[X] Viserys, Garin, and Richard disguise themselves as a visiting official and his guards (i.e. interloper nobles, inspector, whatever they deem most suitable for the situation and who they encounter) using means both mundane and magical, including Cloak of Khyber spells to mask their glamors and minor shapechanging (if necessary, i.e. Alter Self via Greater Ribbons of Disguise, Enlarge Person, etc) and Alchemical Scent Blocker to hide their true scents while using whatever materials are needed to make them smell like Efreeti or Ifrit. They will carry a large number of Explosive Bombs and Sultan's Tribute, each of which has been fitted with a timed detonator (not yet set) then affected by Shrink Item and Magic Aura spells using the Shrink Item Chamber and Magic Aura Obfuscation Chamber. -[X] Waymar, Lya, and Maelor will be standing by nearby to cause a suitable distraction if necessary should they be contacted by Sending.