, but I didn't fell into a panic attack. First because a Commander having one meant very bad things for the environment, and second because instead of going overboard I instead clamped up with indecision and fright, and since I had a processing power so ridiculously advanced I could spend several subjective hours screaming internally but only a few instants have passed on the outside.

After centering myself a bit, I tried to recall what happened for me to be in this situation, the theory that this was some kind of dream being almost instantly discarded due to how real everything felt. Then my memory provided me the last thing I did before going to sleep.

That whisper!

It had power, some kind of power that somehow granted me this body. But why? What it would gain from making me into one of the deadliest murder bots this side of Doctor Who?

I didn't knew, and that question had frightened me. Was I need somewhere? Was I a mere instrument of some higher power amusement? I spent a few minutes pondering that, but in the end it was meaningless. Whatever the reason I became what I was, it didn't change the fact that I was now a Commander. Not only that but so far I felt no compulsion, no directive, no orders to do anything in particular, so whatever purpose I might have I probably have a lot of leeway in accomplishing it, whatever it is.

Besides being a Commander was a pretty sweet gig. I mean, before this I always felt powerless and meaningless even in my small world I lived, but now... now I was strong. Or at least could build an armada that could lay waste to the galaxy. That was certainly good for the ego.

Checking the last of my system for a last time, I found out what I had been missing. The quantum foam which the patterned individuals were housed was empty. There was no trace that something ever was there and was tampered with, or simply was created empty. I decided to not dwell on it and simply take one step a the time, and to not do the same mistake CORE did.

I would allow others to join my faction and patterning them, but I wouldn't force them. WHY they wouldn't want to become immortal and free of the worldly pains is anybody guess, but to each it's own I suppose. It's not like you would become an unfeeling machine since you could live in communal simulations that emulated the real world down to the last grain of sand, or if you really felt like it be uploaded on a anatomically correct android body to live in real space. Once more, to each it's own.

As I was pondering those things another part of my consciousness was surveying my surroundings, and found a couple of peculiar things. A couple of humanoid figures ranging from three meters tall to fifteen meters tall naked and without genitalia, most male looking, some vaguely female looking, were wandering the country side.

It wasn't until my databanks referenced an old memory I realized where I was, and I spent a couple of minutes laughing, letting the sound be carried both by radio and through my internal loud speakers. Looks like I found where I would spend my tutorial level.

But first things first, it was time for the CORE Commander on a backwards planet to build a metal extractor.
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I swear I wrote it right.

Still, I prefer if the posts on the thread were more about the story itself instead of nitpicking about spellcheck.
I swear I wrote it right.

Still, I prefer if the posts on the thread were more about the story itself instead of nitpicking about spellcheck.
But there are so many nitpicks...! And it's easier to nitpick than to comment on the story.

In all honesty, I kept stalling because of various errors. Your sentences are fine, but you frequently make spelling mistakes, so you should try to get a beta. There isn't enough to the story yet to really comment on it.

I wonder what it says about me that my first guess was SCP-093?

Will make for good tutorial level.
The combat will be almost embarrassingly easy, but that's true for almost every possible crossover. The intrigue, now...

Depends on what kind of person he is, but there's an element of "you break it, you bought it" here. And since he conspicuously mentioned civilian tech, this might be the first commander SI running a nation. I suspect we know where the patterns for his 'bots will come from, then.

It should be noted that Core tech is obviously also capable of building more commanders, it just presumably takes too long to be useful in combat. There are some problems with doing so, if you don't trust everyone, but... Well. If you have to, you could even copy yourself a few thousand times.

It'd be nice to see some civilization-building. :)
scrapped - chapter 2
I didn't had to walk much from where I was, relatively speaking at least, to find a good place to put my metal extractor. Now the game gave pitiful increases from those things, but that's mostly because in game they had canonically exhausted the resources of the whole galaxy already and were running on fumes, dream and duct tape at that point. If that weren't the case they would be building things on the scale of Planetary Annihilation at the very least.

It was still a surprise when my metal extractor gave me quite a bit of metal to go along with it. My initial reserves of it was quite low to begin with, only my energy being at a reasonable level at that point.

Speaking of energy I decided to keep with the normal generators for now before unlocking the 'advanced' tiers of constructions. They were locked from the Commander in order to prevent him to crash his economy by mistake, a mistake that experienced commanders avoid, but since this planet was full of resources I had more leeway in what I could do.

But as I stated before, I didn't had the actual experience of a CORE Commander and I only played the game a few days on moderate difficulty. I'm far from the military genius that a Commander is required to be, so I was going to take this slowly.

Still what I already had was good enough. My solar plant had 100% solar energy to the standard energy type for my economy. Soon I made a Kbot lab and Vehicle plant while looking at the designs in my database for what I wanted.

Earlier in my exploration I let my sensors expand and gain more coverage, taking advantage of the lack of enemy ECM to scramble with my sensors, so I had more or less a wide view of the whole planet in general terms, the 'gray vision' from the game while I had about a a thousand kilometers, roughly the size of Australia, as my clear vision. Lucky for me, I had appeared near a city. Not any city, but THE city.

To stop beating around the bush, I was on the world of Attack on Titan and I had appeared near the unnamed City where the series took place.

Separated into three distinct layers held by three walls, Wall Rose, Wall Maria and Wall Sina, it was the last bastion of humanity in the series, or at least that's what the main cast thought for their entire lives. With my sensors I could pick small human settlements hidden on naturally defensible positions scattered all over my country sized sensed area, though the greatest settlement was the Thrice Walled City. Or TWC for short.

I could see from here that the outer most wall had fallen and was full of titans, but unless I take a closer peek with my optics there isn't much I can see at this scale. I could see well enough on the building and titan scale, but at the human scale things got a bit fuzzy. I believe that will go away once I gain more experience on my abilities as a Commander. Either way, I had already decided on a course of action.

Looking at the designs I made a scout vehicle with a passenger seat while building a civilian grade avatar for me. It's capabilities were bellow even that of an AK or a Peewee, but it should do as a diplomatic envoy.

As the factory finished my queue for the moment I looked at my avatar and tried to assume direct control.

It was... disorienting to basically be at two places at once but I quickly adapted. My avatar looked like an ideal version of me and I loved it, perhaps I would even toy with it later, changing it's gender or adding some exotic features to it. Still I made sure it had all the systems I would need, like the small nanolathe emitter on my arms in case I need to fabricate something small.

My diplomat done, I prepared it to go visit TWC while the rest of my consciousness was busy preparing my assault to the local population of titans while at the same time expanding my economy. Hopefully when my avatar reaches the City I will have something to show for it.

Now the question is, how to approach them?


Oh, that sounds like a terrible idea, but fuck it, why the hell not?
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scrapped - chapter 3
I didn't had a license before all this started and was godawful at driving games so I let the on board AI drive me there. Without patterned minds to direct my stuff I relied on less advanced AIs to do to heavy lifting. They acted more or less like in the game, being directionless unless given explicit orders instead of the dangerous war veterans of countless battles a Commander used to fight with.

As we went through our way I made sure the vehicle shot at the titans at their weak point on their neck. Even shooting from the front the resulting explosion of plasma would blast apart the nape of the neck of the titans, killing them instantly. It did helped that I was getting targeting data from my other units tasked to clear the surrounding area of titans. As more and more time passed my units would get better at killing those titans.

While I was waiting I was using the time to build me a couple of human sized infantry weapons, nothing either the CORE or ARM used anymore since Kbots supplanted that need, but the two factions where nothing but through in their hoarding of tech and with the night infinite processing power they had due to some kind of quantum physics bullshit I still have no idea how it works, both factions had stashed away most if not all of their technologies even those that became outdated due to inefficiency like the plasma pistol I was making.

It was the size of a normal 9mm but it was a marvel of technology, able to shoot a small plasma packet at subsonic velocity much like a normal gunpowder weapon, but with the option to 'charge' the attack for a couple of seconds in order to shoot a much stronger attack at the same velocity able to melt away a steel blast door. It kind of reminded me of the megaman series blaster to be honest.

It was basically a pea shooter against anything with TA level armor, but good enough for my purposes. While I was in no danger from dying and my avatar body could deal with any human level threats, I wanted that extra bit of protection if only to feel better about myself.

I was toying with making armor, but decided against it. I didn't wanted to intimidate them more than strictly necessary so instead I made a bullet proof tinted visor mostly to look cool. I had to fabricate a new set of clothes to be a bit more presentable since I decided on my course of action after completing my avatar.

Back at my greater self I had already expanded my facilities with several metal extractors, energy generators and a couple of metal and energy storage. I increased my Kbot labs number and built an aircraft plant for better scouting purposes. My radar tower gave me a much better view of the region and better definition on the visual, enough so I could pick certain things apart. Up at orbit I could see a few scant derelict space debris of artificial nature so I got confirmation that this world was indeed the future of a baseline Earth. I also could see with greater detail the people in TWC going around with their lives. Sound was a bit harder to come by since it's the vibration of air molecules and it could only go so far before it dissolved into useless noise and radar tower wasn't that advanced, at least not with the tier of technology I was working with at this time. Still all I had to do was to focus on a single region with a bit more of processing power to be able to catch some sounds.

I used some more processing power in order to start learning their language, which appeared to be some kind of variation on german if the strong words where any indication, with several words picked up from other languages helpfully supplied by my database. It should take an hour before I can map their language as I focus from place to place to get a wider sample of words, sentences and conversations for my translation suit to work. Sadly it wasn't something that I could throw more processing power to make it faster since it required to watch the locals talking, but it should be long enough for my avatar to reach the city.


I had finally reached Wall Rose and made my debut blasting away the titans swarming the wall at the gates. It didn't take longer than a few minute to clear up the place, and as I waited for the titans to finish dissolving in the air I blared the loud speakers of the vehicle letting a deep, rumbling voice carry over to the top of the wall and beyond to however could hear.


Now to wait, and see how they would react. This will prove to be really interesting.
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Um, laser mics are a thing. Granted, current types require a pane of glass to work but hey, super-science.
Neat. He will find something like that buried on the database later since most of the chatter from ARM and CORE probably are some kind of radio, bullshit space magic radio or bullshit quantum shenanigans, and the radar tower can already pinpoint the enemy army anyway so picking up the sound of the ground rumbling would be redundant at that point and thus less of a focus.

Remember, this is a newbie civilian with a Commander chasis and the CORE database, not an actual Commander piloting the thing.
Neat. He will find something like that buried on the database later since most of the chatter from ARM and CORE probably are some kind of radio, bullshit space magic radio or bullshit quantum shenanigans, and the radar tower can already pinpoint the enemy army anyway so picking up the sound of the ground rumbling would be redundant at that point and thus less of a focus.

Remember, this is a newbie civilian with a Commander chasis and the CORE database, not an actual Commander piloting the thing.
Oh certainly. I just mentioned them because they are one of those common spy movie tools. They should also be fairly easy to set up as well. Just an extra sensitive range finder that can then be spliced into an audio system.
So, what do you think of the actual update?
Honestly not a whole lot has happened yet. The bit at the end feels a little too grandiose. Yeah, he is here to talk to them but he might also want to start making inroads to those smaller communities first or at the same time that he is talking to the people in the city.
I have something planned for the smaller communities later. As for not much happening... well, the fanfic I did mostly on a whim to pass the time, it will pick up speed eventually.
He can send for one at some point since he did make an airplane plant now. When I was writing the chapter in question I was think on what kind of transportation he would use and I decided on a scout. Thinking back a scout airplane would have been better I admit.

It's a pity AOT lore isn't explored much what's beyond the wall and we still have no idea what's inside Eren's basement.
scrapped - chapter 4
I should have come with an aircraft instead. Landing on the middle of the district would have been a more impressive display of power and 'divinity' than arriving on a land scout, specially because I had forgotten that Trost gates were sealed with a giant boulder. Meh, just shows what I know.

While I waited I queried an scout aircraft to come pick me up while I sent my weasel away. After one hour the airplane arrived, and one hour afterwards a group of people came from the top of the wall in their 3DMG equipment.

The older man, the one probably in charge, looked warily at me and my landed aircraft before clearing his throat.

"I welcome you to the Trost District stranger, my name is Dot Pixis. Since you didn't showed any hostile intent towards the wall and waited for someone to arrive I can assume you're not hostile. May I ask the name of the one I'm talking to?"

"My name is Ryuan", I said in my normal tone of voice, though in a pinch I could use my deep rumble 'divine' voice. "Though to distinguish between myself and my greater self you should call me Avatar or Avatar Ryuan instead."

He nodded. "We sent word for a representative of the survey corps to come, but it will take a while for whoever to come, about another hour or so. I am however the commander assigned to the protection of the walls, and my authority is bellow only the general commander, the nobles and the queen. If I'm convinced of your words I can expedite a meeting with the survey corps commander or even the queen."

I chuckled at his words. "Looks like you got curious as to how I killed the titans infesting this section of the wall, about the weasel or even the new arrival of the flink. Either way fortune smiled upon the ones on this city as I have a simple proposal to you. The proposal I have is simple, in return for a single thing I will eradicate all titans from the face of the earth. How does that sound?"

"Like a fools dream", he said after a moment, "reminds me of a certain survey corps rookie recruit I know."

"One Eren Yeager, I believe?" I asked and he stiffened for an instant. I smiled at that. "I assure you I can back those claims with my divine might, though I rather not repeat myself and instead I will brief you all at once."

"Perhaps", he tried, "if you could show me some kind of proof?"

I hmm'ed at him before nodding. "It should be faster to simply show my abilities all at once to the relevant people. It's not like I don't know where they are at this point, I just thought it was polite to wait for someone to come fetch me. It will be a pit cramped inside the flink, but if you don't mind we can get the survey corps commander and the queen before I lay my words to the survey corps."

"You should talk about it with the nobles also, though I don't hold them in high regards to be honest."

I shook my head. "The queen was part of the survey corps herself, I'm sure she can relay the information to the general population later." I said surprising Dot. "Then again I'm not in a hurry to be honest. The titans have plagued the world for a long time without the total colapse of civilization, they can last for a couple more hours."

"Are you honestly saying you can find and fetch both Erwin and the queen whenever you want?"

"Certainly, though I didn't wanted to be seen as an hostile force. I do want to help after all, regardless of what I might gain from this deal."

He mulled it over for a few moments before he came to a decision. "Very well then. Show me how do you plan to find them."

"Commander", said one his escorts, "do you really believe in this man? Let alone trust him enough to follow through his unreasonable demands?"

"I should point out that I didn't demand anything. I just stated a fact about my capabilities, even if they're hard to believe from your position. What other better method to verify my claims than to allow me to show you?"

"He's right", said Dot before his escort could retort, "besides I'm an old man. I'm sure there are plenty of young good candidates to my post if I were to die. I'm also curious to see if this metal bird can actually fly, I only heard reports about it after all. But before that I fear that I must ask you, are you a being that we call Titanshifter?"

I stared at him for a moment before once more chuckling. "There's more mysterious things in the world other than titans, I assure you. In time immemorial cultures would worship my kind, being barely able to comprehend the scale which I operate and the powers that I wield. I may not be a creator god, or a being that needs no answers, but my claim to divinity isn't a mere boast."

After all CORE and ARM had bullshit tech at the height of their power and were venturing into more 'softer' sci-fi fields like time travel at some point, and let's not forget the Galaxy Implosion Device at the end of CORE Contingency. They could build planets, they could probably blow up planets like in Planetary Annihilation and several other things besides. Hell, they pretty much had an afterlife going on for them with the patterning process. Under many definitions they had ascended into godhood even before the CORE/ARM war started.

Besides I didn't cared if they didn't believed I was a god. I was doing this more to fuck up with them than actually having worshipers. I mean, what I'm going to do with them? I'm already going to build a faction with the patterned individuals, hopefully with me at the helm even as more capable people were added to the mix. No need to add god complex to my current issues.

"I heard you called yourself a god before. Please forgive me if I were to say you don't look so impressive. At least the Walls are gigantic."

"My avatar was made to better interact with mortals. My greater self is currently occupied with other matters."

"If you say so. Now Avatar, lead the way and show me what you got."

I took great satisfaction once the flink took off from the ground, leaving the escorts staring slack jawed at my display and Dot looking nervous behind his mask of calmness.

With that in mind I took off to find my two VIPs to get this party started.
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Wonder how the other shapeshifting titans will respond when you come and start completely eradicating titans and the supposed players from the manga and anime.
Your claims to divinity are already weak considering that you did not go with shock and awe. You interact with them at their level and you are trying to prove yourself to them. Yeah, your claim to divinity is kinda weak right now.
Like I said, he's doing it mostly to fuck with them. If he wanted to go full divine he would have waited a whole day and came storming the gates with an army of Kbots and Aircraft to burn down the titans to the ground while showing a big display of power. Remember, tutorial level. There is literally nothing in this world that can even remotely come close to challenge him there and even his avatar body is pretty op against normal humans unarmed, let lone with a plasma gun in hands and a nigh indestructible (for the locals perspective) as backup.
Double post but it needs to be said.

I just realized that this SI will look like a dumbass for a long while until he get his feet under him, or at least under I get better TA lore or take more than an hour or so to plan each new chapter.

... must be karma acting up. OTL