A tale from two points of view Siver [Kazuma} the fallen hero\ demon

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A tale from two points of view


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Sword Maiden watched as the masked Adventurerwalked up to the undead Lich and she felt her eyes widen as the woman brought her protector into a warm embrace.

"Silver," Sword Maiden said but it was too late, the masked adventurer had already fallen under the Lich's power and there was nothing she could do for him.

"Hahahaha! come Silver let us conquer the underworld together!" Vanir the Arch Duke of Hell said as a magic circle appeared beneath the masked Adventurer and the Lich that called herself Wiz

Sword Maiden watched helplessly as the undead woman's eyes glowed with the power of chaos.

Sword maiden might have been blind but for whatever reason, she could see everything happening in front of her, she watched as the hands of skeletons came out of the ground and pulled her friend- protector perhaps one day lover into the underworld.

The last thing she saw before the royal guard alongside the hero and her party attacked was the smirch on the woman's face as she took Kazuma away.

Just like that her adventure was over, the events that followed were like a blur.

The sisters checked her body and her mind to make sure that she hadn't been tainted, and it was then that she discovered that Kazuma's last act was to grant her the ability to see once again.

How many years had it been since she had been traped by goblins and lost her sight and that man was so cruel as to grant her the use of her eyes once again?

Only for her to use her new eyes, to see the moment he abandoned the light, the same moment he abandoned her.

The royal guard and warrior monks alongside many Clerics entered the dungeon she had been living in with Silver\ Kazuma and discovered several artifacts that shouldn't have ever existed.

They said that they had found them all behind a door that had a simple sheet of paper nailed to it.

The sheet of paper had a message for her written in it. For Sword Maiden, everything inside is everything we found together, keep it- burn it- sell it, it's all yours.

Love Silver [kazuma]

Sword Maiden was escorted into the dungeon and she remembered the parties that had gathered together and how laud they were when they all sat around and spoke about whatever conquest or adventure they had been in.

She smiled as she remembered walking through these same halls and discovering Kazuma making plans with his council.

Now these halls were quiet and all of those adventurers were in prison for helping Silver [Kazuma ]

Sword maiden opened the door and she immediately felt her heartbreak, it was all here.

A seed from the World Tree - the Water of Life - the Heart of Darkness - the cursed knight's armor and many more items that had been lost through time.

"Why didn't you move them?" sword Maiden asked her escorts

"We couldn't touch them" Monk answered her

Sword Maiden suddenly noticed a portrait that was hanging on the wall behind Monk, she felt a tear fall, and then the tears didn't stop.

The portrait showed all of the adventurers along with herself and Silver [Kazuma ] all smiling in their own unique way.

"If I donate the treasures to both the church and the kingdom can the adventures be pardoned without any seals placed on them?" Sword Maiden said out loud knowing that one of the King's Representatives would hear her.

"yes, but they will never be able to be Adventurers again" the representative answered her

Sword Maiden agreed knowing full well that none of the adventurer's card for the little things like following the law.

She soon noticed a familiar face amongst the crowd and if she was here then so was he.

"It's been a while priestess," Sword Maiden said to Priestess who immediately bowed to her

She noticed that the girl wanted to say something, but Sword Maiden just wanted someone that would listen to her and understood what it felt like to be a part of a party that made absolutely no sense on how it was still working together and managed to do so many incredible things together.

[else where ]

Kazuma who is also known as Silver appeared in front of his friends and immediately they all jumped on top of him and hugged him tightly.

They had to do one impossible thing after another, to get him back from that other world he had accidentally been sent to.

Darkness and Megumin held him tightly afraid that he would teleport away again and they were surprised to hear Kazuma say that he missed them, after all, he wasn't the kind of person that said things like that.

Aqua teleported herself down from heaven and she was wiping her hands clean and she smiled at Kazuma.

Kazuma knew that Aqua had done something to the other gods to help him get back and as he noticed Aqua's red knuckles he preferred not to ask her about it.

"So are you going to tell us about your adventure?" Darkness asked him and Kazuma took a deep breath something that was hard to do considering that none of the girls including Wiz had let go of him

Kazuma looked into Aqua's eyes and he knew that she knew everything already, but for everyone else, he decided to tell his story

And so Sowrd Miden - Kazuma began to tell her - his story