[X] Plan Once More With Feeling
-[X] All Praetori except the officers go into
Stance of Aggression to increase damage and hopefully taking out more of the Wights fast.
-[X] The regular Praetori use
Indomitable Presence, while the leaders use
Rallying Presence, giving everyone +3 to saves against Death, Fear, Compulsion and a few other things.
-[X] One of the Praetori in the center
Encouraging Roar to give everyone a +2 Morale Bonus on ATK and DMG.
-[X] The Captain and the Squadleader charge the golem together to take it ouf of the fight:
--[X] As a Swift Action, activate Brave Gambit, gaining a +3 Luck Bonus on the attack roll.
--[X] As a Full-Round Action, activate
Panthera on the Hunt for a +2 Circumstance Bonus for the attack and damage roll while ignoring threatened areas.
--[X] Use the
Primal Warrior stance to gain +1 Competence Bonus to ATK and DMG, and treat his weapon as 2 size categories larger.
--[X] Use
Power Attack and
Shock Trooper to take a -6 to AC while boosting damage by +18.
--[X] Due to
Distracting Charge, every Praetori who resolves his attack after another charging Praetori has already hit the golem gets a stacking +2 Untyped bonus to his ATK for every Praetori that has already hit.
--[X] ATK: 6 (BAB) + 5 (STR) + 4 (Enhancement - Magic Army) + 2 (Charge) + 2 (Circumstance) + 3 (Luck) + 1 (Competence) + 2 (Morale) = 25
--[X] DMG: 3d8 (Base with Primal Warrior) + 5 (STR) + 4 (Enhancement) + 18 (Power Attack) + 2 (Morale) + 2 (Circumstance) + 1 (Competence) = 3d8 + 32
--[X] Once they are in melee, assuming the golem was not destroyed by the charge, they use their Dual Boost ability to initiate both
Scarlet Eyes Perception and
Regal Blade while dumping as much ATK by Power Attack as possible to maximize their damage while resolving their next attack against Touch AC.
-[X] The regular Praetori attack the undead:
--[X] If there are no other Praetori or Undead nearby:
Crushing Blow
--[X] If there is at least one other Praetori in reach to attack the same undead:
Hunting Party
--[X] If there are two undead in reach of the Praetori:
Scything Strike
--[X] In the following rounds, they use the other maneuvers as appropriate.