[X] Have Bloodraven wait for Joffrey to be distracted so that he doesn't know what happens, then cast Quickened Baleful Teleport on him, then detonate.
-[X] Deposit him in the Great Sept of Baelor to implicate the Faith in this. If necessary, you will scapegoat Guncer Sunglass for the explosion.
[X] Have Bloodraven wait for Joffrey to be distracted so that he doesn't know what happens, then cast Quickened Baleful Teleport on him, then detonate.
-[X] Deposit him in the Great Sept of Baelor to implicate the Faith in this. If necessary, you will scapegoat Guncer Sunglass for the explosion. [X] Let the meeting end without setting off the Varys bomb, risks Ser Kevan slipping away before the next one