Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 25, 2021 at 2:18 AM, finished with 67 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #435693
Post #435759


  • [X] Plan The End
    -[X] "There are no easy judgments. No matter how clear the law, no matter how certain the evidence, no matter how crushing the guilt, there are always other things to consider than merely the fate of the accused themselves."
    -[X] "The first question has to be if restitution can be offered to those wronged in accordance with the damages they received. In a perfect world, all wrongs could be righted with the right judgement, but our world is not perfect and even my power can not restore all the lives lost or forever impacted by the vile acts we have heard about today. Even now, Imperial healers try to ease what suffering they can, but in this case, I must admit that true restitution can not be offered by a judgement. All it can give is closure for those still alive and vindication for those that are not."
    -[X] "The second question has to be how the law and it's enforcement could prevent such events from transpiring in the future. The acts we have heard recounted today were the result of a weak and incapable Ursuper, whose presence was barely felt outside his throne room, leaving his vassal to scheme, plot, murder and defile in his absence. Worse yet, some of these actions received the full blessing of the man who styled himself king. Even under the most cursory of scrutiny, the crimes discusses should not, could not, have been left unnoticed for so long, let alone be ignored and tacitly approved for political convenience. But the Imperium is not the Iron Throne and under the stalwart vigil of the Inquisition and the many law enforcement officers of the realm, I have full trust that I shall never again have to hear about atrocities such as these committed in my realm."
    -[X] "Which leaves the third and final question. What is the message that this ruling will send? How will it be received by those who had not been impacted by these events? How will it inform their actions in the future? The case put before me today is of great scope, both in the width of crimes and their depravity. Yet, many knew what transpired. Many aided and abetted the accused, who himself ordered all, but was incapable to impose his madness on the world without their aid. Here it is, that this ruling must send a clear and firm message for all the world to hear."
    -[X] Pause
    -[X] "For the crimes committed by the head of house Lannister, aided and abetted by other members of house Lannister and in furtherance of it's political and economical goals, house Lannister is hereby dissolved by Imperial decree. All fiefs and properties of the defunct house fall to the crown and will be used to alleviate the damages inflicted through the crimes of Tywin Lannister. Fromer members of house Lannister who wish to petition the crown to retain all or part of their fiefs and properties may do so, provided they have not been found guilty of crimes against the Imperium, or aided and abetted the crimes discussed today. All legal claims and obligations related to house Lannister are void and any attempts to reinstate or make legal claims on the basis of house Lannister will be made in direct defiance of Imperial decree and thus be considered treason."
    -[X] "All members of house Lannister who are married to members of other noble houses may take the name of said other house, provided that the head of house agrees to this arrangement. Otherwise, to signify the loss of their status as nobles, all former members of house Lannister will be given the last name Hill. They will henceforth be regular citizens of the Imperium."
    -[X] "Gerion and Lanna Hill. You have pledged guilty on all charges levied against you. I therefore bestow upon you the title Slaver, for your enslavement of sentient beings, and the title Maleficar, for your abuse of magic for vile purposes and the atrocities committed in this. As per the laws of the Imperium, I sentence you to death. However, the crown notes your admission of guilt and the remorse shown during the trial and thus rules that the sentence will be carried out by the sword. Your children will become wards of the crown."
    -[X] "Tywin Hill. Your conduct before this court has been marked by belligerence, petulance and unrepentence that almost veered into glee over the crimes you committed. You have been found guilty on all charges levied against you and for your conduct. The court would also fine you for disrespect, but as you have no worldly possessions, this will be waived. I bestow upon you the tiles Slaver, for you enslavement of sentient beings, the title Maleficar, for the crimes and atrocities wrought by magic that have been comitted in your name, the title Oathbreaker, for your false conduct during the Ursupation and for breaking the oaths of vassalage to the Iron Throne, and the title Traitor, for violently resisting the rightful sovereign of the Imperium and his servants. I sentence you to death by hanging."
    -[X] Before being executed, tell Lanna and Gerion about the Thinaun plan and that you will have both of them brought to Axis, unless they prefer the afterlife of any particular deity. Also tell them that you will arrange for good fosterings for their kids, which should offset any assumptions of Imperial disfavor. Let Richard do the deed. Have Yrael summon a trustworthy Outsider to deliver them to their destination.
    -[X] As for Tywin, summon an Imp, give him the soul and tell him to buy himself a treat.
    --[X] If the Imp thinks to ask, it's some penniless peasant who really pissed us off, so we are making sure he gets to his proper destination.