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Welcome to my new quest where you take control over the crew of a tank in the Second World War. The quest will be narrowly based, don't expect any dice being rolled here, just the story of a tank and it's crew. What will they live trough, will they see the end of the war? We will see.
Choosing the Nation


Kiel; Germany

The World has gone mad! The German Army is on the march again, and the lights go out one by one. This is a new war, fought more brutal and faster than any war ever seen. For the second time in a century, a World War is starting to take its shape. In the sea, the air and on land battles are fought with new weapons of destruction. One of these new weapons is the tank, a giant beast made of metal and armed to the teeth. It is a fearsome weapon of war and inspires the imagination of many. Truth and myth sometimes lay closer together than not. These machines, as fearsome as they are, will still be handled by men. These tanks are commanded by the brave and crazy. They ride these hell machines into the battle like some of their grandfathers did it on the backs of horses. And they fight on all sides as best and brave as they can.

But only a handful managed to become true legends. But these deeds and tanks have become part of history. The question is now, will you manage to do the same thing? Or simply reach the End of the War, no legend but alive? Only time will see.

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Welcome to my new quest where you take control over the crew of a tank in the Second World War. The quest will be narrowly based, don't expect any dice being rolled here, just the story of a tank and it's crew. What will they live trough, will they see the end of the war? We will see.

I'm aware that this might lead to some discussions on sensible topics so please remind yourself of the rules of the forum before starting something that will ruin the mode for others.

Stay polite and keep to the facts.

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What Year is it?

[ ] 1939 - The War begins
It is the Year war came to Europe with the attack of the German Wehrmacht on its eastern Neighbour Poland. Poland's loyal soldiers faced an unstoppable force from the west and managed for a few weeks the impossible: to stop the Wehrmacht. But in the End, they couldn't win.

[ ] 1940 - The Blitzkrieg
The Year France fell to the might of the Wehrmacht when Tanks, for the first time, showed their true potential on a modern battlefield. In only a few months, one of the Great Powers of the World was brought to its knees and forced to surrender. But the war wasn't over yet, this was merely the beginning.

[ ] 1941 - The Escalation
The Year the famous Afrika Korps was sent to North Africa to support the Italian Efforts to breakthrough towards the Suzes channel. And the Year when Hitler dared to attack the giant wastes of Russia in hopes of winning more living room for his Aryen dream race. War engulfed all of the World, and the End wasn't in sight.

What Army is your tank crew serving in?

[ ] British
The old lion of Europe has seen a decline from its power at the beginning of the century. Still, Albion stands fast's and drinks calmly tea as the World goes mad all around her. They will fight to the Bitter End, no matter the cost.

[ ] France
In the First World War, it was french blood and french dead who did hold the line against Germany together with her allies. They will stand against the tyranny of Germany once again. Her soldiers will do their duty again, for the Republic!

[ ] German Reich
Once they were defeated, not this time. Germany has become stronger than it was ever before, thanks to the party and the Führer! They will take what is rightfully theirs without mercy. The Darkness emergence from the land in the heart of Europe.

[ ] Sowjetunion
The Union has one of the strongest militaries in the World… or so it seems to the untrained eye. Not long ago, a massive wave of political cleaning has happened, and some of the most experienced officers were executed. Only time will tell if this move damned the Union or not.

[ ] Write-in
Many other nations had their heroes or simply need to discover them. Most smaller nations had smaller tank forces who still did their best at fighting. When their homelands fell, many of these escaped to allied nations to fight on from there, forming Exil Units.
[x] 1939 - The War begins

[x] British

For King and Country!
[X] 1941 - The Escalation
[X] German Reich

Try playing as the bad guys for once, and I refuse to pick the Japanese, their tanks are shit
[X] 1941 - The Escalation
The Year the famous Afrika Korps was sent to North Africa to support the Italian Efforts to breakthrough towards the Suzes channel. And the Year when Hitler dared to attack the giant wastes of Russia in hopes of winning more living room for his Aryen dream race. War engulfed all of the World, and the End wasn't in sight.

[X] German Reich
Once they were defeated, not this time. Germany has become stronger than it was ever before, thanks to the party and the Führer! They will take what is rightfully theirs without mercy. The Darkness emergence from the land in the heart of Europe.

100% qualità tedesca
Was the whole british tanks needing to head closer to hit Afrika corp's tanks to hit them true?

I wonder or was that just a myth
Was the whole british tanks needing to head closer to hit Afrika corp's tanks to hit them true?

I wonder or was that just a myth

It was true. The reason was that the guns weren't accurate enough with the optics of the British tanks. So, they needed to get closer to hit where the German guns had better optics, allowing them to open fire on a greater ranger. But often it wasn't German tanks that killed British but anti-tank guns with great ranges such as the famous 88 and the British simply assumed it was a German tank firing on them.
Choosing the Kommandant

1941 - The Escalation

The third year of the War would see the deployment of German Forces at three new frontlines. On two of these new frontlines, Italy, Germany's ally, needed help from the nation in the heart of Europe. These two fronts were the Balkans, were Italy tried to conquer both Yugoslavia and Greece. The other front was North Africa, where the Italians had tried to size the Suez channel from Britain. But this plan had come to a complete stop when the British launched Operation Compass, forcing the Italiens back. Fearing a failure of his ally and old mentor, Adolf Hitler sent German forces to both fronts to help Mussolini in his struggle. The third front that would see it's birth in the Year 1941 was the one in Russia. Late in the year Operations Barbarossa started, the aim was simple: to end the Sowjetunion in the same manner as it had happened early with France.

Where is your Tank deployed, and what Tank do you have?

[ ] Africa - 12 February 1941
Under the command of Lieutenant General Rommel, your tank, it's crew, and yourself arrived yesterday in Tripolis. Rumor has it that the General already plans to go on the offensive. No one of his men can't say that they aren't eager, the time on the ships, and before that in the massing areas has made you all giddy. You all wish to finally face the enemy.
-[ ] Panzer II Crew: Commander, Loader, Driver Armament: 2 cm KwK, MG 34
-[ ] Panzer III Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 3,7 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34

[ ] Balkan - 6 April 1941
"As expected, the Scheiße ist am Dampf - the Shit is steaming, when you involve Italy," that's what the Oberst said, shortly before the briefing in the morning. In a few moments, the attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Greece will begin. The Italiens couldn't take Greece, so they called the real soldiers to do it.
-[ ] Panzer II Crew: Commander, Loader, Driver Armament: 2 cm KwK, MG 34
-[ ] Panzer III Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 3,7 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34
-[ ] Panzer IV Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 7,5 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34
-[ ] Panzer 38(t) Crew: Commander, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 3,7 KwK, MG ZB vz.37

[ ] Russia - 22 June 1941
The time has finally come to exterminate the threat posed by the Communists in the east! Together with the rest of the greatest invasion force the world has ever seen, you're ready to strike at the Sowjetunion. The attack signal is only moments away, and you feel the excitement run through your system as the motor is rumbling in the back of the Tank.
-[ ] Panzer II Crew: Commander, Loader, Driver Armament: 2 cm KwK, MG 34
-[ ] Panzer III Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 3,7 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34
-[ ] Panzer IV Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 7,5 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34
-[ ] Panzer 38(t) Crew: Commander, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 3,7 KwK, MG ZB vz.37

A Tank is nothing without its crew, and the most important man in a tank is its commander. He decides where the Tanks moves and shoots. It is him who knows what the orders are and how to make them happen. In the Wehrmacht, it is expected from each Tank Commander to do his best to reach his objectives. You will be that of an Unteroffizier.

[ ] Johann Balk
[ ] Hans Gruber
[ ] Karl Scheminski
[ ] Write-In

[ ] Veteran of the Great War (Get 4 Traits)
[ ] Veteran of the Polenfeldzug (Get 3 Traits)
[ ] Veteran of the Blitz (Get 2 Trait)
[ ] Fresh out of Training (Get 1 Trait)
[X] Russia - 22 June 1941
-[X] Panzer IV Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 7,5 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34
[X] Hans Gruber
[X] Veteran of the Polenfeldzug (Get 3 Traits)
[X ] Russia - 22 June 1941
-[x ] Panzer IV Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 7,5 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34
[X] Siegfried von Goltz
[ x] Veteran of the Polenfeldzug (Get 3 Traits)

Russia is where we have the most chance to be ace, their initial armor sucks, and their crews are untrained. The Red Army in the beginning were unexperienced and reeling after Stalin's purge of several key officers like Tukhachevsky. Most other German aces , panzers or air also builds up their kill count this way. This also the best place to be if you want a plot-heavy campaign. And like I said, I'd love to have an opportunity to punch Joachim Peiper in the face, or even better if we can frag Dirlewanger or Kaminsky, who are all in this front. Of course, things would get really bad later on, but it builds drama.
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[X] Russia - 22 June 1941
-[X] Panzer IV Crew: Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Assistant Armament: 7,5 cm KwK Short, multiple MG 34
[X] Hans Gruber
[X] Veteran of the Polenfeldzug (Get 3 Traits)