[X] Moving right along... -[X] Viserys sacrifices a 9th level spell slots to Summon a Nalfeshnee as a Standard Action, then casts Time Stop as a Swift Action. While Time Stopped, he uses an 8th level slot to Summon a Hezrou and another 8th level slot to Summon 1d3 Vrocks. He will also cast Freezing Glance. He Summons all of the Demons as near to enemy Devils as possible. --[X] Once Time Stop ends, Viserys will target one of the Judgement Devils with Freezing Glance as a Free Action, direct his Summoned Demons to attack where he judges they will be most useful, then moves to join Richard and the Seeker in melee. -[X] Dany casts a Reached Chained Sacramental Seal spell, targeting as many Devils as possible, but placing priority on the Judgement Devils. -[X] Teana places a Brilliant Barrier between herself and the Erinyes targeting her, then casts Shadow Healing on herself. If she is healed by Benerro before she can heal herself, she instead targets a surviving enemy with Amber Sarcophagus. -[X] Garin targets the Judgement Devils and remaining Erinyes with another Quickened Darkbolt spell, then does the same with a Maximized Darkbolt spell, either hitting those which he missed, who resisted the first salvo, or who he simply could not target, then using any left over bolts for other Devils. -[X] Benerro moves to cast a Heal spell on Teana. -[X] Richard and the Seeker proceed to murder any enemies in their paths. -[X] Mereth focuses on bringing down her fellow Erinyes, using all five of her ranged attacks, then activating her Belt of Battle to make five more attacks if any remain living. She prioritizes those which are most heavily injured or failed to succumb to Viserys, Dany, and Garin's attempts to Stun, Petrify, bind, or Daze them. [X] Richard's Level Up -[X] Class: +1 Paragon Knight -[X] Feats: Cut from the Air, Smash from the Air --[X] Retrain: Pierce Magical Protection >>> Richard's Gambit -[X] Maneuvers: --[X] Retrain: Greater Insightful Strike >>> Diamond Nightmare Blade -[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft
[X] Moving right along... -[X] Viserys sacrifices a 9th level spell slots to Summon a Nalfeshnee as a Standard Action, then casts Time Stop as a Swift Action. While Time Stopped, he uses an 8th level slot to Summon a Hezrou and another 8th level slot to Summon 1d3 Vrocks. He will also cast Freezing Glance. He Summons all of the Demons as near to enemy Devils as possible. --[X] Once Time Stop ends, Viserys will target one of the Judgement Devils with Freezing Glance as a Free Action, direct his Summoned Demons to attack where he judges they will be most useful, then moves to join Richard and the Seeker in melee. -[X] Dany casts a Reached Chained Sacramental Seal spell, targeting as many Devils as possible, but placing priority on the Judgement Devils. -[X] Teana places a Brilliant Barrier between herself and the Erinyes targeting her, then casts Shadow Healing on herself. If she is healed by Benerro before she can heal herself, she instead targets a surviving enemy with Amber Sarcophagus. -[X] Garin targets the Judgement Devils and remaining Erinyes with another Quickened Darkbolt spell, then does the same with a Maximized Darkbolt spell, either hitting those which he missed, who resisted the first salvo, or who he simply could not target, then using any left over bolts for other Devils. -[X] Benerro moves to cast a Heal spell on Teana. -[X] Richard and the Seeker proceed to murder any enemies in their paths. -[X] Mereth focuses on bringing down her fellow Erinyes, using all five of her ranged attacks, then activating her Belt of Battle to make five more attacks if any remain living. She prioritizes those which are most heavily injured or failed to succumb to Viserys, Dany, and Garin's attempts to Stun, Petrify, bind, or Daze them. [X] Richard's Level Up -[X] Class: +1 Paragon Knight -[X] Feats: Pierce Magical Protection >>> Richard's Gambit, Cut from the Air, Smash from the Air -[X] Maneuvers: Greater Insightful Strike >>> Diamond Nightmare Blade -[X] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +4 Spellcraft