[X] Plan Bulk Voting
Agree to the proposal made by the Volantene traders. (Cost: 153,000 IM)
Make retroactive equipment purchases. (Cost: 2,036,200 IM)
Make retroactive Imperial Steel orders:
--[X] Imperial Steel weapons for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Legion. (Cost: 2,376,000 IM)
--[X] Imperial Steel weapons for the 1st and 2nd Darkenbeast Company. (Cost: 176,000 IM)
--[X] Full Imperial Steel kit for the first 432 Praetori. (399,168 IM)
--[X] Full Imperial Steel kit for further 139 Praetori of the current batch. (128,436 IM)
-[X] Pay up for the 508 new Praetori made this month. (2,286,000 IM; 20,320 pounds of Adamantine)
-[X] Total Expenses: 7,554,804 IM
Implement a new system of alert levels in the Imperium to ease emergency responses and to implement lessons learned from recent security breaches.
-[X] Until at least after the pacification of the western provinces, all Praetori will be organized in the Palace Guard.
--[X] Per default, the Praetori will guard the Imperial Palace, the royal family, foreign dignitaries and other high ranking people within Sorcerers Deep and potentially beyond.
--[X] Furthermore, the Praetori of the guard will go on combat missions whenever the need arises, be it to support the Inquisition or on direct orders from the Imperator.
--[X] The leader of the Palace Guard will be Praetori Princeps Sandor Clegane.
Don't forget to look into the infrastructure reports once you are done with the general ones. (Options struck through have been completed this month.)