[X] Escort the small company of Shaitans and their mysterious charge to the Opaline Vault, after completing your business with the Xorn (5 days journey) -[X] Whilst in Sorcerer's Deep, move the main part of the festival back several days so that you'll be there for it, and fill the delay with lesser entertainment. -[X] Put any giants which can fit into your Bag of Holding, preferably the ones in the best condition. Then have Ser Richard carry the Bag of Holding until you can reach home and store the giants in the anti-divination chamber of the Shadow Tower. -[X] Drop off the mouther-turtle there too for later use.
[X] Escort the small company of Shaitans and their mysterious charge to the Opaline Vault, after completing your business with the Xorn (5 days journey) -[X] If possible, Planeshift home and back with the aid of Dany and Malarys as to get the turtles and the forge fiends stashed. If not, just take the most impressive forgefiends that will fit in your bag. -[X] Delay the festival as to better fit your schedule.
[X] Escort the small company of Shaitans and their mysterious charge to the Opaline Vault, after completing your business with the Xorn (5 days journey)
[X] Ask them if they would be willing to carry a stone marked by your magic to a safe spot close to the city gates. You do not wish to delay their arrival.