[X] Plan Both
-[X] Give out an order that any large-scale money transfer conducted by the state or trusted institutions (that is: the Iron Bank), can request additional security from the Inquisitional Stormtroopers (that is: their small army of high-CR monsters).
-[X] Encourage the use of chequing accounts by setting up a cooperation between the Iron Bank and the Imperial Postal Service so that people can deposit and withdraw money from and to their IB accounts at post offices.
-[X] Deepen the cooperation between the Imperial Administration and the Iron Bank, granting a small tax rebate for all taxable transactions that are processed by the Iron Bank, thus giving a de facto tax cut to everyone who has their monetary affairs primarily handled over their chequing account. This has the other great benefit of making it much easier for the Administration to collect taxes, saving effort and costs which will more then weigh up the slight rebate.