Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 8, 2021 at 8:10 PM, finished with 107 posts and 10 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #418703
Post #418809


  • [X] Kill the enemies quickly before the gate can open and spill forth an army into this time-frozen realm
    -[X] Closing out previous combat round:
    --[X] The Myrkdreki Twins act to protect Qyburn. Depending on battlefield positioning, one or both of them target the Illithid with Maximized Dispelling Thanatopic Shadow Breath using a Maximize Spell Metamagic gem (Each Myrkdreki: 144 Negative Energy damage, 12 points of STR damage, Blinded and Deafened for 4 rounds, DC 24 Reflex save for half damage, DC 24 Will save to negate Blindness and Deafness and reduce STR damage to 4 points). If one or both cannot use its breath for fear of affecting Qyburn or the rest of the group, it instead uses Blood Wind to attack the Chronomancer. They use Wings of Cover to shield the group as needed.
    --[X] Richard uses Fleet Charge to cross the distance between himself and the Chronomancer to deliver an attack (+46 [7d6 + 27 + 1d8; 19-20/x2, plus 1 CON damage), then he uses Amazing Initiative to use Diamond Nightmare Blade with a +1d6 bonus from using his Mythic Surge (+41 attack bonus, Concentration check with a +36+1d6 bonus vs Chronomancer AC, [28d6 + 108 damage if successful]). If the Chronomancer still lives, he makes a Full Attack against it (+41/+41/+36/+31/+26 [7d6 + 27; 19-20/x2]; plus 1 CON damage), then uses his Fleet Warrior ability to return to Viserys' side.
    --[X] Viserys uses Amazing Initiative in conjunction with his Belt of Battle to gain another Standard Action for spellcasting, then uses Wild Arcana to cast a Maximized Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (22nd level to overcome SR, 240 Disintegration damage, DC 34 Fort save for only 30 points of damage) spell against the Chronomancer if it's still alive after Richard and possibly the Twins' attacks. If it is dead, he instead uses a Transdimensional Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (22nd level to overcome SR, 40d6 Disintegration damage, DC 34 Fort save for only 5d6 points of damage) against the Illithid.
    -[X] Beginning of next round:
    --[X] Upon arrival in the Maze, Aife uses a Quickened Miracle spell to duplicate Greater Plane Shift, exiting immediately and returning to the battlefield directly behind and above the Chronomancer's last known position. If it still lives, she either attacks it directly using her Natural Attacks [Bite +35 (3d6+20), 3 Claws +35 (2d8+20), plus Rend (2d8+30) if 2 Claw attacks hit] or Invoke the Cerulean Sign (24th caster level, DC 30 Forti save) depending on the situation. If it is dead, she instead casts Repulsion at her maximum 240 foot radius to ward off enemies before we are ready to depart. She uses her Battlemagic Perception buff to Counterspell as a Free Action, if necessary.
    --[X] Lya uses Amazing Initiative to gain a Standard Action in order to activate her Reddopsi crystal. If it still lives, she casts Assay Spell Resistance then uses Wild Arcana to target the Illithid with a Clenched Fist spell (27th level to overcome SR, +36 attack bonus, 1d8+11 Force damage plus Stun for 1 round, DC 29 Fort save to negate Stun) spell of it still lives. If it is dead, she instead targets the Chronomancer with a Maximized Return to Nature (31st caster level to overcome SR, 120 damage, loss of all supernatural and spell-like abilities, DC 27 Fort save halves damage and prevents ability loss) using a Maximize Spell Metamagic gem. She uses her Battlemagic Perception buff to Counterspell as a Free Action, if necessary.
    --[X] Viserys uses his Amazing Initiative to gain a Standard Action in order to activate his Reddopsi Rod. If it still lives, he lets the Sphere of Ultimate Destruction attack it again, casts Assay Spell Resistance, then targets the Chronomancer with a Maximized Return to Nature (32nd caster level to overcome SR, 120 damage, loss of all supernatural and spell-like abilities, DC 34 Fort save halves damage and prevents ability loss) using Miracle. If the Chronomancer is dead, he instead casts Assay Spell Resistance then targets the Illithid with a Transdimensional Return to Nature spell (32nd caster level to overcome SR, 20d6 damage, loss of all supernatural and spell-like abilities, DC 34 Fort save halves damage and prevents ability loss). He uses his Battlemagic Perception buff to Counterspell as a Free Action, if necessary.
    --[X] Richard uses his Amazing Initiative to gain a Standard Action in order to activate his Reddopsi Crystal. He waits and watches, prepared to intercede as needed.
    --[X] If it still lives, Qyburn casts Assay Spell Resistance then targets the Illithid with an Augmented Telekinetic Maneuver to attempt a Disarm maneuver against it (23rd caster level to overcome SR, +26 bonus to Disarm, 12 PP). If it is dead, however, Qyburn uses his Reddopsi crystal as a Standard Action and uses Alter Fortune to assist with Lya or Viserys' Return to Nature spell, if necessary.
    --[X] The Myrkdreki Twins use Blood Wind to attack the Chronomancer if it still lives. If it's dead, they ready an action to respond to the appearance of any other enemies who appear. They use Wings of Cover to shield the group as needed.