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Fahrenheit is a quiet Manitoban town full of wonderful, imaginative and supportive residences. A...
All things start somewhere - 1

Look to the Left

Back from the Void
Fahrenheit is a quiet Manitoban town full of wonderful, imaginative and supportive residences. A town with a rich culture, a beautiful man made lake and community that promotes healthy, farm grown produce.

So says the brochure at least and that's just the first sentence. I'm pretty sure that everything written here is exaggerated for effect and I'm pretty sure that I saw one of the images printed on this thing somewhere at google images when I was surfing for clip art. Though dad said it was a good town. He passed by the place while visiting an old friend from Japan moving into British Columbia. He said it was an odd town, but a lovely place all the same.

We're moving over there from Ontario. The politics there was getting too hot for us.

My dad driving us in one of those old family cars. You know, the stage wagon car with that large back, looked like it was partially made of wood, that one, yeah.

I was with my younger sister, my mother, and my honorary aunt. My little sister was this cute little munchkin, goes around in a blue sweater too big for her and long black hair styled in a long girlish ponytail with big brown eyes that forced you to give up your lunch to her, twice.

My mother was far more mature looking, like a super model right out of the magazines. In fact, she was a supermodel. She left that job a long time ago though, when she found it full of perverts and assholes, same for her friend, our honorary aunt. She wore all black, looked like she was going to a funeral, kind of her shtick back in the model business. She looked otherworldly as well, pale skin, red eyes and long white hair that gave her an eerie look. Made her stood out of the competition.

Our honorary aunt? Like I said, she's our mother's long time friend. A Chinese adopted by Americans from a time when China still had the One-child policy. She doesn't talk much, not that she can talk at all with her tracheostomy and all. Other than that she's fairly normal on the surface. With a black bob cut and a light yellow blouse and long blue skirt. She always has her nose in that sketch book of hers, designing clothes long after she left the mainstream fashion scene.

Our father (with the exception of our aunt) looked the most normal, if you took him for a women. Not that he would mind really; sir, mister and he apply to him as much as miss, lady, and she. He greatly prefers any type of clothing that's long. pants, sweaters, turtlenecks as long as it covers his arms and legs. He has long black hair that he either leaves down or tied up in a ponytail.

Oh shit what else can I explain. I need to starve the boredom of this long ass car drive. Uh... Well we passed by a tree I guess. Oh, there's another tree! And another one! Okay no more trees.

To be honest it's hard to find a tree for kilometers on end in central Canada. Good chunk of the land here are plains and oh boy are they boring as fuck. It's literally just kilometers after kilometers of flat land with grass and the occasional small patches of trees and rivers.

Hell I'd blow up in excitement if I pass by a farm. I'm so deprived of any interesting scenery for so long that anything to break up the monotony would feel like the first deep breath of air after swimming up form the deepest corners of the ocean.

Hey, voices? You've been quiet for a while now. Hello? You there? Guys? You there?

Yeah well screw you too guys, I'm gonna talk with my little sister. "Hey, Noel, you excited for our new home?"

She replied with the soft sound of adorable snoring. "Okay never mind."

Mom's in her antisocial mood now, can't talk with her. Aunt's still busy drafting out designs and dad? Dad's driving, can't disturb him.

Hey voices? You there? Yeah I'm sorry about what I said to you earlier it's just that... I'm just really bored right now. Hello? Come on guys, speak to me. I need someone to chat with!

Welcome to my new quest. I thought about making this into a short story or a web novel but I've never been able to do that. I've also been in a quest slump lately. Never been able to get any of my ideas to motivate me enough to write. So why not write a quest with an idea that has been sitting in my mind for several months on end.

The system I have here is a combination of "SV is in _____'s head" and Asuka quest. In this game, only the top three votes are selected but unlike other quests you can't directly choose the actions of the MC, you can only influence her via speaking to her. She might follow your advice, she might not. She might do the opposite or she'll get a new idea that's based off whatever thing you told her. She is always aware of your existence at all times.

You also only have three lives. Lose all three and it's game over.

Good luck guys!


[] Why don't you talk about things you like.

[] Just count the yellow lines on the road. That's what I do!

[] Write in
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Character Sheet
Octavia Youth

Name: Octavia Youth
Gender: Female
Age: 16



Strength: 6
Perception: 8
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 6
Luck: 5


Schizophrenia (Positive): For some odd reason, Octavia was born with this often misunderstood mental conditional. Instead of it being a detriment to her however she ended up with voices that act in a positive manner to her, giving her advice and making small talk with her.

???: At the moment, even Octavia is unaware of this trait.

Tire bursting could've lead to the car crashing.

Mentions of a truck with a blank license plate.

Old leather book (which you don't have) which contains mentions of a place with the address of 22 1st St.

A cop died there.

A family died, two adults and one smaller individual. Child or infant?

Stats and Clue Explanation

The stat system is ripped based off of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system from the Fallout series with each letter representing a type of stat, Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck.

The stats go from 1 to 10 with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest. 5 is considered the average baseline.

These stats aren't part of a hard RPG system like in Fallout. Instead they're more numerical representation of a character's abilities. Something to give an idea rather than something that effects a dice roll (don't worry, there will be no dices in this game). Keep that in mind please.

Clues are things that Octavia picked up and made note of. They're things that will guide you to the truth. Some may be vital, some may be red herrings. Some clues won't be listed as they'll be things that Octavia never picked up herself. However if you point things out to her then'll they can be listed if she deems them worth listing down so make sure to keep an eye out!

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Blockade - 2
[X] Why don't you talk about things you like?

What I like? You guys already know but sure, whatever.

I like to make dresses. Caught the fashion bug from my aunt, most if not all of my clothes are crafted by my own hands. I'm really into Gothic Lolita fashion, I just love how it welds together a cute and modest design philosophy with Gothic sensibilities. That and well... I like to feel closer to my mother.

It wasn't easy at first, it also doesn't help that auntie is a very strict teacher as well as smug about the quality of her own work (which is pretty fucking high mind you). There's also that tiny little fact that Gothic Lolita clothing has to abide by an unspoken guideline that's both strict and vague and... Yeah... Never ask me about my first attempts. Ever.

I also like to eat. I know that sounds a bit banal but hey, a girl's gonna eat you know. I eat a lot, a lot more than a girl my size would suggest. A girl this short and lithe couldn't have the space and metabolism to eat ten Roadhouse King Burgers but holy shit I do.

I also have a large book collection with an entire section dedicated to mystery novels. I'll confess, I'm a massive mystery nerd. I just love a good mental conundrum as I endlessly toil over the solutions before checking if my deduction was correct by turning the page to the solution. I will say that the Sherlock Holmes stories are my favorite though my honest opinion is that I think that they're harder for the reader to solve the mystery on their own. Mostly because it's less figure out the mystery alongside the detective and more the detective solves the mystery as you stand on the sidelines acting amazed at his genius but hey, it's from an older time. I have books from other well known authors as well, can't eat the same kind of Mars bar all the time right? Some of the books I are from people like Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman, Ray Bradbury, Hugh MacLennan and uh... well sorry Edgar Allan Poe I would've added you on the list but even your mystery stories have more purple prose than uh... Wait I almost got it... The joke's somewhere on the tip of my tongue I just need some... Never mind, I lost it. It was going to be a real gut buster dammit!

[X]"Uhh remind me again boss, what do we say when talking to shrinks? I think I forgot...again."

Same thing we've always done. Tell'em that I got schizophrenia. It's pretty much slapped right on my medical reports so the doctors and psychologists would all know, no need to hide it. Turns out having voices in your head doesn't automatically mean they're going to be tormenting you from the darkest corners of you mind. From what they say it seems it's mostly people from North America that have pretty fucked up schizophrenia, everyone else outside seems to have harmless or even positive voices in their head depending on their cultueral environment, who knew. Though I guess that makes me an outlier.

[X] Sing country music very softly to strive off the boredom.


Ha, Ha, Ha.

Fuck subtlety.

I took a deep breath.


"Yes dad?" I said innocently.

"I have known you for your entire 16 years of life on this very earth and I know that when you take a deep gulp of air like that then it could only mean one thing."

"Imma gonna do it dad."

"Don't you dare sweetie."

"Imma gonna do it and you can't stop me."

"Oh for shit's sake. Samantha! Tell her to stop."

The fashionista made a silent sigh as she took out an iPad and started typing into it. Soon a synthesized female voice came out and said, "You know the rules Yu, twenty bucks in the swear jar."

"I can't put money in the damn swear jar Samantha. It's in the god damn trunk right now and if we don't stop Octavia from singing she'll be doing it for the rest of the entire trip."

"Forty more dollars. Looking forward to extra supplies."

"~Almost heaven, West Virginia~"

"Oh shit!"

"Another twenty dollars. Yay."

"~Blue Ridge Mountains~

~Shenandoah River~

~Life is old there~"

"Damn you John Denver!"

"I'm rolling in cash baby."

At one point my little sister woke up and decided to join in on my song. "~Older than the trees~

~Younger than the mountains~

~Blowin' like the breeze~

~Country roads! Take me home!~

~To the places- I BELONG!~"

"Sweeties, would you kindly give your mother a rest?"

"Sawwy mama."


"Thanks honey."

"No worries."

For a while we drove in awkward silence.

I went back to looking out the window, looking for anything that broke up the endless plains. About half an hour later the car started to slow down. "Dad? Did we run out of gas again?"

"No sweetie, I'm slowing down because there's a police barricade up ahead."

"Wait what." I pressed my face against the window as best as I could so that I would get at the very least a glance at what was up ahead. There were two to four RCMP officers at the scene, their black uniforms made them hard not to see. It was at a fork in the road with one way continuing the highway and another one going through an evergreen forest. The blockade was right on the normal highway. There was a car flipped over on the road. It was a complete wreck, several pieces of it were strewn across the road. It must've lost control along the road or something.

A police officer walked over to us as dad rolled down the window. "Sorry about the inconvenience ma'am but you'll have to make a detour through the forest."

"I can see that sir but uh... Isn't that forest infamous for best easy to get lost in?"

"The Fahrenheit Forest? Eh, not that bad if you just follow the road. You'll only get lost if you get off the road. Long as you stick to it, nothing bad should happen. We even have a post there just in case that happens. By the way, how did you know about that?"

"This isn't my first time to Fahrenheit."

"Ah, I see. So you on vacation with your family?"

"Nah, I'm moving in."

"Oh! I see, if you're moving in then I suggest you meet..."

I tuned out of the conversation between the two as I tried to focus on the crime scene. Hey, voices. What's your take on this?


[] Maybe one of the tires burst open?

[] Maybe it crashed into another car?

[] It's... A MYSTERY!

[] Eh, not our problem.

[] Write in
Fahrenheit Forest - 3
OOC: Added a character sheet for Octavia at information threadmark. Yes, I shamelessly ripped off the special system from Fallout. Also, HOLY SHIT THIS TOOK FOREVER.

[x] It's... A MYSTERY!
-[x] And you know what that means!

Yeah! I'm gonna go get out of this car and investigate the shit of that crime scene currently overseen by a bunch of trained officers, break several laws in the process and get apprehended in the process all while annoying the shit out of my parents!

Sorry, but unless I have the power of invisibility or whatever I can't enter the crime scene. All I have to go on is a very limited view of the crime scene from my face pressed against the window.

To that end, I basically got nothing to go on for this mystery.

[X] Maybe one of the tires burst open?
-[X] Given what you said boss, I'm not that inclined to think that's all though it sounds like a good start potentially? tire busts, maybe it hits the road wall, flips from impact, upside down, and probably enough damage to start up the falling apart.

It could be a possibility. I read somewhere on the internet that when a tire blows out (or really any kind of car related malfunction or incident) the natural response is to slam the brakes as hard as they can humanly can which, ultimately, leads to the car spinning out of control before crashing or simply flipping over. Considering this is the highway where cars have to go fast by law, it's a possibility.

[Clue gained!]

[x] Maybe it crashed into another car.

I only see one car though, either they towed one car away (which I would think is unlikely) or the car that crashed into it immediately drove off for fear of retribution. Whatever the case, looks like we'll have to take the long way around.

My mind phased back into the world. Just in time for me to overhear certain facts in the conservation between my dad and the police officer. "...By the way ma'am... Have you seen any trucks passing by?"

"Well there's that one driver who hollered at me about having a nice ass but other than a few trucks passing me by... Nah, sorry sir. I can't remember every solitary truck that passed by me."

"Damn, at least it was worth a try. Have you at least seen any truck with a missing front license plate or a blank one?"

"A what now?"

[Clue gained]

"Oh, sorry ma'am. Just wanted to know. Oh, by the way. If you past by-"

"Hey Frank! Come look at this!"

"What is it?" He turned around to face a female officer who had walked over to him. Wait, isn't she a little too young to be an officer? Yeah... She's just my age! She was taller than me, maybe 150 cm to my 140 cm? She wore a brown trench over a school uniform with long blond hair tied up in a pony tail. She looked Caucasian and more importantly, a young girl from a private school dressing up like she was from a noir novel. Never thought I'd make that sentence.

"Look at this journal I found." She was holding a leather bound book. Her hands covered with latex gloves. The book itself looked worn, skin peeling off and blood spattered on the cover.

"Hey! Careful with that, it's evidence!"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." She said as she skimmed through the book. "Hmmm... Starts off normally enough though..."

"What? Did the writer start writing smut or something?"

"Try wannabe Lovecraft, without the talent."

"The Cthulhu guy?"

"Ah yes, the 'Cthulhu guy.' Hmm?"

"What is it?"

"Strange. Last page ends abruptly. Written down are '22 1st St.' Know anything about that officer?"

"Ah... That house... Yeah... Sorry 'Detective' but we don't talk about that place."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Why not?"

"That place, it's full of bad omens."

"I never took you for a superstition sort."

"Hey, I'm not religious or anything but that place... Forget about it, something about it gives me the creeps. That, and one of our guys died in that place. Well... I wasn't part of the station at the time but still, cop dies in brutal fashion and ain't no one got an explanation."

"No explanation?"

"Well... There's an official one, but that's bull-crap. No one in town takes it seriously, just something they made up to put on the reports so they don't have to deal with it anymore."

[Clue gained!]

"Huh... I would like to ask you more but the dame driving the car there seems to be waiting for you."

"Yeah... You wanted to ask me something?"

"Oh yeah. Almost forgot it, you see if you want to come into town. You'll have to give your license plate number to the guys over at the post in Fahrenheit forest. We're trying to keep a record of who gets in and out of town. You know, for the investigation."

"Oh, that's fine then. Well, hope your investigation goes well." Saying their goodbyes, he rolled up the window, before we drove into the forest.

As the road started to split, I had a small window of opportunity to look at the crime scene form a different angle. From there I was able to notice three body bags. Two large and one small. Two adults and a child I think?

It was short live as I lost sight of them before I can get anything else. Drat.

[Clue gained!]

So we drove in silence. At least now I have a different kind of scenery to look at.

I can see why it would be easy to get lost in this forest. All the trees look the same. In fact I think there's only pine trees in this place. It's also surprisingly dark here.

No... Not dark... It's foggy? I never heard of a place this foggy in Canada and this far in land. Damn, this forest is weird.

After a while we found our selves at the police post. It was this old building, less a concrete structure and more like an old forest cabin converted for police use. We met a woman at the front of the building as she waved us over. "Hello ma'am, mind if I check your license plate?"

"Sure, go ahead."

The officer walked over to the front, writing down the number before nodding and giving us the go ahead to move forward.

Deeper into the forest. The fog deepening as we went. Dad had to open up his high beam lights just to see the road in front of him. The place was making my skin crawl, even my aunt stopped sketching to look around herself worriedly.

No one dared say anything. The sheer eeriness of the felt like it was keep our mouths shut. The weight getting heavier as time passes. I almost thought the mist would come inside the car and swallow us all whole.

Finally, after what seemed like an endless drive into some irrational misty landscape, the car drove out of the fog and into a forest clearing. The features of a small idyllic Canadian town obstructed by walls of tree came into view.

"Heh, looks like we're almost there!" Slowly, the trees parted and we were greeted with a pristine town, lively with people and brimming with energy. "Ah! What a lovely place isn't it?"

It never left, while this place was already a better change of scenery than that wall of fog, I couldn't help but feel something odd about the place. An odd, tense undertone hiding beneath the town's playful scenery. Eh, it' might just be me.

Our dad drove for a while until we passed by a hotel, it wasn't anything extravagant, it was one of those more cozy hotels. Great food and rooms and all but you don't feel like you're spending a billion dollars for every cup of water you order. Not sure if any of those sentences made sense but that's what I feel.

We went inside, stretching our legs as we drink in the homey atmosphere of the lounge. We resting at the sofas while dad was talking with the manager there. After a while he came back and said to us, "Okay, so since our luggage is going to come a bit later we'll just have to sleep at this hotel for a bit. Don't worry about the luggage we have in the car, the guy's here will bring them up to our rooms. Here Octavia catch!"

He threw to me a small key with a little number tied to it, '35.'

"Thanks dad."

"Heh, I know you sweetie. You'd rather go explore this town then sit in one place right? Stretch your legs kid."

"Really honey?" Said mom.

"What? She's punctual and responsible enough to go on her own."

She sighed. "Fine, just come back by 8 sweetie."

"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!" I walked out the door, before taking out the brochure I had with me. It's a good thing that it has map on it. "Now... Where to go?"


[] Let's go eat!

[] Let's just explore the town.

[] Wanna check that 22, 1st St. Place?"

[] Write in
Tennis - 4
OOC: Profiles updated.

[X] Wanna check that 22, 1st St. Place?
-[X] You should probably grab something to eat on the way though, no good investigating on an empty stomach.

I am a bit curious about that place but... Yeah I just got off a several hours long car trip and I'd rather stretch my legs at the moment. I am very hungry though, wonder what's there to eat around here.

[X] Let's just explore the town.
-[X] ...Actually, wasn't there supposed to be a lake here? Let's try and find that!

Yeah that sounds good.

[X] Let's go eat!

Uh... Isn't that what I was gonna do? Well, I guess there might be good food stands there at the lake since I've read that there was a beach as well. Better check.

After some time walking around town I managed to find the man made lake the brochure was talking about so much. It have to say it was quite large. Located just North East of town. The forest itself is quite large as well, stretching all the way from the North West to Far North East of town. Apparently the lake is connected to Red River via artificial means or in laymen terms, lots of digging.

There was a large beach area with shallow waters that extended out of the lake. Past that though there were warning signs and even floating dividers that cut off the shallow water from the rest of the lake. Dangers signs warning about the main lake itself being too deep to swim in and anyone who ignores the warnings have chosen to do it of their own free will and that the coast guard and officials while willing to save anyone attempting said action is not responsible for anyone dying of extreme deep water pressurization.


Yeah, I think I just gonna ignore that for the moment.

I walked looked around the beach. Passing by people bathing in the sun, kids making sandcastles and a few people playing beach tennis. In fact, it was near the those tennis players that I found a hot dog stand just nearby their game. Jackpot.

I walked over and ordered a chilly dog with a bottle of root beer. Man, I should've brought an umbrella or something, this sun is killing me. Though people might go and call me a vampire again. I hate it when that happens.

I decided to watch the tennis game a bit. From what I can tell, one side was basically being dunked on. The girl on the other team was just too good from them. In fact, her teammates aren't even helping her. They're just on the sidelines watching her as she does all the work for them.

It's easy to see why, she's quite agile for a person of such lithe yet tall build. Dark skin, blond hair styled in a unique six ponytail design which end in curls and dressed in a white tennis outfit. She moved like her body was air, swinging with the strength and finesse of Muhammad Ali and the vigor of a hyperactive four year old who just had a great night's sleep. She was drenched in sweat, most likely from her taxing performance but man does she make it look easy.

Too bad on that last round though, the wind started to pick up a bit and it curved the ball slightly out her range losing that round. Though to be honest it was one lost round compared to a mountain of wins so no worries.

Huh, already on my fifth order of chilly dogs? Man I really am hungry.

I went to order another chilly dog when I noticed the tennis player I was watching was now next to me. Damn, I knew she was tall but I never knew how by how much until I was near her. "You... You're like new here in town, right?"

"What? Was it the clothes that gave it away?"

"Actually, yeah. I like know just about everybody in town. So when I notice someone I don't recognize, especially one who sticks out like a mantis shrimp shoved on top of a vanilla cake, I just totally know they're from out of town."

"I guess that makes sense," I said while eating.

"So uh... You come here from the east?"

"From Ontario. How did you know?"

"I didn't, I was just asking a question." She seemed like a very different person from the tennis player I saw on the court, more aloof, standoffish and most of all, kinda bratty.

"Don't you have a game to attend to?"

"Oh that?" She pointed behind herself. "Yeah, they're just packing up now. Just some practice we're doing to keep in shape for next year. You know? Your muscle will just go all flabby if you don't use them enough."

"Okay so... You here for the food?"

"Sorry, I'm all vegan. I don't eat vendor trash. The water here is okay I guess."

Scratch that, very bratty.

"The water is okay?"

"Yeah, all natural. Not like that stupid distilled water shit my teammates drink."

"Okay so... Uh... I guess I'll be-"

"So uh... You passed by that place?"

"Sorry what?"

She gave an annoyed grunt before replying. "The car crash stupid, gees. Are you deaf in the ears as well as fashion?"

"Yeah uh.. About that, I'm of the opinion that one does not talk about terrible incidents as if they're just another odd happenings of the day."

"Yeah well, have you seen anything? Heard anything odd? Come on, tell me!"

"You're really starving for a story are you?"

"Come on! Give me something to work with! Nutjobs, ghosts, that one haunted house-"

"Haunted house?"

"Oh yeah, there's like a haunted houses over at 1st St. Practically falling apart but what other than that it's pretty boring. Anyways back to-"

"Oh! Look at the time, it's almost my curfew. See you later alligator!" I quickly chomped down what remained of my chilly dog and got out of the beach as fast and politely as I can.

"Yeah, be a bitch and run. I was just curious sheesh... Who the hell has curfew at 3:40?"
Looking both ways, she pretended to walk the other way...
Mood soured but not ruined, I made my way towards 22 1st St. Haunted was it? Well, time to see for myself.

It wasn't hard finding the place. I'm guessing this area is the oldest part of town. The houses here looked like they're dated by a good few decades though still taken well care of.

22 1st St. on the other hand? Yeah, the place looks like it's practically falling apart, just like she said. Paint almost completely peeled off, rotting wood, a front porch that looks like it'll fall over at any second. I'm surprised they haven't mowed torn this place down yet.

There's a warning sign telling people to stay off private property of the town hall but... Huh... Strange... The front fence gate seems to haven't been locked. Odd, guess people are too scared or something.

I spared a gaze up at the second floor windows and caught a glimpse of something. Damn, so this is what it feels like to being watched from nowhere. Now... How do I go about this?


[] Hey boss, how about we DON'T be a dumb stupid teenager and walk straight to her doom?

[] Psst, boss. Ignore that guy and just go through the back. Whoever's in there will never see it coming.

[] Ring the bell?

[] Write in