[X] The plan will proceed, but with the following changes: -[X] Viserys will activate his ring to gain a +2 bonus on Dispel checks and target the children with a Chain Dispel using Wild Arcana (+24 bonus to the Dispel check, rolling twice on each check and using the better result).
[X] The plan will proceed, but with the following changes: -[X] Garin and Mereth will guard the chamber's entrance while the Seeker activates its Antimagic Field SLA and keeps the children gathered within the effect, roughly if necessary, with Varys' help. -[X] Richard will fight solely to harass the creature, preventing it from escaping or using magic via nonlethal attacks (-4 penalty to attack rolls) until the children are within the AMF, and everyone else will hold back their spells until then as well.