Operation Salted Earth - Part 2: The situation in the Ghiscari lands continues to be tense, but for now it seems viable to scale back operations and merely observe Baator's movements. Recent attacks should have disrupted the enemy's plans enough to move your assets to more pressing fronts while keeping a decently sized contingent to look for further developments.
New Ghis: Keep investigating the Green Grace, Nandazda Aoq; the Praetor of the People Gramdal mo Ia; and see about other important figures in the cities political landscape. See who could be swayed to assist in the Imperial takeover of the city, who can be bribed, and who can be blackmailed.
----[X] Alysande Redsail, Kira Windgraced, 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 4x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
----[X] Malarys, Shara Rogare, Wylla, 2x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
Yunkai: Recoup the losses from the previous month and see about learning more about Baators supply routes in the area by tracing the origins of the poison used against the Inquisition. Preferably also look into acquiring its formula.
----[X] Garin, Xor, Osryx (Very Old Myrkdreki), 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
Astapor: See about discrediting the enhanced Unsullied as publicly as possible, for example by having them be seen to openly murder a magister they are allegedly serving. Use mental control or Necrotic Molds.
----[X] Azema, Ser Dregaire, Orphne Fey Lord, Shadow!Tor, 2x Umbral Spies, 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
Assassin reserve: To be called in when there are opportunities to kill important figures who have been subverted by Baator, or to kill high-value assets of Baator.
----[X] Morwyn and Tuin, Aradia the Huntress, Nuri, 1x Smoke Creature Assasin Devil
Combat reserve: To be called in if there is heavy combat expected or to assault Devil strongholds.
----[X] Babro the Adamantine Golem, 2x Heralds, 20x Glass Golems, 100x Necrotic Molds, 40x Blood Clot Molds, 25x Greater Bloodclot Molds, 20x Black Brutes, 40x Black Champions, 10x Necro-Kranken, 10x Lindworms, 40x Paralyzing Snatcher, 4x Praetori Squads (37x Praetori, 4x Light Warstrider)
Operation Woodlouse - Part 2: Having had the Lannister stronghold infiltrated, the Undead you planted will begin to map the caverns and resume spying on all activities until the day of the attack. A regular Necrotic Mold and an Erinyes who go near Lannisport every few days to get telepathic reports from the infiltrators.
----[X] 10x Vigilant Hunter, 10x Lindworm, 10x Greater Bloodclot Mold, 1x Erynies, 1x Necrotic Mold
Operation Starfall - Clean-up:
-[X] Both Feywild groups will remain in contact via Telepathic relay linking, and with someone back home.
-[X] Marauding the Mask: Ensure that the Indigo Court doesn't get to try and make a deal with WInter. Try to gain the allegiance of any Court's Fey willing to turn sides, but ending the Mask is the main goal.
----[X] 2x Black Champions + x2 Greater Blood Clot Molds, x5 Black Champions, x25 Black Wardens + x25 Necrotic Molds, x25 Black Wardens, x50 Black Knight, x100 Spitter Swarms
-----[X] Undead, generally for probing traps or killing wildlife being used as active deterrents. These are generally carried in a few Portable Holes to keep the group light and maybe avoid unnecessary conflict with anything that wouldn't otherwise attack a large group that wasn't trafficking with the undead.
----[X] x2 Verdant Phoenixes, x5 Guardian Nagas, x10 Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshys, x10 Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshys
-----[X] Some basic casters lower-middle tier casters for any mass combat.
----[X] x3 Vigilant Hunters, x10 Vigilant Briars, x9 Erinyes
-----[X] Good camp pickets and scouts, with some fair sneaking ability from the Hunters if needed. Erinyes for coordination.
----[X] x2 Mighty Mind Dragons, x2 Very Old Myrkdreki
-----[X] Mind Dragons for coordinating a very large force if for whatever absurd reason splitting the group is the only reasonable option. Myrkdreki for sneaking and generally wreaking havoc.
----[X] x6 Heralds, x10 Glass Golems, x2 Heavy Warstriders, x5 Warstriders (access to improved wildfire munitions)
-----[X] Generally good for large, confusing combat where you don't want something to die instantly, or a more vulnerable character to be caught out where it's better to just sacrifice hardware as a piece of stubborn, magic resistant chaff.
----[X] x2 Wild Hunt Archers, x1 Wild Hunt Scout, x1 Orphne Fey Lord
-----[X] Guides and pathfinders.
----[X] Relath, Glyra, Ashin, Vargo, Sari, Liomond, Saenena, Alyssa, Danar, Sarell, Nirah
-[X] Visiting the Violet: Track down the Violet Court, and ensure either their submission, them keeping out of Plane Material
or their eradication.
----[X] Viserys, Richard, Zherys, Vee, Maelor, Amrelath, Mereth, Aife, x2 Myrkdreki, x2 Mighty Mind Dragons, x2 Vigilant Hunters, x12 Erinyes
-----[X] Essentially a lot of concentrated combat power, but no one essential to the functioning of the realm or its continued stability, or alternatively no one who wouldn't cause problems without Viserys' hand at the tiller who also couldn't afford to delegate their duties to a Companion at-need if away too long. This keeps the group light, fast and mobile. Worst case scenario, Viserys pops opens a Gate out of there (or to the other Group).
----[X] Renly (Cavalier 11), Lamora (Shadow Creature Vela Sorceress 6/ Arcane Savant 2), Veny (Erinat Gremlin Rogue 5), Cyril (Frost Giant Fighter 5)
-----[X] Group's interest is finding the information on the Real!Renly, they assume the new leader of the Veil holds it. In the worst case, they can be left behind, they are all capable of finding their way in the Feywild.
-[X] Quizzing the Quickling: The Quickling ganglord that escaped the Misfits in King's Landing is but the final tale to tie now, with some support from your
other Minions, now.
----[X] the Misfits, Darkstar, Kennos, Thoros, Mors, Bonifer, Velen
To Extinguish the FeyFire - continuation: The battle between R'hlor and Ymeri is beyond even you and your closest Companions to help directly... yet, as shown by the forces he gathers to break into Ymeri's domain,
much can still be done to smoothen that out.
Goal: Support R'hlor's forces in killing Ymeri.
The Cleganebowl: It is long past the time for Gregor Clegane and Amoury Lorch to face what is coming for them. Have your people find, and deal with them once and for all.
----[X] Tyene (Free Action), Oberyn, Sandor, 3x Erynies (for teleporting and overwatch purposes).
The Action Duo: Infiltrate the Citadel and attempt to subvert its defenses with the goal of seizing control over the Citadel with minimal resistance or bloodshed.
----[X] Archmaester Marwyn, Maester Qyburn, 1x Very Old Myrkdreki, 2x Black Champions, 1x Falxugon, 3x Erynies, 1x Vigilant Hunter
[X] Dealing with nefarious rumors, plots, and setting up an Inquisition outpost in Omber:
----[X] Anya, Hermetia, Mia, 3x Heralds, 1x Vigilant Hunter, 3x Watchmoles, 1x Umbral Spy, 2x Praetori Squads (Total of 16 Praetori and 2 Light Warstriders deployed).
You Are Cordially Invited: Deliver invitations to your coronation to the lords of Westeros who have sworn to you.
----[X] Rhaella, Waymar, Seeker, 1x Umbral Stalker
Sarnori Pacification -- Continuation: The Void-touched Olethrodaemon that regulated much of the proceedings among the Undead of Sarnor may be gone now, but too much of its accursed legacy still lies in that land. Have your agents scour the lands, working with agents of the allied Sarnori Kingdoms, to end the Mindless Undead still in the area, and to, perhaps, seek out any Sentient Undead who hide still in the wake of the sound defeat of the corrupt hosts but two months ago.
----[X] Nettles & Sheepstealer (Level 12); 1x Adult Mind Dragon (CR 15), 1x Very Old Myrkdreki Dragon (CR 15), 11x Veteran Erynies, 11x Lejnths, 5x Verdant Phoenixes (CR 15), 50x Verdant Kingfishers, 10x Verdant Ravens (CR 6), 2x Wild Hunt Archers (CR 14), 2x Wild Hunt Scouts (CR 16), 8x Praetori Squads (Total of 72 Praetori and 8 Light Warstriders deployed.)
Operation Pest Control MK II: Send forces to the apparently shut entrance to the Underdark you found in Sothoryos. Have them scout the tunnel system, confirm that it is sealed, try to eliminate all pests within and finally retrieve the bodies of the slain mages for a Chain Resurrection. The expedition will be equipped with a set of Titan's Tools which they can use to more thoroughly seal any passages they locate, or for any other uses which may present themselves, along with a Wayfinder for navigation and investigation.
----[X] 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Necro Kraken with Greater Bloodclot Molds, 50x Black Knight with Mobility Upgrade, 200x Spitters, 1x Herald (CR 10) w/3x Elemental Wyrmlings (Fire) for support, 5x Guardian Nagas (CR 10), 4x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD), 4x Mushroom Golems (CR 10), 5x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy, 20x Watchmoles (CR 6), 20x Praetori Squad (180 Praetori total)
Scouting the Neck: Send some people to investigate the situation in the Neck, which Fey there are and how they are aligned in the wider Fey politics. Take special note of any information relevant to the movement of large armies, such as a potential host from the North trying to march through the Neck to the Riverlands.
----[X] Valaena Velaryon (Level 9 Magus), Soft Strider (Level 7), Jeyne Weaver (Level 6), Ser Roger 'Reyne' (Level 5), 1x Herald, 1x Verdant Phoenix (CR 15), 3x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 3x Verdant Ravens (CR 6), 2x Praetori Squads (Total of 16 Praetori and 2 Light Warstriders deployed.)
[X] T
he Hill Fey Chose to Die On: The location of the former main stronghold of the COurt of Stars is of interest to you as a future outpost into the Feywild. Protecting it from an opportunistic takeover by any locals is but good sense now.
----[X] 1x Wild Hunt Scout (CR 16), 2x Wild Hunt Archers (CR 14), 5x Heralds (CR 10), 10x Watchmoles (CR 6), 7x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 100x Verdant Kingfishers, 10x Verdant Ravens, 50x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (CR 6) 1x Verdant Phoenix (CR 15), 5x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (CR 10), 5x Guardian Nagas (CR 10), 10x Black Champions (CR 15), 200x Black Knights (Mobility Upgrade), 500x Spitter Swarms (buried around the location), 5x Praetori Squads (Total of 45 Praetori deployed).
Kingsmoot in the Iron Isles: On your orders, Roderick the Reader has called for a Kingsmoot to select the next Lord Paramount of the Iron Isles, just in time for them to swear fealty. Send your candidate for the position and some helpers to ensure that they are chosen.
----[X] Asha, Theon, Argo, Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade, Dirizz the Faerie Dragon, Diana the Sea Sprite, the Windwards
Infiltration into the City of Brass:
Goals: Keep up the activities to the necessary level to not arise suspicion, but don't risk exposure in any form (unless it'd be
less suspicious to not jump on a piece of free intel/bling/etc).
----[X] 1x Mind Dragon (continued), 1x Very Old Myrkdreki
Three Points, Three Kindred, One People - Part Four
----[X] Breath Taker, Blight's Bane,
Long-term assignments (concerns the PERMANENTLY assigned units from our multi-month-long operations around the world - including those mentioned above - the main information post takes them into the account):
----[X] 550x Bladeleaf Children of the Briar (CR 2), 9x Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshys (CR 8), 4x Vinespawn, 5x Vigilant Briars (CR 4)
Proximity Alarms: You have been in the possession of
plans for enchantments that trigger an effect when something comes close to it for a while now. See about developing a cheap and reusable item that can be used to detect intruders. Maybe even Serpentstone can be triggered this way, which would allow you to even take pictures or recordings of your targets.
----[X] Riz'Neth (4d6 Progress), Pentos Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress).
Improved Alchemy: The Imperium hungers for alchemical goods and much effort was poured into producing as much of them as possible, but it still does not even remotely satisfy the demand. Especially the military can devour concoctions such as Alchemists Fire or Explosive Packs at an astonishing rate. See about to either improve the output of your alchemical factories or to discover alternatives to these substances that are easier to mass-produce.
----[X] Denys Trainer (4d6 Progress), Naria Lore-Seeker (4d6 Progress), Braavos Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress), Volantus Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress), Naath Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress).
1 point of Progress per spell-level, max spell level - 4th.
-[X] Mind Warding: Rituals
--[X] By this point you have the process for creating ritual formulae for spells completely worked out. It merely needs to have a competent mage assigned to the task. (
in order of priority)
----[X] Leila Goldhammer (2d6 Progress), Svitran (2d6 Progress),
-[X] Research a Greater version of
Baleful Teleport [no distance limit, 8th level]
----[X] Lya (1st body) (4d6 Progress),
[X] Sand Viper's Reach: Have Tyene retrain her Occular Spell into a version of a Reach Spell that has only +1 level adjustment
----[X] Tyene (4d6 Progress),
[X] Secure the Flesh Forge, and fleshsmiths, against memetic attacks
-[X] Heavy defenses
(Progress 29/45; Cost 600,000 IM
----[X] Vee (4d6 Progress), Lady Saenena Caleris (4d6 Progress),
Project Distilling Dreams: The Rituals Naria discovered produce divine power but not in any usable form, distill it to something that can be stored and used
----[X] Lya's 2nd body (4d6 Progress); Dany (4d6 Progress), Aenie Caleris (4d6 + 2d6 Progress);
Forge of Creation -- 2.0: With the Sarnor's pacification, there comes a much higher need for Warforged bodies than could ever have been expected. Now, that the arcane machinery of Forge of Creation was built once, it could be built again - but not without effort by those most skilled at the arcane artifice.
----[X] Anu the Warforged (4d6 Progress +1d6 via the Skymender), Mantarys Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress);
----[X] Bodyguard detail, because the Skymender is precious: 2x Guardian Nagas (CR 10), 1x Verdant Phoenix (CR 15), 10x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 5x Glass Golems, 2x Heralds (CR 10), 3x Plant-Imbued Shadow Cats (CR 6), 1x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (CR 10), 5x Black Champions (CR 15), 50x Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade, 200x Spitters (to be buried around the work site
Selectively Permeable Force Effects: Allow wards, enchantments and spells to selectively ignore materials passing outward and inward through a Force effect, allowing for more complex structures and materials with further research. Not limited to examples given.
Tier 1: Gateway research. Straight upgrade for pre-existing, simple barriers, at-cost. (
Brilliant Barrier can attune to the weapon systems on airships.)
The first step to creating more delicate workings that interact with the Ethereal Plane, progressing along this path will first allow simple, contiguous objects to pass through Force effects once properly attuned. At this level of progress, mass and complexity is limited, and materialized creatures and objects with strong auras of enchantment will be unable to move outside of the effect.
----[X] Beryl (4d6 Progress), Tyrosh Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress), Stepstones Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress).
Razor Wire: While the easy availability of earth-moving magic has made it much easier to erect battlefield fortifications, many of the Legions officers see still room for improvement. They are asking for something that can be incorporated into other defenses to block an enemy's movement, but which does not hinder their own soldiers ranged attacks and which is vulnerable to hostile earth movement magic or alchemical weapons. There has been some talk about using spiked metal rods or something similar for that purpose.
----[X] Sorcerer's Deep's Engineering University (2d6 Progress)
The Key to Madness: Exchange the lore gathered by the Imperium on the creatures of Far Realm and Illithids specifically, as well as the methods of finding their influence and agents, in return getting the Azure Court's own knoweldge on the subject matter.
----[X] Rina (4d6 Progress),
The Mind's Games: The psychological effects of repeated and sustained enchantment on the mental state and brain of the average person.
----[X] Mercy of the Soul (4d6 Progress); + Gith bonus.
A Baleful Mirage: You have recently been forwarded a set of spell-scripts and samples by which the Efreeti have been made use of to manipulate the 'Grey Veil'.
-[X] While this may be a technological dead end, studying it will prevent it's usage from being as effective in the hands of your enemy and may even be of some use to your allies
----[X] Valeria the Wondersmith (4d6 Progress); Tolos Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress);
Undead Template Research
Metal-Clad Template (Mythral and Adamantine): Unlike the Dreadfort, the Imperium has vast stocks of arcane metals. Some of those might yield exceptionally strong coatings for undead bones. (Requires Metal-Clad Template (Mundane Metals),
----[X] Elaheh Marita (4d6 Progress), Urak the Forgemaster (4d6 Progress)
[X] Reading through the bound Daemon-tome infected with the Void:
----[X] Maester Qyburn (?) (Light reading as a free action?
[X] Make sure there is a small but tasteful memorial to Lucan. He was a bit of a sanctimonious prick that held onto his Good morals too tightly for our tastes, but at least he went out in a blaze of glory doing something arguably worthwhile. Unlike many others.
Giant Enemy Portal Crab: Set up a regular watch with Divination to detect when the Illithid use a low number of
Abyssal Custodians for a raid, then conduct a Scry & Die attack on their raiding force with the goal of abducting one for them for research purposes.
[X] Have your coronation as the Emperor and broadcast it for all to see.
[X] Have Burny bless his temple in SD after Ymeri is dead/ran away as a
part of thanks for our contribution.
[X] If our part in Ymeri's defeat (which is
inevitable) counts
enough for the fey of her former court - move in to loot them.
[X] Check up on the Drow priestess that Dany restored from her curse. Is she able to semi-reliably operate under orders in your service yet?
[X] Meet in-person with the Starks, discuss a lot.
[X] Final dealings with the lords of Westeros, if any. Their
Reckoning Reconquest is at hand.
[X] Pre-Reconquest Preparations:
Security and War Readiness:
--[X] In response to the news of the Lannisters using Other servants as disposable killers and the unrest in the western provinces likely caused by the death of the usurper, all imperial forces and institutions are given the order to go on Low Readiness alert level.
--[X] Furthermore, in anticipation of the coronation at the end of the month, Army, Airforce, and Inquisition assets in the Stepstones will be placed on High Readiness until further notice.
--[X] Since part of Low Readiness is that the Legions must become ready to deploy within 24 hours, this will mask the preparations of the attack on Westeros under the guise of simple caution.
--[X] Barring any unforeseen events, you will escalate this general alert state to Imperium wide High Readiness for the Army, Airforce, Inquisition, and Forges in response to the death of the Small Council, and give out Imminent Offensive orders to the participating units on the day of the coronation
Prepare some letters to be sent out at the 27th of the month, which will be early enough for the recipients to make preparations for attending the coronation, but far too little for them to muster any defense worth the name.
--[X] The letters will be delivered in the following ways:
---[X] Staunchly loyalist houses and those who are more exposed to enemy attack, took on great personal risk to support you or are of a more prickly nature will receive the invitations delivered personally by Dowager Queen Rhealla in her function as the head of the diplomatic corps.
----[X] This list includes Doran Martell (Loyalist), Monford Velaryon (Loyalist), Stannis Baratheon (Important Turncoat), Lothar Brune (Loyalist), Raymun Darry (Loyalist), Jon Royce (Loyalist), Walder Frey (Prickly), Roose Bolton (just to make sure he does nothing stupid if Ned Stark is doing something stupid), Baelor Hightower (Important Turncoat), Roderick Harlaw (Important), with more people being added if Rhealla deems it prudent to do so.
---[X] Loyalist houses will receive the invitation delivered in person by a member of the diplomatic corps, if security considerations permit, or by a Three-Eyed Raven.
---[X] Enemy houses will receive the invitations by regular raven, sent by the local loyalist houses.
---[X] Important enemy houses (Tywin Lannister, Hoster Tully, Lysa Arryn) will receive their letters attached to a kinetic impactor fired by a Manticores steam cannons into their keeps.
[X] Experiment on the remaining Carnivorous Crystals, see:
-[X] How quickly they grow if fed living beings as per their ability;
--[X] Whether the beings they are fed upon should have a higher brain capacity for better results (check by making some soulless brainmeat in the Fleshforge);
-[X] If the Crystals require specific environmental conditions for continued growth and procreation (see method above), whether they require
-[X] Whether the Crystals affect their habitat in a detrimental manner, the best containment measures.
-[X] Can they be used to generate large amounts of rare/unique resources, given they are allowed to procreate in hundreds?