[X] Tell them that there have been plans made to develop the under-sea industry of the Imperium by attracting workers from the PoW and that you will contact them with the details for a joint venture to expand their production to Planetos once the details have been set up. (ACSEC subsidiary controlling the large-scale underwater industry of which you will sell no more then 40% of the stock to outside investors.) [X] Vialesk Enchanted Item Commission (8th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x100 Saccadic Prism Spectacles: 480 IM each (Total: 48,000 IM) -[X] x8 Mind Blank Rings: 24,000 IM each (Total: 192,000 IM) -[X] x30 +1 Soulfire Mithral Bracers - 5,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM) -[X] x50 Restorative Ointment: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM) -[X] x10 Whisper Safe: 1,600 IM each (Total: 16,000) -[X] x40 Foxfire Lantern: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM) -[X] x10 Eldritch Egress: 2,000 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM) -[X] x20 Spectacles of Lip Reading: 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) -[X] x40 Cloak of Secrets Cloaks: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM) -[X] Single-Use Charms: --[X] x30 Discretion Charm: 700 IM each (Total: 21,000 IM) --[X] x30 Mask of Mask from Divination: 490 IM each (Total: 14,700 IM) --[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Charms: 910 IM each (Total: 18,200 IM) -[X] Scrolls: --[X] Permanency Scroll (3rd Level): x10 - 15,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM) --[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Scrolls: 455 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 739,700 [X] Opaline Vault/Armun Kelisk Enchanted Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x5 Titan's Tool: Cost: 40,000 per set (Total: 200,000 IM) -[X] x20 Lyre of Building: 2,600 each (Total: 52,000) -[X] x20 Banner of Restful Nights: Cost: 1008 IM each (Total: 20,160 IM) -[X] x4 Gemcarver's Tools: Cost: 1,800 IM each (Total: 7,200 IM) -[X] x4 Jeweler's Loupe (+10 Competence bonus to Craft [Jewelry]): 2,000 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) -[X] x400 Pyre Salt: 140 IM each (Total: 56,000) -[X] x8 Astralabe: 3,200 IM each (Total: 25,600 IM) -[X] x25 Heirloom Seal: Cost: 1,000 IM each (Total: 25,000 IM) -[X] x100 Handy Haversack: Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM) -[X] x100 Amulet of Tears: 430 IM each (Total: 43,000 IM) -[X] x100 Healing Belts: Cost: 150 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM) -[X] x100 Earrings of Arcane Acuity: Cost 680 IM each (Total: 68,000 IM) -[X] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM) -[X] x100 Rings of Sustenance: Cost: 500 IM each (Total: 50,000 IM) -[X] x100 Boots of Speed: Cost: 600 IM each (Total: 60,000 IM) -[X] Single-Use Charms: --[X] x50 Brilliant Barrier Charms: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM) --[X] x50 Sending Stones: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM) --[X] x50 Teleport Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM) --[X] x50 Plane Shift Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM). -[X] Metamagic Gems: --[X] x40 Enlarging Amethyst: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Extending Garnet: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Silent Spinel: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Still Amber: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x15 Maximizing Sapphire: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) --[X] x15 Widening Emerald: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) --[X] x15 Quickening Diamond: 1,000 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 893,960 [X] Githzerai Monastery Psionic Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x20 Crystal Rod of Share Pain (1/Day): 864 IM each (Total: 17,280 IM + 25% markup = 21,600 IM) -[X] x20 Gloves of Object Reading (1st Manifester Level): 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM + 25% markup = 15,000 IM) -[X] x3 Slotless Third Eye: Conceal [equivalent to Mind Blank] (15th Manifester Level): 48,000 IM + 70% markup = 81,600 IM each (Total: 244,800 IM) -[X] Psionic Tattoos: --[X] 2nd Level (Cost: 60 IM + 25% markup = 75 IM each): Detect Hostile Intent (x100), Detect Teleportation (augmented to 2nd level for 130ft range) (x100) - TOTAL COST: 15,000 IM --[X] 3rd Level (Cost: 150 IM + 25% markup = 187.5 IM): Eradicate Invisibility (x40), Time Hop (x40), Touchsight (x40), Ubiquitous Vision (x40) - TOTAL COST: 30,000 IM -[X] Single-Use Crystals: --[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM) --[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration): 1,200 IM each (Total: 20,400 IM + 70% markup = 34,680 IM) --[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM) --[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level): 660 IM (Total: 6,600 IM + 70% markup = 11,220 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 403,240 [X] GRANT TOTAL: 2,036,200